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  1. #61
    ______________________ Balla_Status's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kid tells teacher like it is

    I blame feminism. Teaching used to be the lone female profession outside of a housewife so all the best females were teachers.

    And shit teachers like this is why I took AP US History my junior year. That was an awesome class and was well behind the other students in terms of writing but I got better because of it. History/Geography classes were a joke. Freshman year the teacher actually cared but the kids in the class were dumb as hell. Getting 30s and 40s on tests over finding cities and states in Europe. Basic shit. I got a 96 and everyone is like, "omg nerd all you do is study." Takes an hour to memorize that garbage.

    My soccer coach was also a world history teacher and he was terrible. All he would do is sit at his computer and once a week go up to the chalkboard and write shit up there and then you'd just copy it. That was it. There was no teaching involved whatsoever. We would sit in his classroom the majority of the time and play cards and make bets and shit.

    Some students absolutely DGAF either so it doesn't really matter what the teacher does. I won't say that they're under or overpaid because they get summers off.
    Last edited by Balla_Status; 05-10-2013 at 06:13 PM.

  2. #62
    Dunking on everybody in the park
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    Default Re: Kid tells teacher like it is

    Quote Originally Posted by ace23
    I'm not trying to get some representative sample. Read what this fool wrote:

    Yes, I'm the one lying.

    that's the correct use...

    You're or you are flat out lying.

  3. #63
    ***** ace23's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kid tells teacher like it is

    Quote Originally Posted by Positive

    that's the correct use...

    You're or you are flat out lying.
    I know it's the correct usage. Catch up, son.

    EDIT: Let me fix my post to emphasize my point.
    Last edited by ace23; 05-10-2013 at 08:15 PM.

  4. #64
    Very good NBA starter chips93's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kid tells teacher like it is

    american schools sound ****ed up

  5. #65
    NBA sixth man of the year knickballer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kid tells teacher like it is

    Quote Originally Posted by Balla_Status
    I blame feminism. Teaching used to be the lone female profession outside of a housewife so all the best females were teachers.

    And shit teachers like this is why I took AP US History my junior year. That was an awesome class and was well behind the other students in terms of writing but I got better because of it. History/Geography classes were a joke. Freshman year the teacher actually cared but the kids in the class were dumb as hell. Getting 30s and 40s on tests over finding cities and states in Europe. Basic shit. I got a 96 and everyone is like, "omg nerd all you do is study." Takes an hour to memorize that garbage.

    My soccer coach was also a world history teacher and he was terrible. All he would do is sit at his computer and once a week go up to the chalkboard and write shit up there and then you'd just copy it. That was it. There was no teaching involved whatsoever. We would sit in his classroom the majority of the time and play cards and make bets and shit.

    Some students absolutely DGAF either so it doesn't really matter what the teacher does. I won't say that they're under or overpaid because they get summers off.
    Pretty much this lol. It's pretty much a joke. However, the only classes where I actually learned was in science classes everything else was pathetic.

    Part of the problem is that once teachers get tenure they stop giving a **** and get all lazy. Why teach anything once your job is safe? I literally had teachers who didn't teach shit and the day before the test he'd give us the questions that'd be on the test.

    In english classes most of the time we'd read a chapter and answer the questions on it. How does that relate to learning anything about the subject?

    In Math we'd basically learn how to use a calculator.

  6. #66
    Barefoot Bandit enayes's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kid tells teacher like it is

    Quote Originally Posted by boozehound
    She started teaching in 1978 for $11,250 a year

    So, you took a 35 year tenured teacher in the area with the highest cost of living in the country as your representative example. Really?

    You will notice there are only about 5 states where the average teacher salary (including ladies like the one in your article) makes over 60k. Your POV is way out of line with reality.
    Your article only looks at salaries after 10 years of teaching, so 50-60K makes sense. When you get close to/beyond 20 years you should be in the 80-100K range, just like the woman from the article.

  7. #67
    ______________________ Balla_Status's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kid tells teacher like it is

    Quote Originally Posted by knickballer
    Pretty much this lol. It's pretty much a joke. However, the only classes where I actually learned was in science classes everything else was pathetic.

    Part of the problem is that once teachers get tenure they stop giving a **** and get all lazy. Why teach anything once your job is safe? I literally had teachers who didn't teach shit and the day before the test he'd give us the questions that'd be on the test.

    In english classes most of the time we'd read a chapter and answer the questions on it. How does that relate to learning anything about the subject?

    In Math we'd basically learn how to use a calculator.
    Not to mention a lot of the books you do read are very boring and uninteresting. I'd like to read what I want to read please.

  8. #68
    The Iron Price Jackass18's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timmy D for MVP
    I would love to higher salaries, and merit based evaluation (opposed to seniority)
    How would you go about that, though? Have an observer sit in every class? They need to overhaul the system, but I don't have the answers.

    Some of the classes were just sad. I remember taking Spanish I my senior year and I felt like I was in a 1st grade level class.

  9. #69
    Roy Hibbert Super Star InspiredLebowski's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kid tells teacher like it is

    Quote Originally Posted by boozehound
    Because teachers arent paid enough (or really considered an important job), many of the best potential teachers do not go into the field. Just looking at my HS class through facebook, all of the people who are now teachers were the middling and average kids in the school. None of them expressed a great aptitude or passion for the subject they now teach. Essentially, they went into education because there are jobs in the field. All of the top students from my class and the ones with a passion for a certain subject do something else now (professor, lawyers, doctors, architects, business). So, what do we expect when very few of our best and brightest go on to engage our youth in education.
    I understand the position, but I honestly don't see this as a problem. I don't want our best and brightest chemists teaching high school kids, I want them doing actual chemistry...stuff, for example. Public school teachers aren't exactly teaching even 300 level courses or anything, they don't need to be masters of a field. Would it help? Clearly, but it's not anywhere near necessary or feasible really.

    I think it's a helluva lot more important to have an actual interest in educating the unknowing on a general subject than it is to have mastered the subject in regards to k-12 education. I'm sure we all had profs that were insanely learned in a field, published multiple times, well respected, all that jazz, and couldn't teach for shit. It's like the young DeuceWallaces in the video was saying, it's about engaging kids and making them want to learn, that's the hard part, not some basic understanding of covalent bonds or whatever. You coulda been as average a HS student as you want, your education didn't end after 12th grade, but if you do that I'll be happy to send my nonexistent kids to your classroom.

    Just the general structure of American education is a major problem as well, but that's a whole other thread and doesn't even have an actual answer since it's pretty community specific.

  10. #70
    TP23 lilojmayo's Avatar
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    wow he really articulated himself well. a future politician?

  11. #71
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Kid tells teacher like it is

    Quote Originally Posted by Balla_Status
    I blame feminism. Teaching used to be the lone female profession outside of a housewife so all the best females were teachers.

    And shit teachers like this is why I took AP US History my junior year. That was an awesome class and was well behind the other students in terms of writing but I got better because of it. History/Geography classes were a joke. Freshman year the teacher actually cared but the kids in the class were dumb as hell. Getting 30s and 40s on tests over finding cities and states in Europe. Basic shit. I got a 96 and everyone is like, "omg nerd all you do is study." Takes an hour to memorize that garbage.

    My soccer coach was also a world history teacher and he was terrible. All he would do is sit at his computer and once a week go up to the chalkboard and write shit up there and then you'd just copy it. That was it. There was no teaching involved whatsoever. We would sit in his classroom the majority of the time and play cards and make bets and shit.

    Some students absolutely DGAF either so it doesn't really matter what the teacher does. I won't say that they're under or overpaid because they get summers off.

    AP US History was indeed awesome. Probably my fondest memory of a high school class.

    The workload was insane. Study guides, outlines,, consistent quizzes, exams, but my God did we learn a sh!t load.

    Dude challenged every belief in the book and had us do these little trials.

    Debating FDR's Antics as unconstitutional or not
    Debating how much of a nuisance we were to the Redcoats as opposed to a heroic feasible thread
    Symbolism with

    Whole lotta critical thinking, whole lotta detailed analysis, whole lot of cool stuff.

    Thanks for bringing back the memoirs, Hawkster.

  12. #72
    NBA rookie of the year
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    Default Re: Kid tells teacher like it is

    The real problem in America and the reason we are turning into a 3rd world nation and will soon be surpassed by China is our culture.

    I am not sure when it happened, but at some point we turned into a culture that looks down upon educated people. Hollywood has a huge effect on culture and helped propagate the stereotype of the nerd, especially in the 80s.

    Kids put effort into getting good at what gives them gratification. The gratification of education does not occur immediately and combined with the negatives associated with being a "nerd" a lot of American children don't invest the effort and time needed to master harder subjects (STEM subjects).

    In other cultures getting high test marks actually increases your popularity and peer acceptance. This is a huge factor in why they will in 20-30 years surpass us.

  13. #73
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    Default Re: Kid tells teacher like it is

    Quote Originally Posted by Cali Syndicate
    Did you go to some private or charter school?

    Not sure how it is in Texas but i know for a fact no k-12 teacher in California makes anywhere near $80k. Average is like $40k - $50k
    I think he went to school in Texas, just like me. Unless he went to a real fancy private school there is no way his teachers made 80k a year.

  14. #74
    7-time NBA All-Star KG215's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kid tells teacher like it is

    Quote Originally Posted by Kblaze8855
    My mother was and is a teacher...and my grandmother was a math and sunday school teacher for like 40 years.

    But that doesnt mean they are underpaid.

    Public schools are a joke these days, The extreme vast majority really is babysitting. I learned next to nothing after I left private school and schools have if anything gotten worse since my days.

    More kids, more teaching to the test not for knowledge, and kids doing worse.

    Being given a massive responsibility doesnt mean you are underpaid even if you arent good at it.

    Even if teachers are good...most of the schools are so rigid they cant show it.

    Pay a guy 200 thousand...if he has to teach from a text book, hand out work sheets, and teach to a statewide test for weeks at a time the kids still dont come out caring. Some say pay them more and more qualified people take the jobs...but run the numbers. Where is the money to come from? And its not like more education makes one better at teaching. The best teacher I ever had had passion...but he wasnt really that good at math...which he taught. Not like...brilliant. He taught from the book but he was just

    This isnt the 60s with black teachers smuggling books from white schools so little black kids could learn history.

    I know teachers. Plural. My ex girlfriend is a second grade teacher. And as I mom is one too.

    But it isnt high on the underpaid list.

    Ive worked retail. The money these people are used to generate is astounding and they get minimum wage.

    I could go teach in high school...tomorrow. My defensive coordinator from football was my math teacher for 2 years. Handed out sheets, read from a book, and passed anyone useful to sports.

    It isnt that hard to be an average teacher. Its hard to be a great one.

    Most teachers arent doing anything to justify high pay. They possibly could...but not in the system America gives them.
    I agree with pretty much all of this. Both of my parents have been teachers for about 30 years. I'm actually about to finish up my education degree and plan on teach, although that's partially because I want to coach. But even if I didn't want to coach, I still would've majored in education.

    And you touched on this, but the system and school curriculum's do limit what teachers can do, and what levels they can reach as educators. I had great teachers in high school and lazy teachers who gave you a worksheet or packet of worksheets, where all you had to do was follow along in the chapter and the answers were there word-for-word, in order. I got the same grades and probably learned about the same amount in both types of classes. However, that's not to say teachers can't expand on the curriculum and actually make students do some critical thinking work/exercises. Most teachers can almost always make more of an effort. At the very least, make them more excited about your class than their other classes. It may be a more challenging class but can be one you make more interesting/fun than the normal worksheets/packet, read the chapter, take a test class.

    As for teachers being underpaid...I never really grew up thinking that. My parents never talked about how much they made. They never complained about their pay. I think between both of them, they make around $100,000 per year, so about $50,000/year each. That's after 30 years and past the point of where they can retire. Of course we're from Arkansas where cost of living is very cheap compared to most other states.

    I don't know of any teachers (that just teach) that are making anywhere close to $100K/year in Arkansas. I do know that there are plenty of coaches, though, that make in the $100K neighborhood. Football is a big deal in Northwest Arkansas, and the head coaches at the biggest schoosl (7A) are pulling in 6-figures. We just hired a football coach at my old high school (5A school in the River Valley) and he's making something like $95K/year. Thing is, those people don't even really teach. I know at my school the head football and head basketball coaches had a few P.E. classes, along with their athletic period which was the last period of the day. So, until last period when it was time for practice, they usually just rolled some balls out into the gym and let the kids play dodgeball, basketball, or dick around. Getting paid 6-figures to do jack shit until 2:00, coach for 2-3 hours, and go home. Granted, during the season coaching is a full-time job since you're going to games 2-3 nights a week, and don't get home until 10:00 or later. And I know at smaller schools here it's a lot worse. My dad was a head basketball coach for about 20 years at a 2A school. He also had to coach (assistant) football. My uncle has been the head football coach for nearly 30 years at the same school, and he also has to coach baseball. Which means they basically spend from August to May or October to May staying after school 2-3 hours for practices, and travelling and getting home late 2-3 times a week during the season, and only getting a month or two off in the summer.
    Last edited by KG215; 05-11-2013 at 03:47 PM.

  15. #75
    Reds/Bengals/Cavs mlh1981's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kid tells teacher like it is

    I teach PE for Pinellas County Schools in St. Petersburg, FL. Here, the teacher salary tops out at about $63,000.

    Currently, the school I'm at is classified as "fundamental," meaning that a certain level of parental involvement is required, and excess infractions by the students can result in their dismissal. It's not a private school, but there is a waiting list to get in, and we typically deal with less behavior problems/parent neglect, than other places.

    With that said, I recently found out I'm losing my position due to "redistribution of funds." Basically, there will be fewer PE staff to watch the same number of students, who are all at risk of losing their daily PE. It's terrible.

    I am super passionate about what I do, and the money sucks, but the kids are great, I know what I'm doing, and I do my best to teach them new skills. I really hope I find a similar position. It's all really upsetting right now.

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