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  1. #136
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    Default Re: Israel's Assassination of Hamas Chief, Hamas don't stop firing rockets into Israel

    as a muslim, i was raised to believe that jews and christians were people of the book.

    polygamists (hindus and pagans) were the undesirables

    lol wtf?

    bet u the ottomon empire, the saracens, the sufis, the sunnis would all despise the muslim brotherhood

  2. #137
    Meats Don't Clash RaininThrees's Avatar
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    Default Re: Israel's Assassination of Hamas Chief (Video) Raises Tensions on Both Sides of Gaza

    Quote Originally Posted by insidehoops
    Hamas, a suicidal death cult and the leaders of Gaza, refuse to stop firing rockets into Israel

    Hamas cares more about flinging rockets into Israel than the safety and well-being of their own people

    So, it continues

    Seems like Israel will keep striking at Gaza until the rockets stop
    Respectfully -

    Hamas has blood on its hands. Israel does too.

    Neither side is innocent in this.

  3. #138
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    Default Re: Israel's Assassination of Hamas Chief (Video) Raises Tensions on Both Sides of Gaza

    Quote Originally Posted by KingBeasley08
    lol at Jeff quieting people saying Israel isn't as perfect as he thinks. Guess what Jeff, Israel aren't innocent. Not defending Hamas because they are a bunch of idiots but seeing the administrator's clear bias is just funny as hell.
    Jeff/Steve, just deleted every single post I wrote in this thread. Nick-Young was spamming pure misinformation in this thread, wrong fact and he used the most stupid of sources in his try to blame Palestine for everything iand make Israel look like they're perfect when the conflict is a fact due the actions of both sides. He even claimed that a soldier had told him that when he warned the Palestinians that they were going to get attacked the Palestinians didn't try to hide, according to Nick-Young a ton of Palestinians jumped on the roofs while they started to dance as a reaction of them being told that they were about to get killed..

    Nick-Young who even claimed he used a source from Huffington Post when he actually took his propaganda from a blog called etc.. And to make my point clear, misinformation by Nick-Young and him using the most worthless of sources in his attempt to push for his agenda is obviously ok but me questioning his choice of sources is obviously a major crime.

    And he used a source from the zionist propaganda machine Douglas Murray but me calling Nick-Young out for it was obviously "way out of line" because I just realized that Jeff/Steve used the same garbage article from the zionist Douglas Murray in this thread. I don't know you and I can honestly say that I respect you but you're too sensitive about this. In real life you won't be able to shut people down and even if you think that some of us are way out of line it's not a good idea to just delete it, you can't hide from other people and what they believe in real life and nothing in this thread has been out of line other than Nick-Young spamming about how suicidal Palestinians are..

    This will always be a conflict if not even random people like us can't admit that the conflict is due the actions of BOTH sides, Hamas is garbage but the Israeli government is also to blame...

    And I must also say that I have in earlier discussions about Palestine and Israel been criticizing Hamas too little. They are garbage, they don't stand for anything that I stand for and their views on humans are in alot of cases disgusting and they are pure gabage. But this is still a conflict because of both sides, this is not a new problem and it existed long before Hamas.
    Last edited by millwad; 11-18-2012 at 11:40 PM.

  4. #139
    World's Finest KingBeasley08's Avatar
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    Default Re: Israel's Assassination of Hamas Chief (Video) Raises Tensions on Both Sides of Gaza

    yea Jeff you need to admit that the right wing in Israel (who are in power atm i believe) are not innocent in this

  5. #140
    Decent college freshman
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    Default Re: Israel's Assassination of Hamas Chief (Video) Raises Tensions on Both Sides of Gaza

    Not agreeing with Israel's past actions is 1 thing, but trying to blame them for responding to unprovoked rocket attacks is just retarded.

    You guys keep ignoring the fact that the Palestinians in the West Bank led by Fatah aren't shooting rockets and coincidentally aren't getting their leaders assassinated/about to get invaded.

    Attacking Israel because they pissed off your grandfather is a cop out. If you want to work towards peace stop stirring up trouble and blaming it on the other side's past actions.

  6. #141
    Extra Cheese LJJ's Avatar
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    Default Re: Israel's Assassination of Hamas Chief (Video) Raises Tensions on Both Sides of Gaza

    Quote Originally Posted by bmulls
    You guys keep ignoring the fact that the Palestinians in the West Bank led by Fatah aren't shooting rockets and coincidentally aren't getting their leaders assassinated/about to get invaded.
    This is false though. The West Bank is slowly but surely undergoing Israeli annexing; the presence of Israel in the West Bank is increasing on a daily basis.

    Despite the Palestinians living their relatively quietly as you say, Israel is still consistently destroying any opportunity for them to live there in peace and with a semblance of autonomy. In a truly vile and deceitful way too, I might add.

    Both sides deserve a huge share of the blame for their current activity.

  7. #142
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    Default Re: Israel's Assassination of Hamas Chief (Video) Raises Tensions on Both Sides of Gaza

    Quote Originally Posted by KingBeasley08
    lol at Jeff quieting people saying Israel isn't as perfect as he thinks. Guess what Jeff, Israel aren't innocent. Not defending Hamas because they are a bunch of idiots but seeing the administrator's clear bias is just funny as hell.
    Millwad was going into anti-semite bullshit territory. Implying about a world wide jewspiracy of brainwashing propaganda. Explicitly saying my word couldn't be trusted because I'm a lying Jew. Apologizing and justifying Hamas action.

    No one's saying Israel is perfect. I'm not. But there's a difference between criticizing Israel, and justifying Hamas. Multiple times this clown has said "What else can they do but launch rockets?" Justification of terrorism. Disgusting. In his little world, Israel's only correct response is to sit there and take it and do nothing while Hamas launches rocket after rocket aimed at Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
    Last edited by Nick Young; 11-19-2012 at 06:06 AM.

  8. #143
    NBA All-star Nash's Avatar
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    Default Re: Israel's Assassination of Hamas Chief (Video) Raises Tensions on Both Sides of Gaza

    Nobody blaming them for defending themselves but the response is way too big. Hamas sends a few rockets over and kills wooping 0 people while Israel responds by killing 66 people. How is that defending yourself? That's like a dude pushing someone only for the other guy to fu*kin' beat that other person to death. At one point it goes from defending yourself to a whole other thing.
    Last edited by Nash; 11-19-2012 at 07:30 AM.

  9. #144
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    Default Re: Israel's Assassination of Hamas Chief (Video) Raises Tensions on Both Sides of Gaza

    Quote Originally Posted by Nash
    Nobody blaming them for defending themselves but the response is way too big. Hamas sends a few rockets over and kills wooping 0 people while Israel responds by killing 66 people. How is that defending yourself? That's like a dude pushing someone only for the other guy to fu*kin' beat that other person to death. At one point it goes from defending yourself to a whole other thing.
    Inappropriate response?
    Why is this so hard for you to understand. I'll try to make it simple.

    Hamas spams out rockets launched at civilian citizens.
    Because the rockets are shitty Iranian designed scudmissiles, they often don't reach their target. However, they are launched with intent to kill a large number of civilians. Are Israelis supposed to just brush it under the rug and forgive Hamas because these deadly missiles don't hit their target?

    Because the missiles are so shitty, Israel is immediately able to identify where the missiles come from. ALWAYS the missiles are coming from highly congested civilian areas.

    So Israel in response, launches their high tech targeting missile systems at the originating area from the rocket blast. Yes civilians die. It is Hamas' fault, because they are basically using civilians as human shields. Most of the time they are probably unwilling human shields. Yes it is very sad.

    But all of this "disproportionate response" is nothing but BS. Hamas launches hundreds of rockets aimed at Israeli civilians every year, they average atleast 3 a day every single day OF THE YEAR.

    If Hamas wants to launch rockets at Israeli civilians, ok, that's cowardly, but ATLEAST they should have the decency to launch the rockets from the middle of the desert where no Palestinian civilians will get injured, rather than in suburban neighborhoods where they know their own civilians are likely to die.

    When did Israel respond by killing 66 people?

    And Hamas are claiming Israel is responsible for the death of a little baby and a little girl, but like I've said, they've proven time and time again to give out inaccurate victim grubbing information to world news. Do you really believe these guys are 100% truthful?

    And if a baby and little girl did actually die then that is horrific. It's really really sad. But again, it's the terrorist's fault for hanging out in the same area as those little children when he knows the whole IDF is after him.

    Also when their children die it is the end of the world. When one of their scudmissiles actually hits and kills Israeli children, it is righteous victory and freedom fighting.

    Let's say Mexicans in Baja start launching scud missiles aimed at the city of San Diego, launching out of a highly popular mexican Burrito truck. What is the correct US response? Take the scudmissiles and pretend it never happened?
    Last edited by Nick Young; 11-19-2012 at 07:50 AM.

  10. #145
    NBA lottery pick Blue&Orange's Avatar
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    Default Re: Israel's Assassination of Hamas Chief, Hamas don't stop firing rockets into Israel

    The booklet "Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict" by Jews for Justice in the Middle East states that "in 1948, at the moment that Israel declared itself a state, it legally owned a little more than 6% of the land of Palestine."

    Robin Miller in "The Expulsion of the Palestinians 1947-1948, says, "Before 1948, Jews owned only 1.5 million of the 26 million dunams of land in Palestine . . . After the eviction of the Palestinians, Israel controlled 20 million dunams, an increase from 6% to 77% of the total. They simply stole an entire country."
    /End thread

    What's really funny about this... let's imagine for a second this parallel universe where Mexicans start to migrate to US in waves and then backed by let's say China and Russia, they beat the Us army and declare themselves a Nation and Americans are force to go to let's say to Minnesota and some neighbor states, what's really funny, it's the idiots here that are whining about rockets being launched, would be the first ones in line to launch those rockets

    The Jews of today claim to be the descendants of those invaders. The Zionist claim that the Jews were returning to their ancestral land has often included a corollary that the Arabs are later interlopers and as such not truly rooted in the land.
    I just find it hilarious that Jews claim they own the land because they are descendants of the Jews that INVADED the land.

  11. #146
    Extra Cheese LJJ's Avatar
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    Default Re: Israel's Assassination of Hamas Chief, Hamas don't stop firing rockets into Israel

    Quote Originally Posted by Blue&Orange

    I just find it hilarious that Jews claim they own the land because they are descendants of the Jews that INVADED the land.
    No, they claim they own the land, because it's the land attributed to them by God. They have a divine and thus uncontestable claim on the land. That is the root to the problem, the reason why both sides can't play nice and share the country in a democratic fashion.

  12. #147
    NBA lottery pick Blue&Orange's Avatar
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    Default Re: Israel's Assassination of Hamas Chief, Hamas don't stop firing rockets into Israel

    Quote Originally Posted by LJJ
    No, they claim they own the land, because it's the land attributed to them by God. They have a divine and thus uncontestable claim on the land. That is the root to the problem, the reason why both sides can't play nice and share the country in a democratic fashion.
    I just don't get it why Mit Romney was pro-Israel, isn't he a mormon? doesn't he believe Jerusalem was in fact in somewhere near Utah or something like that?

    Religious people

  13. #148
    Step 11 Riddler's Avatar
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    Default Re: Israel's Assassination of Hamas Chief (Video) Raises Tensions on Both Sides of Gaza

    Quote Originally Posted by RaininThrees
    Neither side is innocent in this.
    Body Of Lies: Nobody's innocent in this shit


  14. #149
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    Default Re: Israel's Assassination of Hamas Chief (Video) Raises Tensions on Both Sides of Gaza

    Quote Originally Posted by Nash
    Nobody blaming them for defending themselves but the response is way too big. Hamas sends a few rockets over and kills wooping 0 people while Israel responds by killing 66 people. How is that defending yourself? That's like a dude pushing someone only for the other guy to fu*kin' beat that other person to death. At one point it goes from defending yourself to a whole other thing.

    its called deterrence. same reason we go chasing 9/11 bombers all over the world and other terrorists. not just to catch/kill them but so they have second thoughts of doing it again, or know they're not going to get away with it easy if they try. deterrence is really the only thing Israel can do to curb the rocket attacks, or that we can do to curb terrorist threats.

    and honestly the people who take the Palestinian side in this give some very weak arguments. most of you seem to ignore who is provoking who to cause the deaths that you're constantly citing as some guilt trip, and the other half are trying to use history from a long time ago to justify their right to the land they're fighting for when the reality of it is Israel could've wiped out Palestine a long time ago and taken it. as others have mentioned history is full of examples where land is taken/conquered to this day. thats not justification to keep launching rockets into Israel territory then cry to the rest of the world for sympathy when they retaliate and kill 10x's as many Palestinians.

    i really wish i could see both sides since i'd swear i was impartial but have to side with Israel for the common sense factor in whats presented, and who is provoking who in the current situation. if you want to keep using history as its their right to the land then stop crying when they get their asses kicked.

  15. #150
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    Default Re: Israel's Assassination of Hamas Chief, Hamas don't stop firing rockets into Israel

    Quote Originally Posted by Blue&Orange

    /End thread

    What's really funny about this... let's imagine for a second this parallel universe where Mexicans start to migrate to US in waves and then backed by let's say China and Russia, they beat the Us army and declare themselves a Nation and Americans are force to go to let's say to Minnesota and some neighbor states, what's really funny, it's the idiots here that are whining about rockets being launched, would be the first ones in line to launch those rockets

    I just find it hilarious that Jews claim they own the land because they are descendants of the Jews that INVADED the land.
    by your logic we should give american indians their land back because they were here first. reality is we took it, its ours now, thats the distant past, and we're living in the present. might makes right and its always been that way. survival of the fittest.

    and yes we'd have to take it up the ass if Russia took over the U.S. and we only had a parcel of it left IF they were much stronger than we are and any help we could get. thats the reality of life since forever...thinking that way does nothing to fix the issue more than keep justifying the weaker side to constantly get their asses kicked.
    Last edited by Godzuki; 11-19-2012 at 11:09 AM.

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