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  1. #1
    NBA lottery pick
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    Nov 2006

    Default Interesting Joe Dumars Interview

    I actually think at this point Joe D did a much better job than SVG has thus far. Joe D in that article did a good job of realizing where he went wrong. Interesting to see Melo wasn't really an option. It was Bosh if it wasn't Darko. Then we maybe never trade for Sheed and win a title.

  2. #2
    Decent college freshman
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    Jun 2010

    Default Re: Interesting Joe Dumars Interview

    I always said it shoulda been Wade at the time, and to this day of course. Those teams always needed a slasher.

    We may not have won in 2004 without Sheed, but we very well might have in 05 or 06 with Bosh.

  3. #3
    Decent college freshman
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    Jun 2010

    Default Re: Interesting Joe Dumars Interview

    Quote Originally Posted by dd24

    I actually think at this point Joe D did a much better job than SVG has thus far. Joe D in that article did a good job of realizing where he went wrong. Interesting to see Melo wasn't really an option. It was Bosh if it wasn't Darko. Then we maybe never trade for Sheed and win a title.
    I'd also add, Joe D was clearly more successful early on, but SVG has avoided the catastrophic mistakes that plagued Joe in the second half of his tenure.

  4. #4
    YMCA Scrub ZMonkey11's Avatar
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    Default Re: Interesting Joe Dumars Interview

    Of course Joe D did a better job at this point. He also had more pieces to work with to construct a championship team. SVG began with a bunch of raw pieces. Joe D had borderline superstars he could trade away.

    Comparing SVGs success to Joe D's is comparing Apple's to oranges.

  5. #5
    Learning to shoot layups
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    Default Re: Interesting Joe Dumars Interview

    I think SVG is doing all right so far. No real mistakes IMO.

  6. #6
    NBA lottery pick
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    Default Re: Interesting Joe Dumars Interview

    I think he's made a ton of mistakes. I really like him as a person. He's straight to the point and about as transparent as you can get as a head coach. He's pretty honest with the media. With that said, I hate being stuck in mediocrity. It's the worst situation you can be in. Every year Detroit decides to win games at the end of the season when they don't matter. Every year we end up getting a lower pick because of that. Every year we don't end up with an impact player because of that. If you look at Milwaukee their young core is much better than ours. Giannis is going to dominate the division. Jabari looks like an all-star. The Bulls have Jimmy Butler. The Pacers have Paul George (at least for a bit longer). The Pistons have Andre Drummond. He's not even an all-star. Our best player is mediocre and not really concerned with working on his game. We could have developed our young guys more like put in Ellenson, Johnson, Gbinije, etc. They would have lost a few more games, but those guys would have got some valuable experience which would have helped for the future too. Rather than do that SVG chooses to hover around .500 and try to fight for an 8 seed. When the 8 seed is out of reach and the season is over he still chooses to win a few games. Unfortunately this is not how teams get better in the NBA. It sucks that teams need to do that but it is a necessary strategy, especially when you live in a place that isn't going to attract big time free agents. All you can do is trade or draft players. Without young assets that interest people those trades get more difficult too.

  7. #7
    NBA lottery pick
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    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Interesting Joe Dumars Interview

    And Joe D will get another shot in the league. When he does watch that team turn things around.

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