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  1. #226
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    Default Re: Absolute Smartest People on InsideHoops

    all of which reminds me of figan, the erstwhile leader of a tribe of chimps studied by jane goodall in mogombe, tanzania.

    figan was a medium-sized male with no particular leadership prospects until one day he came across a discarded oil can. after a little experimentation with his new toy, he quickly discovered that banging it along the ground and adding in his own shrieks greatly bewildered and alarmed the then-leader of the tribe, a large, powerful chimp in his own right.

    figan pressed the advantage, made maximum use of his trusty can, and eventually the improbable and miraculous occurred-- the leader backed down and figan became the new alpha male, a position which afforded him prime access to most available wombs in the area. and what a sweet, sweet ride that was.

    if figan was around today, i think he would use a wall of text, not a discarded oil can.

  2. #227
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Absolute Smartest People on InsideHoops

    Quote Originally Posted by Stempel, HERB
    of course u do cuz ure an idiot.


    shaqattack pollutes the nba forum with narcissim. he cant help himself from all those flavorless 10 paragraph posts cuz insecure losers like phoenixglove fawn over him. the massive length of his posts create the illusion that he actually knows wtf hes talking about. some guy rambling on for 3 pages bout his personal top 10 rankings in 2008 isnt smart. he likes the traffic from impressionables like alpha. rainierbeachphagg0t ran the same game cept he hit on religion and virtue. heroinattack aint got that platform.
    Herb Stempel with internet access and memory techniques Would make Ken Jennings look like a fukkin autistic retard.

  3. #228
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    Default Re: Absolute Smartest People on InsideHoops

    i think that most 'intelligent' people (and yes, the term is endlessly debatable) have little use for calling particular attention to their own intelligence. few times does it offer any real benefit, and the pitfalls are many.

    the point of having some kind of talent or intelligence is to EXERCISE it effectively in useful areas.

    as in creative writing- "show, don't tell."

    become effective in whatever you're striving in and let the results sort themselves out.

    when it comes to dealing with other people, undertake the power of translation. observe how people think, what they care about, the ideas that run through their heads, the language that springs to their hearts and lips. and then build a bridge. and then build a bridge...

  4. #229
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Absolute Smartest People on InsideHoops


    THe "Demonstration, Not Application" rule was in the 48 laws of power and applies everywhere on the path to "enlightened superiority" aka being the best but being humble about it.

    Practically all the old films celebrated this as a masculine virtue. I mean there were sporadic doses of cockiness and arrogance but most people (such as Charles Bronson were quiet killers). Now there's rappers going around saying "Mr Steal Yo Girl" and the only time when . It's said in Hagukare that occasionally a person does have to fluant their arrogance.. because it is just like a sword. If staying in the sheath to long it becomes dull but when being withdrawn too many times it loses its impact upon others.

    Let's extend the intelligence gig a bit..

    SOme guy said intelligence was a persons ability to invent something that would benefit mankind. I do agree, to an extent, but that is more consciountessness (like one love type universal good vibrations type sh!t, i mean sugar)
    Another guy said that it was the case of the chimp's self-serving reign to power . THat's more like it!

    Gig, define the following and lemme know an archetype that exemplifies each.

    A Rational Mind.
    Deductive Reasoning.
    ANalogical Reasoning.
    Inductive Reasoning.
    Free Association.
    FLuid Intelligence.
    Vivid Imagination.
    Visual THinking
    Verbal Reasoning
    Parallel Thinking.
    Crystallized Intelligence.

  5. #230
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    Default Re: Absolute Smartest People on InsideHoops

    you run rings around me with your energy, J$. in most areas of life and the internet, i just kind of pop in for a little while, see if anything interesting happens, and then go lie down for awhile. heh.

    you do bring up a million and one scintillating issues with boundless puppy-dog enthusiasm, however.

    you know, in an alternate universe i have your same level of energy and your questing nature and we go back and forth all day talking about all kinds of interesting and inane shit. in any case, you always leave me with interesting things to think about.

    archetypes for broad aspects of those qualities? how about pantheons of gods and legendary heroes across various cultures? have you found any inspiration along those lines?

    i don't know... modern examples?

    oscar wilde and dorothy parker for wit.
    goethe for wisdom.
    doyle's holmes for inductive, deductive and reductive reasoning.
    robert anton wilson for fluid intelligence.
    noam chomsky for verbal reasoning.
    hawking for brain power.
    picasso and van gogh for damaged creativity.
    a supercomputer for parallel thinking.

    ugh... brain tired. i need to lie down already.
    damn you, thomas jefferson and your huge wheelbarrow full of money!

  6. #231
    NBA lottery pick Blue&Orange's Avatar
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    Default Re: Absolute Smartest People on InsideHoops

    to the ph@ggott that neg rep me on this thread...

    I know you don't know where to begin, you are that retarded.

  7. #232
    NBA lottery pick Blue&Orange's Avatar
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    Default Re: Absolute Smartest People on InsideHoops

    "keep complaining I dare you"

    I don't care ph@gott! I'm not a complete loser like yourself.

    Coward bitch afraid to be owned... priceless.

  8. #233
    WE MISS U CHALMERS :( JerrySteakhouse's Avatar
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    Default Re: Absolute Smartest People on InsideHoops

    No love for me?

  9. #234
    An uglier Lamar Doom boozehound's Avatar
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    Default Re: Absolute Smartest People on InsideHoops

    how is this thread still on the frontpage?

  10. #235
    Alpha Tarheel rufuspaul's Avatar
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    Default Re: Absolute Smartest People on InsideHoops

    Quote Originally Posted by boozehound
    how is this thread still on the frontpage?

    Butthurt inertia

  11. #236
    College superstar joe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Absolute Smartest People on InsideHoops

    For intelligence I don't really look at *what* people say, more just the level that their brain is computing at. For instance, Stephen A. Smith on First Take. I don't agree with the way he sees the world in a lot of cases. His "filter" for how he views things doesn't usually vibe with mine. But you can tell his brain is operating at an extremely high level, where he's taking so many variables into account, is so precise with the English language, and covers all aspects of his arguments down to a tee.

    I always think of someones "filter," and that's kind of their general viewpoint and way of seeing the world. And then behind that is a light. Smart people the light goes beaming through, less smart people there's less light. That probably doesn't make sense to anyone, but it's the little mental image I always have in my head when I think of intelligence.


  12. #237
    NBA sixth man of the year miller-time's Avatar
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    Default Re: Absolute Smartest People on InsideHoops

    Quote Originally Posted by joe
    I always think of someones "filter," and that's kind of their general viewpoint and way of seeing the world. And then behind that is a light. Smart people the light goes beaming through, less smart people there's less light. That probably doesn't make sense to anyone, but it's the little mental image I always have in my head when I think of intelligence.
    I think I intuitively get what you are saying. But I can't really put it into psychological terms. Can you give an example?

  13. #238
    College superstar joe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Absolute Smartest People on InsideHoops

    Quote Originally Posted by miller-time
    I think I intuitively get what you are saying. But I can't really put it into psychological terms. Can you give an example?
    I think it makes the most sense when it comes to politics. If you're a hardcore Democrat, I see your filter as being Democrat based. So you're seeing the world through that filter. You're looking at things through that lens and it taints how you interpret any information.

    A Republican might say this person is "dumb." But I think the filter is only one half, you also have to look at the "light," or the intelligence. This person might be extremely smart, it's just their brain goes through this particular filter that the Republican doesn't agree with.

    But I think of people who have a "funny" filter, or a "perverted" filter. Whatever, that's just how their brains are processing the data. But the intelligence defines how thoroughly they can process it, how analytical they can be with the data they collect, etc.

    It's definitely one of those weird things we all do inside our own head, that are hard to describe to others. I don't think I've actually talked about this to anyone before haha, seems so strange now that I'm describing it to another person

    Edit- I think to a certain extent you can usually break down the way someone thinks into a few different filters. Especially if you go by categories. So like Stephen A Smith again:

    Category: Sports
    Filters: Not wanting to offend others, Looks to give credit whenever he can, retain journalistic integrity, take big picture view.

    That's the filters that I think Stephen A. Smith uses when he talks about sports. But that's only one category. I don't know his filters when it comes to being a parent, a son, politics, religion, whatever else.
    Last edited by joe; 02-18-2013 at 11:25 PM.

  14. #239
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Absolute Smartest People on InsideHoops

    There are no absolutes!

    The way boards operate doesn't always lend itself to the person who can teach and extend a moving new thought like Einstein. Its much more conducive for the poster who makes a quick point and takes a more popular view. To me the intelligence that is creative, bold and generates a feeling is the most potent in general but on boards I like the poster who can come up with an unique angle, expound on it, show some wit in the process of explaining.

    Don Dadda
    And Rufus Paul come to mind.

    I have more but I forget screenames.

  15. #240
    NBA lottery pick IamRAMBO24's Avatar
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    Default Re: Absolute Smartest People on InsideHoops

    Quote Originally Posted by joe
    I think it makes the most sense when it comes to politics. If you're a hardcore Democrat, I see your filter as being Democrat based. So you're seeing the world through that filter. You're looking at things through that lens and it taints how you interpret any information.

    A Republican might say this person is "dumb." But I think the filter is only one half, you also have to look at the "light," or the intelligence. This person might be extremely smart, it's just their brain goes through this particular filter that the Republican doesn't agree with.
    It is a lot more complex than that.

    Scientist would love to call it genetics, but the way our brains are being structured has a lot more to do with thought than anything else. We have 2 sectors of society that is systematically indoctrinating people's minds. One is education. The other is the church. Education is a system of indoctrination, thus people who are more "educated" tend to be more liberal. The other sector is religion, and those who are religious will be more conservative.

    It is because both political parties have spent a huge amount of money to influence one or the other, so through this association of social beliefs, both institutions are very successful in brain washing students or young children to believe in one or the other.

    I think the main goal of the rich is to stir up a bit of class warfare, meaning, poor vs poor, y'know, this way they can divert the attention away from a rich vs poor showdown; the idea is if the poor are more focused on social issues (gays, racism, abortion, etc.) that will only make them hate each other more, and they won't be so focused on the people truely screwing them over: the rich.

    Most of society are conditioned in two ways: education or church. Most Americans are raised to hate one or the other, meaning, they were taught to hate their neighbors and the people around them that take the other side. What they teach in school is the antithesis of what they teach in the churches: if they say you should be accepting of gays in the schools, the churches will go against gays; when the schools teach contraceptives in sex education, the churches go against that, so on and so forth. You get the point. Living in America, you only have 2 choices growing up: being liberal or conservative, and it all really boils down to how well you do in school (liberal) or how much you like church (conservative). Those 2 institutions influence the minds of the population the most. There is a reason why the Democrats will pour their heart and soul into education and there is a reason why every Republican is nothing more than a religious hack. Both systems were bought and paid for and most americans are either brainwashed in one way of thinking or the other.
    Last edited by IamRAMBO24; 02-19-2013 at 11:12 PM.

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