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  1. #31
    Championship or bust Cali Syndicate's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kid tells teacher like it is

    Quote Originally Posted by ace23
    Couple clowns in here.

    I specifically remember my HS psych teacher citing these reasons for becoming a teacher after getting his degree:

    1. Summers off
    2. 8-hour days

    We did nothing in his class but watch movies and discuss current events. We all received 100s on our report cards after turning in the odd biweekly worksheet.

    Dude made 80K+/year. It's a joke.
    Did you go to some private or charter school?

    Not sure how it is in Texas but i know for a fact no k-12 teacher in California makes anywhere near $80k. Average is like $40k - $50k

  2. #32
    Good college starter Rubio2Gasol's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kid tells teacher like it is

    When I worked in various Latin American schools for a year as a teacher - you could teach in a school - then go teach an informal outside school class as well. That was the biggest motivator for me because to get people to pay you directly for classes - you need to actually have a good reputation.

    That's probably illegal in the states.

    You go to work...get paid - teach...don't teach noone cares. Extra effort doesn't really help your bottom line. I think school on the whole is just going to take a big hit - people are not going to be going to school to learn- you can do that on youtube - they're just going to school to socialize.

  3. #33
    Kobe for President d.bball.guy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kid tells teacher like it is

    I'm pretty happy I have never had a teacher that only cares about their pay check and not the students' future.

  4. #34
    ***** ace23's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kid tells teacher like it is

    Quote Originally Posted by Cali Syndicate
    Did you go to some private or charter school?

    Not sure how it is in Texas but i know for a fact no k-12 teacher in California makes anywhere near $80k. Average is like $40k - $50k
    Public. He had at least 20 years of exp. fwiw.

  5. #35
    NBA All-star Rasheed1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kid tells teacher like it is

    teachers have it pretty tough... they get stuck with alot of bs and they its a trap because they are expected to do alot of things without many resources or help from the faculty..

    that said.. I agree with the kid. You do have teachers who take that dismissive attitude like the teacher in the video seems to have... those teachers need to be rooted out and let go...

    if you dont care? get another job and stop wasting kid's time. There are kids in every class who actually want to learn and teacher cant lose sight of that.

    I bet that teacher was embarrassed when she thinks back on what happened

  6. #36
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer Myth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kid tells teacher like it is

    Quote Originally Posted by HardwoodLegend
    "So, don't try and take credibility for teaching me jack"

    He tried to get too fancy with it at the end. The word he was looking for is "credit".

    Nice vid tho. Square biz.
    Poor kid would know the difference if she taught him.

  7. #37
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer Myth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kid tells teacher like it is

    Quote Originally Posted by ace23
    Couple clowns in here.

    I specifically remember my HS psych teacher citing these reasons for becoming a teacher after getting his degree:

    1. Summers off
    2. 8-hour days

    We did nothing in his class but watch movies and discuss current events. We all received 100s on our report cards after turning in the odd biweekly worksheet.

    Dude made 80K+/year. It's a joke.
    That is a crazy high income. I know many teachers personally and none of them make even close to that much money. How did you know his income? Did the teacher brag about it in class, or are you pulling that number out of your butt?

  8. #38
    NBA lottery pick IamRAMBO24's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kid tells teacher like it is

    If this kid is truly as smart as he claims to be, he would attack the curriculum and not the teacher; teachers are only following a bullsh*t curriculum based on killing off creativity, using the lowest level kind of thinking (memorization and repitition), and training the mind to view the world through an erroneous perspective (materialism, facts, objectivity).

    Classes are structured to be boring, textbooks are written like instructional guides on purpose to block conceptual thinking, and teachers are told to follow the procedure or they will be fired.

    What the f*ck else are they supposed to do?

    Blame the curriculum; no matter how much money you throw at the system or how many great teachers you have, if it is sh*t, you can't turn that sh*t into anything other than sh*t.

    Kids an idiot. F*ck him.

  9. #39
    The Paterfamilias RedBlackAttack's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kid tells teacher like it is

    Quote Originally Posted by Myth
    That is a crazy high income. I know many teachers personally and none of them make even close to that much money. How did you know his income? Did the teacher brag about it in class, or are you pulling that number out of your butt?
    My brother is an administrator and he doesn't make that kind of money. Ace is making some pretty general assumptions in this thread, overall.

    I know a lot of good teachers who genuinely care about the kids and have devoted their lives to what they do. As with any career, there is a range of employees with different levels of interest/involvement.

    As for rate of pay for teachers, it fluctuates based on cost of living in the area, but I don't know a single teacher/coach who makes anything close to $80,000 a year.

  10. #40
    Chuck Hayes Stan Timmy D for MVP's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kid tells teacher like it is

    I work as a Classified staff member (after school program) and I am going to be a history teacher at the secondary level.

    In response to the video: I agree that as a student it can be very very frustrating when no one around you takes as big an interest in your education as you do. Even if you don't care, it is the educators job to make you care. I would have been hesitant to applaud the kid since it's a short video and you have no idea if he was being an idiot beforehand, but her response to him made me believe that all of his points were valid. That kind of teaching gives educators a bad name, it makes the students check out, AND they don't learn shit. Even as just a ASP leader I have a personal, vested interest in the education of my students.

    History in particular frustrated me because it's often the laziest form of teaching. But if I get on that track you won't get me off so...

    As for the pay of teachers: teachers, or I should say, good-great teachers, at every level are underpaid. These are the ones who not only pour everything they have into their actual contracted hours, but also spend countless hours of their own personal time, and also their own money to further enhance their abilities as a teacher. It takes serious dedication, and patience. I love the field of education, I love my students, and I really want to teach history, but even I have considered very strongly doing something else because of the money. That shouldn't be the case.

    There needs to be a greater emphasis put on education in our society. And there needs to be more incentive for the right kind of people to go into teaching. It really is a thankless job. I would love to higher salaries, and merit based evaluation (opposed to seniority). The only problem is what is the metric for a good teacher? It's not always concrete. The standardized testing is, imo, straight bullshit, and creates a culture that discourages real good education.

    Finally, we cannot have misplaced teachers. I want to teach history because I love the shit out of history. It fascinates me, I drive those around me crazy talking about something I've read or my ideas on a current event, etc. I have a serious passion for the field, and I hope that as an educator my students will be able to notice that, and in turn I will be able to inspire a passion in them. If I go somewhere and they're like: "Oh we need you to teach theater." that won't work. I'll be competent, I'm a smart guy, I can figure it out, but without that passion for it I will not be nearly as effective as I should be.

    I have written such a long post because the topic of education is one I care very much about. I feel all over the place when I write about it on ISH because I have so much I want to say, and so many ideas I have a hard time cutting it down. But this student is right, even if they all show up. Even if they are the smartest kids in school. Even if they do all of their work diligently, without the teacher giving their all it's a moot point. I have rough days at work with my kids, it happens, but if it becomes a consistent problem you have to take a step back and reevaluate it all.

  11. #41
    ***** ace23's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kid tells teacher like it is

    Quote Originally Posted by Myth
    That is a crazy high income. I know many teachers personally and none of them make even close to that much money. How did you know his income? Did the teacher brag about it in class, or are you pulling that number out of your butt?
    I looked it up on some website that had all the salaries of every teacher and administrator in the school. I can't find it right now.

  12. #42
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    Default Re: Kid tells teacher like it is

    Quote Originally Posted by RedBlackAttack
    My brother is an administrator and he doesn't make that kind of money. Ace is making some pretty general assumptions in this thread, overall.

    I know a lot of good teachers who genuinely care about the kids and have devoted their lives to what they do. As with any career, there is a range of employees with different levels of interest/involvement.

    As for rate of pay for teachers, it fluctuates based on cost of living in the area, but I don't know a single teacher/coach who makes anything close to $80,000 a year.
    Yeah, I do not think $80,000 is that common for a teacher. But like you said, it kind of depends upon location and district.

    In our district, pay begins at $34,000 and if someone is employed at that district for 25 years (and did not achieve a Masters) the highest they'll be paid is around $63,000 per year. With a Masters, 30 more credits on top and over 25 years of service, that number can reach $70,000. So $80,000 is not far-fetched, but it'd take a lot of experience and going above and beyond a Masters to make it happen.

    In regards to teaching itself, I think the truth about the time, the effort, and the pay (or lack thereof), lies somewhere in the middle of what everyone's saying here. It's certainly not a 180 day/8 hour job. But I also don't think teachers are totally in the poor house. As other folks said, at least a teacher's wage is, for the most part, livable, where there's many other occupations that require more work and pay less. I suppose it's all relative though.

    If you guys want more information on teacher pay, most school websites have a "Transparency" icon on their homepage where they're obligated to showcase contract information to the public.

    Quote Originally Posted by IamRAMBO24
    If this kid is truly as smart as he claims to be, he would attack the curriculum and not the teacher; teachers are only following a bullsh*t curriculum based on killing off creativity, using the lowest level kind of thinking (memorization and repitition), and training the mind to view the world through an erroneous perspective (materialism, facts, objectivity).

    Classes are structured to be boring, textbooks are written like instructional guides on purpose to block conceptual thinking, and teachers are told to follow the procedure or they will be fired.
    Well, I feel teachers can be terrible regardless of curriculum but you raise a very solid point anyway. A lot of teachers are handcuffed. The freedom we as students so desire is not always as possible as we wish it to be. Each administration and every state values percentages and numbers, not whether our students are actually learning. I mean, I think they wish and hope that high percentages and numbers mean kids are learning, but I think we all know they don't always go hand in hand.

    As such, with higher standardized test scores and established benchmarks being a school's primary set of goals, there's often a very specific manner with which every topic and subject must be taught. Within my district, all teachers teaching the same subject level must be at the same exact spot in their progress on a day to day basis. That means if one teacher is at the point where they must make their students read The Great Gatsby and they're on page 45, any other teacher teaching their own English 2 class must also be at that point on the same day.

    Schools, states, and districts want uniformity. There are very specific benchmarks to be met and oftentimes, that means a teacher is not able to go down the roads they wish to go, or spend the amount of time they wish to spend. The great ones can find a way, but at this point they're still never free to unleash what they're capable of. The words of wisdom given by most older teachers in our district these days is, "Whew, I feel bad for you new teachers. It's crazy what you guys have to go through now." So that's always comforting.

    If you understandably skipped all the long text above, here's the essence of what the modern day public school system has developed into:

    "What was educationally significant and hard to measure has been replaced by what is educationally insignificant and easy to measure. So now we measure how well we taught what isn't worth learning." - Arthur Costa
    Last edited by Rake2204; 05-10-2013 at 10:02 AM.

  13. #43
    An uglier Lamar Doom boozehound's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kid tells teacher like it is

    several things. That teacher and her terrible attitude piss me off. Duncanville is a fairly crappy suburb of dallas that needs all the help it can get, not dumb and lazy bitches like her.

    Teachers arent paid enough. The work load extends well past the classroom into your evenings and weekends. Most school districts have expectations that you use your own salary to outfit the classroom (I know a first grade teacher that was told she needed to provide a class library for her students and was then told that the ~100 books she had bought with her own money were not enough. She was also expected to buy the large rug for the room and many of the basic supplies). Ridiculous

    Because teachers arent paid enough (or really considered an important job), many of the best potential teachers do not go into the field. Just looking at my HS class through facebook, all of the people who are now teachers were the middling and average kids in the school. None of them expressed a great aptitude or passion for the subject they now teach. Essentially, they went into education because there are jobs in the field. All of the top students from my class and the ones with a passion for a certain subject do something else now (professor, lawyers, doctors, architects, business). So, what do we expect when very few of our best and brightest go on to engage our youth in education.

  14. #44
    By Any Means Just2McFly's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kid tells teacher like it is

    Quote Originally Posted by Deleterious
    I would say teaching the future of the the country you live in is a darn important job.
    Redundant joke is redundant.

  15. #45
    O LA DI PO ItsMillerTime's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kid tells teacher like it is

    Quote Originally Posted by ace23
    Couple clowns in here.

    I specifically remember my HS psych teacher citing these reasons for becoming a teacher after getting his degree:

    1. Summers off
    2. 8-hour days

    We did nothing in his class but watch movies and discuss current events. We all received 100s on our report cards after turning in the odd biweekly worksheet.

    Dude made 80K+/year. It's a joke.
    No public high school teacher makes $80K a year. You're flat out lying.

    And to base your opinions of teachers on 1 slacker that didn't care about his job is simply asinine.

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