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Thread: Rip Xbox

  1. #481
    Paid shill Jameerthefear's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rip Xbox

    LBJMVP is just a fanboy...

  2. #482
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Rip Xbox

    It boggles my mind as to how people can be "fanboys" of systems that aren't even out yet.

    Sure if you've already bought something you're probably going to defend it regardless to justify your purchase. But being so loyal to corporations like Microsoft and Sony as to praise/trash systems that no one has is just fucking weird.

  3. #483
    The One CelticBaller's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rip Xbox

    Quote Originally Posted by Qwyjibo
    It boggles my mind as to how people can be "fanboys" of systems that aren't even out yet.

    Sure if you've already bought something you're probably going to defend it regardless to justify your purchase. But being so loyal to corporations like Microsoft and Sony as to praise/trash systems that no one has is just fucking weird.
    For Real, you paid them to give you their best service, they don't pay you to defend them

    I've had every Sony console, and I like the 360, Multiplayer is just more fun and less repetitive than the Single player exclusives IMO.

  4. #484
    5-time NBA All-Star G-train's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rip Xbox

    I only play 2k, GTA, COD - games on both consoles.
    Had just the xbox for a while, obviously online it was much better.
    What are these games that xbox have over sony?

  5. #485
    I rule the local playground sommervilleCdn's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rip Xbox

    I've played Trine-directors cut(tie ING me over until the next zelda,Mario. And or donkey kong). On wii-U (got it on sale for half price 7$ in the wii shop)..It quite glorious. I felt like I was in gaming nirvana. The second screen control pad of the astounding and adds to real emersiveness, because it was use so well, in this one example.- so good that xbone and Sony are copying Nintendo : )

    U need only go on YouTube to see from yourself.

    /Sony and Microsoft may lead in the quest for better graphics, juxtaposed with Nintendo. graphics don't mean much..because Nintendo has their own unique eastern flair
    // end of tangent

  6. #486
    good scorer Rose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rip Xbox

  7. #487
    Gooner | Heat Nation EnoughSaid's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rip Xbox

    Quote Originally Posted by Rose
    Still no reason they're forcefully including it with the Xbox and charging an extra $100 for it. They don't understand how big of an impact that's going to have. The only people that would be buying the Xbox are the ones who have their allegiance towards it. A mom shopping for a Christmas present is going to be looking directly at the price tag. But it's still a great console so don't think I'm hating.

  8. #488
    good scorer Rose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rip Xbox

    Quote Originally Posted by EnoughSaid
    Still no reason they're forcefully including it with the Xbox and charging an extra $100 for it. They don't understand how big of an impact that's going to have. The only people that would be buying the Xbox are the ones who have their allegiance towards it. A mom shopping for a Christmas present is going to be looking directly at the price tag. But it's still a great console so don't think I'm hating.
    Well I get their logic for keeping it in the box. They don't want to split the userbase but selling it without a Kinect, because they want developers to develop for it.* Which I completely and entirely understand. However, taking it a step further down the line of logic is when I disagree with them. If most of the userbase doesn't want to use it/buy it (much like the Kinect for the 360) developers aren't going to develop anything for it. They're gonna see no one is really using the thing and not waste time on it.

    *=third party developers. And this is where if M$ really really cared about the Kinect and integrating it... They would be developing it as a core of a bulk of their first party games (most likely new IPs although I could see advantages of it in a game like Halo) They could be like Nintendo in this regard. But honestly, I don't think any of their launch titles that use the Kinect are that interesting in regards to how they use the Kinect. They need to integrate it better. How? I don't know, there's a reason I'm not working there. When most of the xbox exclusives are first person shooters it kind of limits what they can do with it.

    Now if they had platformers I could see a practical application for it. Kids would probably eat that shit up. Hell even in Minecraft you could definitely use a Kinect terrifically. But with Forza, Gears, and their new zombie games I just don't see how the Kinect can be terribly useful. I mean at least Nintendo presents their "gimmicks" in a good sound way where I can see why people (myself included) buy a wii or a wii u.

  9. #489
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Rip Xbox

    I actually think it's a good idea including it in the first place, if it isn't included no one will develop for it. Being always online was retarded, but their system for games licencing actually made sense once you looked beyond all the hate for it. It would have worked by allowing you to sell the licence through microsoft, which would mean that the developers of the game make money through re sale, which through microsofts theory (may or may not have occoured) the developers would then be able to sell their games at a lower cost initially as they will be getting a cut through re sales aswell for the life of that licence. Makes sense but no idea if it would work and I don't think a new console is the right place to market that idea. I'll buy whatever has the most desirable launch titles which at the moment looks like xbox but ps3 haven't shown all theirs yet as far as I know.

    In the break downs i've also been reading that nearly all the negative aspects on the xbox are also on the ps3 this time around it's just not being enforced by sony but left to the developers and it's speculated developers may actually use online check ins and tying your licence to your ps3 for their games this generation.

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