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  1. #121
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    Default Re: Israel's Assassination of Hamas Chief (Video) Raises Tensions on Both Sides of Gaza

    Quote Originally Posted by millwad
    Haha, what a clown.

    I don't know "jack shit" about this conflict but still I was the one who schooled you when you tried to make a claim that Israel just wants peace and how they were willing to give all land back etc during "Camp David"..

    You lived in Egypt, that doesn't mean shit and you're jewish, nothing you write is things you back up with valid sources or facts. And really, you being jewish shouldn't make you this biased and stupid and it's not the fact that you're jewish that makes you an idiot, you're an idiot no matter what religion. All your posts are pure made up bogus which you never back up and when you try to mention sourcs you mention propaganda blogs, "Dolph Lundgren" lookalike soldier or you write pure lies about certain events.
    boom. Well done, Hamas apologist. Let your true colors fly high!

    I just posted several articles and quotes about Arab relations with Palestine. Do yourself a favor, read these articles, and teach yourself a thing or two about the real world.

    Did you not see the BBC video of that fat idiot pretending to be injured by Israeli bombs being carried Paul Pierce style by 5 guys, and then shown standing up a few seconds later? That was also Jewspiracy propaganda?
    Last edited by Nick Young; 11-18-2012 at 05:22 PM.

  2. #122
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    Default Re: Israel's Assassination of Hamas Chief (Video) Raises Tensions on Both Sides of Gaza

    Is an Israeli soldier who flew in the Israeli airforce in several missions over Gaza not considered a primary source to you? Yes if this was for a college paper I'd need to reinterview the guy and get some direct quotes, but this isn't a paper for university bonehead, I'm just paraphrasing a story he told.

    None of the Israeli soldiers I met have ever seemed to "have an agenda", all of them thought the fighting was stupid, most expressed compassion for Palestine, not a single one showed any hatred, and these are guys who have had their friends killed by Palestinians. They still didn't hate the people because they know it's just a tiny percentage of terrorists f*cking things up for all the normal people. They say most of the Palestinians just want the war to be end and it's a vocal minority responsible for all the terrorist bullshit.

    No one likes going to war, they all get drafted in to it.

    Also they all hated talking about the war and battle stories, we were all just dumb kids who loved counter strike so we'd always ask about guns and stuff and be excited as if it was a game or a movie, but then they'd tell us stories sometimes and it just made us all shut up for the night.

    Also, you consider the Huffington Post and Al Jazeera to be propaganda blogs?
    Last edited by Nick Young; 11-18-2012 at 05:42 PM.

  3. #123
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    Default Re: Israel's Assassination of Hamas Chief (Video) Raises Tensions on Both Sides of Gaza

    Quote Originally Posted by millwad
    Oh, so you being jewish has nothing to do with the fact that you're using BS sources, it has nothing to do with you trying to re-tell events in false ways, it has nothing to do with how you try to blame it all on Palestine?

    I just posted several articles and quotes about Arab relations with Palestine. Do yourself a favor, read these articles, and teach yourself a thing or two about the real world.

    You posted a blog page with pure propaganda.

    Yes, one person represents all Palestinians. Just like this jewish girl who painted swastikas at her door when she was at college in a try to claim it was a hate crime and how she was a victim;

    How stupid are you really, how can you even write a comment like that? So just because the person faked an injury it means that all palestinians like to fake injuries or get hurt/killed in attacks just like how jews like to claim their victims while they paint their own belongings with swastikas..

    How can you mention the actions of one person and then blame all the people for it..
    Al Jazeera, The Huffington Post and ex-Israeli soldiers that worked at a summer camp I went to are BS sources? It is a massive jewspiracy of propaganda right. Al Jazeera is nothing but Pro-Israel propaganda bullshit.

    I never blamed all the people for it. But it wasn't just one person. It was the one person and the 6 guys pretending to carry his injured body to safety. They were all in on the bullshit. I never said EVERY PALESTINIAN ACTS LIKE THAT. Again you are just putting words in to my mouth.

    Also what does one random dumb American chick crying out for attention have anything to do with anything? Since when does a dumb bitch crying out for attention represent an entire set of demographics 12,000 miles away and across an ocean?
    Last edited by Nick Young; 11-18-2012 at 05:50 PM.

  4. #124
    werewolfdolphin Dolphin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Israel's Assassination of Hamas Chief (Video) Raises Tensions on Both Sides of Gaza

    There's only one thing that I believe we can take from this and I believe most people on both sides who can use some form of logic can agree on. That is the implementation of the Israeli state after WW2 has been a pretty big failure.

    Now, don't take this as taking the side of Palestine and its supporters. I've posted on here enough how I don't believe there are victims in this ongoing war....but for that discussion you'd need to go back much further than the past 60-70 years.

    But again, no objective person can say both sides warring since after WW2 epitomizes success. It's the exact opposite. Many are to blame. However, considering my entire point is that the implementation of the Israeli state has been a failure from the beginning, I'd point to the other western powers as being far greater culprits than most people shine a light on.

    If you look at how the state of Israel was founded, you'd almost think that the other powers who brokered the creation of Israel were led by a bunch of children playing some sort of computer game for fun (Civilization?). "Hmmm....let's see what will happen if we throw these people here and....oh, that didn't turn out well....hehehehe."

    My only question to those leaders and to you people is this: What the **** did you think was gonna happen?

  5. #125
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    Default Re: Israel's Assassination of Hamas Chief (Video) Raises Tensions on Both Sides of Gaza

    Millwood is sipping way too much of the Pallywood bullshit juice

    60 minutes. Is 60 minutes an instrument of Israeli propaganda too, just like you claimed Al Jazeera and the Huffington Post were?

  6. #126
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    Default Re: Israel's Assassination of Hamas Chief (Video) Raises Tensions on Both Sides of Gaza

    Criticize me, criticize the source, do whatever you want, but can you criticize the content? It's right there for you to see. Idiots faking injuries worse than footballers, staged set-ups, gunfire going in in places Israeli soldiers never even were, people running with bloodstains on their heads, going into a crowd and suddenly they need to be carried.

    I never quoted any of the soldiers I met. I just told you the general gist of what they said based on what I remember. No quotes are anywhere in that story. Yes, you're right, if this was a news article I would not be able to use that as a source! Wow you sure are a smart one! I just said it because it's a personal anecdote I heard from people who actually were a part of the war. You can either choose to read the story for what it is, or deny it as propaganda agenda serving and completely fabricated lies made by just another Zionist rat who is part of the evil world wide Jewspiracy.

    You are a moron.

    You are just arguing semantics because you can't argue against the reality of what I'm putting in front of you.

    You already called Al Jazeera Jewish propaganda. You called the Huffington Post Jewish propaganda.

    The whole video is a lie right? Just more Jewish propaganda? How deep does this magical Jewish propaganda machine extend? Do you think Jews control the world too?
    Last edited by Nick Young; 11-18-2012 at 06:24 PM.

  7. #127
    College star GreatGreg's Avatar
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    Default Re: Israel's Assassination of Hamas Chief (Video) Raises Tensions on Both Sides of Gaza

    @ Al Jazeera being Jewish propaganda...

  8. #128
    NBA All-star Nash's Avatar
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    Default Re: Israel's Assassination of Hamas Chief (Video) Raises Tensions on Both Sides of Gaza

    There is no reason to justify what Israel are doing to the Palestinians without degrading Palestinians to subhumans.

  9. #129
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    Default Re: Israel's Assassination of Hamas Chief (Video) Raises Tensions on Both Sides of Gaza

    If I was flying a helicopter warning kids and civilians to get away from a building, and all I saw that my warning did was make even more people go into the building and start dancing on the roof, I'd feel extremely guilty and like it was my fault, that they were all dead. If that helicopter hadn't announced that, the people wouldn't have known to rush to the building.

    I'd be traumatized by guilt. Why are you trying to dismiss this guy as a "big hearted" weakling now and trivialize the story as either not a big deal or a lie of propaganda? I think most human beings on the planet would feel bad if they felt responsible for hundreds of innocent women and kids rushing on to a roof, dancing to their own death. Wouldn't you?

    I think there's something f*cked up about how your mind works, just based on your interactions in the past with Godzuki and others, I'm pretty sure you got some kind of serious mental issues. I'm done talking to you, I hope you get help in the future.

  10. #130
    Meats Don't Clash RaininThrees's Avatar
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    Default Re: Israel's Assassination of Hamas Chief (Video) Raises Tensions on Both Sides of Gaza

    I think it's fair to say that there is a significant amount propaganda from both sides, and at the end of the day, no one will win. It's just sad. Straight up sad.

  11. #131
    Meats Don't Clash RaininThrees's Avatar
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    Default Re: Israel's Assassination of Hamas Chief (Video) Raises Tensions on Both Sides of Gaza

    Quote Originally Posted by Nash
    There is no reason to justify what Israel are doing to the Palestinians without degrading Palestinians to subhumans.
    Money quote here, from today:

    Israel Dep PM Yishai: “We must blow Gaza back to the Middle Ages destroying all the infrastructure including roads & water”

  12. #132
    Very good NBA starter
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    Default Re: Israel's Assassination of Hamas Chief (Video) Raises Tensions on Both Sides of Gaza

    israel is f--ked up.

    palestine is f--ked up.

    if you have a clue about anything, you'd see both sides are f--cked up as f--k. but right now, israel are the biggest b!tches.

  13. #133
    Administrator insidehoops's Avatar
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    Default Re: Israel's Assassination of Hamas Chief (Video) Raises Tensions on Both Sides of Gaza

    Hamas, a suicidal death cult and the leaders of Gaza, refuse to stop firing rockets into Israel

    Hamas cares more about flinging rockets into Israel than the safety and well-being of their own people

    So, it continues

    Seems like Israel will keep striking at Gaza until the rockets stop

  14. #134
    NBA lottery pick IcanzIIravor's Avatar
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    Default Re: Israel's Assassination of Hamas Chief (Video) Raises Tensions on Both Sides of Gaza

    Quote Originally Posted by insidehoops
    Hamas, a suicidal death cult and the leaders of Gaza, refuse to stop firing rockets into Israel

    Hamas cares more about flinging rockets into Israel than the safety and well-being of their own people

    So, it continues

    Seems like Israel will keep striking at Gaza until the rockets stop
    Yep. In the end neither side will win though both will find someway to claim a moral victory and things will go the usual route. In a few months something else will happen and there will be a new flare up starting the whole process over again. The world will fret, but keep their distance. Rinse and repeat.

  15. #135
    World's Finest KingBeasley08's Avatar
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    Default Re: Israel's Assassination of Hamas Chief (Video) Raises Tensions on Both Sides of Gaza

    lol at Jeff quieting people saying Israel isn't as perfect as he thinks. Guess what Jeff, Israel aren't innocent. Not defending Hamas because they are a bunch of idiots but seeing the administrator's clear bias is just funny as hell.

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