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  1. #1
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Jefferson Money Advice

    JtotheIzzo, Good Ol Willy, and finalwrath provided some of thiz. One'z a geyser, one'z in his late 20'z, and now it'z time for the full-fledged teen view. Add your own if you'd like.

    Get comfortable with the opposite sex at an early age. Just cuz it has a vajayjay with breastz don

  2. #2
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Jefferson Money Advice

    “Don’t let a win get to your head, or a loss get to your heart.” – Public Enemy. Self explanatory. Complacency/Cockiness and Depression/Weak Effort should be avoided at all costz. It’z a shame soo many fall victim to it.

    At an early age, understand that you “CAN NOT do anything that you want to be. You can’t achieve any dream that so happenz to form into a thought. You’ve got 70 years to live, and limited significance. The world don’t revolve around you, but you revolve around yourself.”

    “Great Mindz think alike.” Bull***** quote. End of story. Alike is the key phuck-up.
    Better quote is “Closest thing to an absolute truth is that there are none.” Keep that in mind and avoid the declarative statementz which Hawker partakez in

    Try to avoid that esoteric attitude. Don’t let that be your motivation. You’re no Neo from Matrix. Yes the “massez are azzes”, but please avoid that attitude, especially in politix. The sheer arrogance and poor, cynical opinion of the humanz around u will destroy u, consuming your mentality to a “holier than art thou” type. Evil. Nexus and WTFaMonkey embody this. Accept humility and understand that you’re a human, an animal who will work hard, gain knowledge, and let that be your edge.. not your claim to fame.

    On the same note, pride is crucial. Don’t ever let anyone tell you aren’t better than them. Stay humble, nice, calm and laid-back throughout the majority of real-life, but if you desire to set thingz straight, then so be it. Explode.

    To conquer fear is to isolate yourself with it. End of story. Courage is all about knowing there’z something more important than succumbing to that which you’re scared of. I was not social az a child, but I look at people as a body, a mind, a soul. Now I can talk with the hottest girlz about periodz and feces without breaking a sweat.

    G.O.W.” Indulge in the artz of one form or another. A musical instrument? Photoshop? Sculpturing? Heck pissing your name on the sidewalk. A little bit of expression here and there certainly help. Learn another language. After all, imagine your teacher drawing extravagant imagez in combination with boring text.. Wouldn’t ya learn a heck of a lot faster.

    Self-deprecating humor and black comedy. EXCELLENT. Being able to laugh at yourself and the futility of the world iz something we all ought to do once in a while. Really, izn’t life just ridiculous!? Y’all are such flawed, loser, imbecilic phuckz, but hey you know what that’z why I luv ya.
    Last edited by JEFFERSON MONEY; 09-15-2008 at 11:41 AM.

  3. #3
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Jefferson Money Advice

    Conformity and human nature. Use them as guides growing up, until you achieve self-discovery. By then, it iz something to strive away from. Seriously look at us. Proud, hypocritical, materialistic, ghey, insatiable appetitez for lust/money, greedy, will downplay our achievementz in public but not in private, betray our friendz for a hot girl, won

  4. #4
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Jefferson Money Advice

    Do some form of sport! For every basketball there is out there, a tennis, croquet, or curling existz as well! Every human being, obese or anorexic and in between, can enjoy some physical, fun competition. Just BREAK OUT OF YOUR SHELL/COMFORT ZONE and E.X.P.L.O.R.E. Breakdancing, mountain climbing,..

  5. #5
    The Expert Glove_20's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jefferson Money Advice

    Before reading:

    What are your credentials? What success have you had in life so we should follow your advice? Where are you now and basically why should anyone follow "your" advice? No one wants to follow no financially struggling guys advice or anything like that.

  6. #6
    Extra Cheese LJJ's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jefferson Money Advice

    J Money giving a lecture.

    Even if it was a bit of a ramble, it was still an entertaining read. With some wisdom hidden in there somewhere.

  7. #7
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Jefferson Money Advice

    Quote Originally Posted by Glove_20
    Before reading:

    What are your credentials? What success have you had in life so we should follow your advice? Where are you now and basically why should anyone follow "your" advice? No one wants to follow no financially struggling guys advice or anything like that.
    Good questions. I can only spit what I know, and I can assure you I'm not the best man to follow. My only credentials are that I won a scholarship, support my family, am decent at the guitar, very good at basketball, an A/B student, and that'z about it. It'z my imagination and soul that set me apart. In real life, I'm just a notch above mediocre. All of it is idealistic rhetoric. But hey perhaps it sparks a couple of the ISH member's imaginations.

  8. #8
    Go Spurs Go
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    Default Re: Jefferson Money Advice

    good stuff. keep going.

  9. #9
    Go Spurs Go
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    Default Re: Jefferson Money Advice

    money as in "its a win".

    aka "youre so money and you dont even know it"

  10. #10
    Best poster ever High Potential's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jefferson Money Advice

    Why did you write all that J-Money? I find it very sad.

  11. #11
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Jefferson Money Advice

    I can't stress how awesome pure, unadulterated nature doez for the soul. Keeping a dog, helping a pigeon stuck in soda plastic, walking through the park, swimming in the lake, biking through the woodz.. greatness. I can't quite describe the charm, but it'z beautiful. End of story. Gorgeous beyond any Giselle, Lima, or Kardashian can hope for.

    Don't be afraid to fight every now and then. Few people have the killer instinct to be able to bash your brainz in. A fistfight or two will do one good, especially if it'z not a publicity stunt. Eastern philosophical viewz and maximum power output from a lean physique are what make martial artz an incredible art to partake in. But just getting your azz whooped iz honorable in itself. And oh yeah, very thin line between courage and stupidity. Someone makez fun of your shirt or the streetz you come from, does NOT warrant a fist to da face of yo opponent. Play that ish off. But always keep it real. and DO the right thing.

    Go completely apesh!t once in a while. Relieve your body of all that unnecessary stress. Just let loose: be it on the dance floor, while jamming out to an instrument, on the basketball court, while sleeping. Don't give a phuck. just wildly move, scream, claw, unleash your animalistic instinct. This will give u a chance to remain patient when the time requirez it.
    Last edited by JEFFERSON MONEY; 09-14-2008 at 04:15 PM.

  12. #12
    Very good NBA starter
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    Default Re: Jefferson Money Advice

    Moar! Moar!

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Jefferson Money Advice

    Sorry, but that pretentious replacing of "s" by "z" kills it for me. Can't read that stuff.

    Stay natural. Stick out by being different, not by trying to be.

    That was my money advice for you.

  14. #14
    NBA lottery pick bigboi_baller's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jefferson Money Advice

    Good read. A bit wordy, but pretty interesting.

  15. #15
    KobendLebronRBothGood K.Koscik's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jefferson Money Advice

    Quote Originally Posted by Heretik32
    Sorry, but that pretentious replacing of "s" by "z" kills it for me. Can't read that stuff.

    Stay natural. Stick out by being different, not by trying to be.

    That was my money advice for you.
    Yeah man that killz me too.

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