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  1. #31
    I Run NY. niko's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Riddler

    I want to see a picture of Adam Lanza.

    They showed us a pic of Eric and Dylan... I want to see a pic of Adam.
    You don't get these type of pictures always. Is there something wrong with you that it's important to see the picture of someone dead? That you'd post this picture as an example of what you need to see?

  2. #32
    cereal killah daily's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Riddler
    Okay... can we see pictures of the adults killed... or how about just the shooter?

    They showed us pictures of the Columbine shooters after they committed suicide... Can we see a picture of Adam Lanza dead body? I think people would actually get have a small bit of satisfaction seeing the corpse of that murderer.

    Just show me one drop of blood somewhere...
    You're really sick, get help

    We see pictures of the Columbine shooters because there were legal proceedings against their families and the people that supplied them with the guns. There's no such actions in the more recent tragedies yet.

    Secondly since all the conspiracy people like you are saying it's just a bunch of actors I have no doubts that the minute you see these pictures you're going to scream "fake" "Photo shopped"

  3. #33
    The Iron Price Jackass18's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Riddler
    No, that's basically it... just the weird interviews.

    And I've watched as many as I can... There's much much more than Robbie Parker, The McDonald Family, and Victoria Soto's family (the sisters and brother are beyond strange)...

    And I just don't give a f*ck what anybody says... I have no problem calling Robbie Parker a fake.... If that dude isn't an actor, he is quite possibly the strangest MFer I've ever seen.

    Like I've posted before... THIS VIDEO SUMS it up BEST

    867 likes - 163 dislikes
    So, whenever a person acts in a manner different than what you expect you label them as a bad actor? I've seen many people act in a manner I wouldn't expect. Is it really strange that some people may act strange in a time of great grief when emotions are running strong and they don't know how to deal with them? I don't understand why some people don't realize that people deal with grief differently. I know it looks like he could come off as being a bad actor, but I also know that perception and reality can be 2 rather different things.

    How would the whole actor thing even work? Are they short-term actors? Long-term actors? The kids and teachers are actually safe but in seclusion?

  4. #34
    The Iron Price Jackass18's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Riddler
    I want to see a picture of Adam Lanza.

    They showed us a pic of Eric and Dylan... I want to see a pic of Adam.
    If it's all a conspiracy, then why couldn't they just fake photos/videos, too?

  5. #35
    Step 11 Riddler's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by daily
    Secondly since all the conspiracy people like you are saying it's just a bunch of actors I have no doubts that the minute you see these pictures you're going to scream "fake" "Photo shopped"
    Yea, like I haven't heard that one before.

    "Why do you want to see a picture of Osama Bin Laden's body? You're just gonna say it's photoshopped anyway."

    How about you guys stop reading these threads if they bother you so much?

    and Niko, I wish I could find the thread/post where I wrote I wasn't going to investigate any conspiracy because little kids were involved... I literally wrote that "it wouldn't feel right"

    Please don't sit there and tell me that I only view this tragedy as a form of entertainment.

  6. #36
    The Iron Price Jackass18's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Maniak
    Kids are dead, so you're seen as insensitive the moment you even think it could be a conspiracy.

    Well, I was reading a thread on a forum that an article about the shooting was written like 2 or 3 days before the shooting per google's little text that shows you when something was written (if that makes sense, the words I'm looking for aren't coming to me).

    You could just say it's a glitch or something but it's never wrong otherwise, and there's too much sample of it not being wrong for you to say something like that logically.

    I feel wrong for thinking it could be some big conspiracy because of those involved. But I think to discredit a conscpiracy solely because there are children involved is stubborn
    Are you talking about something like this:

  7. #37
    the Sho Kosugi of ISH -p.tiddy-'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Bin Laden released a video on a 911 anniversary and it was discredited by conspiracy theorists as an actor despite exact bone structure and voice.

    Pictures wouldn't do anything at all here in terms of conspiracy...nothing, they would be written off as fakes before you even looked at them.

    In fact you could let conspiracy theorists walk into the crime scene right after it happened and they would claim the dead bodies were planted by gov agents...

    Instead of focusing on details like that I think you should focus on the bigger picture, WHY the government would go through such extreme and intricate set up just to make magazine clips in certain rifles smaller. All of the children that are now missing classmates actors?...Little kid actors?...the numerous funerals were all fake, with actors?...etc etc is totally and completely ABSURD. There is nothing to think about here.

    The only way you could think there is a conspiracy in here is because you are trying to force a conspiracy on it.

  8. #38
    Celtics/Red Sox/Eagles UConnCeltics's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    So there is a set way to act when you lose your child? Not exactly how you envision it? MUST BE A CONSPIRACY

    No pictures of 20 kids with their brains blown out? MUST BE A CONSPIRACY

    Media didn't report correct gun hours after it happened? MUST BE A CONSPIRACY

  9. #39
    cereal killah daily's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Riddler
    How about you guys stop reading these threads if they bother you so much?
    How about you stop reading or posting in these threads if people thinking you have a major screw loose bothers you so much?

    In this thread you want to see pictures as "proof"

    in this thread you're posting pics of the pentagon saying the photos are photo shopped

    You're a walking talking cartoon

  10. #40
    Step 11 Riddler's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by -p.tiddy-
    Bin Laden released a video on a 911 anniversary and it was discredited by conspiracy theorists as an actor despite exact bone structure and voice.

    Pictures wouldn't do anything at all here in terms of conspiracy...nothing, they would be written off as fakes before you even looked at them.

    In fact you could let conspiracy theorists walk into the crime scene right after it happened and they would claim the dead bodies were planted by gov agents...

    Funny, considering you said that the December 13, 2001 video of Bin Laden was fake yourself.

    That's the video that lead us to Afghanistan...

    Yea, it's fake..... and even you agreed.

    Quote Originally Posted by -p.tiddy-
    Instead of focusing on details like that I think you should focus on the bigger picture, WHY the government would go through such extreme and intricate set up just to make magazine clips in certain rifles smaller. All of the children that are now missing classmates actors?...Little kid actors?...the numerous funerals were all fake, with actors?...etc etc is totally and completely ABSURD. There is nothing to think about here.

    The only way you could think there is a conspiracy in here is because you are trying to force a conspiracy on it.
    Wait a second... There are a number of conspiracy theories suggesting that the motive behind this shooting isn't about gun control... but something else.

    I'd love to discuss those theories with you, but I already know what you'll say.

    But let's say it is all about gun control.... Do you really think another shooting is not ever going to happen?

    Yea,.... what kind of laws are going to be passed when somebody shoots up an NFL stadium? What if some crazy dude blasts 50 people at the Super Bowl this year? Well, that means Aurora was Step 1, Sandy Hook was Step 2, and Step 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 haven't happened yet.... What laws are passed then?

    Would those laws look something like this:

    Look man, I can't imagine why this actor conspiracy appears the way does, because it's really f*cking with my mind... But all the videos suggest that we have a bunch of frauds on T.V.

    call it absurd all you want.... but to me it seems like bad acting.... Sorry, but I gotta call it the way I see it.

    You think I wanted to say these people are actors? Do you think all the people on the internet in the YOUTUBE COMMENTS SECTION want to force some conspiracy theory? We call it the way we see it... and what we see are a bunch of f*cking actors.

    As someone pointed out earlier... Why isn't the Virginia Tech shooting a conspiracy? Because there's nothing to be skeptical about on that one.... A crazy Asian dude really did shoot up the school.

    There is so much skepticism surrounding Sandy Hook that CNN finally had to address it!!!! Don't act like it's only a few conspiracy theorists on the internet trying to make it look like a conspiracy. There's a $hit load of people that think something it's bull$Hit.

  11. #41
    Step 11 Riddler's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by daily
    How about you stop reading or posting in these threads if people thinking you have a major screw loose bothers you so much?

    In this thread you want to see pictures as "proof"

    in this thread you're posting pics of the pentagon saying the photos are photo shopped

    I didn't say it was photoshopped... I was saying it could be.

    Whatever... I already know how this routine works. I argued about 9/11 forever on this forum and I'm not about to start arguing Sandy Hook bull$hit for years upon years.... Some people are programed to skeptical and some people aren't.

    I'm done.

    I've said what i wanted to say and I'll STFU from here on out (regarding Sandy Hook).

    None of this would of ever happened if Robbie Parker didn't look like he was leaving a comedy show before he got on camera.

  12. #42
    the Sho Kosugi of ISH -p.tiddy-'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    You think I wanted to say these people are actors? Do you think all the people on the internet in the YOUTUBE COMMENTS SECTION want to force some conspiracy theory?
    yes I do

    I think for the typical conspiracy theorist this was a conspiracy the very second they heard something happened, without any details. I already knew that you would think this is a conspiracy before I talked to you about it.

    Some people just like to find conspiracies in are one of those people.

    Do you care about the laws being passed because of this? you don''re not even a gun owner...all you care about is creating a conspiracy theory.

  13. #43
    I Run NY. niko's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Riddler
    I didn't say it was photoshopped... I was saying it could be.

    Whatever... I already know how this routine works. I argued about 9/11 forever on this forum and I'm not about to start arguing Sandy Hook bull$hit for years upon years.... Some people are programed to skeptical and some people aren't.

    I'm done.

    I've said what i wanted to say and I'll STFU from here on out (regarding Sandy Hook).

    None of this would of ever happened if Robbie Parker didn't look like he was leaving a comedy show before he got on camera.
    Do you understand 20 little kids got shot for no other reason than they went to school? You want to act like an aggrieved party because nobody wants to listen to your insensitive bullshit? Serious? Poor you.

    Some little kids lost their lives but that pales to the fact this message board won't listen to one of your theories. I feel for you. So terrible.

  14. #44
    the Sho Kosugi of ISH -p.tiddy-'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by niko
    Do you understand 20 little kids got shot for no other reason than they went to school? You want to act like an aggrieved party because nobody wants to listen to your insensitive bullshit? Serious? Poor you.

    Some little kids lost their lives but that pales to the fact this message board won't listen to one of your theories. I feel for you. So terrible.
    I agree with maniac in that "to discredit a conspiracy solely because there are children involved is stubborn"

    yeah niko these were 20 little kids and that is sad...guess what there were 2,000+ people that died on 911 which trumps Sandy Hook 1,000x over in terms of "sadness" and it didn't stop the conspiracies from coming.

    I think this conspiracy is ridiculous but I also think the "little kids were involved so don't question anything" is not a good way to view this...

  15. #45
    College star Velocirap31's Avatar
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    Default Re: Which guns did Adam Lanza use in the Sandy Hook shooting?

    Quote Originally Posted by Riddler
    BTW... if you want to see Piers Morgan get completely owned by some guy I've never heard of... watch this video:
    COMPLETE: Ben Shapiro CUTS Piers Morgan DOWN
    I don't see how either one won that argument. Ben Shapiro seems like a major dweeb though with that nasally voice and smug demeanor. Near the end he resorts to calling Piers stupid lol.

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