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  • Carbine's Avatar
    Today, 10:58 AM
    Carbine replied to a thread MJ dunks over Hakeem in NBA Forum
    Jose Calderon was actually pretty nice for a few years in Toronto. Offensively he was quite good actually for a pass first PG. Ultra efficient for the era. I watched a lot of these games live, I'm from Canada and we get all Toronto games on local tv. Bosh was not a good defender back then either. You know why he became an excellent defender...
    148 replies | 3616 view(s)
  • warriorfan's Avatar
    Today, 10:58 AM
    warriorfan replied to a thread MJ dunks over Hakeem in NBA Forum
    Go away. The adults are speaking.
    148 replies | 3616 view(s)
  • Patrick Chewing's Avatar
    47 replies | 1331 view(s)
  • RRR3's Avatar
    Today, 10:56 AM
    RRR3 replied to a thread MJ dunks over Hakeem in NBA Forum
    He’s gonna call you short and a slur soon if you keep bullying him.
    148 replies | 3616 view(s)
  • diamenz's Avatar
    Today, 10:55 AM
    wait. in all fairness to rrr3 - we already knew that he was a full blown loser. but chewing i always suspected had at least a little something going for himself. but now? small business owner my ass... and even if that were the case, insidehoops is what you choose to do all day with your downtime? that green dot next to your name may as well...
    47 replies | 1331 view(s)
  • 1987_Lakers's Avatar
    Today, 10:55 AM
    1987_Lakers replied to a thread MJ dunks over Hakeem in NBA Forum
    Shaq was like 36 when he dropped 45 on Toronto. It was the most points he scored that entire season.
    148 replies | 3616 view(s)
  • Patrick Chewing's Avatar
    Today, 10:54 AM
    Why don't you mention what preceded this event? Why don't you mention that the day after Israel became independent that Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq invaded that area and attacked Israeli settlements and eventually got their ass handed to them. You think Israel started this?? :oldlol: And how many peace deals has Palestine backed out of?...
    47 replies | 1331 view(s)
  • tpols's Avatar
    Today, 10:51 AM
    tpols replied to a thread MJ dunks over Hakeem in NBA Forum
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  • tpols's Avatar
    Today, 10:50 AM
    tpols replied to a thread MJ dunks over Hakeem in NBA Forum
    Again... nobody said Bosh was KG or Tim Duncan. Yes his post defense wasn't great especially against guys who had 100 lbs on him... doesn't take PHD in physics to figure that out... but his versatility and agility and footspeed guarding the perimeter as an almost 7 footer was elite. And his defensive metrics were way better than all of the stars...
    148 replies | 3616 view(s)
  • warriorfan's Avatar
    Today, 10:50 AM
    warriorfan replied to a thread MJ dunks over Hakeem in NBA Forum
    Bosh couldn’t defend shaq well so therefore he was a bad defender? Dope logic.
    148 replies | 3616 view(s)
  • Kblaze8855's Avatar
    Today, 10:49 AM
    Kblaze8855 replied to a thread MJ dunks over Hakeem in NBA Forum
    I don’t feel a need for another 300 obvious example argument about why numbers don’t necessarily make two players equal even in the same league…. And definitely don’t across eras. Is the kind of thing everyone knows what has to selectively ignore to make points. I’ll just say I’ve been reading a lot of really old raptors discussions today. It’s...
    148 replies | 3616 view(s)
  • warriorfan's Avatar
    Today, 10:47 AM
    You’ve molested children. F.Diddy over here (F stands for fat)
    8 replies | 123 view(s)
  • Manny98's Avatar
    Today, 10:46 AM
    OP bending over for the white race, pathetic Just so you know them crackers will never regard you as their equal, you will always be the inferior mexican dude that lives next door
    8 replies | 226 view(s)
  • 1987_Lakers's Avatar
    Today, 10:45 AM
    1987_Lakers replied to a thread MJ dunks over Hakeem in NBA Forum
    I actually watched Toronto Bosh while you were still in middle school, nothing about his defense stood out. He was a poor post defender mainly because he was pretty skinny, and most of the time the effort simply wasn't there mainly because he was the offense of Toronto. He gave you some rim protection because of his length, but he was always known...
    148 replies | 3616 view(s)
  • highwhey's Avatar
    Today, 10:43 AM
    you've sucked d1ck for crack :lol
    8 replies | 123 view(s)
  • warriorfan's Avatar
    Today, 10:40 AM
    warriorfan replied to a thread MJ dunks over Hakeem in NBA Forum
    comparing him to mcdyess is disrespectful i’ve seen you simp for guys who never won a ring and how it’s so unfair they get criticism for things they can’t control, and that is why lebron made a super team, it’s ring counting fans, blah blah blah now you come around and shit on bosh for not setting the world on fire with jose calderon in...
    148 replies | 3616 view(s)
  • tpols's Avatar
    Today, 10:37 AM
    tpols replied to a thread MJ dunks over Hakeem in NBA Forum
    See this is where you need to pay attention to the debate and not hop in without reading like a fool. Reading is fundamental. Kblaze was listing guys like Lavine or Beal types who put up huge statlines on great efficiency as a comparison to Chris Bosh. Chris Bosh's defense however was way better than theirs. He was in the big time positive when...
    148 replies | 3616 view(s)
  • Off the Court's Avatar
    8 replies | 123 view(s)
  • Kblaze8855's Avatar
    Today, 10:34 AM
    Kblaze8855 replied to a thread MJ dunks over Hakeem in NBA Forum
    Nothing to project about. It’s the same thing I’ve been consistently saying about the exact same players for 18 years. You could pull my text on Bosh word for word from 15 to 18 years ago and slide them in with shit I said last year and not tell them apart. I don’t need to bullshit anybody. I don’t need to come with a bunch of takes I don’t...
    148 replies | 3616 view(s)
  • warriorfan's Avatar
    Today, 10:33 AM
    You’re weird and gay.
    8 replies | 123 view(s)
  • diamenz's Avatar
    Today, 10:33 AM
    jesus. you idiots are going at each other at 2:30 on a monday morning? it's clear that neither one of you work or have anything meaningful going on in your lives. losers. :rolleyes:
    47 replies | 1331 view(s)
  • warriorfan's Avatar
    Today, 10:32 AM
    warriorfan replied to a thread MJ dunks over Hakeem in NBA Forum
    That’s fair I’m just giving you a heads up that it is a shitty stat. source:
    148 replies | 3616 view(s)
  • kamil's Avatar
    Today, 10:28 AM
    You forgot to add 6 finals losses to LeBron's* resume.
    19 replies | 637 view(s)
  • 1987_Lakers's Avatar
    Today, 10:28 AM
    1987_Lakers replied to a thread MJ dunks over Hakeem in NBA Forum
    All defensive advanced stats have flaws, tpols was the one who brought up advanced defensive metrics for Bosh's case. Toronto Bosh and defense do not go hand in hand.
    148 replies | 3616 view(s)
  • SouBeachTalents's Avatar
    Today, 10:20 AM
    Bosh is honestly MUCH closer to McDyess than he is to 2010 Kobe :lol
    148 replies | 3616 view(s)
  • warriorfan's Avatar
    Today, 10:18 AM
    warriorfan replied to a thread MJ dunks over Hakeem in NBA Forum
    DBPM is the worst stat. Creator of the stat even admits it. Google it, it’s in writing on basketball reference.
    148 replies | 3616 view(s)
  • warriorfan's Avatar
    Today, 10:17 AM
    warriorfan replied to a thread MJ dunks over Hakeem in NBA Forum
    That’s a whole lotta words to dance around the fact that your criticisms with bosh aren’t consistent with other dudes you talk about. You can say I have the agenda when you are obviously projecting. Didn’t you call Bosh Antonio McDyess a few posts ago? You are gonna try to clutch your pearls and act like 3ball and I are trolls and come...
    148 replies | 3616 view(s)
  • 1987_Lakers's Avatar
    Today, 10:11 AM
    1987_Lakers replied to a thread MJ dunks over Hakeem in NBA Forum
    Bosh's defensive box plus/minus was in the negative throughout his 7 years in Toronto and the Raptors had the worst defense in the NBA in 2010 with Bosh. Using defense as some sort of decisive factor when arguing for Toronto Bosh is retarded.
    148 replies | 3616 view(s)
  • tpols's Avatar
    Today, 10:04 AM
    tpols replied to a thread MJ dunks over Hakeem in NBA Forum
    Nobody said Bosh was a defensive force, but again he had way better defensive metrics than a Zach Lavine or Bradley Beal type. Like... way better. This is documented fact. His splits were always in the big time positive. There are a lot of go to scorers who gave up just as much as they produced. Bosh simply wasn't one of them.
    148 replies | 3616 view(s)
  • Off the Court's Avatar
    8 replies | 123 view(s)
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