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Today, 04:57 PM
The Superbowl typically ends after 10pm EST, that's not a whole lot better. Both games really could start like 6pm EST at the latest.
134 replies | 2568 view(s)
Today, 04:53 PM
Why is the game on at 8PM Sunday anyways? They need to learn from the superbowl. People have work on Monday and kids need to be in bed.
134 replies | 2568 view(s)
Today, 04:50 PM
He was the reasons the Kings won as many games as they did tbh
George Karl won as many games as he did because of talent, whether it was Payton and Kemp or Melo and Iverson... and they always underachieved. He NEVER made winning adjustments in a playoff series. Usually, players who thrive under a coach for a long period appreciate their coach....
20 replies | 430 view(s)
Today, 04:42 PM
This man gets it. :applause:
0 replies | 4 view(s)
Today, 04:39 PM
Here's a thought, with how global the league is how about having next years ASW overseas?
- Drop Friday night events
- Skills contest, dunk contest and 3 point shootout (in that order) Saturday night. Consider opening up the dunk contest to non-nba 'pros'
- Rising stars game and ASG on Sunday. Team USA vs Int'l stars format, FIBA rules...
134 replies | 2568 view(s)
Today, 04:39 PM
I watched the ASG for the first time in several years.
I'd watch it again next year, particularly now that Ja Morant and Giannis have signed up for dunk contest.
I actually think the league will improve once Lebron, Durant etc are out of the league and young guys like Luka and Wemby and Morant are the faces. Wemby played defense.
134 replies | 2568 view(s)
Today, 04:36 PM
Congrats on the kid bro.
4 replies | 41 view(s)
Today, 04:35 PM
Like no way girllll
tell me everythingggg
134 replies | 2568 view(s)
Today, 04:31 PM
OMG I forget to mention how Kevin Hart was one of the main contributors to the ASG lameness.
Hart seems to think that just by yelling or swearing, that alone makes him funny. It does not.
134 replies | 2568 view(s)
Today, 04:22 PM
Nah, the ugliest and most unaesthetic game of all ATGs goes to Lebron.
4 replies | 104 view(s)
Today, 04:22 PM
But then the interest died again and leveled off until the Lavine/Gordon 2016 dunk-off, and only being kept on life support the past 3 years by McClung( to his credit).
I agree that the ASG needs to go away, but I think putting these things out of their misery to bring them back a few years later are band-aid fixes. The underlying issues...
134 replies | 2568 view(s)
Today, 04:03 PM
Franchise tag candidates
1900 replies | 57133 view(s)
Today, 04:01 PM
It wasn’t even close. What happened to all the young talent? This team was an averaged age of 33
4 replies | 41 view(s)
Today, 03:59 PM
If the game was being taken seriously they would have attacked the mismatch of Tatum guarding Jokic.
Yes I know I am replying to a stupid tell account. I am holding a 2 month old baby we can only get to sleep when she is held. Bad parenting and also very boring.
4 replies | 41 view(s)
Today, 03:56 PM
Kyrie wouldn’t come close to winning it tho. Embiid would, easily.
Great news tho.
9 replies | 174 view(s)
Today, 03:53 PM
They might actually work, get rid of it. They Dunk contest went away for 2 season and returned with Vince Carter.
The players might care then ... how bad would it look if your generation was the one that had the make the All-Star game go away.
134 replies | 2568 view(s)
Today, 03:47 PM
The only thing that will make people hyped for the ASG is getting rid of it for a few years. Then bring it back, east vs west just as before. It will still almost certainly suck ass but people will be hyped/tricked into watching it again. The format this year without question is one of the most absurd ideas the NBA have had and that's saying...
134 replies | 2568 view(s)
Today, 03:43 PM
Winning an exhibition game to 40 tells us a lot :lol
4 replies | 41 view(s)
Today, 03:34 PM
The average age is 33 on the OG Team. Young stars and international team didn’t do anything. That’s a pretty bad sign that the mid 30s team represents the majority of the best stars. Think about that. How could today’s young athletes be better when it’s the old guys taking it all? Very telling.
4 replies | 41 view(s)
Today, 03:31 PM
Last night was painfully bad. Especially Kevin Hart. Just horrible.
The league has lost the plot.
134 replies | 2568 view(s)
Today, 03:30 PM
The kings have had bad ownership. To say a guy that won as much with several different teams as a bad coach is certainly debatable. Dominant players can carry teams and at least make them competitive. Hes the main reason the kings sucked. He was inefficient. Bad defender. Empty stats and a whining, pouting head case that still doesnt get it...
20 replies | 430 view(s)
9 replies | 174 view(s)
Today, 03:15 PM
I don't think he's completely at fault. Dude wrote his own story with his attitude and short fuse. But the management and team itself was garbage top down. George Karl is a horrible coach... if you get fired from coaching the Kings, you suck.
20 replies | 430 view(s)
Today, 03:10 PM
Happy Birthday to a legend.
Crazy how time flies...
0 replies | 21 view(s)
Today, 03:08 PM
well yeah more money would change that but I said what I said under the assumption the NBA wont spend more than they already are.
134 replies | 2568 view(s)
Today, 02:43 PM
My issue with this is the NBA expecting the average meat and potato fan to accept that star players earning 250 million dollar contracts need further financial incentive. 250k? 500K? 750? What about a cool million? And really, 225k is nothing to these guys. This is a slippery slope. Increasing money isn't the answer when the inherent problem is...
134 replies | 2568 view(s)
Today, 02:30 PM
Where is demarcus on this list? The guy that would dominate in any era except the one he played in :roll:
DeMarcus Cousins: The way I’m wired and the way I’m built, I feel like I could dominate in any era. I’m very confident in my abilities, my work ethic, and the commitment I’ve put into my craft. No matter when I played, I believe I would...
20 replies | 430 view(s)
Today, 02:25 PM
Yeah I agree. Really, what's proven to work is incentive. They made the mid-season tournament more competitive by incentivizing it with money, they need to do better with the all star game. Stop awarding second and third places.
Currently this is the way it's setup:
How about 225K for each player on the winning team and none for all...
134 replies | 2568 view(s)
Today, 02:18 PM
A shining example of a gimmick being used to supplement the lack of substance with the play. Same with the musical performances and the hideous courts. Didn't they do an 'LED' court last year? It's all bullshit. I see the likes of Oscar at courtside, he must be thinking where the fukk did we take the wrong turn?!
134 replies | 2568 view(s)
Today, 02:18 PM
paul george's game is clean altogether. suspiciously clean
1 replies | 29 view(s)