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02-15-2007, 12:01 AM
Tim Hardaway: 'I Hate Gay People'
(CBS4) MIAMI Former Miami Heat superstar Tim Hardaway told a local sports radio show that he hates gay people.
Hardaway made the comments while he was being interviewed by Dan Le Batard on 790 the Ticket Wednesday afternoon.

The five time All Star was asked how he would deal with a gay teammate.

?First of all I wouldn?t want him on my team,? said Hardaway. ? ?Second of all, if he was on my team I would really distance myself from him because I don?t think that?s right and I don?t think he should be in the locker room when we?re in the locker room.?

Le Batard took Hardaway to task, pointing out that his comments were ?flatly homophobic? and bigoted, but that only seemed to stir up the former point guard.

?Well, you know, I hate gay people,? Hardaway said in response to Le Batard. ?I let it be known I don?t like gay people. I don?t like to be around gay people. I?m homophobic. It shouldn?t be in the world, in the United States, I don?t like it.?

Hardaway?s comments come on the heels of a groundbreaking revelation made by former player John Amaechi, who became the first professional basketball player to openly identify himself as gay.

Amaechi became only the sixth male atlhlete from one of the four major American sports (NBA,MLB,NFL,NHL) to admit he is gay.

Former NFL running back David Kopay , offensive lineman Roy Simmons and defensive lineman Esera Tuaolo just recently came out.

Glenn Burke, an outfielder for the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Oakland Athletics in the 1970s, and Billy Bean, a utility player in the 1980s and 1990s, have also come out.

No player has ever publicly admitted to being gay while currently playing for one of the four major American sports.

He will be remembered for this now. Some athletes you wish could just keep their mouths shut.

02-15-2007, 12:10 AM
Hardaway was never a smart guy. Hubie Brown should go and educate Hardaway.

Real Men Wear Green
02-15-2007, 12:22 AM
I was a Tim Hardaway fan growing up, and will still remember his game and his greatness as a player, but it's a little sad to see him show hatred and stupidity. Two simple things that everyone should know:

1. Don't be a bigot.

2. If you must be a bigot, keep your comments to yourself, stupid.

I can't wait for him to check into rehab like that clown Isiah Washington.

02-15-2007, 12:27 AM
Still my favortie PG of all time. Everybody's entitled to their opinion, I think he went a little overboard but to each his own. I can understand some of his points like being in the locker room.

02-15-2007, 12:40 AM
Still my favortie PG of all time. Everybody's entitled to their opinion, I think he went a little overboard but to each his own. I can understand some of his points like being in the locker room.

well said, I'm thinking these media are on a witch hunt and catching these players off guard and spontaneously just utter words they dont really mean.

02-15-2007, 12:41 AM
this guy makes tyrus thomas look like a genius

Dick Biggly
02-15-2007, 12:43 AM
well said, I'm thinking these media are on a witch hunt and catching these players off guard and spontaneously just utter words they dont really mean.

witch hunt? nobody catching off guard makes you say **** like "I hate gays". stop trying to make excuses for the guy being an ignorant moron. You'd think black players would be a little more empathic to this situation, considering it wasn't all that long ago that people were saying these same kinds of hateful things about them.

02-15-2007, 12:43 AM
I was a Tim Hardaway fan growing up, and will still remember his game and his greatness as a player, but it's a little sad to see him show hatred and stupidity. Two simple things that everyone should know:

1. Don't be a bigot.

2. If you must be a bigot, keep your comments to yourself, stupid.

I can't wait for him to check into rehab like that clown Isiah Washington.

isiah washington actually isnt bigoted. he never called the guy a ****** and his castmate confirmed it.. it was just PR to go into 'rehab'

02-15-2007, 12:44 AM
Finnaly someone says what we have all been thinking...He is like the Martin Luther King of gay-hate :D

More like George Wallace of homophobia. But I can see how you'd confuse the two.

02-15-2007, 12:45 AM
Whatever his personal feelings about the subject, he should have kept it to himself. I'm not sure why he would be so insecure as to even worry about it, but it is his opinion. He just should have kept it to himself, considering he is a public figure. He will suffer from much public scrutiny over this....


Tarik One
02-15-2007, 01:01 AM
No different than Karl Malone's remarks about Magic's HIV years ago. I don't see the big deal. He's only echoing many other's opinions. I find it somewhat admirable.

02-15-2007, 01:18 AM
No different than Karl Malone's remarks about Magic's HIV years ago. I don't see the big deal. He's only echoing many other's opinions. I find it somewhat admirable.
Hardaway: ``Well, you know I hate gay people, so I let it be known. I don't like gay people and I don't like to be around gay people. I am homophobic. I don't like it. It shouldn't be in the world or in the United States. So yeah, I don't like it.''

Real admirable.....There are people that don't like black people. If Lary Bird came out and said "you know I hate black people" that would be really admirable............:rollingeyes:

02-15-2007, 01:20 AM
tim hardaway sux ****. freaking loser

02-15-2007, 01:24 AM
oh yeah...i forgot about malones comments on magic's HIV...but the whole hardaway situation is hard to say...yes he has his right to his opinion....and also there is a certain point where you should stop yourself....but i also think maybe some of this could be tabloid stuff....but i am not lettin him off the hook but they could have made it worse...

02-15-2007, 01:30 AM

02-15-2007, 01:31 AM
what did hardaway say?

02-15-2007, 01:32 AM
what did hardaway say?
Pretty stupid on his part, lost some respect for him.

02-15-2007, 01:33 AM
He publicly admitted to being a homophobe and said he wouldn't want to play on a team w/ Amaechi

02-15-2007, 01:38 AM
Wow, how can he say that? Harsh.

02-15-2007, 01:41 AM
well said, I'm thinking these media are on a witch hunt and catching these players off guard and spontaneously just utter words they dont really mean.

did you read what he said?

02-15-2007, 01:47 AM
so Tim Hardaway hates gay people - its his opinion. He corrected himself later on... he probably just hates homosexuality.
If your God fearing you would hate homosexuality too... its pure New Testament. but not the person. He shouldn't have said that

02-15-2007, 01:56 AM
so Tim Hardaway hates gay people - its his opinion. He corrected himself later on... he probably just hates homosexuality.If your God fearing you would hate homosexuality too... its pure New Testament. but not the person. He shouldn't have said that

I hate black people, I mean I hate the way black people live their lives. Wow I really see your point.

02-15-2007, 01:59 AM
so Tim Hardaway hates gay people - its his opinion. He corrected himself later on... he probably just hates homosexuality.
If your God fearing you would hate homosexuality too... its pure New Testament. but not the person. He shouldn't have said that

Lot of other things are kosher according to the NT, including but not limited to, slavery. So, if a straight athlete espouses homophobia for religious reasons, could a white athlete praise slavery, pointing to Saul of Tarsus' epistle to Philemon?

02-15-2007, 02:02 AM
When somebody says "You should keep those comments to yourself" that !s bas!cally say!ng they don't have the r!ght to say those th!ngs. Maybe !f had read the thread you would have seen that doo doo d!gger.

Using those words is showing it is an opinion. Saying he can't say that is different. And he should not have said it bc it is disrespectful.

El Kabong
02-15-2007, 02:11 AM
It's to be expected that someone would come out saying things such as that. I wonder if he'll be taken off TV for it though.

02-15-2007, 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by Hotlantadude81
Isn't freedom of speech what the country is supposed to be about... He has the r!ght to say he hates gay people !f he wants to.

that doesn't make his comments any less ignorant.

Lot of other things are kosher according to the NT, including but not limited to, slavery. So, if a straight athlete espouses homophobia for religious reasons, could a white athlete praise slavery, pointing to Saul of Tarsus' epistle to Philemon?

you are making the fatal mistake of trying to use logic while discussing religion.

02-15-2007, 02:24 AM
Big deal, a lot of people aren't fans of sexual hedonism. Hooray for morals :banana:

02-15-2007, 02:26 AM
!n other words, you can't comeback w!th anyth!ng leg!t, so that's the best you can do. You shouldn't have wasted my t!me !f that's all you got.

John probably "came out of the closet" to get h!s 15 m!nutes of fame (s!nce nobody cared about h!m when he was play!ng) and he got !t.

You said give me a break bc you didn't understand a word. So then you came back and changed the topic, you were the one who couldn't come back with anything. Which is why I called you an idiot for changing the topic by pulling up this PC crap out of your *ss.

02-15-2007, 02:27 AM
Big deal, a lot of people aren't fans of sexual hedonism. Hooray for morals :banana:

Yay. Hooray for YOUR morals.

02-15-2007, 02:34 AM
Big deal, a lot of people aren't fans of sexual hedonism. Hooray for morals :banana:

Matt 7:2-5 "For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eyepecially those we will not admit, magnified by our selective blindnes? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye, when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."


02-15-2007, 02:38 AM
What ! sa!d !s true. !t's not my fault !f you can't read through bullsh!t. Say!ng "You should" !n the context !t was used !n shows !t to be noth!ng more than a lame copout.

Your the one who is taking his sentence out of context. There are many things you can say but that does not mean it is morally right. Now come back with your same PC excuse.

02-15-2007, 02:39 AM
That's ok... not everyone was accepting of abolishing slavery either... :confusedshrug:

02-15-2007, 02:41 AM
That's ok... not everyone was accepting of abolishing slavery either... :confusedshrug:

Thats the best comparison that some people are choosing to ignore. By ignoring that they are showing their hate towards gay people as if they are not human.

02-15-2007, 02:42 AM
Matt 7:2-5 "For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eyepecially those we will not admit, magnified by our selective blindnes? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye, when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."


You mean to tell me this stuff by Jesus himself is more important than off-hand comments about homosexuality by a guy who never actually knew him while he was alive?

02-15-2007, 02:43 AM
I have two thoughts on this, one i would rather someone come out and truly say what they feel rather than lie. So from that aspect i guess its good that he came out and said what he said. From the other aspect I dont think you should hate Homosexuals even if you hate homosexuality(which is unnatural btw) so i hate how he came out and said that.

02-15-2007, 02:44 AM
That's ok... not everyone was accepting of abolishing slavery either... :confusedshrug:

Or allowing aborton

Or the creation of unions


Debate is essential to America. Anyone or anything that argues that there should be only one perspective is scary to me. You don't have to be pro-gay. After all, it is a sexual life-style. Just like, I don't have to support pedephilia, which is a sexual preference.

02-15-2007, 02:44 AM
MY PC comments stands. Yours don't. It's that s!mple.

!s h!d!ng your sexuality from people you shower around morally r!ght.

Your PC comments don't stand. Your whole arguement has been flawed from the start. But I understand you hate gay people and your entitled to your opinion.

02-15-2007, 02:45 AM
MY PC comments stands. Yours don't. It's that s!mple.

!s h!d!ng your sexuality from people you shower around morally r!ght.

Whoa, whoa. I now HAVE a moral responsibility to inform people I shower around about my sexual preference? So, next time I go to the YMCA to shoot hoops, and hit the showers afterwards, I should go around the change room, introduce myself to everyone and say "Hi, I'm Paul, I prefer to put my **** in women, how about you?"

02-15-2007, 02:46 AM
Hardaway is probably gay. I remember one of my friends in 3rd grade was really anti-gay. Always talking about gays. And sex. And boobs. He used to pick on a really feminine kid (who is also gay). Surprise, surprise, he's gay, too!

02-15-2007, 02:48 AM
More than half the states in this country have a ban on gay marriage yet folks are acting like this is some sort of outrage. I love the media :oldlol:

02-15-2007, 02:50 AM
Your PC comments don't stand. Your whole arguement has been flawed from the start. But I understand you hate gay people and your entitled to your opinion.

Answer the quest!on.

Th!s !sn't a lawyer com!ng out and say!ng that he's gay. !t's a guy that shared the same lockerroom w!th other men.

02-15-2007, 02:50 AM
The guy was a nobody and fell out of the league, now he's selling books and going on talk shows

02-15-2007, 02:50 AM
More than half the states in this country have a ban on gay marriage yet folks are acting like this is some sort of outrage. I love the media :oldlol:

Yeah slavery was really not that bad back in the day bc most people were ok with it. I completely understand your reasoning.

02-15-2007, 02:51 AM
More than half the states in this country have a ban on gay marriage yet folks are acting like this is some sort of outrage. I love the media :oldlol:
:( unfortunately I think this is going to be a main thing he gets remembered for.

02-15-2007, 02:53 AM
Yeah slavery was really not that bad back in the day bc most people were ok with it. I completely understand your reasoning.

Look, the guy's a bigot but I find it funny how the media is trashing him like most folks in the country don't feel the same way...

02-15-2007, 02:54 AM
Answer the quest!on.

Th!s !sn't a lawyer com!ng out and say!ng that he's gay. !t's a guy that shared the same lockerroom w!th other men.

And? Get over it, not everyone is going to be like you. If your that scared of gay people don't do anything in a men's locker room. You obviously do not like gay people like many others so they are not going to tell people, whoever does not like gay people get out of the shower. I am gay and I need to take a shower. People like you judge them and try to push them down like racist people did towards blacks. It is not like they get their own showers, deal with it.

02-15-2007, 02:54 AM
No different than Karl Malone's remarks about Magic's HIV years ago. I don't see the big deal. He's only echoing many other's opinions. I find it somewhat admirable.

lets see how admirable you'd think it was if matt carroll said the same things about black people, or lebron about white people. all hell would break loose.

02-15-2007, 02:55 AM
I don't understand what the big deal is that Tim said all this. Conversations among friends in similar fashion happens each day. I know Tim Hardaway is a public figure, but how many of you doubt that how he feels reflects the feelings of most of the other non-gay players in the NBA or team sports in general?

I see some of you compare this to racism. People don't publicly say out loud that they hate a certain race to avoid getting physically attacked, not because they don't believe in how they feel or they feel it's wrong to think like that.

02-15-2007, 02:56 AM
Yeah slavery was really not that bad back in the day bc most people were ok with it. I completely understand your reasoning.
Slavery is a whole nother thing.

As far as civil rights blacks were discriminated against by the government, whereas gays pretty much aren't except for a few tax benefits and other little legal stuff that unmarried straights have too, though I see no reason why they don't just fix that up with civil unions.

Some people may hate gays but the same set of laws apply to them as straights so you can't really compare it to slavery or civil rights. But there is a problem if people like Hardaway are so afraid of them, though I think mainly he's just being a tough guy and he thought that was what he was supposed to say. Most people don't really care about gays either way except for some Christians, people just say they don't like them to act tough or manly.

02-15-2007, 02:56 AM
Whoa, whoa. I now HAVE a moral responsibility to inform people I shower around about my sexual preference? So, next time I go to the YMCA to shoot hoops, and hit the showers afterwards, I should go around the change room, introduce myself to everyone and say "Hi, I'm Paul, I prefer to put my **** in women, how about you?"

! th!nk most dudes would want to be able to shower and not worry about somebody else lust!ng after them wh!le they're naked and shower!ng. ! suppose !t should also be ok for men and women to share a lockerroom.

02-15-2007, 02:57 AM
Look, the guy's a bigot but I find it funny how the media is trashing him like most folks in the country don't feel the same way...

It is not his opinion that matters most but the fact that he would publicly say something like that. I bet there are many basketball players who do not like gay people but you don't hear them talking about it.

02-15-2007, 02:58 AM
And? Get over it, not everyone is going to be like you. If your that scared of gay people don't do anything in a men's locker room. You obviously do not like gay people like many others so they are not going to tell people, whoever does not like gay people get out of the shower. I am gay and I need to take a shower. People like you judge them and try to push them down like racist people did towards blacks. It is not like they get their own showers, deal with it.

Why don't you learn to deal w!th the fact that some people don't l!ke you or what you do.

02-15-2007, 02:59 AM
The guy was a nobody and fell out of the league, now he's selling books and going on talk shows

I know, Mark Madsen has had a better career than him.

02-15-2007, 03:00 AM
I don't like fat people.

02-15-2007, 03:00 AM
! th!nk most dudes would want to be able to shower and not worry about somebody else lust!ng after them wh!le they're naked and shower!ng. ! suppose !t should also be ok for men and women to share a lockerroom.

A man watching a women is different than a gay man watching another man. For the same reason male officers are not allowed to search women but yet women officers are allowed to search men, so stfu.

02-15-2007, 03:01 AM
I know, Mark Madsen has had a better career than him.
his coming out party is giving him more success and fame then his entire career.:rockon:

02-15-2007, 03:01 AM
Why don't you learn to deal w!th the fact that some people don't l!ke you or what you do.

I am not gay but it not right to tell people how they should live their lifestyle. So you are the one who needs to deal with fact some guy is probably *********ing to images of you. Bc as much as you might hate it, it is not going to change anything.

02-15-2007, 03:02 AM
And how !s !t so d!fferent.

Do women officers search men?

02-15-2007, 03:03 AM
! th!nk most dudes would want to be able to shower and not worry about somebody else lust!ng after them wh!le they're naked and shower!ng.

Oh no, not lusting. NOT LUSTING!!! What with all kinds of people having telekinetic powers nowadays, people's thoughts are more dangerous than ever! Think about the damage that could be caused by people having erotic thoughts about other people.

Oh, and I'm sure women at your local stripmall just wet their panties at the thought of your creepy gaze on their bodies.

02-15-2007, 03:03 AM
this guy makes tyrus thomas look like a genius

:oldlol: :oldlol:

It shouldn?t be in the world, in the United States, I don?t like it.?
Just because he doesn't like it, it shouldn't be in the world.. :wtf:

02-15-2007, 03:03 AM
I have to hear this

02-15-2007, 03:05 AM
I will make it easier for you. Understand that are society does not have 4 different kinds of restrooms. We do not have gay, lesbians, men, and ladies as an options. So when your in a locker room or restroom you should already know that a gay person is in there. Deal with it already.

02-15-2007, 03:05 AM
Some people may hate gays but the same set of laws apply to them as straights so you can't really compare it to slavery or civil rights.

Gays are often victims of violence and harassment. They can be find themselves unable to find a job or housing because of their sexual orientation. Things are even worse for transgendered people.

02-15-2007, 03:06 AM
A man watching a women is different than a gay man watching another man. For the same reason male officers are not allowed to search women but yet women officers are allowed to search men, so stfu.

Pretty sure you can request they have a male search you. But you have to specifically request it.

02-15-2007, 03:08 AM
Pretty sure you can request they have a male search you. But you have to specifically request it.

Either way it would be at their request but you know what I mean. But like I said we only have two restrooms or locker rooms, men and ladies.

02-15-2007, 03:09 AM
Gays are often victims of violence and harassment. They can be find themselves unable to find a job or housing because of their sexual orientation. Things are even worse for transgendered people.

Not to mention they can't get married so obviously they do not have the same rights. I say let them get married so they can deal with the same problems other people go through, ah marriage.

02-15-2007, 03:09 AM
I will make it easier for you. Understand that are society does not have 4 different kinds of restrooms. We do not have gay, lesbians, men, and ladies as an options. So when your in a locker room or restroom you should already know that a gay person is in there. Deal with it already.

No, people shouldn't have to "just deal w!th !t" no more than you just have to deal w!th !t that people don't l!ke your sexual preference. There should be seperate locker rooms for g@y and lesb!an people. E!ther that, or throw everybody together.

People shouldn't be !n a s!tuat!on to where they m!ght be unw!ll!ng objects of lust.

02-15-2007, 03:11 AM
No, people shouldn't have to "just deal w!th !t" no more than you just have to deal w!th !t that people don't l!ke your sexual preference. There should be seperate locker rooms for g@y and lesb!an people. E!ther that, or throw everybody together.

I am done talking to you, your hate is beyond reasonable. Your wrong and this conversation is over. But I suppose you will fund the project to make all these new restrooms, knock yourself out.

02-15-2007, 03:11 AM
comparing homosexuality with skin color is just moronic. There is nothing wrong or unnatural about being any skin color. It is unnatural and wrong to be gay. I dont hate homosexuals nor do i think anyone should but this comparison is more foolish than tims statements.

02-15-2007, 03:17 AM
No, people shouldn't have to "just deal w!th !t" no more than you just have to deal w!th !t that people don't l!ke your sexual preference. There should be seperate locker rooms for g@y and lesb!an people. E!ther that, or throw everybody together.

People shouldn't be !n a s!tuat!on to where they m!ght be unw!ll!ng objects of lust.

hmm, your posts are turning me on, big guy. Oops, sorry, I lusted after you a little there, my bad. (unless you are willing, of course ;) )

but seriously, re-read what you just wrote and tell me how we as a society are supposed to control peoples lust? Or why we would even want to? Do you want everybody to have to wear full-body hijabs when they go out in public (and also in the shower)? It makes no sense, and I'm willing to bet that your position on being an unwilling object of lust to women would be a bit different.

02-15-2007, 03:17 AM
I am not gay but it not right to tell people how they should live their lifestyle. So you are the one who needs to deal with fact some guy is probably *********ing to images of you. Bc as much as you might hate it, it is not going to change anything.How different is that from self righteous people who continue to tell everyone how they should react to Ameechi's announcements and homosexuals as a whole?

02-15-2007, 03:17 AM
comparing homosexuality with skin color is just moronic. There is nothing wrong or unnatural about being any skin color. It is unnatural and wrong to be gay. I dont hate homosexuals nor do i think anyone should but this comparison is more foolish than tims statements.

Thats your opinion, it is not fact so stfu. And I will not be responding to you either so don't bother responding to this comment. People don't choose to be gay or lesbian just not like no one chooses their ethnicity.

02-15-2007, 03:18 AM
I am done talking to you, your hate is beyond reasonable. Your wrong and this conversation is over. But I suppose you will fund the project to make all these new restrooms, knock yourself out.

Hate...Because your g@y and ! don't see everyth!ng your way means ! hate you because you're g@y.:roll:

! th!nk there should be a solut!on that makes everybody feel comfortable. ! suppose you th!nk ! hate lesb!ans because ! feel they should have the!r own locker room aswell. Have you ever met a str8 guy that truly hates lesb!ans.

02-15-2007, 03:18 AM
It is unnatural and wrong to be gay.

Wow. Someone tell this guy we're not living in the Middle Ages anymore.

02-15-2007, 03:21 AM
Basically, anyone who has a problem with gay people is either a) an intolerant Bible-bashing redneck or b) deeply queer themselves. Often a combo of both.

02-15-2007, 03:21 AM
you can argue wrong but if you so choose but there is absolutely no way you can argue that homosexuality is natural. Good god people have gotten brainwashed.

02-15-2007, 03:22 AM
How different is that from self righteous people who continue to tell everyone how they should react to Ameechi's announcements and homosexuals as a whole?

I hate black bc they are black.
You can't hate blacks bc they are human and they were just born with darker skin.
You can't tell me anything bc I was born with this opinion.

Oh ok I see your reasoning.

02-15-2007, 03:22 AM
Basically, anyone who has a problem with gay people is either a) an intolerant Bible-bashing redneck or b) deeply queer themselves. Often a combo of both.
I love that the same people who preach tolerance towards homosexuality have none for anyone who doesnt agree with them. What an idiot.

02-15-2007, 03:23 AM
you can argue wrong but if you so choose but there is absolutely no way you can argue that homosexuality is natural. Good god people have gotten brainwashed.

Animals show signs of homosexuality, you don't get more natural than that.
End of discussion.

02-15-2007, 03:24 AM
I hate black bc they are black.
You can't hate black bc they are human and they were just born with darker skin.
You can't tell me anything bc I was born with this opinion.

Oh ok I see your reasoning.
yet again, your skin pigments and sexual orientation are completely different.

02-15-2007, 03:25 AM
Animals show signs of homosexuality, you don't get more natural than that.
End of discussion.
you wouldnt be here if your parents were gay. End of discussion.

02-15-2007, 03:25 AM
I love that the same people who preach tolerance towards homosexuality have none for anyone who doesnt agree with them. What an idiot.

Correct. The USA !s full of hypocr!tes.

02-15-2007, 03:26 AM
yet again, your skin pigments and sexual orientation are completely different.

No it is not! People don't choose to be gay or lesbian! As I said in my last post, end of discussion. None of your points were valid.

02-15-2007, 03:27 AM
No it is not! People don't choose to be gay or lesbian! As I said in my last post, end of discussion. None of your points were valid.
people dont choose who to be attracted to, but they do choose whether or not to actually commit homosexual acts.

02-15-2007, 03:28 AM
you wouldnt be here if your parents were gay. End of discussion.

post #41

02-15-2007, 03:29 AM
people dont choose who to be attracted to, but they do choose whether or not to actually commit homosexual acts.

Straight people don't choose to be straight but they choose to have sex with the oppostite sex. You think its wrong so everything you argue comes from that perspective, no point in arguing with you. bye

02-15-2007, 03:30 AM
No it is not! People don't choose to be gay or lesbian! As I said in my last post, end of discussion. None of your points were valid.

I don't get why you think homosexuality is so right and natural. Men and women's bodies are designed to be heterosexual. People who got nothing better to do and preach about letting gay people be gay are the reason why we have more homosexuals in the world today than ever before.

02-15-2007, 03:32 AM
I don't get why you think homosexuality is so right and natural. Men and women's bodies are designed to be heterosexual. People who got nothing better to do and preach about letting gay people be gay are the reason why we have more homosexuals in the world today than ever before.

Yes homosexuals will destroy the world!
There is not more, they are just coming out the closet idiot. end of discussion, said it before but mean it this time.

02-15-2007, 03:34 AM
post #41
i have some news for you, your mom isnt a lesbian. She might be bi, but she isnt a lesbian. If she had had sex with a guy once or twice you/she might have played it off as experimentation but not 6 years dude not to mention the sex they most likely had before marriage. And again I point out, you didnt come from her sleeping with another woman. You came from her sleepin with a man which is about as far from a homosexual act as you can get.

02-15-2007, 03:35 AM
John Amaechi credits Tim Hardaway about what he said because at least he was honest....whoa...

02-15-2007, 03:37 AM
Straight people don't choose to be straight but they choose to have sex with the oppostite sex. You think its wrong so everything you argue comes from that perspective, no point in arguing with you. bye
thats right they choose to have sex with the opposite sex. If they chose to have sex with the same sex, they would be gay(or bi). As to me thinking its wrong and my argument coming from that perspective, you think? Now think deeply about yourself and realize that your arguments are exactly the same, you think its right and all of your arguments come from that perspective.

02-15-2007, 03:37 AM
i have some news for you, your mom isnt a lesbian. She might be bi, but she isnt a lesbian. If she had had sex with a guy once or twice you/she might have played it off as experimentation but not 6 years dude not to mention the sex they most likely had before marriage. And again I point out, you didnt come from her sleeping with another woman. You came from her sleepin with a man which is about as far from a homosexual act as you can get.

No she was depressed and was living in fear bc of people like you. Her and my dad fought many times bc she didn't want to have sex with him. But obviously she did bc she was scared of what he would say. last post, just wanted to clear the last part up.

Real Men Wear Green
02-15-2007, 03:39 AM
More than half the states in this country have a ban on gay marriage yet folks are acting like this is some sort of outrage. I love the media :oldlol:
More than half of the states in this country have an outrage.

02-15-2007, 03:39 AM
thats right they choose to have sex with the opposite sex. If they chose to have sex with the same sex, they would be gay(or bi). As to me thinking its wrong and my argument coming from that perspective, you think? Now think deeply about yourself and realize that your arguments are exactly the same, you think its right and all of your arguments come from that perspective.

Which is why I said end of discussion. Lets agree to disagree, can we do that. We have our own opinions which is what it comes down to but thats fine. I mean this is America right? Is this not America? It aint communist China!

02-15-2007, 03:41 AM
No she was depressed and was living in fear bc of people like you. Her and my dad fought many times bc she didn't want to have sex with him. But obviously she did bc she was scared of what he would say. last post, just wanted to clear the last part up.
because of people like me??? You dont know a damn thing about me. I dont have a problem with homosexuals (and i played with a gay guy on my hs football team) I just have a problem with homosexuality. I think its a bad thing but i dont think it should stop homosexuals from being able to earn a living or anything. Your mom was still at the very least bi. Im sorry but if you screw someone of the opposite sex for 6 years, you arent gay.

02-15-2007, 03:42 AM
I don't get why you think homosexuality is so right and natural. Men and women's bodies are designed to be heterosexual. People who got nothing better to do and preach about letting gay people be gay are the reason why we have more homosexuals in the world today than ever before.

and what that is so bad will happen if we do let gay people be gay? Are you afraid that all the straight people will just decide, "you know what, it would be more fun to be gay" and the human race will die out? All this stuff about being gay being so wrong just reeks of irrational fear. What will happen? What is the worst case scenario here? I don't see what the big deal is.

02-15-2007, 03:44 AM
because of people like me??? You dont know a damn thing about me. I dont have a problem with homosexuals (and i played with a gay guy on my hs football team) I just have a problem with homosexuality. I think its a bad thing but i dont think it should stop homosexuals from being able to earn a living or anything. Your mom was still at the very least bi. Im sorry but if you screw someone of the opposite sex for 6 years, you arent gay.

If you are not attracted to the opposite sex then you are not bi. Having sex out of fear does not make my mom straight. Learn the definition plz.
Now seriously no more. It is getting nowhere.

02-15-2007, 03:44 AM
Which is why I said end of discussion. Lets agree to disagree, can we do that. We have our own opinions which is what it comes down to but thats fine. I mean this is America right? Is this not America? It aint communist China!
thats cool. i do think homosexuality is unnatural and wrong but like i said somewhere though it may not have been on this board, i think alot of other stuff is wrong and its not my place to tell people what to do. I dont agree with what timmy said and i never said homosexuals shouldnt be allowed to play or anything like that i just said i thought it was wrong and then it snowballed from there.

02-15-2007, 03:47 AM
comparing homosexuality with skin color is just moronic. There is nothing wrong or unnatural about being any skin color. It is unnatural and wrong to be gay. I dont hate homosexuals nor do i think anyone should but this comparison is more foolish than tims statements.

It wasn't that long ago that it was unnatural to be black. Or the very least, less than human.

Here's the thing about the "gays choose to be gay" crowd: they admit that when they date a woman, they're consciously making a choice to date a woman, and not a man. When I look at a girl, I don't have to think, "Yes, I would choose to be attracted to that." Basically what you're saying is that, "I have to choose to be attracted to women." :eek:

02-15-2007, 03:49 AM
because of people like me??? You dont know a damn thing about me. I dont have a problem with homosexuals (and i played with a gay guy on my hs football team) I just have a problem with homosexuality. I think its a bad thing but i dont think it should stop homosexuals from being able to earn a living or anything. Your mom was still at the very least bi. Im sorry but if you screw someone of the opposite sex for 6 years, you arent gay.

During the arguement I didn't realize I was talking to two people, I was talking about the other guy. my mistake, its all good.

02-15-2007, 03:51 AM
It wasn't that long ago that it was unnatural to be black. Or the very least, less than human.

Here's the thing about the "gays choose to be gay" crowd: they admit that when they date a woman, they're consciously making a choice to date a woman, and not a man. When I look at a girl, I don't have to think, "Yes, I would choose to be attracted to that." Basically what you're saying is that, "I have to choose to be attracted to women." :eek:
its not less than human to be gay. anyone that says that is foolish too. i dont think you choose who to be attracted to(if you did, you would never get a hard-on at a less than perfect time) but the act of having sex is the actual act of homosexuality. I dont really consider you to have a sexual orientation until you are sexually active.

02-15-2007, 03:54 AM
This conversation totally got my post count up! adding one more now.
Would anyone think less of me if they notice I edit almost all my post due to errors. I don't proof read until after I click submit, bad habbit.

02-15-2007, 03:54 AM
During the arguement I didn't realize I was talking to two people, I was talking about the other guy. my mistake, its all good.
Yep its all cool, I guess im a bit of an oddity because like i said, i am truly against being homosexuality but not homosexuals themselves(actually they are some of the most fun people to hang out with AND you dont have to worry about them trying to hit on the same girls ;)) I can see how that comes off as hypocritical i guess but i dont really think it is.

02-15-2007, 03:55 AM
G!ve me a f*ck!n break. !t's say!ng !t w!thout actually say!ng !t. !t's just a PC way of say!ng "you have no r!ght to say that". Save the PC stuff for somebody that !s dumb enough to buy !t.

you're either under 16 or retarded.

your mom tells you "you should eat your greens, boy"

don't mean you don't have the right to refuse

02-15-2007, 03:55 AM
btw, as a person that is clearly not a big fan of homosexuality am i the only one that thinks its arrogant as hell to be thinking man if we take a shower together and they see me naked, there is no way they can control themselves???

02-15-2007, 04:00 AM
btw, as a person that is clearly not a big fan of homosexuality am i the only one that thinks its arrogant as hell to be thinking man if we take a shower together and they see me naked, there is no way they can control themselves???

Would you still say that if you noticed a guy *********ing while looking at you?
haha only kidding but seriously!

02-15-2007, 04:02 AM
Guys, I need some help. See, I've decided that girls are just a pain with their constant nag nag, nag, they don't do my yardwork, they expect me to be the breadwinner, they expect me to get my hands greasy fixing the truck and all that kinda stuff. So, anyway... I've decided I'd like to become gay so I don't have to do all that manly work all the time, it would be great to have another guy around to do it instead. But, damn it, I'm having the hardest time, I just can't seem to get it up for any of these guys, in fact, it's quite repulsive when it comes to kissing and hugging and the rest. But, my mind is set on it and I've decided I'm going to be gay so I need some help on how to achieve this. Yep, I've made up my mind, but damn it, I just can't get into it so what do I do? What am I doing wrong? Please help me become a happy gay person, I'm told it's a choice so surely there must be a way for me to overcome my non-sexual interest.

02-15-2007, 04:05 AM
^ Wow I am not sure where to even begin, the thought alone of being with a guy in that way is pretty sick.

02-15-2007, 04:05 AM
Guys, I need some help. See, I've decided that girls are just a pain with their constant nag nag, nag, they don't do my yardwork, they expect me to be the breadwinner, they expect me to get my hands greasy fixing the truck and all that kinda stuff. So, anyway... I've decided I'd like to become gay so I don't have to do all that manly work all the time, it would be great to have another guy around to do it instead. But, damn it, I'm having the hardest time, I just can't seem to get it up for any of these guys, in fact, it's quite repulsive when it comes to kissing and hugging and the rest. But, my mind is set on it and I've decided I'm going to be gay so I need some help on how to achieve this. Yep, I've made up my mind, but damn it, I just can't get into it so what do I do? What am I doing wrong? Please help me become a happy gay person, I'm told it's a choice so surely there must be a way for me to overcome my non-sexual interest.

:applause: :applause: :banana:

i'm sick of bible-readers claiming it's actually man's conscious choice whether he's gay or not

Dick Biggly
02-15-2007, 04:11 AM
you wouldnt be here if your parents were gay. End of discussion.

you wouldn't be here if your dad was impotent. I guess we should ban impotent people from getting married because they are unnatural.

02-15-2007, 04:14 AM
^ Wow I am not sure where to even begin, the thought alone of being with a guy in that way is pretty sick.

Well but to them it's a fun and loving thing and in all fairness many of them are a little repulsed by my current sexual preference for woman, but we get along fine and don't mind each other's preference. But I'm hoping I can learn to reach that level where I will be attracted to a man some day. I'm trying to learn how to be gay since I'm told it's a choice. I choose to become gay, why isn't it working for me?

02-15-2007, 04:14 AM
I know, Mark Madsen has had a better career than him.

Mark Madsen has the heart of a champion! And the rings to go with it, too!

Praise Madsen! :bowdown:

02-15-2007, 04:24 AM
Well but to them it's a fun and loving thing and in all fairness many of them are a little repulsed by my current sexual preference for woman, but we get along fine and don't mind each other's preference. But I'm hoping I can learn to reach that level where I will be attracted to a man some day. I'm trying to learn how to be gay since I'm told it's a choice. I choose to become gay, why isn't it working for me?

Just so you know I don't have a problem with gay people, you would know that if you look at the last couple pages. I don't know if you know that bc of my comment to you about my preference could make you think otherwise. But going back to your sarcastic question, tell him you do not what to have sex until you get married, gay people can't get married. It is a sure thing. Ha solved your problem.

02-15-2007, 04:28 AM
Guys, I need some help. See, I've decided that girls are just a pain with their constant nag nag, nag, they don't do my yardwork, they expect me to be the breadwinner, they expect me to get my hands greasy fixing the truck and all that kinda stuff. So, anyway... I've decided I'd like to become gay so I don't have to do all that manly work all the time, it would be great to have another guy around to do it instead. But, damn it, I'm having the hardest time, I just can't seem to get it up for any of these guys, in fact, it's quite repulsive when it comes to kissing and hugging and the rest. But, my mind is set on it and I've decided I'm going to be gay so I need some help on how to achieve this. Yep, I've made up my mind, but damn it, I just can't get into it so what do I do? What am I doing wrong? Please help me become a happy gay person, I'm told it's a choice so surely there must be a way for me to overcome my non-sexual interest.

'98 Homosexual-Recruitment Drive Nearing Goal

SAN FRANCISCO—Spokespersons for the National Gay & Lesbian Recruitment Task Force announced Monday that more than 288,000 straights have been converted to homosexuality since Jan. 1, 1998, putting the group well on pace to reach its goal of 350,000 conversions by the end of the year.


"Thanks to the tireless efforts of our missionaries nationwide, in the first seven months of 1998, nearly 300,000 heterosexuals were ensnared in the Pink Triangle," said NGLRTF co-director Patricia Emmonds. "Clearly, the activist homosexual lobby is winning."

Emmonds credited much of the recruiting success to the gay lobby's infiltration of America's public schools, where programs promoting the homosexual lifestyle are regularly presented to children as young as 5.

Lansing, MI, fifth-grade teacher Margaret Gerhardt. Gerhardt's is one of countless elementary-school classes across the U.S. in which the homosexual agenda and lifestyle are actively promoted.


"It's crucial that we reach these kids while they're still young," Emmonds said. "That's when they're most vulnerable to our message of sexual promiscuity and deviance."

"When I grow up, I want to be gay," said Christopher Linn, 8, a second-grader at Philadelphia's Lakeside Elementary School, one of thousands of public schools nationwide that actively promote the homosexual agenda. "I don't want to have a family or go to church."

"Straight people don't have any fun," said Teddy Nance, 11, after watching Breeders Are Boring!, an anti-heterosexual filmstrip, in his fifth-grade class at Crestwood Elementary School in Roanoke, VA. "Gay people get to do whatever they want."

In addition to school programs that target youths, the NGLRTF launched a $630 million advertising campaign this year in an effort to convert adults to homosexuality. The campaign, which features TV and radio spots, as well as print advertising in major national magazines, has helped convince thousands of people to leave their spouses and families for a life of self-gratification and irresponsibility.

"The gay lifestyle is for me," said James Miller, an Oklahoma City father of four who recently moved to Provincetown, MA, to pursue a career in bath-house management. "When I was a family man, I constantly had to worry about things like taking the kids to Little League practice, paying for their braces, and remembering my wife's birthday. But now that I'm gay, I'm finally free to focus all my energy on having non-stop, mind-blowing **** sex."

Though Emmonds said gays have been tremendously successful in tearing at the fabric of society and subverting basic decency, she stressed that their work is far from over.

"For all the progress we've made, America is still overwhelmingly heterosexual," said Emmonds, who is calling for an additional $2.6 billion in federal aid to further the gay agenda. "If we are to insidiously penetrate American society, as we constantly do each other's orifices, we need more money and resources. Without such help, this country will remain the domain of decent, moral, God-fearing Christians. And that would be a sin."

02-15-2007, 04:37 AM
^ Should I be scared, I think I had that teacher!

02-15-2007, 04:48 AM
this ish is mad gay

02-15-2007, 05:14 AM
lol@that picture on the blackboard.

02-15-2007, 05:22 AM
Everyone who is vilifying Tim Hardaway is a ****ing hypocrite.

02-15-2007, 05:27 AM
Everyone who is vilifying Tim Hardaway is a ****ing hypocrite.

I said he was being disrespectful, I guess that makes me a hypocrit?:confusedshrug:

02-15-2007, 05:31 AM
I said he was being disrespectful, I guess that makes me a hypocrit?:confusedshrug:

That statement wasnt aimed at you directly.

02-15-2007, 05:44 AM
America is a strange old country. To me if you are gay it makes no difference to me as long as you dont expose me to any homosexual activities, i.e make a pass at me knowing am i straight or say kiss another man in my company. I have no problems with homosexuals as people just like I dont have any problem with any person. In the locker room situation however it is a little weird and I can admit that if I had to share a locker room with a gay guy it would at the very least be uncomfortable at most a real problem. The problem arises knowing as a straight man if I was in a locker room full of women i would definitely atleast be considering boning a few of them. So if that logic is to be tranferred to a gay guy in a locker room full of men you can see why so many atheletes would have a problem with that scenario.

Take Your Lumps
02-15-2007, 05:46 AM
Wow, i just busted out into laughter when I heard the audio on Sportscenter.

I couldn't believe he took it there.

It was like a flashback to "George Bush doesn't care about black people".

Good stuff.

02-15-2007, 05:52 AM
That statement wasnt aimed at you directly.

My mistake

02-15-2007, 06:13 AM
i enjoy the game of basketball, but i never expected many of these guys to be who i would want to spend time with.

02-15-2007, 08:03 AM
Calm down, he'll walk away unscathed from this. He's black.

02-15-2007, 08:29 AM
America is a strange old country. To me if you are gay it makes no difference to me as long as you dont expose me to any homosexual activities, i.e make a pass at me knowing am i straight or say kiss another man in my company. I have no problems with homosexuals as people just like I dont have any problem with any person. In the locker room situation however it is a little weird and I can admit that if I had to share a locker room with a gay guy it would at the very least be uncomfortable at most a real problem. The problem arises knowing as a straight man if I was in a locker room full of women i would definitely atleast be considering boning a few of them. So if that logic is to be tranferred to a gay guy in a locker room full of men you can see why so many atheletes would have a problem with that scenario.
I don't mind you being in a wheelchair as long as you don't wheel your gimp ass around in front of me. Just do it in the privacy of your home.

02-15-2007, 08:33 AM
Well this is and isn't a big deal....... This situation would be more noteworthy if.....

1. He was an active player......

2. He was getting major endorsement deals

3. He was on his way to the NBA HOF......

4. If he was a born & bred(He's english by the way)American.

I think the NBA should adopt the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.....But people ain't stupid....Their are gay dudes in the league right now, that ain't coming out any time soon and league insiders know it........

My personal opinon on Homosexuality.........

Do you........ not me...

02-15-2007, 09:01 AM
I lost all respect for him. As if a gay guy would hurt him.

02-15-2007, 09:21 AM
Hardaway is probably gay. I remember one of my friends in 3rd grade was really anti-gay. Always talking about gays. And sex. And boobs. He used to pick on a really feminine kid (who is also gay). Surprise, surprise, he's gay, too!

Not suprising. Spraying hate just so he can hide his sexual orientation. I was thinking the samething.


02-15-2007, 09:53 AM
And now this will be the crowning achievement of Tim Hardaway's career.

As has been said in this thread a few times, what if a white player came out and said the same thing about black people? It's the same thing. Neither is a choice, and the only difference is that there are more black people than gay people, so this will cause less of an uproar.

And even if that is how you feel, shut your goddamn mouth about it and dont be retarded. What did he think was going to happen.

'Tim Hardaway hates gay people'.

'Wow, what a brave and courageous man. Let's sign him to a contract and then first ballot him right to the hall of fame'.


02-15-2007, 10:08 AM
And now this will be the crowning achievement of Tim Hardaway's career.

As has been said in this thread a few times, what if a white player came out and said the same thing about black people? It's the same thing. Neither is a choice, and the only difference is that there are more black people than gay people, so this will cause less of an uproar.

And even if that is how you feel, shut your goddamn mouth about it and dont be retarded. What did he think was going to happen.

'Tim Hardaway hates gay people'.

'Wow, what a brave and courageous man. Let's sign him to a contract and then first ballot him right to the hall of fame'.



It's not wrong to be black

It is wrong to be a homosexual. It's accepted in society, but bottomline. Being gay is wrong.

02-15-2007, 10:11 AM
As if Timbug's the only player (current or former) to have these views. And he's certainly entitled to him. He doesn't have to like gay people if he doesn't want. That being said, he should have kept those comments to himself.

Mmmm, yeah... want me some Timbug!

02-15-2007, 10:37 AM
Hardaway's ESPN career was far worse than these comments he made. I'm not diminishing what he said, but seriously..........you guys ever hear this guy on TV? He was the WORST commentator of all time. He totally destroyed the English language. Btw.........are those a pair of shox he was wearing in that picture? I didn't realize he was still with the heat when those shoes were around.

02-15-2007, 10:39 AM
I'm coming late to this argument, equating skin color and homosexuality is ridiculous. You can't hide skin color, but you certainly can "not disclose" your sexual orientation. Ergo, the two are not equal.

I'd like to think of myself as a tolerant person, but being in the presence of a gay male who is attracted to you is a disgusting experience. I went through that in a previous position a couple of years ago and it was only through exercising rigid self-control that I didn't cave his head in with a baseball bat.

Discrimination isn't cool, but I can certainly understand how professional players -- the ultimate alpha dogs -- would object to sharing a locker room with someone who might secretly (or not so secretly) be lusting after them.

02-15-2007, 10:42 AM
He spoke so gracefully too! Hardaway managed to actually sound like a FIFTH GRADER when speaking his mind about gays. Dude, get some more class!

02-15-2007, 10:49 AM
Tim Hardaway is a complete disgrace to anyone who has trained long and hard to become a professional broadcaster. That alone made me lose all respect for him.

02-15-2007, 10:55 AM
I really don't get what goes on in the head of people like Tim Hardaway, Mel Gibson, or Kramer, or countless other celebrities who has publically made racist/bigot remarks. Are they too stupid to realize that witin hours, what they said will spread all over the news, and then in a day or so, they will have to publically announce an apology and think of a way to excuse the comments?

I mean, are they athat stupid? They KNOW they're a celebrity, and they KNOW what they're saying is being recorded/on tv/on radio whatever, right?

I really don't get it. It's not like Tim Haradway was overheard saying that to his friends. He said that over the radio. Did the thought "gee, everyone's gonna make a huge deal out of this and i will have to make some fake ass apology in 5 hours" not hit his head?

Do they not think, or are they too stupid to realize if they make any controversial comments, it will make the news?

02-15-2007, 11:06 AM
all this talk about bigots is dumb..

yes, being a bigot is a poor quality to have and Tim Hardaway definitely should have either kept this to himself or worded his sentences properly, but being a whiner is equally bad. and in a culture where freedom of speech, freedom of anything is accepted nearly everywhere I am shocked to find people who do not agree with liberal ideals such as homosexuality, feminism, or even ways of life instantly brand those who are opposed, despite their right to freedom of speech, as bigots and tell them to shut up.

for a group of people who criticize the Republicans and Bush for seeing things in black and white it is funny how if one does not like homosexuals, they are homophobes, how if one does not like feminism, they are sexists, how if one is a conservative, they are stupid. no room for middle ground?

talk about hypocrisy.

and yes you exercise your freedom of speech to criticize, but saying shut up is an act of censorship as you are trying to deny a Constitutional right given to all citizens... not just those on the left.

02-15-2007, 11:06 AM

It's not wrong to be black

It is wrong to be a homosexual. It's accepted in society, but bottomline. Being gay is wrong.
I wonder how many of you are ok with two fake lesbos going at it ina club or in a video? Is only male gayness wrong or all gayness? does there have to be penetration?

Wrong based upon....?
There are lots of well documented cases of gay sex in animals species. Some researchers estimate as high as 40% in some species. Are they wrong as well? Did they make a concious decision?

Is it wrong to engage in polygyny or polyandry? Even if its in the bible?

This statement is just as ignorant as me saying that it is wrong to be black or some other category loosely based on biological traits. :no:
If I can be bigoted against someone for being gay and that is publicly accepted, I should also be allowed to be bigoted based on racial classification or any other trait (political persuasion).

Being a christian is wrong, flat out. Against good morals too. WOuld we support this statement as acceptable if it was made against a Muslim player? Religious intolerance?

Being a christian is definitely a choice, but there is soem evidence suggesting that homosexuality is a reslut of both genetics and environment. Not neccesarily conclusive, but little in science is. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/05/17/opinion/17pinker.html?ex=1171688400&en=39239b6beb74c2a1&ei=5070

02-15-2007, 11:08 AM
well, when you're an idiot, then you're simply too stupid to figure out the ramifications of making ignorant statements. There is a reason why losers like Tim Hardaway never won anything during their career. You can't count on guys like this for true leadership.

02-15-2007, 11:11 AM
My point is that there are a lot of similarities. 40 years ago (and even now) plenty of people would say that being black is wrong and that black people are below white people. Everyone with half a brain knows thats stupid and false. But that's how it was, and a lot of people suffered because of something that's not their fault at all.

Gay people can hide it. But that's hiding who they are, and why should anyone do that? It's not their fault, its just the way they are, and they can't help it any more than someone can help their skin color.

Oh wait, it's because a mistranslated 2000 year old book thats been switched around and edited countless times to serve different agendas says so.

And PS statements like 'being gay is wrong, being black isn't' really serve to perfectly illustrate your point.

02-15-2007, 11:15 AM
anyway, to add an addendum to my point:

homosexuality is not necessarily something I am against. I mean... I keep my distance. if they don't bother me, I see no reason why I should bother them.

and Tim made a boneheaded remark, but the general response given to him in this thread is rather :banghead:

something along the lines of : "does he have no scruples? going on TV and making these crass remarks which show no civility and should be kept in private?"

instead you get: "he is an idiot. he is an idiot. doesn't knwo what he's talking about. he should shut up."

02-15-2007, 11:16 AM
all this talk about bigots is dumb..

yes, being a bigot is a poor quality to have and Tim Hardaway definitely should have either kept this to himself or worded his sentences properly, but being a whiner is equally bad. and in a culture where freedom of speech, freedom of anything is accepted nearly everywhere I am shocked to find people who do not agree with liberal ideals such as homosexuality, feminism, or even ways of life instantly brand those who are opposed, despite their right to freedom of speech, as bigots and tell them to shut up.

for a group of people who criticize the Republicans and Bush for seeing things in black and white it is funny how if one does not like homosexuals, they are homophobes, how if one does not like feminism, they are sexists, how if one is a conservative, they are stupid. no room for middle ground?

talk about hypocrisy.

and yes you exercise your freedom of speech to criticize, but saying shut up is an act of censorship as you are trying to deny a Constitutional right given to all citizens... not just those on the left.
Believe me bigots have plenty of space in AMerica to air their point of view. Listen to Rush talk about Katrina or anything else for that matter. American Bigotry is alive and well, with its freak flag flying high.

02-15-2007, 11:18 AM
Believe me bigots have plenty of space in AMerica to air their point of view. Listen to Rush talk about Katrina or anything else for that matter. American Bigotry is alive and well, with its freak flag flying high.

agreed. I listened to Right Wing talk radio and some of it disgusts me quite frankly.. especially that Max Savage character.

but I still think the best way to restore balance to America is for people on both sides to start acting more civil rather than shout out "IDIOT! FOOLISH! NO NO NO YOU ARE WRONg. LISTEN TO ME."

02-15-2007, 11:33 AM
agreed. I listened to Right Wing talk radio and some of it disgusts me quite frankly.. especially that Max Savage character.

but I still think the best way to restore balance to America is for people on both sides to start acting more civil rather than shout out "IDIOT! FOOLISH! NO NO NO YOU ARE WRONg. LISTEN TO ME."
I can certainly agree with that. Partisan politics are the downfall of any democratic system. Anyone who dismisses a politician or a piece of legislation based upon the party affiliations is a bad citizen in a democratic society. I stnd with George Washington in decrying party based politics as a poor substitute for true democracy. That is why I vote third party whenever they are on the ballot. Doesnt even matter which one (although i have my preferences). A two party system with both parties catering to big business's political needs is no choice at all for individual citizens.

02-15-2007, 12:31 PM
you gotta look at it from an athletes perspective though. ya gotta get naked in front of duke on a daily basis .

that said he shoulda just kept it to himself.. he kept it real as **** though :roll:

hate is a very strong word though.

02-15-2007, 12:35 PM
I can certainly agree with that. Partisan politics are the downfall of any democratic system. Anyone who dismisses a politician or a piece of legislation based upon the party affiliations is a bad citizen in a democratic society. I stnd with George Washington in decrying party based politics as a poor substitute for true democracy. That is why I vote third party whenever they are on the ballot. Doesnt even matter which one (although i have my preferences). A two party system with both parties catering to big business's political needs is no choice at all for individual citizens.
fyi despite his statements to the contrary, washington was part of a party by the end of his second term. he started out a non party guy but he was basically lieing through his wooden teeth when he was decrying the party system. basically what he wanted was for his party to be the only party.

02-15-2007, 12:48 PM
Of any groups, I thought black athletes would be the most understanding about how hard it is to be a hated minority group trying to break into the world of sports. But I guess too many generations have passed for any of them to understand the impact.

I can't say I'm not suprised or disappointed.

02-15-2007, 01:08 PM

People got to accept the fact that there all g@y people and there have been since the dawn of man. I really think there is NOTHING wrong with it.
We live in the freaking 21st century already...GROW UP PEOPLE!!!!

We do live in a society where there is free speach though...and Tim has every right to say what he wants...but being a public figure he has to be smart about what he says.

Oh well...personal opinion aside I still got love for the man who but the "T" in Run TMC.....but I am very disapionted.

02-15-2007, 01:09 PM

People got to accept the fact that there all g@y people and there have been since the dawn of man. I really think there is NOTHING wrong with it.
We live in the freaking 21st century already...GROW UP PEOPLE!!!!

We do live in a society where there is free speach though...and Tim has every right to say what he wants...but being a public figure he has to be smart about what he says.

Oh well...personal opinion aside I still got love for the man who but the "T" in Run TMC.....but I am very disapionted.

02-15-2007, 01:21 PM
isiah washington actually isnt bigoted. he never called the guy a ****** and his castmate confirmed it.. it was just PR to go into 'rehab'

isnt that the same as saying that Tim Hardaway is a N*gga (except with the old ER at the end instead of a) and having his former teammates confirming that he is black?

02-15-2007, 01:26 PM
Of any groups, I thought black athletes would be the most understanding about how hard it is to be a hated minority group trying to break into the world of sports. But I guess too many generations have passed for any of them to understand the impact.

I can't say I'm not suprised or disappointed.
What they're keeping gays out of sports? Seems like it'd be difficult since there is no visual stamp of the homosexual.

Real Men Wear Green
02-15-2007, 01:28 PM
Just had a thought: Has Tim Hardaway ever been to South Beach? Miami could be a rough place to live in for a known homophobe.

02-15-2007, 01:32 PM
hardaway is a fool for saying that. he's making it seem like gay people are another species or something.

You know they basically are according to all the research. Not exactly species but they may as well be a new "gender" at least they may as well be if you believe the whole being gay is genetic thing.

I dont really care either way, you keep it to yourself and your kind and Im fine with it, start putting it on me and I wont be comfortable, keep doing it after I tell you to stop and Im probably going to hit you, the same way a chick would me if I kept hitting on her after she clearly showed no interest.

Plus, given that apparently being gay is not a lifestyle choice but a natural thing, survival of the fittest dictates it will be a short lived trend. Of course I've never understood why the gay community needs to defend their choice anyway unless they themselves doubt it.

Ghetto Phenom
02-15-2007, 01:36 PM
I guess we won't be seeing any of those "Fav 5" cell phone commercials starring Tim Hardaway and Steve Francis. LOL.

On the serious tip though, Timmy just killed any future (or present) endorsement deals.

02-15-2007, 01:38 PM
and a note to those who are piously devoted to the Book of Leviticus:

yes according to the Bible is homosexuality and sodomy are both sins and wrong. but God also teaches you not to take thinsg into your own hand and actively persecute others. he teaches that you should be moral and good and that He will take care of the sinners when the Judgment Day comes.

now the Koran on the other hand actively preaches killing all infidels.

02-15-2007, 01:56 PM
I don't mind you being in a wheelchair as long as you don't wheel your gimp ass around in front of me. Just do it in the privacy of your home.

Am not in a wheelchair just for your information but thats neither here nor there, the fact that you would mak the comparison is slightly disturbing at the very least.
I think I explained why a straight male athelete could feel uncomfortable with having a gay team mate in the locker room. A clear logical path to conclusion based on the premise that if gay men view men as straight men may view women in a locker room situation. How is having a disabled guy in the same locker room offending in that same regard? Your logic at best is severely flawed and the connection you try to make is pretty weak.

02-15-2007, 02:00 PM
one of my extremely pro liberal feminist friends was talking to me the other day about the virtues of homosexuality.

i did not agree, yet I held civil discourse with her and then I used the "well I'm okay for gays as long as they stay away from me. i don't want them feeling up on me."

then she used the one counterargument that shut me up:

"what makes you think gay man wants you?"

02-15-2007, 02:04 PM
comparing homosexuality with skin color is just moronic. There is nothing wrong or unnatural about being any skin color. It is unnatural and wrong to be gay. I dont hate homosexuals nor do i think anyone should but this comparison is more foolish than tims statements.

thanks, eminem.

02-15-2007, 02:40 PM
Everyone who is vilifying Tim Hardaway is a ****ing hypocrite.

there are things we keep to ourself, especially if they are hurtful, it is at the core of being civilized. you wouldn't tell a fat ugly woman that she made you want to throw up and you'd rather pull your hair out than falk her. You'd keep your comments to yourself even if that is what you honestly thought, because that is what civilized people do.
Tim hardaway is scum because he truly doesn't know how to conduct himself in front of others. He is also pretty falkin dumb, he should know better. Must be a good school that UTEP.

02-15-2007, 02:46 PM
maybe tim is gay too but is scared to come out. hes scared amaechi outs him in his book, so tim wants to launch a pre-emptive hetero campaign.

02-15-2007, 03:10 PM
:oldlol: @ people defending Tim Hardaway. You don't have to agree with the lifestyle to recognize what Tim said was out of line.

j Fresh
02-15-2007, 03:15 PM
one of my extremely pro liberal feminist friends was talking to me the other day about the virtues of homosexuality.

i did not agree, yet I held civil discourse with her and then I used the "well I'm okay for gays as long as they stay away from me. i don't want them feeling up on me."

then she used the one counterargument that shut me up:

"what makes you think gay man wants you?"

pro liberal feminist? what are you a politician? did you ever get laid?

02-15-2007, 03:17 PM
What they're keeping gays out of sports? Seems like it'd be difficult since there is no visual stamp of the homosexual.

Well the cases are obviously not the same as race and sexual orientation are two different matters. But as traits people are born with that has barely any affect on their game, similarities can be drawn. Like you said, it is easier to distinguish a person of a different race than it is for a homosexual, and we're not instituationalizing the banning of homosexuals from the world of sports, but there is an aura of unacceptance and residing hatred for them in society and in this situation, team sports. Which forces homosexuals to hide the truth because they would probably be ousted from their team as if they were keeping gays out of sports. Not by how they play, but by who they are. There's the comparison I draw.

02-15-2007, 03:18 PM
Tim Hardaway has a right to his opinion and Im assuming he was asked about it..

But he should understand that the tone of his comments does more to hurt him than anything else..

02-15-2007, 05:45 PM
I don't mind you being in a wheelchair as long as you don't wheel your gimp ass around in front of me. Just do it in the privacy of your home.

I lol'd. If we still had reputation, I would + you so hard it'd make your teeth rattle.

02-15-2007, 05:47 PM
Stern says Tim Hardaway no longer represents the NBA. Does this take away hi chances at beiing elected to the Hall of Fame.

Also supposedly Tim was goin to be part in All-Star Weekend in Vegas. Until he made his "Hate Gay" remarks. Does anyone know what he was supposed tp participate in.

02-15-2007, 05:48 PM
1. In the USA we do have the right to free speech... and in turn you must except the repurcussions of exercising your rights, good luck finding a job Hardaway you just took yourself out of the publics eye...

2. Using the Bible to reinforce your argument is lame, this is a subject of social acceptance and not one of morals... If you try and turn it into a moralality discussion then your use of the Bible goes against it's own teachings, add to that the fact that the Bible is not the #1 authority on morality...

We are in the year 2007 and I find it astonishing that the venom spewed on this site by some people still exists, but that is your right to spwe it and yours to suffer the repercussions of...

wang4three, well spoken, I have a new respect for you...

02-15-2007, 05:51 PM
Does anyone know what he was supposed tp participate in.
He and the world's nine most intelligent non-human primates were going to have a contest wherein we find out who can succesfully string together four complete sentences the fastest.

02-15-2007, 05:53 PM
and a note to those who are piously devoted to the Book of Leviticus:

yes according to the Bible is homosexuality and sodomy are both sins and wrong. but God also teaches you not to take thinsg into your own hand and actively persecute others. he teaches that you should be moral and good and that He will take care of the sinners when the Judgment Day comes.

now the Koran on the other hand actively preaches killing all infidels.

There's plenty I disagree with in the Qur'an, but this is just silly.

5:82. " . . . and you will find the nearest in love to the believers (Muslims) those who say: 'We are Christians.' That is because amongst them are priests and monks, and they are not proud."

So the Quran not only does not urge Muslims to commit violence against Christians, it calls them "nearest in love" to the Muslims! The reason given is their piety, their ability to produce holy persons dedicated to God, and their lack of overweening pride.

The tendency when reading the Quran is to read a word like "kafir" (infidel) as referring to all non-Muslims. But it is clear from a close study of the way the Quran uses the word that it refers to those who actively oppose and persecute Muslims. The word literally meant "ingrate" in ancient Arabic. So the polytheists ("mushrikun") who tried to wipe out Islam were the main referents of the word "infidel." Christians, as we see above, were mostly in a completely different category. The Christian Ethiopian monarch gave refuge to the Muslims at one point when things got hot in Mecca. The Quran does at one point speak of the "infidels" among the Jews and Christians (2:105: "those who committed kufr/infidelity from among the people of the Book.") But this verse only proves that it did not think they were all infidels, and it is probably referring to specific Jewish and Christian groups who joined with the Meccans in trying to wipe out the early Muslim community. (The Quran calls Jews and Christians "people of the book" because they have a monotheistic scripture).

People often also ask me about this verse:

[5:51] O you who believe, do not take Jews and Christians as friends; these are friends of one another. Those among you who ally themselves with these belong with them.

This is actually not a good translation of the original, which has a very specific context. In the Arabia of Muhammad's time, it was possible for an individual to become an honorary member or "client" of a powerful tribe. But of course, if you did that you would be subordinating yourself politically to that tribe. The word used in Arabic here does not mean "friend." It means "political patron" (wali). What the Quran is trying to do is to discourage stray Muslims from subordinating themselves to Christian or Jewish tribes that might in turn ally with pagan Mecca, or in any case might have interests at odds with those of the general Muslim community.

So the verse actually says:

[5:51] O you who believe, do not take Jews and Christians as tribal patrons; these are tribal patrons of one another. Those among you who become clients of these belong with them.

Since the Quran considers Christians nearest in love to Muslims, it obviously does not have an objection to friendship between the two. But apparently now it is some Christians who have that hateful attitude, of no friendship with "infidels."


more at http://www.juancole.com/2006/03/peace-and-love-in-quran-list-of.html (The Qu'ran on Peace)

02-15-2007, 05:56 PM
He and the world's nine most intelligent non-human primates were going to have a contest wherein we find out who can succesfully string together four complete sentences the fastest.

I heard a few of them pulled out after they were told they cannot use the same sentence more than once.

02-15-2007, 05:57 PM
There's plenty I disagree with in the Qur'an, but this is just silly.
Thank you, reppy.

I'm a Christian, but let's not be ridiculous about Islam.

The people that we hear about (killing people and blowing stuff up) are a hyper-conservative minority.

In fact, we have our own little version of these people right here in the United States.

They're called the Ku Klux Klan.

Islamic extremist is to Islam as KKK is to Christianity.

It doesn't stop there. "Christians" who vandalize abortion clinics, etc.

02-15-2007, 05:58 PM
Thank you, reppy.

I'm a Christian, but let's not be ridiculous about Islam.

The people that we hear about (killing people and blowing stuff up) are a hyper-conservative minority.

In fact, we have our own little version of these people right here in the United States.

They're called the Ku Klux Klan.

Islamic extremist is to Islam as KKK is to Christianity.

VCDrivesAPorsche has this habit of saying something entirely reasonable, and then following it up with an outrageous comment that he probably only read second hand somewhere.

02-15-2007, 06:00 PM
I heard a few of them pulled out after they were told they cannot use the same sentence more than once.
It's not like any of them would have been able to repeat the same sentence four times anyway...

02-15-2007, 06:00 PM
He and the world's nine most intelligent non-human primates were going to have a contest wherein we find out who can succesfully string together four complete sentences the fastest.
are patrick ewing and bobby jackson involved in this as well?

02-15-2007, 06:01 PM
are patrick ewing and bobby jackson involved in this as well?
Non-human primates. So just Ewing.

02-15-2007, 06:03 PM
Hardaway is a fool. "I hate gay people" Who the hell says that on radio?

02-15-2007, 06:17 PM
lets see how admirable you'd think it was if matt carroll said the same things about black people, or lebron about white people. all hell would break loose.

Homosexuality is a choice. It is not something that you are born with. A person can't do anything about their skin color (well, at least without looking like a jackass). The situations are not comparable.

02-15-2007, 06:19 PM
Homosexuality is a choice. It is not something that you are born with. A person can't do anything about their skin color (well, at least without looking like a jackass). The situations are not comparable.

Most gays I've ever spoke with said they knew from an early age that there was something different about them.

I mean dude, in 2nd grade I was already fantasizing about women's boobs and receiving oral sex from them. And I have no idea how I even got those ideas. When you're a heterosexual guy, it just comes naturally, I guess.

When you're straight, certain things just seem like a good idea. Like having a girl's mouth on your wiener.

02-15-2007, 06:19 PM
Tim Hardaway has a right to his opinion and Im assuming he was asked about it..

But he should understand that the tone of his comments does more to hurt him than anything else..
He is entitled to his opinion. But so are racists, and sexists, and xenophobes. It doesnt mean I have to respect the person or their opinion.

If he had said "I would not be comfortable having a gay man on my team and in my locker room", this wouldnt be an issue. He said "I hate gays". Thats the issue. He used an excessively strong word and hes getting backlash. Hes entitled to his opinion and Im entitled to my opinion that he is a giant pile of homophobic sheite.

Reppy, thank you for clarifying the misstatement by VC. People who know so little about a religion are generally the first to make ignorant statements about it.

02-15-2007, 06:21 PM
I don't see what the big deal. If you know that a culture is predominantly heterosexual, why is there a big deal when there isn't total acceptance of homosexuality? I know people should be open minded, but by thinking that sexual preferences that are clearly not in public favor will be approved by the public at large is silly.

02-15-2007, 06:21 PM
I'd like to think of myself as a tolerant person, but being in the presence of a gay male who is attracted to you is a disgusting experience. I went through that in a previous position a couple of years ago and it was only through exercising rigid self-control that I didn't cave his head in with a baseball bat.

Is it any different that having an unattractive woman (i.e. a person you would never ever falk) slobebring all over you? I really dont think it is, at least in my experience. At least the gay guy will probably buy me some drinks :rockon:

02-15-2007, 06:22 PM
Most gays I've ever spoke with said they knew from an early age that there was something different about them.

I mean dude, in 2nd grade I was already fantasizing about women's boobs and receiving oral sex from them. And I have no idea how I even got those ideas. When you're a heterosexual guy, it just comes naturally, I guess.

When you're straight, certain things just seem like a good idea. Like having a girl's mouth on your wiener.

Even then, to a large degree most people's sexual life is private. There is nothing private about skin color. Comparing the plight of the gay man to that of the black man is absurd.

02-15-2007, 06:25 PM
I don't see what the big deal. If you know that a culture is predominantly heterosexual, why is there a big deal when there isn't total acceptance of homosexuality? I know people should be open minded, but by thinking that sexual preferences that are clearly not in public favor will be approved by the public at large is silly.
I think there is both a generational and cultural difference in opinion. Many yankees under 30 dont care if you keep it to yourself. Older generation tends to be a little less tolerant and so do southerners. That being said, I had a friend teaching a 200 level class(about 140 kids) at Texas A&M (a notoriously conservative school) and asked them a question about gay marriage. About a third said it was immoral or against god's wil etc, a third didnt care as long as people kept it to themselves and about a third thought it should be supported and public. I was a little shocked that 2/3 of people in this situation were ok with it.

02-15-2007, 06:30 PM
Hardaway: ``Well, you know I hate gay people, so I let it be known. I don't like gay people and I don't like to be around gay people. I am homophobic. I don't like it. It shouldn't be in the world or in the United States. So yeah, I don't like it.''

Real admirable.....There are people that don't like black people. If Lary Bird came out and said "you know I hate black people" that would be really admirable............:rollingeyes:

If it was the truth and the majority of players felt that way but were afraid to say it then I think it would be admirable becuz being truthful is always admirable.....The difference between Tim Hardaway and you local catholic priest is you local catholic priest says these things then turns arouns and feels up a little boy.

The difference between Tim Hardaway and GWB is GWB has advisors and a little ear bud withthe voice of someone telling him what to say.

His sentiment is hateful and that is dissappointing and shows his ignorance in this matter but it doesn't make the act of speaking the truth not admirable.

He didn't say go out and violate Gay people...he didn't say he'd exterminate gay people he didn't advocate discrimination against gay people....he said he'd not want him on his team or in the lockeroom....not sure I would want that either.

02-15-2007, 06:33 PM
He didn't say go out and violate Gay people...he didn't say he'd exterminate gay people he didn't advocate discrimination against gay people....he said he'd not want him on his team or in the lockeroom....not sure I would want that either.
nice cheap shot at the catholic church :confusedshrug:
read your quote again. his venom extends beyond the locker room. It shouldnt be in the US or the world? :wtf: He might as well say he would like to see a gay genocide. Its not stated, but its pretty well implied.

02-15-2007, 06:43 PM
I wonder how many of you are ok with two fake lesbos going at it ina club or in a video? Is only male gayness wrong or all gayness? does there have to be penetration?

Wrong based upon....?
There are lots of well documented cases of gay sex in animals species. Some researchers estimate as high as 40% in some species. Are they wrong as well? Did they make a concious decision?

Is it wrong to engage in polygyny or polyandry? Even if its in the bible?

This statement is just as ignorant as me saying that it is wrong to be black or some other category loosely based on biological traits. :no:
If I can be bigoted against someone for being gay and that is publicly accepted, I should also be allowed to be bigoted based on racial classification or any other trait (political persuasion).

Being a christian is wrong, flat out. Against good morals too. WOuld we support this statement as acceptable if it was made against a Muslim player? Religious intolerance?

Being a christian is definitely a choice, but there is soem evidence suggesting that homosexuality is a reslut of both genetics and environment. Not neccesarily conclusive, but little in science is. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/05/17/opinion/17pinker.html?ex=1171688400&en=39239b6beb74c2a1&ei=5070

Intolerance to Muslims has already been exercised in the sporting world reference Chris Jackson circe his Macmoud Rauf days....he was killed in the press for not being all star spangelled bannery......mostly becuz he was following an Islamic teaching.

Strait Men aren't comfortable being in close quarters naked etc with guys they know are gay....It's like asking wome to shower with men...especially women who perceive themselves as desireable....there would need to be a lot more understanding of homosexuality (which there just isn't) and a lot more education on homosexuality..which there won't be...b4 things change...tim was just responding honestly...people chill

02-15-2007, 06:45 PM

"I Hate gay people"

*starts sweating*

"I Hate gay people"

*twitches left eye nervously*

*takes deep breath*

"I Hate gay people"

"I Pay... DANG!!!!"

02-15-2007, 06:50 PM
Intolerance to Muslims has already been exercised in the sporting world reference Chris Jackson circe his Macmoud Rauf days....he was killed in the press for not being all star spangelled bannery......mostly becuz he was following an Islamic teaching.

Strait Men aren't comfortable being in close quarters naked etc with guys they know are gay....It's like asking wome to shower with men...especially women who perceive themselves as desireable....there would need to be a lot more understanding of homosexuality (which there just isn't) and a lot more education on homosexuality..which there won't be...b4 things change...tim was just responding honestly...people chill
He is entitled to his opinion. But so are racists, and sexists, and xenophobes. It doesnt mean I have to respect the person or their opinion.

If he had said "I would not be comfortable having a gay man on my team and in my locker room", this wouldnt be an issue. He said "I hate gays". Thats the issue. He used an excessively strong word and hes getting backlash. Hes entitled to his opinion and Im entitled to my opinion that he is a giant pile of homophobic sheite.

02-15-2007, 06:52 PM
O and people using same sex acts in animals to legitimize being gay are misinforming people....No animals that mate repeatedly or for life have shown any observed gay tendancies.....the same sex acts are similiar to what happens in prisons right now were men surrounded by and only having access to men will act out sexually on one another...that is not homosexuality...

eg. Elephants live in gender striated groups and only the top BUlls are allowed to mate.....teenage bulls do hump on each other but that is becuz they would not be able to mate with a female...so that same sex act is not a choice to perform sex acts or mate with individuals of the same sex but only a release of tensions for the biologial urge to mate...which is to reproduce...something gay sex doesn't do.

So you can't simply say animals are gay so it's a biological reality it's simply not understood anywhere near that level.

02-15-2007, 06:54 PM
No different than Karl Malone's remarks about Magic's HIV years ago. I don't see the big deal. He's only echoing many other's opinions. I find it somewhat admirable.

what was said about that again? i completely forgot

02-15-2007, 06:57 PM
He is entitled to his opinion. But so are racists, and sexists, and xenophobes. It doesnt mean I have to respect the person or their opinion.

If he had said "I would not be comfortable having a gay man on my team and in my locker room", this wouldnt be an issue. He said "I hate gays". Thats the issue. He used an excessively strong word and hes getting backlash. Hes entitled to his opinion and Im entitled to my opinion that he is a giant pile of homophobic sheite.

I already read that post and I didn't respond to it...I am just simply saying I wonder where all of you were defending Rauf when he was getting strung up for being Muslim?

As has already been said Tim Hardaway isn't the most eloquent person and he didn't make a public service announcement he was asked..I actually think the person knew they could ge that type of response from him and that's why they asked him and not a more savy guy...but bet your sticks Grant Hill probably doesn't wanna shower with ******s either.

Not even Tim Hardaway is asking yo0u to respect him or like him either.....he is prejudiced that may not be cool with you but if his sentiments mean you have less respect for him there are A LOT of people you don't respect. like I said GWB...the POPE..

02-15-2007, 07:00 PM
I wonder how many of you are ok with two fake lesbos going at it ina club or in a video? Is only male gayness wrong or all gayness? does there have to be penetration?

Wrong based upon....?
There are lots of well documented cases of gay sex in animals species. Some researchers estimate as high as 40% in some species. Are they wrong as well? Did they make a concious decision?

Is it wrong to engage in polygyny or polyandry? Even if its in the bible?

This statement is just as ignorant as me saying that it is wrong to be black or some other category loosely based on biological traits. :no:
If I can be bigoted against someone for being gay and that is publicly accepted, I should also be allowed to be bigoted based on racial classification or any other trait (political persuasion).

Being a christian is wrong, flat out. Against good morals too. WOuld we support this statement as acceptable if it was made against a Muslim player? Religious intolerance?

Being a christian is definitely a choice, but there is soem evidence suggesting that homosexuality is a reslut of both genetics and environment. Not neccesarily conclusive, but little in science is. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/05/17/opinion/17pinker.html?ex=1171688400&en=39239b6beb74c2a1&ei=5070

Re-read my post. I said homosexuality is wrong. I never said I hated gays. Maybe I left out the fact that Tim Hardaway was being disrespectful. I don't like homosexuality, but I will still give gays and lesbians their respect because they are human beings. Homosexuality as the verb is completely wrong. Sex was ment between a man and a woman. Not a man and man or a woman and a woman.

Like I said I think homosexuality is wrong, but I'm not gunna go outside and start calling gay people f@gs or queers. Gay people are humans that deserve the respect that gay people get.

02-15-2007, 07:01 PM
Hardaway has alot to learn and Im sure hes gonna get ragged on for awhile but if gay players would become a normal thing in the NBA...would they share the same locker room?

It would be interesting to see how that would work... Imagine Jordan turning to Pippen after taking off his shorts and noticing that Pippen has a bone. It wouldnt be right...

...then again Ive never used co-ed bathrooms or locker rooms.....

02-15-2007, 07:11 PM
Hardaway has alot to learn and Im sure hes gonna get ragged on for awhile but if gay players would become a normal thing in the NBA...would they share the same locker room?

It would be interesting to see how that would work... Imagine Jordan turning to Pippen after taking off his shorts and noticing that Pippen has a bone. It wouldnt be right...

...then again Ive never used co-ed bathrooms or locker rooms.....

It would be like the guys and the girl's changing room/bathrooms. Instead it would be guys and gays.

02-15-2007, 07:13 PM
Thank you, reppy.

I'm a Christian, but let's not be ridiculous about Islam.

The people that we hear about (killing people and blowing stuff up) are a hyper-conservative minority.

In fact, we have our own little version of these people right here in the United States.

They're called the Ku Klux Klan.

Islamic extremist is to Islam as KKK is to Christianity.

It doesn't stop there. "Christians" who vandalize abortion clinics, etc.
yeah but do kkk's commit terrorist acts?

02-15-2007, 07:15 PM
yeah but do kkk's commit terrorist acts? yes they do...

02-15-2007, 07:16 PM
Dont forget the oklahoma city bombings. That was not islamic-related.

02-15-2007, 07:18 PM
That aint right..

02-15-2007, 07:18 PM
"A day after former Heat guard Tim Hardaway expressed his disgust over gay players competing in the NBA, Heat coach Pat Riley offered a rebuke, as well as perspective.

Riley offered his comments on Hardaway's stance on the Hank Goldberg Show on 560-WQAM.

"It would not be tolerated in our organization," Riley said Thursday.

A day earlier, on 790 The Ticket, Hardaway said, "I hate gay people. I let it be known, I don't like gay people. I don't like to be around gay people.

"Yeah, I'm homophobic. I don't like it."

Hardaway's comments came a week after retired center John Amaechi became the first active or former NBA player to publicly acknowledge he was gay.

Against that backdrop, Riley, who is spending the All-Star break at his Los Angeles-area home, was asked to comment on his radio segment.

"Yes, I was shocked by some of the words that he used," Riley said. "It's a tough subject to talk about if you're not really thinking about it a lot. It's one-sided. But I was a little bit shocked by some of the words that he used.

"But I do know that Tim's a good spirit and I'm sure now wished he could take all of that back. And I hope he's not severely judged by his spewing of some of those words. That kind of thinking can't be tolerated. It just can't."

Riley coached Hardaway for six seasons with the Heat. The team had been expected to eventually retire Hardaway's No. 10 jersey, a possibility that now could be in doubt.

During his interview a day earlier, Hardaway said he would have been asked to be traded had a teammate acknowledged he was gay.

"Well, I don't think he really meant that," Riley said. "He said it. But I think if the situation ever were to occur, with a team, I think it would be dealt with, dealt with like anything else.

"And I don't think any player would just sort of walk away from a contract or whatever. And in those situations, like it is in business, like it is in schools, like it is in society, that has to be dealt with from a leadership standpoint, from a corporate standpoint, and it just simply would not be tolerated."

Riley said he had yet to speak to Hardaway, but planned to do so. Hardaway does not have a working relationship with the Heat, although he frequently attends home games and is acknowledged on the overhead video screens.

"Some of our best friends are gay…," Riley said. "And I do think we live in a society now, and a time, when we have to understand that this is what is life…

"I think we as a country have realized it, our problem has always been something to do with discrimination or bigotry and judgments, and we've got to get that absolutely out of our psyche and the old patterns and the old things that we've lived by, they've changed."

Riley for president.

02-15-2007, 07:19 PM
Does this take away hi chances at beiing elected to the Hall of Fame.

I didn't think he would get in to begin with, but this will eliminate any chance he had.

02-15-2007, 07:22 PM
He should get in regardless of him being wrong about something.

02-15-2007, 07:22 PM

"Tim Hardaway hates gay people."

02-15-2007, 07:28 PM

"Tim Hardaway hates gay people."


02-15-2007, 07:29 PM
Non-human primates. So just Ewing.

That's messed up

02-15-2007, 07:33 PM
is saKf being racist? I'm not even sure.

02-15-2007, 07:39 PM
he did apologize for the remark he had made on gay people though... well doesn't change a thing. tim needs to think up a story to explain why he said what he said..."I WAS UNDER MADICATION" or something hah

every player in the nba should know by now that there are 2 things in this world that they can't touch 1. jews 2. gays ... hahaha

i am just kidding i have nothing against gay and jewish people. I MEAN IT. every human should be treated the same way no matter what color/race/whatever they are.


02-15-2007, 07:44 PM
because of his comments probably today every player in the leaugue went to practice this morning and had to listen to the teams pr man tell them what is not ok to say in public...lol

but comments like that have a silver lining too, they bring to the open and remind all of the fact that society still has way to go...

02-15-2007, 08:01 PM
is saKf being racist? I'm not even sure.
I can see where the confusion would come in.

I just honestly think that Patrick Ewing strongly resembles a gorilla.

It just so happens that "gorilla" is also a way to be terribly racist.

The two coincide, but I have no negative feelings toward Ewing, of whom I was a very big fan.

02-15-2007, 08:03 PM
I can see where the confusion would come in.

I just honestly think that Patrick Ewing strongly resembles a gorilla.

It just so happens that "gorilla" is also a way to be terribly racist.

The two coincide, but I have no negative feelings toward Ewing, of whom I was a very big fan.

Sakf = Tim Hardaway

02-15-2007, 08:05 PM
How the hell is Hardaway even a HOFer candidate? ***** please.

Anyway he'll get a free pass for the comment because he's black.

02-15-2007, 08:10 PM
Sakf = Tim Hardaway

Not really, not even close.

02-15-2007, 08:10 PM
Heres an elightened view that I think Timmy could adopt. http://www.gofish.com/player.gfp?gfid=30-1080286

02-15-2007, 08:16 PM
Not really, not even close.

Why becuz your not offended?

Here's a guy who mentions exclusively black people as non human primates? in a country that has a history of not only being insensitive but downright abusive using such images......

but him I guess being humerous makes the difference? Cracking on Tim Hardaway becuz he's an idiot or an ignoramus is one thing...but Ewing has never said anything remotely close to Hardaway range..

People such as you were just harping on Tim's insensitivity no? Seeing as saKF is much more educated and probably a lot smarter than Tim Hardaway the parrallels are there.

02-15-2007, 08:21 PM
I already read that post and I didn't respond to it...I am just simply saying I wonder where all of you were defending Rauf when he was getting strung up for being Muslim?

well I dont think this forum was around at the time (I certainly wasnt part of it) but of course I would defend his right to not stand during the national anthem. I think it cheapens the meaning of the anthem if people are forced to partake against their will (as if our false patriotism werent cheap enough - only 1.99 and you too can "support the troops" with a sticker that in no way benefits the troops). I was at a white sox game shortly after 9/11, and a couple there were wearing "arrow through head" style flags with about 9 stripes and 15 stars. During the 7th inning stretch the stood up to god bless america and were pointing to their flag heads like they were the ****ing most american thing since john wayne. I was already completely offended by them (The flag is meant to be displayed as that, a flag, or as a patch on a uniform - any clothing with the flag depicted, or using the flag pattern is belittling to the ideals which that flag represents). No bikinis, no stickers on your car with GW face over the flag.
And to be fair he wasnt being lambasted for being a muslim, but for a politically symbolic act he was engaged in. http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1058/is_n11_v113/ai_18179967

02-15-2007, 08:25 PM
O and people using same sex acts in animals to legitimize being gay are misinforming people....No animals that mate repeatedly or for life have shown any observed gay tendancies.....the same sex acts are similiar to what happens in prisons right now were men surrounded by and only having access to men will act out sexually on one another...that is not homosexuality...

eg. Elephants live in gender striated groups and only the top BUlls are allowed to mate.....teenage bulls do hump on each other but that is becuz they would not be able to mate with a female...so that same sex act is not a choice to perform sex acts or mate with individuals of the same sex but only a release of tensions for the biologial urge to mate...which is to reproduce...something gay sex doesn't do.

So you can't simply say animals are gay so it's a biological reality it's simply not understood anywhere near that level.
Uhm you limit yourself to zoo observations and domesticated animals. ethologists have observed homosexual activity in many wild populations with access to female individuals
"Homosexual behavior

Main article: List of animals displaying homosexual behavior

The presence of same-sex sexual behavior was not scientifically observed on a large scale until recent times, possibly due to observer bias caused by social attitudes to same-sex sexual behavior. Homosexual behaviour does occur in the animal kingdom outside humans, especially in social species, particularly in marine birds and mammals, monkeys and the great apes. Homosexual behaviour has been observed among 1,500 species, and in 500 of those it is well documented.[30] Georgetown University professor Janet Mann has specifically theorised that homosexual behaviour, at least in dolphins, is an evolutionary advantage that minimises intraspecies aggression, especially among males.

* Male penguin couples have been documented to mate for life, build nests together, and to use a stone as a surrogate egg in nesting and brooding. In 2004, the Central Park Zoo in the United States replaced one male couple's stone with a fertilized egg, which the couple then raised as their own offspring.[31] German and Japanese zoos have also reported homosexual behaviour among their penguins. This phenomenon has also been reported at Kelly Tarlton's Aquarium in Auckland, New Zealand.
* Courtship, mounting, and full **** penetration between bulls has been noted to occur among American Bison. The Mandan nation Okipa festival concludes with a ceremonial enactment of this behaviour, to "ensure the return of the buffalo in the coming season." [citation needed] Also, mounting of one female by another is common among cattle. (See also, Freemartin. Freemartins occur because of clearly causal hormonal factors at work during gestation.)
* Homosexual behaviour in male sheep (found in 6-10% of rams) is associated with variations in cerebral mass distribution and chemical activity. A study reported in Endocrinology concluded that biological and physiological factors are in effect.[32] These findings are similar to human findings reported by Simon LeVay.

"Approximately eight percent of [male] rams exhibit sexual preferences [that is, even when given a choice] for male partners (male-oriented rams) in contrast to most rams, which prefer female partners (female-oriented rams). We identified a cell group within the medial preoptic area/anterior hypothalamus of age-matched adult sheep that was significantly larger in adult rams than in ewes..."

* Male bighorn sheep are divisible into two kinds, the typical males among whom homosexual behavior is common and "effeminate sheep" or "behavioral transvestites" which are not known to engage in homosexual behavior. [33] [34]

Same-sex sexual behavior should only be identified as a sexual orientation with caution. In humans the behavior is considered distinct from the orientation - many heterosexuals engage in same-sex behavior at times, and many homosexuals have heterosexual lifestyles. In animals this distinction difficult to ascertain, given the barrier of language to the subjective experience, and so is still being explored."
from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_sexuality#Homosexual_behavior

Try typing it into SearchNow or Google scholar and you will find loads of scholarly articles on the subject. You are correct that we shouldnt necc. correlate this with human sexuality but it is interesting nonetheless

02-15-2007, 08:27 PM
heres an elightened view Timmy should adopt. http://www.gofish.com/player.gfp?gfid=30-1080286

02-15-2007, 08:30 PM
List of animals displaying homosexual behavior

* African Buffalo
* African Elephant
* Agile Wallaby
* Amazon River Dolphin (Boto)
* American Bison
* Aperea
* Asian Elephant
* Asiatic Mouflon
* Atlantic Spotted Dolphin
* Australian Sea Lion
* Barasingha
* Barbary Sheep
* Beluga
* Bharal
* Bighorn Sheep
* Black Bear
* Blackbuck
* Black-footed Rock Wallaby
* Black-tailed Deer
* Bonnet Macaque
* Bonobo
* Bottlenose Dolphin
* Bowhead Whale
* Bridled Dolphin
* Brown Bear
* Brown Capuchin
* Brown Long-eared Bat
* Brown Rat
* Caribou
* Cat (domestic)
* Cattle (domestic)
* Cheetah
* Collared Peccary
* Commerson's Dolphin
* Common Brushtail Possum
* Common Chimpanzee
* Common Dolphin
* Common Marmoset
* Common Pipistrelle
* Common Raccoon
* Common Tree Shrew
* Cotton-top Tamarin
* Crab-eating Macaque
* Crested Black Macaque
* Cui
* Dall's Sheep
* Daubenton's Bat
* Dog (domestic)
* Doria's Tree Kangaroo
* Dugong
* Dwarf Cavy
* Dwarf Mongoose
* Eastern Cottontail Rabbit
* Eastern Gray Kangaroo
* Elk
* Euro (a subspecies of wallaroo)
* European Bison
* Fallow Deer
* False Killer Whale
* Fat-tailed Dunnart
* Fin Whale
* Fox
* Gelada Baboon
* Giraffe
* Goat (Domestic)
* Golden Monkey
* Gorilla
* Grant's Gazelle
* Gray-headed Flying Fox
* Gray Seal
* Gray Squirrel
* Gray Whale
* Gray Wolf
* Grizzly Bear
* Guinea Pig (Domestic)
* Hamadryas Baboon
* Hamster (Domestic)
* Hanuman Langur
* Harbor Porpoise
* Harbor Seal
* Himalayan Tahr
* Hoary Marmot
* Horse (domestic)
* Human
* Indian Fruit Bat
* Indian Muntjac
* Indian Rhinoceros
* Japanese Macaque
* Javelina
* Kangaroo Rat
* Killer Whale
* Koala
* Kob
* Larga Seal
* Least Chipmunk
* Lechwe
* Lesser Bushbaby
* Lion
* Lion-tailed Macaque
* Lion Tamarin
* Little Brown Bat
* Livingstone's Fruit Bat
* Long-eared Hedgehog
* Long-footed Tree Shrew
* Markhor
* Marten
* Matschie's Tree Kangaroo
* Mohol Galago
* Moor Macaque
* Moose
* Mountain Goat
* Mountain Tree Shrew
* Mountain Zebra
* Mouse (domestic)
* Moustached Tamarin
* Mule Deer
* Musk-ox
* Natterer's Bat
* New Zealand Sea Lion
* Nilgiri Langur
* Noctule
* North American Porcupine
* Northern Elephant Seal
* Northern Fur Seal
* Northern Quoll
* Olympic Marmot
* Orangutan
* Orca
* Pacific Striped Dolphin
* Patas Monkey
* Pere David's Deer
* Pig (Domestic)
* Pig-tailed Macaque
* Plains Zebra
* Polar Bear
* Pretty-faced Wallaby
* Proboscis Monkey
* Pronghorn
* Przewalski's Horse
* Puku
* Quokka
* Rabbit
* Raccoon Dog
* Red Deer
* Red Fox
* Red Kangaroo
* Red-necked Wallaby
* Red Squirrel
* Reeves's Muntjac
* Reindeer
* Rhesus Macaque
* Right Whale
* Rock Cavy
* Rodrigues Fruit Bat
* Roe Deer
* Rufous Bettong
* Rufous-naped Tamarin
* Rufous Rat Kangaroo
* Saddle-back Tamarin
* Savanna Baboon
* Sea Otter
* Serotine Bat
* Sheep (Domestic)
* Siamang
* Sika Deer
* Slender Tree Shrew
* Sooty Mangabey
* Sperm Whale
* Spinifex Hopping Mouse
* Spinner Dolphin
* Spotted Hyena
* Spotted Seal
* Squirrel Monkey
* Striped Dolphin
* Stuart's Marsupial Mouse
* Stumptail Macaque
* Swamp Deer
* Swamp Wallaby
* Takhi
* Talapoin
* Tammar Wallaby
* Tasmanian Devil
* Tasmanian Rat Kangaroo
* Thinhorn Sheep
* Thomson's Gazelle
* Tiger
* Tonkean Macaque
* Tucuxi
* Urial
* Vampire Bat
* Verreaux's Sifaka
* Vervet
* Vicuna
* Walrus
* Wapiti
* Warthog
* Waterbuck
* Water Buffalo
* Weeper Capuchin
* Western Gray Kangaroo
* West Indian Manatee
* Whiptail Wallaby
* White-faced Capuchin
* White-fronted Capuchin
* White-handed Gibbon
* White-lipped Peccary
* White-tailed Deer
* Wild Cavy
* Wild Goat
* Wisent
* Yello-footed Rock Wallaby
* Yellow-toothed Cavy

[edit] Birds

* Acorn Woodpecker
* Adelie Penguin
* Anna's Hummingbird
* Australian Shelduck
* Aztec Parakeet
* Bangalese Finch (Domestic)
* Bank Swallow
* Barn Owl
* Bicolored Antbird
* Black-billed Magpie
* Black-crowned Night Heron
* Black-headed Gull
* Black-rumped Flameback
* Black Stilt
* Black Swan
* Black-winged Stilt
* Blue-backed Manakin
* Blue-bellied Roller
* Blue Tit
* Blue-winged Teal
* Brown-headed Cowbird
* Budgerigar (Domestic)
* Buff-breasted Sandpiper
* Calfbird
* California Gull
* Canada Goose
* Canary-winged Parakeet
* Caspian Tern
* Cattle Egret
* Chaffinch
* Chicken (Domestic)
* Chiloe Wigeon
* Cliff Swallow
* Common Gull
* Common Murre
* Common Shelduck
* Crane spp.
* Dusky Moorhen
* Eastern Bluebird
* Egyptian Goose
* Elegant Parrot
* Emu
* European Jay
* European Shag
* Flamingo
* Galah
* Gentoo Penguin
* Golden Bishop Bird
* Golden Plover
* Gray-breasted Jay
* Gray-capped Social Weaver
* Gray Heron
* Grayling
* Great Cormorant
* Greater Bird of Paradise
* Greater Rhea
* Green Sandpiper
* Greenshank
* Greylag Goose
* Griffon Vulture
* Guianan ****-of-the-Rock
* Guillemot
* Herring Gull
* Hoary-headed Grebe
* Hooded Warbler
* House Sparrow
* Humboldt Penguin
* Ivory Gull
* Jackdaw
* Kestrel
* King Penguin
* Kittiwake
* Laughing Gull
* Laysan Albatross
* Least Darter
* Lesser Flamingo
* Lesser Scaup Duck
* Little Blue Heron
* Little Egret
* Long-tailed Hermit Hummingbird
* Mallard
* Masked Lovebird
* Mealy Amazon Parrot
* Mew Gull
* Mexican Jay
* Musk Duck
* Mute Swan
* Ocellated Antbird
* Ocher-bellied Flycatcher
* Orange Bishop Bird
* Orange-footed Parakeet
* Ornate Lorikeet
* Ostrich
* Oystercatcher
* Peach-faced Lovebird
* Pied Flycatcher
* Pied Kingfisher
* Pigeon (Domestic)
* Powerful Owl
* Purple Swamphen
* Raggiana's Bird of Paradise
* Raven
* Razorbill
* Red-backed Shrike
* Red Bishop Bird
* Red-faced Lovebird
* Redshank
* Red-shouldered Widowbird
* Regent Bowerbird
* Ring-billed Gull
* Ring Dove
* Rock Dove
* Roseate Cockatoo
* Roseate Tern
* Rose-ringed Parakeet
* Ruff
* Ruffed Grouse
* Sage Grouse
* San Blas Jay
* Sand Martin
* Satin Bowerbird
* Scarlet Ibis
* Scottish Crossbill
* Senegal Parrot
* Sharp-tailed Sparrow
* Silver Gull
* Silvery Grebe
* Snow Goose
* Steller's Sea Eagle
* Superb Lyrebird
* Swallow-tailed Manakin
* Tasmanian Native Hen
* Tree Swallow
* Trumpeter Swan
* Turkey (Domestic)
* Victoria's Riflebird
* Wattled Starling
* Western Gull
* White-fronted Amazon Parrot
* White Stork
* Wood Duck
* Yellow-backed (Chattering) Lorikeet
* Yellow-rumped Cacique
* Zebra Finch (Domestic)

[edit] Fish

* Amazon molly
* Blackstripe Topminnow
* Bluegill Sunfish
* Char
* European Bitterling
* Green swordtail
* Guiana leaffish
* Hammerhead
* Houting Whitefish
* Jewel Fish
* Mouthbreeding Fish sp.
* Salmon spp.
* Southern platyfish
* Ten-spined stickleback
* Three-spined stickleback

[edit] Other vertebrates

* Anole sp.
* Appalachian Woodland Salamander
* Black-spotted Frog
* Broad-headed Skink
* Checkered Whiptail Lizard
* Chihuahuan Spotted Whiptail Lizard
* Common Ameiva
* Common Garter Snake
* Cuban Green Anole
* Desert Grassland Whiptail Lizard
* Desert Tortoise
* Fence Lizard
* Five-lined Skink
* Gopher (Pine) Snake
* Green Anole
* Inagua Curlytail Lizard
* Jamaican Giant Anole
* Laredo Striped Whiptail Lizard
* Largehead Anole
* Mountain Dusky Salamander
* Mourning Gecko
* Plateau Striped Whiptail Lizard
* Red Diamond Rattlesnake
* Red-tailed Skink
* Side-blotched Lizard
* Speckled Rattlesnake
* Tengger Desert Toad
* Water Moccasin
* Western Rattlesnake
* Western Banded Gecko
* Whiptail Lizard spp.
* Wood Turtle

[edit] Insects and other invertebrates

* Acanthocephalan Worms
* Alfalfa Weevil
* Australian Parasitic Wasp sp.
* Bean Weevil sp.
* Bedbug and other Bug spp.
* Blister Beetle spp.
* Blowfly
* Box Crab
* Broadwinged Damselfly sp.
* Cabbage (Small) White
* Checkerspot Butterfly
* Clubtail Dragonfly spp.
* Cockroach spp.
* Common Skimmer Dragonfly spp.
* Creeping Water Bug sp.
* Digger Bee
* Dragonfly spp.
* Eastern Giant Ichneumon
* Eucalyptus Longhorned Borer
* Field Cricket sp.
* Fruit Fly spp.
* Glasswing Butterfly
* Grape Berry Moth
* Grape Borer
* Green Lacewing
* Harvest Spider sp.
* Hawaiian Orb-Weaver
* Hen Flea
* House Fly
* Ichneumon Wasp sp.
* Incirrate Octopus spp.
* Japanese Scarab Beetle
* Jumping Spider sp.
* Larch Bud Moth
* Large Milkweed Bug
* Large White
* Long-legged Fly spp.
* Mazarine Blue
* Mediterranean Fruit Fly
* Mexican White
* Midge sp.
* Migratory Locust
* Mite sp.
* Monarch Butterfly
* Narrow-winged Damselfly spp.
* Parsnip Leaf Miner
* Pomace Fly
* Prea
* Queen Butterfly
* Red Ant sp.
* Red Flour Beetle
* Reindeer Warble Fly
* Rosechafer
* Rove Beetle spp.
* Scarab Beetle, Melolonthine
* Screwworm Fly
* Silkworm Moth
* Sociable Weaver
* Southeastern Blueberry Bee
* Southern Green Stink Bug
* Southern Masked Chafer
* Southern One-Year Canegrub
* Spreadwinged Damselfly spp.
* Spruce Budworm Moth
* Stable Fly sp.
* Stag Beetle spp.
* Tsetse Fly
* Water Boatman Bug
* Water Strider spp.
from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_animals_displaying_homosexual_behavior

02-15-2007, 08:50 PM
surprise, surprise!

I was thinking before, what if Hardaway was still in the studio with ESPN. He was on live, and the news breaks, imagine what he would have said...

02-15-2007, 08:59 PM
Why becuz your not offended?

Here's a guy who mentions exclusively black people as non human primates? in a country that has a history of not only being insensitive but downright abusive using such images......

but him I guess being humerous makes the difference? Cracking on Tim Hardaway becuz he's an idiot or an ignoramus is one thing...but Ewing has never said anything remotely close to Hardaway range..

People such as you were just harping on Tim's insensitivity no? Seeing as saKF is much more educated and probably a lot smarter than Tim Hardaway the parrallels are there.

Ewing and the word gorrilla has always been linked together bc he looks like one, mainly bc his size and facial structure. How is that racist? He is just ugly. But I only looked at the post you quoted I didn't read any comment saying all blacks are non human primates, that is clearly a racist statement.

02-15-2007, 09:01 PM
Scottie Pippen looks like a mule.

02-15-2007, 09:03 PM
List of animals displaying homosexual behavior

* African Buffalo
* African Elephant
* Agile Wallaby
* Amazon River Dolphin (Boto)
* American Bison
* Aperea
* Asian Elephant
* Asiatic Mouflon
* Atlantic Spotted Dolphin
* Australian Sea Lion
* Barasingha
* Barbary Sheep
* Beluga
* Bharal
* Bighorn Sheep
* Black Bear
* Blackbuck
* Black-footed Rock Wallaby
* Black-tailed Deer
* Bonnet Macaque
* Bonobo
* Bottlenose Dolphin
* Bowhead Whale
* Bridled Dolphin
* Brown Bear
* Brown Capuchin
* Brown Long-eared Bat
* Brown Rat
* Caribou
* Cat (domestic)
* Cattle (domestic)
* Cheetah
* Collared Peccary
* Commerson's Dolphin
* Common Brushtail Possum
* Common Chimpanzee
* Common Dolphin
* Common Marmoset
* Common Pipistrelle
* Common Raccoon
* Common Tree Shrew
* Cotton-top Tamarin
* Crab-eating Macaque
* Crested Black Macaque
* Cui
* Dall's Sheep
* Daubenton's Bat
* Dog (domestic)
* Doria's Tree Kangaroo
* Dugong
* Dwarf Cavy
* Dwarf Mongoose
* Eastern Cottontail Rabbit
* Eastern Gray Kangaroo
* Elk
* Euro (a subspecies of wallaroo)
* European Bison
* Fallow Deer
* False Killer Whale
* Fat-tailed Dunnart
* Fin Whale
* Fox
* Gelada Baboon
* Giraffe
* Goat (Domestic)
* Golden Monkey
* Gorilla
* Grant's Gazelle
* Gray-headed Flying Fox
* Gray Seal
* Gray Squirrel
* Gray Whale
* Gray Wolf
* Grizzly Bear
* Guinea Pig (Domestic)
* Hamadryas Baboon
* Hamster (Domestic)
* Hanuman Langur
* Harbor Porpoise
* Harbor Seal
* Himalayan Tahr
* Hoary Marmot
* Horse (domestic)
* Human
* Indian Fruit Bat
* Indian Muntjac
* Indian Rhinoceros
* Japanese Macaque
* Javelina
* Kangaroo Rat
* Killer Whale
* Koala
* Kob
* Larga Seal
* Least Chipmunk
* Lechwe
* Lesser Bushbaby
* Lion
* Lion-tailed Macaque
* Lion Tamarin
* Little Brown Bat
* Livingstone's Fruit Bat
* Long-eared Hedgehog
* Long-footed Tree Shrew
* Markhor
* Marten
* Matschie's Tree Kangaroo
* Mohol Galago
* Moor Macaque
* Moose
* Mountain Goat
* Mountain Tree Shrew
* Mountain Zebra
* Mouse (domestic)
* Moustached Tamarin
* Mule Deer
* Musk-ox
* Natterer's Bat
* New Zealand Sea Lion
* Nilgiri Langur
* Noctule
* North American Porcupine
* Northern Elephant Seal
* Northern Fur Seal
* Northern Quoll
* Olympic Marmot
* Orangutan
* Orca
* Pacific Striped Dolphin
* Patas Monkey
* Pere David's Deer
* Pig (Domestic)
* Pig-tailed Macaque
* Plains Zebra
* Polar Bear
* Pretty-faced Wallaby
* Proboscis Monkey
* Pronghorn
* Przewalski's Horse
* Puku
* Quokka
* Rabbit
* Raccoon Dog
* Red Deer
* Red Fox
* Red Kangaroo
* Red-necked Wallaby
* Red Squirrel
* Reeves's Muntjac
* Reindeer
* Rhesus Macaque
* Right Whale
* Rock Cavy
* Rodrigues Fruit Bat
* Roe Deer
* Rufous Bettong
* Rufous-naped Tamarin
* Rufous Rat Kangaroo
* Saddle-back Tamarin
* Savanna Baboon
* Sea Otter
* Serotine Bat
* Sheep (Domestic)
* Siamang
* Sika Deer
* Slender Tree Shrew
* Sooty Mangabey
* Sperm Whale
* Spinifex Hopping Mouse
* Spinner Dolphin
* Spotted Hyena
* Spotted Seal
* Squirrel Monkey
* Striped Dolphin
* Stuart's Marsupial Mouse
* Stumptail Macaque
* Swamp Deer
* Swamp Wallaby
* Takhi
* Talapoin
* Tammar Wallaby
* Tasmanian Devil
* Tasmanian Rat Kangaroo
* Thinhorn Sheep
* Thomson's Gazelle
* Tiger
* Tonkean Macaque
* Tucuxi
* Urial
* Vampire Bat
* Verreaux's Sifaka
* Vervet
* Vicuna
* Walrus
* Wapiti
* Warthog
* Waterbuck
* Water Buffalo
* Weeper Capuchin
* Western Gray Kangaroo
* West Indian Manatee
* Whiptail Wallaby
* White-faced Capuchin
* White-fronted Capuchin
* White-handed Gibbon
* White-lipped Peccary
* White-tailed Deer
* Wild Cavy
* Wild Goat
* Wisent
* Yello-footed Rock Wallaby
* Yellow-toothed Cavy

[edit] Birds

* Acorn Woodpecker
* Adelie Penguin
* Anna's Hummingbird
* Australian Shelduck
* Aztec Parakeet
* Bangalese Finch (Domestic)
* Bank Swallow
* Barn Owl
* Bicolored Antbird
* Black-billed Magpie
* Black-crowned Night Heron
* Black-headed Gull
* Black-rumped Flameback
* Black Stilt
* Black Swan
* Black-winged Stilt
* Blue-backed Manakin
* Blue-bellied Roller
* Blue Tit
* Blue-winged Teal
* Brown-headed Cowbird
* Budgerigar (Domestic)
* Buff-breasted Sandpiper
* Calfbird
* California Gull
* Canada Goose
* Canary-winged Parakeet
* Caspian Tern
* Cattle Egret
* Chaffinch
* Chicken (Domestic)
* Chiloe Wigeon
* Cliff Swallow
* Common Gull
* Common Murre
* Common Shelduck
* Crane spp.
* Dusky Moorhen
* Eastern Bluebird
* Egyptian Goose
* Elegant Parrot
* Emu
* European Jay
* European Shag
* Flamingo
* Galah
* Gentoo Penguin
* Golden Bishop Bird
* Golden Plover
* Gray-breasted Jay
* Gray-capped Social Weaver
* Gray Heron
* Grayling
* Great Cormorant
* Greater Bird of Paradise
* Greater Rhea
* Green Sandpiper
* Greenshank
* Greylag Goose
* Griffon Vulture
* Guianan ****-of-the-Rock
* Guillemot
* Herring Gull
* Hoary-headed Grebe
* Hooded Warbler
* House Sparrow
* Humboldt Penguin
* Ivory Gull
* Jackdaw
* Kestrel
* King Penguin
* Kittiwake
* Laughing Gull
* Laysan Albatross
* Least Darter
* Lesser Flamingo
* Lesser Scaup Duck
* Little Blue Heron
* Little Egret
* Long-tailed Hermit Hummingbird
* Mallard
* Masked Lovebird
* Mealy Amazon Parrot
* Mew Gull
* Mexican Jay
* Musk Duck
* Mute Swan
* Ocellated Antbird
* Ocher-bellied Flycatcher
* Orange Bishop Bird
* Orange-footed Parakeet
* Ornate Lorikeet
* Ostrich
* Oystercatcher
* Peach-faced Lovebird
* Pied Flycatcher
* Pied Kingfisher
* Pigeon (Domestic)
* Powerful Owl
* Purple Swamphen
* Raggiana's Bird of Paradise
* Raven
* Razorbill
* Red-backed Shrike
* Red Bishop Bird
* Red-faced Lovebird
* Redshank
* Red-shouldered Widowbird
* Regent Bowerbird
* Ring-billed Gull
* Ring Dove
* Rock Dove
* Roseate Cockatoo
* Roseate Tern
* Rose-ringed Parakeet
* Ruff
* Ruffed Grouse
* Sage Grouse
* San Blas Jay
* Sand Martin
* Satin Bowerbird
* Scarlet Ibis
* Scottish Crossbill
* Senegal Parrot
* Sharp-tailed Sparrow
* Silver Gull
* Silvery Grebe
* Snow Goose
* Steller's Sea Eagle
* Superb Lyrebird
* Swallow-tailed Manakin
* Tasmanian Native Hen
* Tree Swallow
* Trumpeter Swan
* Turkey (Domestic)
* Victoria's Riflebird
* Wattled Starling
* Western Gull
* White-fronted Amazon Parrot
* White Stork
* Wood Duck
* Yellow-backed (Chattering) Lorikeet
* Yellow-rumped Cacique
* Zebra Finch (Domestic)

[edit] Fish

* Amazon molly
* Blackstripe Topminnow
* Bluegill Sunfish
* Char
* European Bitterling
* Green swordtail
* Guiana leaffish
* Hammerhead
* Houting Whitefish
* Jewel Fish
* Mouthbreeding Fish sp.
* Salmon spp.
* Southern platyfish
* Ten-spined stickleback
* Three-spined stickleback

[edit] Other vertebrates

* Anole sp.
* Appalachian Woodland Salamander
* Black-spotted Frog
* Broad-headed Skink
* Checkered Whiptail Lizard
* Chihuahuan Spotted Whiptail Lizard
* Common Ameiva
* Common Garter Snake
* Cuban Green Anole
* Desert Grassland Whiptail Lizard
* Desert Tortoise
* Fence Lizard
* Five-lined Skink
* Gopher (Pine) Snake
* Green Anole
* Inagua Curlytail Lizard
* Jamaican Giant Anole
* Laredo Striped Whiptail Lizard
* Largehead Anole
* Mountain Dusky Salamander
* Mourning Gecko
* Plateau Striped Whiptail Lizard
* Red Diamond Rattlesnake
* Red-tailed Skink
* Side-blotched Lizard
* Speckled Rattlesnake
* Tengger Desert Toad
* Water Moccasin
* Western Rattlesnake
* Western Banded Gecko
* Whiptail Lizard spp.
* Wood Turtle

[edit] Insects and other invertebrates

* Acanthocephalan Worms
* Alfalfa Weevil
* Australian Parasitic Wasp sp.
* Bean Weevil sp.
* Bedbug and other Bug spp.
* Blister Beetle spp.
* Blowfly
* Box Crab
* Broadwinged Damselfly sp.
* Cabbage (Small) White
* Checkerspot Butterfly
* Clubtail Dragonfly spp.
* Cockroach spp.
* Common Skimmer Dragonfly spp.
* Creeping Water Bug sp.
* Digger Bee
* Dragonfly spp.
* Eastern Giant Ichneumon
* Eucalyptus Longhorned Borer
* Field Cricket sp.
* Fruit Fly spp.
* Glasswing Butterfly
* Grape Berry Moth
* Grape Borer
* Green Lacewing
* Harvest Spider sp.
* Hawaiian Orb-Weaver
* Hen Flea
* House Fly
* Ichneumon Wasp sp.
* Incirrate Octopus spp.
* Japanese Scarab Beetle
* Jumping Spider sp.
* Larch Bud Moth
* Large Milkweed Bug
* Large White
* Long-legged Fly spp.
* Mazarine Blue
* Mediterranean Fruit Fly
* Mexican White
* Midge sp.
* Migratory Locust
* Mite sp.
* Monarch Butterfly
* Narrow-winged Damselfly spp.
* Parsnip Leaf Miner
* Pomace Fly
* Prea
* Queen Butterfly
* Red Ant sp.
* Red Flour Beetle
* Reindeer Warble Fly
* Rosechafer
* Rove Beetle spp.
* Scarab Beetle, Melolonthine
* Screwworm Fly
* Silkworm Moth
* Sociable Weaver
* Southeastern Blueberry Bee
* Southern Green Stink Bug
* Southern Masked Chafer
* Southern One-Year Canegrub
* Spreadwinged Damselfly spp.
* Spruce Budworm Moth
* Stable Fly sp.
* Stag Beetle spp.
* Tsetse Fly
* Water Boatman Bug
* Water Strider spp.
from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_animals_displaying_homosexual_behavior

Which one of those animals doesn't fall into the info I gave you? there are some animals in there that are solitary.Humans are not solitary beings but even they don't disprove anythig I said..O and instects and invertabrae that is weak you have now classified homosexuality as a bodily function like farting...Homosexuality it about having relationshipd and loving someone of teh same sex..as I said men and women in prison have same sex activity without being gay all the time.

I like the screw worm fly though.... great name.

02-15-2007, 09:07 PM
no matter what they say the sheep lie, i wasn't even near the place that night....

02-15-2007, 09:07 PM
Which one of those animals doesn't fall into the info I gave you? there are some animals in there that are solitary.Humans are not solitary beings but even they don't disprove anythig I said..O and instects and invertabrae that is weak you have now classified homosexuality as a bodily function like farting...Homosexuality it about having relationshipd and loving someone of teh same sex..as I said men and women in prison have same sex activity without being gay all the time.

I like the screw worm fly though.... great name.
did you read the previous post at all? The list was simply to illustrate the prevelance of it among all sorts of animals. You are just wrong that social animals do not engage in homosexual behavior. And with modern DNA evidence the idea that animals mate for life has fallen on its face. Most of those species (particularly birds-frequently very social animals) have been found to be philanderers on both sides of the sexual divide.

02-15-2007, 09:10 PM
Just add Kaman to the "non-human primate" symposium and we can avoid any racial connotations. Although the goal was to find the dumbest humans alive, not the most prehistoric-looking, so maybe Kaman doesn't really fit.

02-15-2007, 09:20 PM
Damn 206 replies to this crap, I guess he really offended some of you eh. J/p :lol:

02-15-2007, 09:22 PM
I don't like intolerant bigots.

02-15-2007, 09:23 PM
comparing homosexuality with skin color is just moronic. There is nothing wrong or unnatural about being any skin color. It is unnatural and wrong to be gay. I dont hate homosexuals nor do i think anyone should but this comparison is more foolish than tims statements.

you my good sir/ma'am are an idiot. how can you say it is unnatural and wrong to be gay? most of the people that "choose" to be gay are 16 year old girls trying to impress little boys. crawl out from under your rock and understand that people do not choose to be homosexual no more than people choose to have asthma. please educate yourself and your family members.

02-15-2007, 09:40 PM
List of animals displaying homosexual behavior

* African Buffalo
* African Elephant
* Agile Wallaby
* Amazon River Dolphin (Boto)
* American Bison
* Aperea
* Asian Elephant
* Asiatic Mouflon
* Atlantic Spotted Dolphin
* Australian Sea Lion
* Barasingha
* Barbary Sheep
* Beluga
* Bharal
* Bighorn Sheep
* Black Bear
* Blackbuck
* Black-footed Rock Wallaby
* Black-tailed Deer
* Bonnet Macaque
* Bonobo
* Bottlenose Dolphin
* Bowhead Whale
* Bridled Dolphin
* Brown Bear
* Brown Capuchin
* Brown Long-eared Bat
* Brown Rat
* Caribou
* Cat (domestic)
* Cattle (domestic)
* Cheetah
* Collared Peccary
* Commerson's Dolphin
* Common Brushtail Possum
* Common Chimpanzee
* Common Dolphin
* Common Marmoset
* Common Pipistrelle
* Common Raccoon
* Common Tree Shrew
* Cotton-top Tamarin
* Crab-eating Macaque
* Crested Black Macaque
* Cui
* Dall's Sheep
* Daubenton's Bat
* Dog (domestic)
* Doria's Tree Kangaroo
* Dugong
* Dwarf Cavy
* Dwarf Mongoose
* Eastern Cottontail Rabbit
* Eastern Gray Kangaroo
* Elk
* Euro (a subspecies of wallaroo)
* European Bison
* Fallow Deer
* False Killer Whale
* Fat-tailed Dunnart
* Fin Whale
* Fox
* Gelada Baboon
* Giraffe
* Goat (Domestic)
* Golden Monkey
* Gorilla
* Grant's Gazelle
* Gray-headed Flying Fox
* Gray Seal
* Gray Squirrel
* Gray Whale
* Gray Wolf
* Grizzly Bear
* Guinea Pig (Domestic)
* Hamadryas Baboon
* Hamster (Domestic)
* Hanuman Langur
* Harbor Porpoise
* Harbor Seal
* Himalayan Tahr
* Hoary Marmot
* Horse (domestic)
* Human
* Indian Fruit Bat
* Indian Muntjac
* Indian Rhinoceros
* Japanese Macaque
* Javelina
* Kangaroo Rat
* Killer Whale
* Koala
* Kob
* Larga Seal
* Least Chipmunk
* Lechwe
* Lesser Bushbaby
* Lion
* Lion-tailed Macaque
* Lion Tamarin
* Little Brown Bat
* Livingstone's Fruit Bat
* Long-eared Hedgehog
* Long-footed Tree Shrew
* Markhor
* Marten
* Matschie's Tree Kangaroo
* Mohol Galago
* Moor Macaque
* Moose
* Mountain Goat
* Mountain Tree Shrew
* Mountain Zebra
* Mouse (domestic)
* Moustached Tamarin
* Mule Deer
* Musk-ox
* Natterer's Bat
* New Zealand Sea Lion
* Nilgiri Langur
* Noctule
* North American Porcupine
* Northern Elephant Seal
* Northern Fur Seal
* Northern Quoll
* Olympic Marmot
* Orangutan
* Orca
* Pacific Striped Dolphin
* Patas Monkey
* Pere David's Deer
* Pig (Domestic)
* Pig-tailed Macaque
* Plains Zebra
* Polar Bear
* Pretty-faced Wallaby
* Proboscis Monkey
* Pronghorn
* Przewalski's Horse
* Puku
* Quokka
* Rabbit
* Raccoon Dog
* Red Deer
* Red Fox
* Red Kangaroo
* Red-necked Wallaby
* Red Squirrel
* Reeves's Muntjac
* Reindeer
* Rhesus Macaque
* Right Whale
* Rock Cavy
* Rodrigues Fruit Bat
* Roe Deer
* Rufous Bettong
* Rufous-naped Tamarin
* Rufous Rat Kangaroo
* Saddle-back Tamarin
* Savanna Baboon
* Sea Otter
* Serotine Bat
* Sheep (Domestic)
* Siamang
* Sika Deer
* Slender Tree Shrew
* Sooty Mangabey
* Sperm Whale
* Spinifex Hopping Mouse
* Spinner Dolphin
* Spotted Hyena
* Spotted Seal
* Squirrel Monkey
* Striped Dolphin
* Stuart's Marsupial Mouse
* Stumptail Macaque
* Swamp Deer
* Swamp Wallaby
* Takhi
* Talapoin
* Tammar Wallaby
* Tasmanian Devil
* Tasmanian Rat Kangaroo
* Thinhorn Sheep
* Thomson's Gazelle
* Tiger
* Tonkean Macaque
* Tucuxi
* Urial
* Vampire Bat
* Verreaux's Sifaka
* Vervet
* Vicuna
* Walrus
* Wapiti
* Warthog
* Waterbuck
* Water Buffalo
* Weeper Capuchin
* Western Gray Kangaroo
* West Indian Manatee
* Whiptail Wallaby
* White-faced Capuchin
* White-fronted Capuchin
* White-handed Gibbon
* White-lipped Peccary
* White-tailed Deer
* Wild Cavy
* Wild Goat
* Wisent
* Yello-footed Rock Wallaby
* Yellow-toothed Cavy

[edit] Birds

* Acorn Woodpecker
* Adelie Penguin
* Anna's Hummingbird
* Australian Shelduck
* Aztec Parakeet
* Bangalese Finch (Domestic)
* Bank Swallow
* Barn Owl
* Bicolored Antbird
* Black-billed Magpie
* Black-crowned Night Heron
* Black-headed Gull
* Black-rumped Flameback
* Black Stilt
* Black Swan
* Black-winged Stilt
* Blue-backed Manakin
* Blue-bellied Roller
* Blue Tit
* Blue-winged Teal
* Brown-headed Cowbird
* Budgerigar (Domestic)
* Buff-breasted Sandpiper
* Calfbird
* California Gull
* Canada Goose
* Canary-winged Parakeet
* Caspian Tern
* Cattle Egret
* Chaffinch
* Chicken (Domestic)
* Chiloe Wigeon
* Cliff Swallow
* Common Gull
* Common Murre
* Common Shelduck
* Crane spp.
* Dusky Moorhen
* Eastern Bluebird
* Egyptian Goose
* Elegant Parrot
* Emu
* European Jay
* European Shag
* Flamingo
* Galah
* Gentoo Penguin
* Golden Bishop Bird
* Golden Plover
* Gray-breasted Jay
* Gray-capped Social Weaver
* Gray Heron
* Grayling
* Great Cormorant
* Greater Bird of Paradise
* Greater Rhea
* Green Sandpiper
* Greenshank
* Greylag Goose
* Griffon Vulture
* Guianan ****-of-the-Rock
* Guillemot
* Herring Gull
* Hoary-headed Grebe
* Hooded Warbler
* House Sparrow
* Humboldt Penguin
* Ivory Gull
* Jackdaw
* Kestrel
* King Penguin
* Kittiwake
* Laughing Gull
* Laysan Albatross
* Least Darter
* Lesser Flamingo
* Lesser Scaup Duck
* Little Blue Heron
* Little Egret
* Long-tailed Hermit Hummingbird
* Mallard
* Masked Lovebird
* Mealy Amazon Parrot
* Mew Gull
* Mexican Jay
* Musk Duck
* Mute Swan
* Ocellated Antbird
* Ocher-bellied Flycatcher
* Orange Bishop Bird
* Orange-footed Parakeet
* Ornate Lorikeet
* Ostrich
* Oystercatcher
* Peach-faced Lovebird
* Pied Flycatcher
* Pied Kingfisher
* Pigeon (Domestic)
* Powerful Owl
* Purple Swamphen
* Raggiana's Bird of Paradise
* Raven
* Razorbill
* Red-backed Shrike
* Red Bishop Bird
* Red-faced Lovebird
* Redshank
* Red-shouldered Widowbird
* Regent Bowerbird
* Ring-billed Gull
* Ring Dove
* Rock Dove
* Roseate Cockatoo
* Roseate Tern
* Rose-ringed Parakeet
* Ruff
* Ruffed Grouse
* Sage Grouse
* San Blas Jay
* Sand Martin
* Satin Bowerbird
* Scarlet Ibis
* Scottish Crossbill
* Senegal Parrot
* Sharp-tailed Sparrow
* Silver Gull
* Silvery Grebe
* Snow Goose
* Steller's Sea Eagle
* Superb Lyrebird
* Swallow-tailed Manakin
* Tasmanian Native Hen
* Tree Swallow
* Trumpeter Swan
* Turkey (Domestic)
* Victoria's Riflebird
* Wattled Starling
* Western Gull
* White-fronted Amazon Parrot
* White Stork
* Wood Duck
* Yellow-backed (Chattering) Lorikeet
* Yellow-rumped Cacique
* Zebra Finch (Domestic)

[edit] Fish

* Amazon molly
* Blackstripe Topminnow
* Bluegill Sunfish
* Char
* European Bitterling
* Green swordtail
* Guiana leaffish
* Hammerhead
* Houting Whitefish
* Jewel Fish
* Mouthbreeding Fish sp.
* Salmon spp.
* Southern platyfish
* Ten-spined stickleback
* Three-spined stickleback

[edit] Other vertebrates

* Anole sp.
* Appalachian Woodland Salamander
* Black-spotted Frog
* Broad-headed Skink
* Checkered Whiptail Lizard
* Chihuahuan Spotted Whiptail Lizard
* Common Ameiva
* Common Garter Snake
* Cuban Green Anole
* Desert Grassland Whiptail Lizard
* Desert Tortoise
* Fence Lizard
* Five-lined Skink
* Gopher (Pine) Snake
* Green Anole
* Inagua Curlytail Lizard
* Jamaican Giant Anole
* Laredo Striped Whiptail Lizard
* Largehead Anole
* Mountain Dusky Salamander
* Mourning Gecko
* Plateau Striped Whiptail Lizard
* Red Diamond Rattlesnake
* Red-tailed Skink
* Side-blotched Lizard
* Speckled Rattlesnake
* Tengger Desert Toad
* Water Moccasin
* Western Rattlesnake
* Western Banded Gecko
* Whiptail Lizard spp.
* Wood Turtle

[edit] Insects and other invertebrates

* Acanthocephalan Worms
* Alfalfa Weevil
* Australian Parasitic Wasp sp.
* Bean Weevil sp.
* Bedbug and other Bug spp.
* Blister Beetle spp.
* Blowfly
* Box Crab
* Broadwinged Damselfly sp.
* Cabbage (Small) White
* Checkerspot Butterfly
* Clubtail Dragonfly spp.
* Cockroach spp.
* Common Skimmer Dragonfly spp.
* Creeping Water Bug sp.
* Digger Bee
* Dragonfly spp.
* Eastern Giant Ichneumon
* Eucalyptus Longhorned Borer
* Field Cricket sp.
* Fruit Fly spp.
* Glasswing Butterfly
* Grape Berry Moth
* Grape Borer
* Green Lacewing
* Harvest Spider sp.
* Hawaiian Orb-Weaver
* Hen Flea
* House Fly
* Ichneumon Wasp sp.
* Incirrate Octopus spp.
* Japanese Scarab Beetle
* Jumping Spider sp.
* Larch Bud Moth
* Large Milkweed Bug
* Large White
* Long-legged Fly spp.
* Mazarine Blue
* Mediterranean Fruit Fly
* Mexican White
* Midge sp.
* Migratory Locust
* Mite sp.
* Monarch Butterfly
* Narrow-winged Damselfly spp.
* Parsnip Leaf Miner
* Pomace Fly
* Prea
* Queen Butterfly
* Red Ant sp.
* Red Flour Beetle
* Reindeer Warble Fly
* Rosechafer
* Rove Beetle spp.
* Scarab Beetle, Melolonthine
* Screwworm Fly
* Silkworm Moth
* Sociable Weaver
* Southeastern Blueberry Bee
* Southern Green Stink Bug
* Southern Masked Chafer
* Southern One-Year Canegrub
* Spreadwinged Damselfly spp.
* Spruce Budworm Moth
* Stable Fly sp.
* Stag Beetle spp.
* Tsetse Fly
* Water Boatman Bug
* Water Strider spp.
from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_animals_displaying_homosexual_behavior

the attitude of Christians and even non Christians is that humans are better than animals, so they don't act bestial.

(for Christians, in this case it means no gays. for non Christians it might mean no reckless sex chases to get your genes into the next generation)

02-15-2007, 09:52 PM
Wow I am really surprised at the comments on cnnsi looks like the majority are backing up Tim, idealogically.

Didnt anyone watch X-Men?!?!?

El Kabong
02-15-2007, 10:05 PM
Now is it just me or do some of these homophobes seem to have the idea about homosexuals that they're all sexual deviants who'll if given the slightest bit of oppurtunity would not hesitate to force him/her self upon them.

02-15-2007, 10:07 PM
Now is it just me or do some of these homophobes seem to have the idea about homosexuals that they're all sexual deviants who'll if given the slightest bit of oppurtunity would not hesitate to force him/her self upon them.

Tim Hardaway thinks this way.

but who do you define as a homophobe? conservatives? Republicans? regular church going families? the Vatican? the Muslims? please elaborate.

singling out people as homophobes is just as ignorant and bigoted as it is to call people homosexual deviants. they are both born out of sheer mean spirited ignorance.

just like how it is wrong, ignorant and bigoted to call a black man the N word, just as it is to call someone who votes Republican a stupid Red State hick who likes to eat at Red Lobster and play bowling on Friday nights.

it may not have the same civil connotations, but you cannot disagree both are ignorant statements.

02-15-2007, 10:16 PM
Since so many folks Tim was wrong for his view. here is a question. If you were playing any type of organized sport, would you use the shower right next to a person who you KNOW is gay? I'm not saying just being his team mate. I'm saying being butt naked shower in his open view comfortably.

Dick Biggly
02-15-2007, 10:16 PM
in a nutshell:

02-15-2007, 10:16 PM
Why didn't anyone call Mj a homophobe when he called Kwame a "flaming ******"?

02-15-2007, 10:20 PM
Okay I must be outdated cuz ya'll are brining up something i aint never heard of.......but then again I aint up on my Zoology since H.S...

02-15-2007, 10:23 PM
well I dont think this forum was around at the time (I certainly wasnt part of it) but of course I would defend his right to not stand during the national anthem. I think it cheapens the meaning of the anthem if people are forced to partake against their will (as if our false patriotism werent cheap enough - only 1.99 and you too can "support the troops" with a sticker that in no way benefits the troops). I was at a white sox game shortly after 9/11, and a couple there were wearing "arrow through head" style flags with about 9 stripes and 15 stars. During the 7th inning stretch the stood up to god bless america and were pointing to their flag heads like they were the ****ing most american thing since john wayne. I was already completely offended by them (The flag is meant to be displayed as that, a flag, or as a patch on a uniform - any clothing with the flag depicted, or using the flag pattern is belittling to the ideals which that flag represents). No bikinis, no stickers on your car with GW face over the flag.
And to be fair he wasnt being lambasted for being a muslim, but for a politically symbolic act he was engaged in. http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1058/is_n11_v113/ai_18179967

Of course it was becuz he was a muslim teh act was mae to be something subversive becuz he wasn't christian or athleist...if he was then he'd just be a disrespectful/lazy jigabo...but they turned it into a religion thing and went to Hakeem.....try to make it seem liek Rauf was a bad person and a poor muslim.

02-15-2007, 10:24 PM
i saw a topic a few days ago asking if you would think less of jordan if he came out of the closet and i think i wouldn't know the answer if i would or not think less of MJ. like it's impossible to deny his greatness in the game of bball. and i can't imagine a manly man like him being a gay guy. but for tim hardaway i am thinking less of him for the comment he made on gay people. i don't know. somehow i just don't like him much anymore. i guess it's just like how people started to hate kobe so much when he turned out as a ******/cheater.

02-15-2007, 10:43 PM
Since so many folks Tim was wrong for his view. here is a question. If you were playing any type of organized sport, would you use the shower right next to a person who you KNOW is gay? I'm not saying just being his team mate. I'm saying being butt naked shower in his open view comfortably.
the issue isnt him saying I would be uncomfortable with a gay man seeing my naked ***** in the shower. He said he hates a group of people and they have no place in the wolrd. much stronger. many of the nba players made comments about the locker room issue with no backlash

02-15-2007, 10:45 PM
Hardaway is entitled to his own opinion and is allowed to present them in our culture of free speech.

however, that does not mean he should have made these remarks. they were crass and insensitive. and even though I lean to the right, I understand that homosexual citizens have rights as well.

02-15-2007, 11:11 PM

Wikipedia really isn't the most academic source. Nice try though.

El Kabong
02-15-2007, 11:20 PM
Tim Hardaway thinks this way.

but who do you define as a homophobe? conservatives? Republicans? regular church going families? the Vatican? the Muslims? please elaborate.

singling out people as homophobes is just as ignorant and bigoted as it is to call people homosexual deviants. they are both born out of sheer mean spirited ignorance.

just like how it is wrong, ignorant and bigoted to call a black man the N word, just as it is to call someone who votes Republican a stupid Red State hick who likes to eat at Red Lobster and play bowling on Friday nights.

it may not have the same civil connotations, but you cannot disagree both are ignorant statements.

When I say homophobe i'm using the dictionary definition which is


02-15-2007, 11:25 PM
[QUOTE=El Kabong]When I say homophobe i'm using the dictionary definition which is


02-15-2007, 11:28 PM
Here's a guy who mentions exclusively black people as non human primates? in a country that has a history of not only being insensitive but downright abusive using such images......

but him I guess being humerous makes the difference? Cracking on Tim Hardaway becuz he's an idiot or an ignoramus is one thing...but Ewing has never said anything remotely close to Hardaway range..
Allow me to clarify.

I put Hardaway in the sentence contest with the non-human primates because of his tenure as an analyst/commentator. During that time, there were threads upon threads devoted to or mentioning Hardaway's lack of skills in that area. GOBB in particular is one of the guys I remember joining me (or was I joining him?) with the Hardaway stuttering jokes. It was mean spirited, sure, but it was more because he was just a bad choice for the job. Anyone should have been able to see that.

That's what this was about. Hardaway's muff-ups as an analyst, not his race. The non-human primates certainly didn't help me in the joke there. I just picked the animals that were closer to humans because the possibility of them speaking in sentences is less unfathomable.

The joke wasn't about Hardaway's intolerant comments or my thoughts on whether or not he's educated or smart.

On to Ewing. I'm talking pure facial resemblance here with Ewing. That teamed with my non-human primate comment to give the joke blatantly (though unintentionally) racist overtones. As I have tried to state from the beginning, that was not my intent.

If this helps at all, ANOTHER poster mentioned Ewing and Bobby Jackson. I included Ewing, but NOT Jackson. Because I don't think Jackson bears as strong resemblance as Ewing does.

I'm honestly surprised that more noise wasn't made about my jokes. I can assure you, however, that there was no intent to come across as a racist.

Take it for what you will.

02-16-2007, 11:18 AM
Wikipedia really isn't the most academic source. Nice try though.
Sure, its not, but it is easily accesible on the internet and you will see that the page I cited is very well referenced. You could follow those references if you would like to find out more or corroborate the info on wikipedia. Or you could, as I suggested earlier, try google scholar or Searchnow or web of science in you have access to it. This really is a fairly well studied area among ethologists.

While I do hesitate to use sources like wikipedia for anything beyond a casual internet discussion, many of the entries on there are well researched and provide references or reading lists.

Besides this isn't exactly an academic discussion :hammerhead:

02-16-2007, 11:20 AM
[QUOTE=El Kabong]When I say homophobe i'm using the dictionary definition which is


Tarik One
02-16-2007, 11:21 AM
Kind of ironic considering that Tim's signature move is "The Crossover"

02-16-2007, 11:23 AM
Now let me be up front. I do not hate gay people. I accept them for who they are and I understand the difficulties they have to endure. But I disagree with Amaechi's comment on Hardaway's reaction.

Living in North America, we are blessed with freedom of individuality. Common sense dictates that this freedom is by no means absolute and is bounded by our willingness to accept responsibilities for our own actions.

It is this freedom that allows Amaechi to announce to the world by way of publishing his book his homosexuality. By choosing this path, Amaechi also announced to the world that he is willing to accept the responsibilities of being praised and judged by those who take his sexually either in grace or malice.

It is also this freedom that allows Hardaway to express his personal opinion about Amaechi's announcement by way of a radio interview when the question was posed. By choosing this path, Hardaway also take responsibilities to the fact that those who support Amaechi and the Gay & Lesbian movement will react negatively.

But the reason I disagree with Amaechi is because Freedom of Individually also include freedom of acceptance. Each of us has the freedom to choose to accept or reject anything based on our own moral judgment. Amaechi's response to Hardaway's comment expresses that it is not alright to reject him as a homosexual and that the fact that there are those who dislike gays and lesbians are "problems" that society must resolve. That is wrong.

Frankly, that's what is wrong with the entire Gay and Lesbian movement. Acceptance of their existence and their right as a normal individual is one thing, but acceptance to a point where no one can have any negative personal feelings toward their lifestyle would be impeding the freedom of an individual.

You can tell people to accept you...but you cannot force people to like you.

Tim Hardaway simply stated his personal opinion about homosexual which is a normal human reaction to Amaechi's public announcement. He had in no way promoted violent toward gays and lesbians. Amaechi on the other hand, could have simply announced his sexual preference to his close circle of friends and family. But he did it on a world stage with a mass audience. To comment on Hardaway's reaction in the way he did, Amaechi is neither brave nor responsible.

02-16-2007, 11:37 AM
Now let me be up front. I do not hate gay people. I accept them for who they are and I understand the difficulties they have to endure. But I disagree with Amaechi's comment on Hardaway's reaction.

Living in North America, we are blessed with freedom of individuality. Common sense dictates that this freedom is by no means absolute and is bounded by our willingness to accept responsibilities for our own actions.

It is this freedom that allows Amaechi to announce to the world by way of publishing his book his homosexuality. By choosing this path, Amaechi also announced to the world that he is willing to accept the responsibilities of being praised and judged by those who take his sexually either in grace or malice.

It is also this freedom that allows Hardaway to express his personal opinion about Amaechi's announcement by way of a radio interview when the question was posed. By choosing this path, Hardaway also take responsibilities to the fact that those who support Amaechi and the Gay & Lesbian movement will react negatively.

But the reason I disagree with Amaechi is because Freedom of Individually also include freedom of acceptance. Each of us has the freedom to choose to accept or reject anything based on our own moral judgment. Amaechi's response to Hardaway's comment expresses that it is not alright to reject him as a homosexual and that the fact that there are those who dislike gays and lesbians are "problems" that society must resolve. That is wrong.

Frankly, that's what is wrong with the entire Gay and Lesbian movement. Acceptance of their existence and their right as a normal individual is one thing, but acceptance to a point where no one can have any negative personal feelings toward their lifestyle would be impeding the freedom of an individual.

You can tell people to accept you...but you cannot force people to like you.

Tim Hardaway simply stated his personal opinion about homosexual which is a normal human reaction to Amaechi's public announcement. He had in no way promoted violent toward gays and lesbians. Amaechi on the other hand, could have simply announced his sexual preference to his close circle of friends and family. But he did it on a world stage with a mass audience. To comment on Hardaway's reaction in the way he did, Amaechi is neither brave nor responsible.

Well said!^

What Tim said was wrong- hating people because of skin color , sexual preference etc... is all wrong.

But on the other hand read Romans 1 versus 24-32.

Seems to me anybody promoting this homosexual
lifestyle is way across the lines.

Any nation that justifies Homosexuality or Lesbianism as an acceptible lifestyle is in it's final stages of moral corruption.

Is this why I have to turn the channel because of images on commercials or when I have a hard time trying to explain what the act of homosexuality is to my 8 yr old child.

I never had to worry about watching soft porn on commercials during a BIG sporting event when I was a kid growing up.

Real Men Wear Green
02-16-2007, 11:44 AM
That's off. This is what Amaechi said:

"His words pollute the atmosphere. It creates an atmosphere that allows young gays and lesbians to be harassed in school, creates an atmosphere where in 33 states you can lose your job, and where anti-gay and lesbian issues are used for political gain.

I disagree with Amaechi's evaluation of what the repercussion's of Hardaway's idiocy will be. IMO, the comments by Hardaway may even influence people to go a little overboard in the opposite direction to prove that they aren't homophobic. It's the attitude of people like Hardaway more so than when they actually speak that is harmful to gay people. Hardaway's speaking would be dangerous if he was a Hitler-type that was capable of swaying others to his thinking, but there was nothing persuasive about what he said, it was just ugliness, if anything in the long run it will engender more sympathy for gay people. But there is no attack on "Freedom of Individually" in Amaechi's response. That's nonsense.