View Full Version : i'm an alcoholic

07-06-2021, 01:58 PM
been to rehab 5 times. first time in detox was in april of 2020. i was drinking pretty heavily the last couple years, but the covid shutdowns slowed down work to the point that i was drinking everyday upwards of 25 beers non stop for months. tried to stop, had to go to the ER cuz i wasn't feeling right...and it takes a lot for me to go to a doctor, i have to near damn die to muster up the will to go see a doctor. was shaking like crazy, chills...there were kids in the ER staring at me weird cuz my body was twitching like crazy. keep in mind my heart rate was racing while i was sitting. i got up to tell the nurse i think i am going to die, she took my bp and it was 220. she called a doctor immiedtialy and rushed me to the stroke unit. doctor asked me whats going on, i told him i had been drinking a lot and tried to stop cold turkey. injected me with some benzos and that bp went from 220 to 170 in a matter of minutes. crazy how medicine works huh? nurse came in to put the seizure pads on the side of my bed "just in case"...you ever feel like a worthless piece of shit? i did that night. the looks from the medical staff were like people looking at a dead man walking. i texted my brother that night all my passwords and logins so he can keep the business running in case anything happened to me.

i relapsed today. been completely sober for months but had a mishap this weekend. i know you guys don't care, just felt the need to say something. joey, keep your head up in rehab. this will not be easy. i see a therapist once a week. he's alright...but a lil racist tbh. keeps saying how all the mexicans he treats are young mothers and how they impregnate really easy, like ok dude why do i care? i've never been more "successful" than i am at the moment. i run a company that will make over a milly this year. and thats not enough. my niece telling me i am her best friend isn't enough. i can't stay sober my brothers...my family is loving but they don't understand the struggle. everyone always joked about me being like my uncle cuz he was a bit chubby and we looked similar. well the guy was a sicario, he's a schizo from all the coke he did. guy is 6'5 and even at his age he's strong like abull. he broke out of an ambulance on his way to a hospital and beat up the EMTs. my family has him living in a ranch where he is far away from society. guess the jokes were on target, i too am an addict that should be far away from any people.

the funny thing is i am the life of the party. i get a crowd around me at every party when i'm drinking. i am the funniest most joyful individual in the room. but i am also the lonliest and most detached. i've ****ed so many chicks this past year that i don't even remember names tbh. and i STILL feel lonely. i ****ed this cute white chick told her how i wanted her to move in and all this awkward shit. bitch called me the next day asking if i could help her move her stuff to my apartment :roll: i ate her ***** out like it was some filet mignon but she was just a lost college student who was looking for validation and i happened to give it to her that night, nothing more. i feel bad about that stuff though, i feel like every hookup is something i take away from these chicks. it makes me feel empty.

i don't even know why i am making this post. i have a crazy busy week and i am drunk off my ass at 10:57 AM. great job Alan, you piece of shit.

07-06-2021, 02:08 PM
Hang in there carnal. Alcoholism isn't a joke, my dad was one and a lot of my tios too. If you put your mind to it, you can begin to get free of alcohol. Sorry but that's all I got, not good with this shit...mantente fuerte amigo :cheers:

07-06-2021, 02:17 PM
If it makes you feel that much better to post this to strangers on a msg board, all the power to you. It's just a little dangerous because it's the internet and you don't know who can be giving you bad advice and who can just be throwing negative shit at you for the sake of it, pouring fuel onto the fire. You should seek out a professional and tell them what you just told everyone here. Not being facetious. Seek help before it gets worse, and all the luck.

Im so nba'd out
07-06-2021, 02:17 PM
Everyone slips sometime.Good luck.Blood pressure 220 idk how you didn’t have a stroke that’s amazing

07-06-2021, 02:29 PM
Good luck, luckily for me my parents were not drinkers which is rare in the Mexican community, my oldest brother on the other hand was an addict for years, the worst stuff, from heroin to meth, he caused my family so much pain cause of his addiction, he's been clean for years now and got married a couple of years ago.

And having constant random hookups will not bring you long term happiness, learned this years ago, it's very nice to have a casual encounter here and there, but if you are looking for these sexual encounters to provide you long term happiness, look the other way.

07-06-2021, 03:19 PM
Well a couple of things...

1) People here are now going to use this shit against you until you stop posting here. That's just how it works, unfortunately. Sorry for that. Prepare for it. There are a selective group of unemployed children and or mentally unhealthy adults that just can't let shit go that post here and gravitate here because the admin doesn't give a ****. **** I still catch shit for some stupid haircut that I had 20 ****ing years ago, lmao.

2) If you feel like it has that strong of a stranglehold over you, there's more than a decent chance that you either have the gene for it, or you have some sort of unresolved emotional trauma from childhood... or both.

For what it's worth... my recommendation would be to join AA, and even before that, start seeing a better counselor. Make sure they're a good one. Bad counselors are like throwing your money on the ground. And be fully honest with them, otherwise there's no point in going. Because it's about you healing, not them thinking more or less of you. It sounds to me like the one you're seeing is an airhead dipshit.

3) Some people who live stressful lives can be more susceptible to alcohol addiction. I'm sure running a business takes a toll... maybe you should re-evaluate that if it's a source of constant stress triggering the addiction.


But overall, therapy is probably your best bet imo.

07-06-2021, 03:28 PM
Well a couple of things...

1) People here are now going to use this shit against you until you stop posting here. That's just how it works, unfortunately. Sorry for that. Prepare for it. There are a selective group of unemployed children and or mentally unhealthy adults that just can't let shit go that post here and gravitate here because the admin doesn't give a ****. **** I still catch shit for some stupid haircut that I had 20 ****ing years ago, lmao.

2) If you feel like it has that strong of a stranglehold over you, there's more than a decent chance that you either have the gene for it, or you have some sort of unresolved emotional trauma from childhood... or both.

For what it's worth... my recommendation would be to join AA, and even before that, start seeing a better counselor. Make sure they're a good one. Bad counselors are like throwing your money on the ground. And be fully honest with them, otherwise there's no point in going. Because it's about you healing, not them thinking more or less of you. It sounds to me like the one you're seeing is an airhead dipshit.

3) Some people who live stressful lives can be more susceptible to alcohol addiction. I'm sure running a business takes a toll... maybe you should re-evaluate that if it's a source of constant stress triggering the addiction.


But overall, therapy is probably your best bet imo.

understood. i posted this bc i plan to stop posting here. thsi forum is beyond toxic. for an addict like myself it should be avoided. this will be one of my last posts. thjank you shogun, i know people call you bowlcut and make fun of you, but i respect you for being YOU. you spit out truth without regard for people being upset at you. i think me aand you would be good friends in real life. stay happy my brother.

Patrick Chewing
07-06-2021, 03:30 PM
Sometimes I envy you drinkers cause I can't hang for shit. I had two frozen margaritas the other day and I swear everyone at that bar was asking for an ass kicking.

In all seriousness OP, life is better with you, than without. Alcoholism is a disease and you alienate more people than you think, which only sends you deeper down the rabbit hole. You'll then become more depressed that people are alienated by you, that you'll drink more. All the while not realizing that it is because of your drinking that you are losing these people in the first place. Losing the people that matter at least.

What you also have to realize is that the outside world is ****ed up and there's nothing you can ever do to change that. No amount of drinking will make you happier, more likeable, or ease the pain. Usually alcoholism stems from some type of issue avoidance and the only cure is to face that issue head on and deal with it.

Being the "life of the party" when you drink only means that those people only accept you when you're drunk. You don't want those people in your life.

Then, there's the alternative. I fly out to Phoenix and put a ****ing gun to your head. Scare you straight mother****er. :lol

07-06-2021, 03:47 PM
understood. i posted this bc i plan to stop posting here. thsi forum is beyond toxic. for an addict like myself it should be avoided. this will be one of my last posts. thjank you shogun, i know people call you bowlcut and make fun of you, but i respect you for being YOU. you spit out truth without regard for people being upset at you. i think me aand you would be good friends in real life. stay happy my brother.

Well good luck bro, with whatever.

07-06-2021, 03:50 PM
been to rehab 5 times. first time in detox was in april of 2020. i was drinking pretty heavily the last couple years, but the covid shutdowns slowed down work to the point that i was drinking everyday upwards of 25 beers non stop for months. tried to stop, had to go to the ER cuz i wasn't feeling right...and it takes a lot for me to go to a doctor, i have to near damn die to muster up the will to go see a doctor. was shaking like crazy, chills...there were kids in the ER staring at me weird cuz my body was twitching like crazy. keep in mind my heart rate was racing while i was sitting. i got up to tell the nurse i think i am going to die, she took my bp and it was 220. she called a doctor immiedtialy and rushed me to the stroke unit. doctor asked me whats going on, i told him i had been drinking a lot and tried to stop cold turkey. injected me with some benzos and that bp went from 220 to 170 in a matter of minutes. crazy how medicine works huh? nurse came in to put the seizure pads on the side of my bed "just in case"...you ever feel like a worthless piece of shit? i did that night. the looks from the medical staff were like people looking at a dead man walking. i texted my brother that night all my passwords and logins so he can keep the business running in case anything happened to me.

i relapsed today. been completely sober for months but had a mishap this weekend. i know you guys don't care, just felt the need to say something. joey, keep your head up in rehab. this will not be easy. i see a therapist once a week. he's alright...but a lil racist tbh. keeps saying how all the mexicans he treats are young mothers and how they impregnate really easy, like ok dude why do i care? i've never been more "successful" than i am at the moment. i run a company that will make over a milly this year. and thats not enough. my niece telling me i am her best friend isn't enough. i can't stay sober my brothers...my family is loving but they don't understand the struggle. everyone always joked about me being like my uncle cuz he was a bit chubby and we looked similar. well the guy was a sicario, he's a schizo from all the coke he did. guy is 6'5 and even at his age he's strong like abull. he broke out of an ambulance on his way to a hospital and beat up the EMTs. my family has him living in a ranch where he is far away from society. guess the jokes were on target, i too am an addict that should be far away from any people.

the funny thing is i am the life of the party. i get a crowd around me at every party when i'm drinking. i am the funniest most joyful individual in the room. but i am also the lonliest and most detached. i've ****ed so many chicks this past year that i don't even remember names tbh. and i STILL feel lonely. i ****ed this cute white chick told her how i wanted her to move in and all this awkward shit. bitch called me the next day asking if i could help her move her stuff to my apartment :roll: i ate her ***** out like it was some filet mignon but she was just a lost college student who was looking for validation and i happened to give it to her that night, nothing more. i feel bad about that stuff though, i feel like every hookup is something i take away from these chicks. it makes me feel empty.

i don't even know why i am making this post. i have a crazy busy week and i am drunk off my ass at 10:57 AM. great job Alan, you piece of shit.

Cool story dawg. No one sleeping with your fat ass except maybe other fat chicks

07-06-2021, 05:29 PM
I see some people here saying this place is toxic, it's only toxic if you let it be toxic. I couldn't care less what my enemies think, they can go choke on a bag of *****. Yo Alan, if you think it's best for you to leave, then do what you think is good for you but this place will be a bit worse for it...

Hasta luego.

07-06-2021, 07:57 PM
op - join the marina's - they set you straight

07-06-2021, 07:58 PM

Joey Turnbuckle
07-06-2021, 11:48 PM
Just start over and take it one day at a time. If you need to drink a few beers throughout the day for the next couple of days to avoid withdrawal, do it. Withdrawal is f'ing miserable. You can do it, rehab is also pretty miserable unless it's a nice place that doesn't have ridiculous rules.

Today on the nature walk, dude always picks up a stick and whips bushes or trees when passing by and she flipped out on him saying he isn't allowed to pick up sticks or touch anything because somebody touched poison ivy once. Guy is a country boy, construction worker, hunter, fisher and is old enough to be here dad. She might be 25, maybe younger and he is in his 40's old enough to be here dad. This same chick has also barged into my room twice without knocking. Place is real messed up. We are down to 4 people and it was just this past friday that we had 11. Place is crumbling.

07-07-2021, 01:13 AM
Alan, hang in there bud shit will get better if you want it to. I second someone else's opinion on getting involved with AA and getting ahold of this before it's too late. I wish you the best my brother :cheers:

07-07-2021, 03:33 AM
You don't need to drink every day, so many days in life. Hang in there, most wish they were as successful as you are now.

Travel, go visit at least a couple poor countries, get over yourself.

07-07-2021, 08:26 AM
Beginning of summer, especially 4th is the toughest

I dropped the ball a few times the past couple years

Cautious putting this stuff on the web, it's ppl/employees/ex's/etc irl who might stumble upon this that can bite ya. Alcoholics Anonymous brudda. HMU anytime

07-07-2021, 09:23 AM
I'm a weedaholic. I smoke until I pass out, sleep and then do it again. This can last for weeks.

I don't smoke anymore on account of this sickness.

Loco 50
07-07-2021, 09:37 AM
been to rehab 5 times.......

i don't even know why i am making this post. i have a crazy busy week and i am drunk off my ass at 10:57 AM. great job Alan, you piece of shit.
I've worked with folks that have spent the majority of their lives in denial about their addiction issues so you're ahead of the game in that regard.

I'd strongly advise you seek out a psychiatrist that specializes in addiction. Might be better to seek out a Hispanic one so they'll be aware of some of the cultural triggers that you face. They can plug you into needed resources and can also prescribe medications that can aid you while you work through things. Perhaps more importantly than that, as several others have mentioned is AA. Can't stress AA's benefit enough. Your therapist sounds like trash. I'd ditch them and either find a new one or have your psychiatrist reccommend a trusted one. Don't put up with a bad therapist or shrink. You are their employer. If they suck, fire them.

One of the most important things we drill into folks is that it's not your fault that you were born with a brain susceptible to addiction. You were never in control of that. What is in your control is whether or not you drink. An addict has to understand there is no such thing as moderation. You have to be done drinking. You can't **** around and say,

oh, it'll just be one.
I deserve to relax.
it's a celebration.
I had a stressful day
Whatever the rationalization your lying brain comes up with has to be understood for what it is.

Your brain has been hijacked. I remember you having a solid understanding and interest in physics so it may help your healing in understanding the mechanism of addiction. There are some great papers on the neural circuitry that gets rewired in the mind of an addict. The dopaminergic reward pathways. I will try to find a few of the better ones if you are interested.

I'm not a huge fan of prescribing meds uneccessarily but they can be very beneficial in a highly motivated patient, thus why I advise you seeking a psychiatrist. Antabuse/disulfiram will straight make you ill if you attempt to drink while on it. This noxious reaction helps speed of the rewiring in your brain needed to associate alcohol with an extremely unpleasant event as opposed to the "fun" that it's usually associated with. Naltrexone is a drug that can help blunt the euphoria that addicts typically feel when they drink so not as intensely unpleasant.

Last thing for now, gotta learn to forgive yourself and not beat yourself up. If you were a narcissist like a few others around here, I'd never provide that advice because it's not an issue. But you're not, so yeah. You will slip, it's part of the process. The important thing is to mitigate the slippage as best you can and get back on track. No point in wasting time tearing yourself down further. Oftentimes that's a trigger in itself.

Oh and yeah, be very careful what you share here. This site has accumulated some really screwed up folks that will hit you with anything despite the fact they are wrestling with their own demons.

07-07-2021, 09:54 AM
I'm a weedaholic. I smoke until I pass out, sleep and then do it again. This can last for weeks.

I don't smoke anymore on account of this sickness.

good for you !!

07-07-2021, 09:56 AM
good for you !!

it's not easy!

07-07-2021, 09:57 AM
warriorfan posting his pics over and over finally got to him

07-07-2021, 09:59 AM
strangely I drink little and have no issues with alcohol

07-07-2021, 10:15 AM
Well a couple of things...

1) People here are now going to use this shit against you until you stop posting here. That's just how it works, unfortunately. Sorry for that. Prepare for it. There are a selective group of unemployed children and or mentally unhealthy adults that just can't let shit go that post here and gravitate here because the admin doesn't give a ****. **** I still catch shit for some stupid haircut that I had 20 ****ing years ago, lmao.

2) If you feel like it has that strong of a stranglehold over you, there's more than a decent chance that you either have the gene for it, or you have some sort of unresolved emotional trauma from childhood... or both.

For what it's worth... my recommendation would be to join AA, and even before that, start seeing a better counselor. Make sure they're a good one. Bad counselors are like throwing your money on the ground. And be fully honest with them, otherwise there's no point in going. Because it's about you healing, not them thinking more or less of you. It sounds to me like the one you're seeing is an airhead dipshit.

3) Some people who live stressful lives can be more susceptible to alcohol addiction. I'm sure running a business takes a toll... maybe you should re-evaluate that if it's a source of constant stress triggering the addiction.


But overall, therapy is probably your best bet imo.

The only thing exaggerated in this thread :oldlol:

Patrick Chewing
07-07-2021, 10:53 AM
Odds OP is drinking right this minute??

07-07-2021, 11:08 AM
Odds OP is drinking right this minute??

Pretty high, or at the very least, he has a hangover. He's a huge Suns fan, can't imagine he didn't hang out with a couple of compas to watch Game 1, and I'm sure there was alcohol involved. :(

07-07-2021, 11:14 AM
The only thing exaggerated in this thread :oldlol:

I've been posting here since 2002. That pic might have been originally posted as late as 2005 and absolutely no later... I know this for a fact because of where I took it... ok... 16 years at a minimum, but honestly it was probably 17 or 18 years ago, sue me. Nowadays I just shave my head. For the majority of my 20s, my haircut was a fade with spikes. Not that I give too much of a ****, but people insist on being obsessive retards and I always like to call a spade a spade. And here you are, being a retard, obsessing about some shit that was posted here long before you even knew the board existed.

07-07-2021, 11:19 AM
i tried going to the ER to detox and despite having a very nice doctor, the nurse was a complete bitch. she didnt' even let me drink water until i asked her for the 4th time "can i literally just get a cup of water?"

her: no, not until the labs are back

doctor passing by: he wants water? honey, its ok you can get some water

me looking at the dumb ass bitch nurse: i'll take 2 cups of water

then like 2 hours went by and they hadn't given me any meds so i told them if they are refusing treatment i'm out. so i walked out and i heard the nurse mumble some bs about me being immature "let him leave". another nurse came to unhook my IV from my vein.

i walked out of there to the nearest liqour store. started chugging some beer in the back alley of the store. cop puls in very aggresively so i threw the can on the ground asap lol. .i think he was looking for someone cuz he didn't say shit about the beer. i had a 12 pack with me and one in my hand when he pulled in so he could have fined me for it.

dumb ass bitch. they had me in the hallway next to the nurse's station and i heard that same nurse say "just take him to community bridges and let him detox there"....wow i got up and looked at her in the face and said i heard that. ****ing dumb bitch.

07-07-2021, 11:27 AM
Damn bruh, I hope you figure it out.

07-07-2021, 11:29 AM
Odds OP is drinking right this minute??

i am drunk rn. good thing is my raptor is in the dealership for an electrical issue so it's not like i'm driving around. i have work trucks but they are all in the field.

07-07-2021, 11:33 AM
Damn bruh, I hope you figure it out.

i'll just go to a detox center i guess. the difnference between that and an ER is they treat you asap, they test ur blood and urine to see what ur on and then treat you accordingly but their labs are like an hour long, ER's labs are a 3 or 4 hour wait. not to mention the ER they will let you be on the cusp of death before they treat you. way too conservative considering the situation. i was trying to be cheap by going to the ER cuz it's a $1500 bill vs 6500 at the detox. it's very expensive. i've already spent $32k at that detox center. thats a shitload of money. can't really afford to keep going there.

07-07-2021, 11:33 AM
i tried going to the ER to detox and despite having a very nice doctor, the nurse was a complete bitch. she didnt' even let me drink water until i asked her for the 4th time "can i literally just get a cup of water?"

her: no, not until the labs are back

doctor passing by: he wants water? honey, its ok you can get some water

me looking at the dumb ass bitch nurse: i'll take 2 cups of water

then like 2 hours went by and they hadn't given me any meds so i told them if they are refusing treatment i'm out. so i walked out and i heard the nurse mumble some bs about me being immature "let him leave". another nurse came to unhook my IV from my vein.

i walked out of there to the nearest liqour store. started chugging some beer in the back alley of the store. cop puls in very aggresively so i threw the can on the ground asap lol. .i think he was looking for someone cuz he didn't say shit about the beer. i had a 12 pack with me and one in my hand when he pulled in so he could have fined me for it.

dumb ass bitch. they had me in the hallway next to the nurse's station and i heard that same nurse say "just take him to community bridges and let him detox there"....wow i got up and looked at her in the face and said i heard that. ****ing dumb bitch.

damn sucks, man. I dated an alcoholic chick. brutal disease. good luck. cold turkey or nothing. no excuses.

07-07-2021, 11:46 AM
Enough with the booze already.

Fix yourself. Stop making excuses. Stop looking for sympathy.

It's easy to quit, just stop putting alcohol in your mouth, end of story. There's no complicated formula, no detox, no AA meetings, **** all that shit, just stop putting that crap in your body.

07-07-2021, 11:54 AM
Enough with the booze already.

Fix yourself. Stop making excuses. Stop looking for sympathy.

It's easy to quit, just stop putting alcohol in your mouth, end of story. There's no complicated formula, no detox, no AA meetings, **** all that shit, just stop putting that crap in your body.

my child/...you have never seen someone have a seizure or experienced on yourself ha? i used to be able to quit cold tukey...USED TO. now within hours of stopping drinking i start hearing voices, chills, shaking, sweating, heart racing abnormally high (100+), crazy high blood pressure....and within 24hrs i will seize. theyre is no way around that but meds...i will have a seizure. i can deal with the voices in my head that i know are not real, i can deal with the shaking, the sweating all that, but seizures? nah i can't. i can die.

07-07-2021, 12:05 PM
Yeah you've moved beyond just addiction and into physical dependence. It's either meds/doctors as you said or just reduced but not eliminated alcohol consumption over time. Like weening yourself off, basically. I'm not a dr but basically if you're drinking let's say... 20 drinks a day... you do like 17 or 18 drinks a day for a week or two... then down to 14 or 15 for a week or two and so on and so forth. Depending on the severity it may need to be even slower than that but yeah.

That guy is a clown and he speaks like someone that's never been truly addicted to something. It is a choice, but making that choice is nearly impossible when you are truly addicted.

Charlie Sheen
07-07-2021, 12:26 PM
I've been posting here since 2002. That pic might have been originally posted as late as 2005 and absolutely no later... I know this for a fact because of where I took it... ok... 16 years at a minimum, but honestly it was probably 17 or 18 years ago, sue me. Nowadays I just shave my head. For the majority of my 20s, my haircut was a fade with spikes. Not that I give too much of a ****, but people insist on being obsessive retards and I always like to call a spade a spade. And here you are, being a retard, obsessing about some shit that was posted here long before you even knew the board existed.

You have two options.

1) Learn how to take a joke

2) Change your behavior -- quit calling everyone who disagrees with you a retard.

Long Duck Dong
07-07-2021, 12:36 PM
Damn Alan. I thought the days of laying face down passed out drunk on a new lawn chair in the patio furniture section at Costco while gavachos passed by ushering whispers to each other about whether the shit faced Mexican is dead or not, were behind you. :(

Is your business suffering or dead because of your current condition?

hold this L
07-07-2021, 12:36 PM
You gotta go cold turkey. I wouldn't even go with your friends when Suns wins games or go to parties like you're saying. These are all awful situations that you put in situations where you drink. Any easy avenues where you quickly get to drinking should be cut off either permanently or for a very long time. This sounds like a very severe level at where you're at. Highly suggest you talk to a therapist to go over this to heal over time. You seem very angry, I can see being frustrated but leaving the hospital is an extreme reaction (action due to severe frustration and unable to handle it). But if you continue going in the path you're going, it may result to your end my guy, which you don't deserve. It's time to make massive decisions to improve your life instead of being in a repetitive cycle that you keeps sad and depressed as both your mental and physical strength deteriorates.

On a weekday, nobody should be drinking more than 1-2 beers a day. You should find hobbies that your mind off things. Hiking, biking, swimming, sports. Shit, try yoga or meditating and see if it helps. Also make sure to talk to your close friends and family to let them know, so they don't push you to drink and put you in line if you're with them about to make a mistake. Depression has been running rampant on our society since covid hit, and people that already have it it's only gotten that much worse for them.

And if this place is toxic for you, I would take a 6-12 month break and ease off. Things that piss you off, just move away from them for a specific time or permanently. Not worth it. I wish you the best of luck my guy, alcoholism is no joke.

07-07-2021, 12:46 PM
You have two options.

1) Learn how to take a joke

2) Change your behavior -- quit calling everyone who disagrees with you a retard.

Shut up, retard.

07-07-2021, 01:15 PM
As long as your baggin hoes to sleep its aight

Long Duck Dong
07-07-2021, 01:37 PM
Time to find some thick little paisa chick and start a family. You don't sound like some irredeemably flawed person so I'm guessing that might bring some focus to your life. You're almost 30 anyway right? Then again, you might be like my brother who can't stand the responsibility of everything going good and wrecks everything from work to family once life is going good again but the pressure starts mounting to remain stable. Then starts all over again. Rinse and repeat.

You can always have women on the side. Most of the Mexican ranchers I deal with have women on the side and the wives never leave them. Some of them even have one wife and family in the field and away from the home, and another wife and family where they lay they lay their head every night. :lol

Patrick Chewing
07-07-2021, 01:45 PM
LOL @ the idea OP is genuine. He's even making typographical errors as if he's shaking too much to type :roll:

Better make sure those tiles you put down are straight compadre

Imagine living a life where you admit you have a problem and run to ISH for help. Sad. Pathetic. Poor taste for attention.

He does sound a bit fishy the second time around talking about hearing voices in his head and shit :oldlol:

Long Duck Dong
07-07-2021, 02:04 PM
We need a Big Brother ISH house. Just need to find a wealthy enough ISH member who wants to fund it and throw a few prostitutes in there. :lol

Highwey's in for sure

07-07-2021, 02:52 PM
Yeah you've moved beyond just addiction and into physical dependence. It's either meds/doctors as you said or just reduced but not eliminated alcohol consumption over time. Like weening yourself off, basically. I'm not a dr but basically if you're drinking let's say... 20 drinks a day... you do like 17 or 18 drinks a day for a week or two... then down to 14 or 15 for a week or two and so on and so forth. Depending on the severity it may need to be even slower than that but yeah.

That guy is a clown and he speaks like someone that's never been truly addicted to something. It is a choice, but making that choice is nearly impossible when you are truly addicted.

Tough love is the only way to get addicts to quit.

I don't want to hear all these excuses. Can't lose weight. Can't stop doing drugs. Can't stop gambling. He will die if he stops drinking? Are you kidding me?

Need doctor. Need pills. Need sleeping pills. bla bla bla. He needs everything to be done for him (magic pills) instead of putting in the work to cold turkey it.

If you want something bad enough, you'll do it. Seizures? He mentally programmed bullshit into his head that: he will die if he stops drinking. Who is he trying to convince?

Yeah sure I had addictions in the past. Nothing to this level. But every single time my addictions were solved with 2 words: Cold Turkey. The only way to go through cold turkey is mental will power. It's that simple.

07-07-2021, 02:58 PM
Tough love is the only way to get addicts to quit.

I don't want to hear all these excuses. Can't lose weight. Can't stop doing drugs. Can't stop gambling. He will die if he stops drinking? Are you kidding me?

Need doctor. Need pills. Need sleeping pills. bla bla bla. He needs everything to be done for him (magic pills) instead of putting in the work to cold turkey it.

If you want something bad enough, you'll do it. Seizures? He mentally programmed bullshit into his head that: he will die if he stops drinking. Who is he trying to convince?

Yeah sure I had addictions in the past. Nothing to this level. But every single time my addictions were solved with 2 words: Cold Turkey. The only way to go through cold turkey is mental will power. It's that simple.

Yes, that's exactly what could happen if his alcoholism is severe enough and he goes cold turkey. Yes, that is a thing. Stop posting as if you know that it's not a thing, because that's false. Just stop.

07-07-2021, 03:01 PM
Nice catch 22 he put himself in.

Drinks too much = will kill himself.

Stop drinking = will kill himself.

Guess life is too hard to figure out.

07-07-2021, 03:03 PM
Nice catch 22 he put himself in.

Drinks too much = will kill himself.

Stop drinking = will kill himself.

I'll take 1 or 2 seizures over drinking 20 beers any day of the week.

No, it's called slowly weening yourself off or being under medical supervision. We don't know how extreme his dependency is. We aren't doctors.

The guy already says that he's literally heard ****ing voices when he stops and that his heart races and his blood pressure skyrockets. That screams needing a doctor to me.

07-07-2021, 03:06 PM
No, it's called slowly weening yourself off or being under medical supervision. We don't know how extreme his dependency is. We aren't doctors.

Weening doesn't work. It's bullshit. My ex tried. Failed. Only cold turkey works. Go to the doctor, its over high gay

Long Duck Dong
07-07-2021, 03:08 PM
We aren't doctors.

Paging DoctorP, Docs Orders and BigNBAfan

07-07-2021, 03:12 PM
Op drove himself crazy posting on Stanley Kobrick 24/7 while drinking 20 beers a day.


Long Duck Dong
07-07-2021, 03:15 PM
Op drove himself crazy posting on Stanley Kobrick 24/7 while drinking 20 beers a day.


After about a 1000 photos of that dirty ashtray Highwey posted, payback will be swift and harsh from this one. :oldlol:

07-07-2021, 03:29 PM
You can't cold turkey off 25 beers a day. Especially with a history of seizures you could have a brain hemmorage. You need librium or valium.

07-07-2021, 04:32 PM
probably didn't help that i spent a weekend in Mexico

I'm sorry if this comes off as racist but hearing that song makes me want to go to a Mexican restaurant.

Mexican restaurants are ****ing based. They are literally the best.

I have no idea what they're singing but hearing similarly sounding songs in Mexican restaurants is about the extent of my involvement with that type of music.

07-07-2021, 04:42 PM
I'm sorry if this comes off as racist but hearing that song makes me want to go to a Mexican restaurant.

Mexican restaurants are ****ing based. They are literally the best.

I have no idea what they're singing but hearing similarly sounding songs in Mexican restaurants is about the extent of my involvement with that type of music.

you gotta hit up the mexican seafood places. they're called "mariscos". mexicans love those places. guranteed to have some big booty hoes and mexicans doing coke in the restrooms. you wonna see some ****ed up shit? go to one of those on a friday. once saw a dude with his kid in the restroom, dad told him to chill and wait in there meanwhile the dad went into a stall and snorted a line of coke. true story.

Patrick Chewing
07-07-2021, 05:22 PM
OP, while we're being honest, come clean with your alts. Who are they? And I'm pulling for ya big guy.

07-07-2021, 05:23 PM
OP, while we're being honest, come clean with your alts. Who are they? And I'm pulling for ya big guy.

im not stanley man. thats don or someone else. i literally dont have alts. i may just go to one of the family ranches and lvie the rest of my life there, i['m done with this shit. you guys can **** off.

07-07-2021, 05:25 PM
im not stanley man. thats don or someone else. i literally dont have alts. i may just go to one of the family ranches and lvie the rest of my life there, i['m done with this shit. you guys can **** off.

Wait you're not Stanley?

07-07-2021, 05:28 PM
i am drunk rn. good thing is my raptor is in the dealership for an electrical issue so it's not like i'm driving around. i have work trucks but they are all in the field.
Your raptor is not even a year old yet but it's already gotten some issues? Damn, that's disappointing. Hope they fix it asap.

Charlie Sheen
07-07-2021, 05:45 PM
i tried going to the ER to detox and despite having a very nice doctor, the nurse was a complete bitch. she didnt' even let me drink water until i asked her for the 4th time "can i literally just get a cup of water?"

her: no, not until the labs are back

doctor passing by: he wants water? honey, its ok you can get some water

me looking at the dumb ass bitch nurse: i'll take 2 cups of water

then like 2 hours went by and they hadn't given me any meds so i told them if they are refusing treatment i'm out. so i walked out and i heard the nurse mumble some bs about me being immature "let him leave". another nurse came to unhook my IV from my vein.

i walked out of there to the nearest liqour store. started chugging some beer in the back alley of the store. cop puls in very aggresively so i threw the can on the ground asap lol. .i think he was looking for someone cuz he didn't say shit about the beer. i had a 12 pack with me and one in my hand when he pulled in so he could have fined me for it.

dumb ass bitch. they had me in the hallway next to the nurse's station and i heard that same nurse say "just take him to community bridges and let him detox there"....wow i got up and looked at her in the face and said i heard that. ****ing dumb bitch.

I've always liked you, highwhey. Fun guy to talk sports with. Connection to some of my fondest years living in AZ. The booze doesn't make you the life of the party. You come across as an authentic guy. I enjoy reading your posts. Give yourself some credit.

Admitting you're an alcoholic is a big step. The next major step is to release yourself from the illusion that you're in control of your life. Threatening people that you'll just go right back to self destructive drinking when they are trying to help you is not control... That's manipulation.

07-07-2021, 11:40 PM
i considered going to mexico for a detox, they're cheap. like 10x cheaper. my mom reminded me that they brought in 6 dudes to beat my uncles ass cuz he wasn't complying. and thats cuz my uncle is 6'5 and a former hitman. i'd probably get my ass beat by 2 or 3 dudes. one on one i'll choke them. but i can't take on a whole squad.

07-08-2021, 02:11 AM
Time to find some thick little paisa chick and start a family. You don't sound like some irredeemably flawed person so I'm guessing that might bring some focus to your life. You're almost 30 anyway right? Then again, you might be like my brother who can't stand the responsibility of everything going good and wrecks everything from work to family once life is going good again but the pressure starts mounting to remain stable. Then starts all over again. Rinse and repeat.

You can always have women on the side. Most of the Mexican ranchers I deal with have women on the side and the wives never leave them. Some of them even have one wife and family in the field and away from the home, and another wife and family where they lay they lay their head every night. :lol

I agree with this but what do you mean by paisa chick? Like a first generation American girl of Mexican parents? If that's what you meant, no! You can't deal with these toxic self entitled women that modern western civilizations tend to produce...what OP needs to do is go to the old country for a while, some small town and find himself a traditional girl. His American citizenship is a draw with these kinds, he should use it. Doesn't he have a relative in his business? If he has someone that he trusts to run the company, do it. Get away, go to some small town and take in the slower pace, meet new people (avoid hard drinkers obviously) and hopefully meet a pretty girl with traditional values and wife her up. Trust me, these chicks still exist. Having a family will help him not feel so lonely at the very least...

Loco 50
07-08-2021, 06:49 AM
i tried going to the ER to detox and despite having a very nice doctor, the nurse was a complete bitch. she didnt' even let me drink water until i asked her for the 4th time "can i literally just get a cup of water?"

her: no, not until the labs are back

doctor passing by: he wants water? honey, its ok you can get some water

me looking at the dumb ass bitch nurse: i'll take 2 cups of water

then like 2 hours went by and they hadn't given me any meds so i told them if they are refusing treatment i'm out. so i walked out and i heard the nurse mumble some bs about me being immature "let him leave". another nurse came to unhook my IV from my vein.

i walked out of there to the nearest liqour store. started chugging some beer in the back alley of the store. cop puls in very aggresively so i threw the can on the ground asap lol. .i think he was looking for someone cuz he didn't say shit about the beer. i had a 12 pack with me and one in my hand when he pulled in so he could have fined me for it.

dumb ass bitch. they had me in the hallway next to the nurse's station and i heard that same nurse say "just take him to community bridges and let him detox there"....wow i got up and looked at her in the face and said i heard that. ****ing dumb bitch.
Bro....you didn't detox? You're going to need some help with this. It's a medical emergency. Absolutely cannot quit alcohol or benzos cold turkey. Your description of symptoms experienced fit delirium tremens to a tee which indicates physical dependence. You're going to need a banana bag and a long acting benzo from the E.R to prevent seizures and potential brain damage.

Don't let a stupid ass nurse deter you from getting healthy. There's plenty more where she came from.....Just try to chill and get yourself taken care of.

Long Duck Dong
07-08-2021, 03:14 PM
I agree with this but what do you mean by paisa chick? Like a first generation American girl of Mexican parents? If that's what you meant, no! You can't deal with these toxic self entitled women that modern western civilizations tend to produce...what OP needs to do is go to the old country for a while, some small town and find himself a traditional girl. His American citizenship is a draw with these kinds, he should use it. Doesn't he have a relative in his business? If he has someone that he trusts to run the company, do it. Get away, go to some small town and take in the slower pace, meet new people (avoid hard drinkers obviously) and hopefully meet a pretty girl with traditional values and wife her up. Trust me, these chicks still exist. Having a family will help him not feel so lonely at the very least...

I thought that's what "paisa" meant :confusedshrug:

A traditional Mexican inside the US.

What your describing is a "pocho". A person of Mexican descent, either American or from Mexico, who denies their Mexican culture, tries to act 100% American, and can't or won't speak Spanish

07-08-2021, 03:55 PM
I thought that's what "paisa" meant :confusedshrug:

A traditional Mexican inside the US.

Yea, here in Cali we also had "Paisa" as the same definition as well.

07-08-2021, 04:39 PM
All BS aside, I believe you about having no alts, being the life of the party, etc, and I hope you get better.

07-08-2021, 05:58 PM
Tough love is the only way to get addicts to quit.

I don't want to hear all these excuses. Can't lose weight. Can't stop doing drugs. Can't stop gambling. He will die if he stops drinking? Are you kidding me?

Need doctor. Need pills. Need sleeping pills. bla bla bla. He needs everything to be done for him (magic pills) instead of putting in the work to cold turkey it.

If you want something bad enough, you'll do it. Seizures? He mentally programmed bullshit into his head that: he will die if he stops drinking. Who is he trying to convince?

Yeah sure I had addictions in the past. Nothing to this level. But every single time my addictions were solved with 2 words: Cold Turkey. The only way to go through cold turkey is mental will power. It's that simple.
this is one of the worst posts ive seen on this site

07-08-2021, 06:31 PM
this is one of the worst posts ive seen on this site

You're not kidding and that's saying something.

07-08-2021, 07:04 PM
I bit the bullet and came to detox. Another 6k down the toilet but at least they detox you here and you’re monitored 24/7. Really have the urge to jack off but the restroom has paper thin walls and my bedroom has a camera.

07-08-2021, 07:20 PM
I'm not sure if I can avail you of much help since I abstain from drinks that have ethanol.

07-08-2021, 07:25 PM
I bit the bullet and came to detox. Another 6k down the toilet but at least they detox you here and you’re monitored 24/7. Really have the urge to jack off but the restroom has paper thin walls and my bedroom has a camera.

you've come out of the closet sort of speak ... go back in and flap away:pimp:

07-08-2021, 07:27 PM
I bit the bullet and came to detox. Another 6k down the toilet but at least they detox you here and you’re monitored 24/7. Really have the urge to jack off but the restroom has paper thin walls and my bedroom has a camera.

Well done.

Don't walk out the door. Get that shit out of your system.

It's going to be a rough night tonight and for the next 7 days.

The next 7 days is key. The demons will come many times, but you have to fight them off constantly through mental willpower.

07-08-2021, 07:33 PM
this is one of the worst posts ive seen on this site

You're soft.

If you were to coach people to lose weight they would never lose 1 lb.

07-08-2021, 07:35 PM
I bit the bullet and came to detox. Another 6k down the toilet but at least they detox you here and you’re monitored 24/7. Really have the urge to jack off but the restroom has paper thin walls and my bedroom has a camera.

Don't throw caution to the wind, I'd advise discretion, although it'd brake the law there.

07-08-2021, 07:36 PM
You're soft.

If you were to coach people to lose weight they would never lose 1 lb.

Now just imagine if the person were morbidly obese like 7,000 pounds.

Long Duck Dong
07-09-2021, 02:15 PM
I bit the bullet and came to detox. Another 6k down the toilet but at least they detox you here and you’re monitored 24/7. Really have the urge to jack off but the restroom has paper thin walls and my bedroom has a camera.

How the hell do you run a small business with all this drama going on in your life and going to hospitals and rehab? :oldlol: You mentioned you have work trucks so I assume you have employees. I can't even make it through a dentist appointment without all hell breaking loose by the time I get out simply because I've been away from my phone for an hour. Pretty sure if I ever get really sick my business will begin to collapse.

07-09-2021, 04:31 PM
I bit the bullet and came to detox. Another 6k down the toilet but at least they detox you here and you’re monitored 24/7. Really have the urge to jack off but the restroom has paper thin walls and my bedroom has a camera.

Hey man, you're trying.

That's not money down the toilet. And once you're clean, it's on you to make correct decisions from there. You can do it.

07-09-2021, 04:39 PM
Hey man, you're trying.

That's not money down the toilet. And once you're clean, it's on you to make correct decisions from there. You can do it.
Thanks bro. I already feel a lot better than I did yesterday. Still some shaking but no voices in my head. Slept for 12 hours.

Patrick Chewing
07-09-2021, 04:44 PM
What would the voices normally say? A long time ago I used to hear children laughing in my head when I went to sleep.

07-09-2021, 04:45 PM
What would the voices normally say? A long time ago I used to hear children laughing in my head when I went to sleep.

Those were the kids that bullied you in elementary for wearing xxl pat

its called a flashback

Patrick Chewing
07-09-2021, 04:50 PM
Those were the kids that bullied you in elementary for wearing xxl pat

its called a flashback

I did wear JNCO's and wore flannel. But then again, everyone else did.

07-09-2021, 04:53 PM
I did wear JNCO's and wore flannel. But then again, everyone else did.

Yeah? But did you wear stephon marburys from steve and barrys?

I did for a month, and my tread was as good as walking barefoot on ice

Patrick Chewing
07-09-2021, 04:56 PM
Yeah? But did you wear stephon marburys from steve and barrys?

I wore Ewing's believe it or not :oldlol:. Not the most popular shoe at the time. I was very poor. I remember buying these at flea markets.


07-09-2021, 05:43 PM
I did wear JNCO's and wore flannel. But then again, everyone else did.

Oh shit I thought you were ****ing 60 lol

07-09-2021, 05:44 PM
I wore Ewing's believe it or not :oldlol:. Not the most popular shoe at the time. I was very poor. I remember buying these at flea markets.

Those are size xxl too? Nice. ;)

Good thing they don't peel off immediately whenever you're wearing them.

07-09-2021, 06:08 PM
Joey makes his rehab thread and gets some attention then highwhey makes one a week later.


Im Still Ballin
07-09-2021, 06:20 PM
Joey makes his rehab thread and gets some attention then highwhey makes one a week later.


What's your point bro. You got something to say?

07-09-2021, 10:11 PM
Those were the kids that bullied you in elementary for wearing xxl pat

its called a flashback


07-10-2021, 07:47 AM
Thanks bro. I already feel a lot better than I did yesterday. Still some shaking but no voices in my head. Slept for 12 hours.

How you holding a few days in?

07-10-2021, 02:07 PM
How you holding a few days in?

They taper you off the benzos in here. First day I struggled just to get too the restroom bc I was so sedated. Yesterday felt pretty heavily sedated but at least I was able to spend some of the day awake. Today I woke up pretty early haven’t felt too sedated. They want me to go to an in patient rehab facility after detox but I can’t spend much more time in a room away from my desk and things. I’m just gonna get back to what was keeping me sober: exercise and good eating. It kept me sober for a good couple of months. Plus they literally have me eating vegetarian shit. Every meal is a salad or some vegetable protein bowl. Getting tired of this shit. I know I gotta watch healthy but throw in some animal proteins damn.

07-10-2021, 03:04 PM
Keep it up.

I did some running outside today in great weather. Feels really good. Get your body hooked on the high from exercise, it really helps stabilize you mentally when you are back on a routine. The hardest is getting started again.

Give us updates every day or so.

07-11-2021, 03:14 AM
Thanks bro. I already feel a lot better than I did yesterday. Still some shaking but no voices in my head. Slept for 12 hours.

Did you check to see if they have your Blood Type there?

Long Duck Dong
07-11-2021, 03:59 PM
I'm still curious on how highwey is running a business from rehab. Good friend or family helping him out? Employees just go home and wait patiently for him to straighten out his life out before coming back?

07-11-2021, 05:08 PM
I'm still curious on how highwey is running a business from rehab. Good friend or family helping him out? Employees just go home and wait patiently for him to straighten out his life out before coming back?

i got someone helping out, they know where to go. the real bitch is that they take their sweet time doing shit they know needs to get done sooner. i should be back within the next couple of days and i'm going to do a whole lot of talking because there's a lot of excuses being thrown around and not a whole lot of work being done. common sense seems to get thrown out of the window when i am gone.

Long Duck Dong
07-11-2021, 05:27 PM
i got someone helping out, they know where to go. the real bitch is that they take their sweet time doing shit they know needs to get done sooner. i should be back within the next couple of days and i'm going to do a whole lot of talking because there's a lot of excuses being thrown around and not a whole lot of work being done. common sense seems to get thrown out of the window when i am gone.

Be careful if it's not friends or family. Today he's your loyal worker, tomorrow he's your competition :D

I have a guy similar to that. He's motivated, intelligent and responsible but he can't save money for sh!t with his girlfriends on the side and a wife so there's no way he could open up his own business. I pay him good but he lives paycheck to paycheck trying to keep his little harem together. :lol

07-12-2021, 01:29 AM
Be careful if it's not friends or family. Today he's your loyal worker, tomorrow he's your competition :D

I have a guy similar to that. He's motivated, intelligent and responsible but he can't save money for sh!t with his girlfriends on the side and a wife so there's no way he could open up his own business. I pay him good but he lives paycheck to paycheck trying to keep his little harem together. :lol

i got bigger issues than that. i turned in this massive proposal during my bender...problem is i just checked the estimate duration and i mistakenly put 8 weeks...it should be closer to 20 weeks....yikes. also lost out on an opportunity. i was super sedated on friday morning, got a call from a big client i;ve been trying to get in with, my one shot with them out the window cuz i was too sedated to answer the call. i was trying to reach for it but i ended up falling asleep and when i woke up they didn't answer back...which means they called the next subcontractor up :facepalm

forget about the $6k i spent on detox this past week, there are greater financial loses i incurred from not being in a state to answer my calls and handle my sales shit. we will grow from this. i will not self loath on this stuff. it's a mistake and one i hope to never repeat. suns in 5 baby!

07-12-2021, 11:04 AM
Hope this teaches you not to drink no more.

Go make that money.

How many days of rehab is this?

07-12-2021, 02:18 PM
Tough love is the only way to get addicts to quit.

I don't want to hear all these excuses. Can't lose weight. Can't stop doing drugs. Can't stop gambling. He will die if he stops drinking? Are you kidding me?

Need doctor. Need pills. Need sleeping pills. bla bla bla. He needs everything to be done for him (magic pills) instead of putting in the work to cold turkey it.

If you want something bad enough, you'll do it. Seizures? He mentally programmed bullshit into his head that: he will die if he stops drinking. Who is he trying to convince?

Yeah sure I had addictions in the past. Nothing to this level. But every single time my addictions were solved with 2 words: Cold Turkey. The only way to go through cold turkey is mental will power. It's that simple.

Dude you might be able to buy condos like no one's business, but your education on anatomy is garbage man level.

You're telling someone to just quit when if he does, he will die. This is a fact that all doctors will tell you, it happens with quite a few substances but alcohol is the main one. You don't even have to be in as deep as this guy is. I know a 60 year old that the doctors have told him he can not just stop cold turkey or he is 100000 percent going to have a stroke within 48 hours. You have zero understanding of how the body works in terms of dependence with alcohol so would you please stop unknowingly telling people to kill themselves?

07-12-2021, 08:34 PM

I hear the same shit from losers that can't lose weight because its "genetic".

There's always an excuse.

07-12-2021, 09:37 PM

I hear the same shit from losers that can't lose weight because its "genetic".

There's always an excuse.

07-12-2021, 11:17 PM
i got bigger issues than that. i turned in this massive proposal during my bender...problem is i just checked the estimate duration and i mistakenly put 8 weeks...it should be closer to 20 weeks....yikes. also lost out on an opportunity. i was super sedated on friday morning, got a call from a big client i;ve been trying to get in with, my one shot with them out the window cuz i was too sedated to answer the call. i was trying to reach for it but i ended up falling asleep and when i woke up they didn't answer back...which means they called the next subcontractor up :facepalm

forget about the $6k i spent on detox this past week, there are greater financial loses i incurred from not being in a state to answer my calls and handle my sales shit. we will grow from this. i will not self loath on this stuff. it's a mistake and one i hope to never repeat. suns in 5 baby!

Cool, I hope the doctors helped a lot. Did they offer much advice?

07-12-2021, 11:22 PM

I hear the same shit from losers that can't lose weight because its "genetic".

There's always an excuse.

Like cutting the grass? Isn't the loser the one who sits on their ass and watches the grass get cut?

Joey Turnbuckle
07-13-2021, 12:18 AM
I am going to have to read through this thread lol....

Hope you're doing well man. I read through page 7 at least and saw you're in rehab now as well? They asked how many days. How many days sober are you and how much time is got there?

07-13-2021, 12:40 AM
Cool, I hope the doctors helped a lot. Did they offer much advice?

ive been to that same detox center since my first one, the same doctor all the time. he usually just pops in and asks how i am feeling and zips tf out of there. this time he sat down and told me i need to seriously consider inpatient rehab after bc he doesn't want to see me cycle in and out of detox. then they had a counselor (cute chick, i was really distracted by how attractive she was), she was super nice you can tell she took that career bc she actually wants to help people. she came in on her off day to talk to me about doing inpatient rehab, recommended one in specific...etc, basically they all wanted me to do inpatient. everyone in there is super nice, i assume they get compensated well bc i could not smile that much every single time. i could fake it for only so long. either they get paid hella good or they are just genuinely good people. maybe a mix of both.

the only part that sucked is them waking me up at midnight and then again at like 3-4am to check vitals. i am very alert even when sedated so there was a night when the nurse opened the door and i jumped out of bed...keep in mind i was sedated and was in deep sleep LOL, she was all like "OH MY GOSH, honey! it's just me" :roll:

07-13-2021, 12:50 AM
I am going to have to read through this thread lol....

Hope you're doing well man. I read through page 7 at least and saw you're in rehab now as well? They asked how many days. How many days sober are you and how much time is got there?

i'm out of there bro. got out yesterday. thursday am to sunday. they advertise a short detox....but really it's bc i'm self pay so they kick me to the curb unless i want to pay another night's stay. if my insurance covered that specific detox center they would have let me stay there 5-7days. technically i am still in withdrawls. couldn't sleep for shit last night, and i had nightmares that woke me up mid sleep with sweats and my heart was beating out of my chest. i feel significantly better today but usually in previous withdrawals the sleeping is what affects me the most. very irritated, i've been twitching here and there and pacing back and forth all day today. good thing is i jumped back into work and all the calls distracted me from the symptoms. they gave me non-benzo pills for sleep and anxiety but they aren't very effective, for obvious reasons they cant give me benzos.

Joey Turnbuckle
07-13-2021, 01:20 AM
i'm out of there bro. got out yesterday. thursday am to sunday. they advertise a short detox....but really it's bc i'm self pay so they kick me to the curb unless i want to pay another night's stay. if my insurance covered that specific detox center they would have let me stay there 5-7days. technically i am still in withdrawls. couldn't sleep for shit last night, and i had nightmares that woke me up mid sleep with sweats and my heart was beating out of my chest. i feel significantly better today but usually in previous withdrawals the sleeping is what affects me the most. very irritated, i've been twitching here and there and pacing back and forth all day today. good thing is i jumped back into work and all the calls distracted me from the symptoms. they gave me non-benzo pills for sleep and anxiety but they aren't very effective, for obvious reasons they cant give me benzos.

Damn. Just keep busy or come here if you need peeps yo talk to. 7 days at detox and 15 days in rehab, I'm clean now and shouldn't fall back into drinking unless in retarded enough to think I can handle just a beer or two, or even a 6 pack. I probably could handle 1 beer, but I don't like the taste anyways, and if there is more than 1 beer, even if it's just 2 beers, I'll end up chughing the 2 in like 30 seconds to try and catch any feeling of alcohol i can. And if it's just a 6 pack, I'd just end up drinking them all. Even if I drank them slow enough, I'd end up going to get more probably. I'd probably also being the 9% voo do rangers, so that's like drinking twice as much as 2 regular beers at a bottle anyways. Drinking isn't my real problem, it's that I feel sick the next day after drinking so much and to make it stop, I drink more and it turns into binging for weeks, months and years at a time. One day or night of drinking turns into chaos and drinking is the only way to function. I've literally drank the 2nd half of my life away and now it's complete poison to my liver. That should be enough to stop... that and being able to get my life back together and function like a normal human being. I don't currently have the desire or motivation to do it just to prove people wrong and get back on top, but I'm hoping I get that passion back. Being able to leap from people that actively tried to move up the ladder and could only get so far, is a great motivator. It worked before, especially when it came to health and working out. For me it lit a fire and you just start pumping iron day after day and your motivation is to show the people that counted you out what you're capable of when you put thought and passion into action.

You can stay sober. I'll do it with you.

07-13-2021, 09:20 AM
Dude you might be able to buy condos like no one's business, but your education on anatomy is garbage man level.

You're telling someone to just quit when if he does, he will die. This is a fact that all doctors will tell you, it happens with quite a few substances but alcohol is the main one. You don't even have to be in as deep as this guy is. I know a 60 year old that the doctors have told him he can not just stop cold turkey or he is 100000 percent going to have a stroke within 48 hours. You have zero understanding of how the body works in terms of dependence with alcohol so would you please stop unknowingly telling people to kill themselves?
Damm, I never knew that

07-13-2021, 11:21 AM
i'm out of there bro. got out yesterday. thursday am to sunday. they advertise a short detox....but really it's bc i'm self pay so they kick me to the curb unless i want to pay another night's stay. if my insurance covered that specific detox center they would have let me stay there 5-7days. technically i am still in withdrawls. couldn't sleep for shit last night, and i had nightmares that woke me up mid sleep with sweats and my heart was beating out of my chest. i feel significantly better today but usually in previous withdrawals the sleeping is what affects me the most. very irritated, i've been twitching here and there and pacing back and forth all day today. good thing is i jumped back into work and all the calls distracted me from the symptoms. they gave me non-benzo pills for sleep and anxiety but they aren't very effective, for obvious reasons they cant give me benzos.

Hang in there man.

Keep giving us updates.

07-13-2021, 11:30 AM
Damn. Just keep busy or come here if you need peeps yo talk to. 7 days at detox and 15 days in rehab, I'm clean now and shouldn't fall back into drinking unless in retarded enough to think I can handle just a beer or two, or even a 6 pack. I probably could handle 1 beer, but I don't like the taste anyways, and if there is more than 1 beer, even if it's just 2 beers, I'll end up chughing the 2 in like 30 seconds to try and catch any feeling of alcohol i can. And if it's just a 6 pack, I'd just end up drinking them all. Even if I drank them slow enough, I'd end up going to get more probably. I'd probably also being the 9% voo do rangers, so that's like drinking twice as much as 2 regular beers at a bottle anyways. Drinking isn't my real problem, it's that I feel sick the next day after drinking so much and to make it stop, I drink more and it turns into binging for weeks, months and years at a time. One day or night of drinking turns into chaos and drinking is the only way to function. I've literally drank the 2nd half of my life away and now it's complete poison to my liver. That should be enough to stop... that and being able to get my life back together and function like a normal human being. I don't currently have the desire or motivation to do it just to prove people wrong and get back on top, but I'm hoping I get that passion back. Being able to leap from people that actively tried to move up the ladder and could only get so far, is a great motivator. It worked before, especially when it came to health and working out. For me it lit a fire and you just start pumping iron day after day and your motivation is to show the people that counted you out what you're capable of when you put thought and passion into action.

You can stay sober. I'll do it with you.

Keep it up man. I love reading these updates from you guys.

I come to the off topic forums mainly to see how you 2 guys are doing.

07-13-2021, 12:33 PM
Must be tough flooring being overweight and pretending to be drunk to excuse your mental capacity

Patrick Chewing
07-13-2021, 01:26 PM
OP is having a good laugh at our expense.

Long Duck Dong
07-13-2021, 01:52 PM
You guys are heartless. :coleman:

I get WF because of the relentless dirty ashtray pics from highwey but what if he's telling the truth? A fellow legacy ISH member might be actually going through a personal crisis rn

Joey Turnbuckle
07-13-2021, 04:55 PM
Keep it up man. I love reading these updates from you guys.

I come to the off topic forums mainly to see how you 2 guys are doing.

Much love my friend.

Down side to all of this shit is that I text like ass while sober. After 15 years of nonstop drinking, I function much better sober because that's what I'm used to. I'm sure being on hydroxizine all day and melatonin at night isn't me doing me any favors by the time I get to my room. Averaging 5-6 hours of sleep and have to rush my posts at night as well while here. I had to take a break after the last meeting though and them unlock my room to get a break away from others. They aren't supposed to do it but the last meeting was intense. The planned class didn't happen because the 6'8 guy was telling a couple of us that he is leaving and wanted us to know it has nothing to do with us. He is scared for his life and we tried to convince him to stay, to no avail. Then two guys spent the full hour and a half spilling their guts with them crying and another guy crying. It was hard to see, I feel so bad for them. It had to do with their mom's dying, and the one guy isn't very educated and didn't know what hospice meant, and didn't know he was signing off on his mom's death when he signed it. I didn't want to add my mother's death and holding her hand in hospice as well, because I've come to accept it and let the guilt go of how shitty I was on pain killers when it happened and drinking throughout her final months with cancer. Or family had plenty of love and the last thing she would want is for me to hurt over it and throw my life away because of the guilt, shame and being depressed the rest of my life. I hope they can find peace, as well as the guy that left because he was a good guy, gave me a hug before he left. We have an interesting group here, a lot more emotional and more bonded than the previous group. The guy that left had been here the longest with this being his 5th day. The next longest now is 4 days and 3 days. And we got 1 yesterday, 2 today to have 7 total since the other guy left or it would have been 8.

On a more positive note, we have something called acknowledgements to praise a person and compliment and I was surprised 3 people wrote ones for me since nobody ever really does. So, I feel kind of good other people feel as though I've been helping them and been positive influence for them. I'm one of the least outgoing people but have felt that I have to be here because I knew my friend and i that have been here 15 days would be the ones that have to help the new comers or this place would be chaos. I've gotten close to the head RA and she is constantly coming to me for feed back because I am able to point out things that are blatantly wrong, as well as share the needs of the others that they've shared with me, and I tell her what things they can do to make it better for those specific people. My friend here is the opposite, he is soft spoken and instead shows people through action. And my other friend here also from detox from a couple weeks ago but just came on saturday, he has been through an actual good rehab program before and helps bond the group even more in meetings. I'm getting more from my peers here than the counselors or RA's in the meetings.

Loco 50
07-13-2021, 08:04 PM
ive been to that same detox center since my first one, the same doctor all the time. he usually just pops in and asks how i am feeling and zips tf out of there. this time he sat down and told me i need to seriously consider inpatient rehab after bc he doesn't want to see me cycle in and out of detox. then they had a counselor (cute chick, i was really distracted by how attractive she was), she was super nice you can tell she took that career bc she actually wants to help people. she came in on her off day to talk to me about doing inpatient rehab, recommended one in specific...etc, basically they all wanted me to do inpatient. everyone in there is super nice, i assume they get compensated well bc i could not smile that much every single time. i could fake it for only so long. either they get paid hella good or they are just genuinely good people. maybe a mix of both.

the only part that sucked is them waking me up at midnight and then again at like 3-4am to check vitals. i am very alert even when sedated so there was a night when the nurse opened the door and i jumped out of bed...keep in mind i was sedated and was in deep sleep LOL, she was all like "OH MY GOSH, honey! it's just me" :roll:
Glad it sounds like you're doing better. What are your thoughts on inpatient? Too often the cycle is in/out of detox until legal issues develop then inpatient is forced by a judge in lieu of jailtime or sometimes in addition. Anybody working in addiction therapy has seen it too often so they've got your best interests in mind.

Inpatient provides many benefits. Makes sure you're on a schedule, eating healthy, talking with folks and gets you started on cognitive behavioral therapy to help understand healthier methods of dealing with your triggers/bad habits all while ensuring you can't get your hands on any alcohol. Also, helps you get the perspective of other folks at various stages of the situation you're in.

It's important to come to grips that you can not drink. It's your genetics.

Diabetics don't control their blood sugar properly, they die.
Folks with a severe food allergy eat that allergen, they die.
Need to treat this as an alcohol allergy to the best of your ability.

I hope you seriously consider it. The money is an investment towards the rest of your life, not a loss.

Regardless, good luck man. Rooting for you. Happy for you Phoenix fans and the Suns too. Hopefully, the wait for a championship is over for y'all. That might make the journey a little easier on you.

07-13-2021, 08:54 PM
Damn. Just keep busy or come here if you need peeps yo talk to. 7 days at detox and 15 days in rehab, I'm clean now and shouldn't fall back into drinking unless in retarded enough to think I can handle just a beer or two, or even a 6 pack. I probably could handle 1 beer, but I don't like the taste anyways, and if there is more than 1 beer, even if it's just 2 beers, I'll end up chughing the 2 in like 30 seconds to try and catch any feeling of alcohol i can. And if it's just a 6 pack, I'd just end up drinking them all. Even if I drank them slow enough, I'd end up going to get more probably. I'd probably also being the 9% voo do rangers, so that's like drinking twice as much as 2 regular beers at a bottle anyways. Drinking isn't my real problem, it's that I feel sick the next day after drinking so much and to make it stop, I drink more and it turns into binging for weeks, months and years at a time. One day or night of drinking turns into chaos and drinking is the only way to function. I've literally drank the 2nd half of my life away and now it's complete poison to my liver. That should be enough to stop... that and being able to get my life back together and function like a normal human being. I don't currently have the desire or motivation to do it just to prove people wrong and get back on top, but I'm hoping I get that passion back. Being able to leap from people that actively tried to move up the ladder and could only get so far, is a great motivator. It worked before, especially when it came to health and working out. For me it lit a fire and you just start pumping iron day after day and your motivation is to show the people that counted you out what you're capable of when you put thought and passion into action.

You can stay sober. I'll do it with you.

thankfully i have family and friends i can hit up if i'm feeling lonely. i'm pretty much an alcoholic bc i initially began using it as a means to make it easier to talk to people in social settings, but eventually it just made me feel so good i drank it until i blacked out. then i lost a really close friend and that just ramped up the drinking. couple months before covid i was drinking super heavy but was strongly considering stopping and i did for a couple weeks, heck i even tried the heineken 0% abv. i was pivoting to a healthy lifestyle. then my 10th year HS reunion was around the corner and some of us got together for drinks to plan what we were gonna do. holy shit that night spurred a huge bender that didn't end until my first detox. that bender lasted a couple of months. a week after that evening is when all the shutdowns happened and i was living alone. you know all too well what that shit does to an alcoholic, it's cool when your friends are over or you go to their place but that month of late march/early april no one wanted to hang out. just kept drinking until i wanted to stop and i couldn't. was past the point of pivoting.

ima stop there cuz reliving these memories are all making me want to drink. my bad joey, i'd keep talking with you but ima walk away for a moment cuz you understand how it is....cravings and all.

07-14-2021, 10:20 AM

I hear the same shit from losers that can't lose weight because its "genetic".

There's always an excuse.

Zero understanding of how the heart works, below zero experience on how dependency works. Right now OP requires alcohol just as much as he requires air and water.

The one poster is right, you're clueless. It has nothing to do with mental toughness, this has everything to do with physical chemical reactions but sure guy

07-15-2021, 12:33 AM
A friend tried to go cold turkey off drugs and had a weird fit which resulted in her dying. Never had a fit in her life prior to it happening. It's no joke.

07-15-2021, 07:55 AM

Your boss isnt too happy about this

07-15-2021, 09:10 AM
It's an interesting read and there isn't a single indication that OP actually wants to quit drinking, but only had to go to the ER because he was feeling like shit and in his own words almost died.
Nothing negative said about alcohol either, in fact OP was the "life of the party" when drinking.

Here's OP back in 2015, having "kicked a long time Adderall addiction cold turkey", giving advice to someone else about how they should take the same drug:

As a long time user of adderall (quit cold turkey 2 months ago)...i would advise against taking 90mg for a single dose. Thats a crazy as dose. 30mg will get u going just fine, 90mg will have you experiencing the nasty side effects of the drug (heart arrhythmia, jitters, anger fits, etc)


Seems like OP is more or less just going through the motions of what it means to quit an addiction. "Didn't give me any meds for 2 hours, so I just assume they weren't going to give me any at all and so I walked out of there and chugged some beers".

They want me to go to an in patient rehab facility after detox but I can’t spend much more time in a room away from my desk and things. I’m just gonna get back to what was keeping me sober: exercise and good eating. It kept me sober for a good couple of months

OP is not going to take the advice of the people he paid $6K to help him( in his own words, it was just money down the drain anyway), but instead gwent back into the same routine that got him here in the first place. Exercise and healthy food kept you from drinking for a couple of months, but your addiction problems are at least 6 years long(and probably much longer if your claim about being a long time Adderall user in 2015 is true).

I hope you don't end up killing anyone else OP, because there's no way you've been drinking 25 beers a day while running a construction company and not had to drive a car in the process.

Good luck OP, have you come to the conclusion that you can't ever drink again? Throughout the thread I haven't seen those words mentioned.

07-15-2021, 09:36 AM
Glad it sounds like you're doing better. What are your thoughts on inpatient? Too often the cycle is in/out of detox until legal issues develop then inpatient is forced by a judge in lieu of jailtime or sometimes in addition. Anybody working in addiction therapy has seen it too often so they've got your best interests in mind.

Inpatient provides many benefits. Makes sure you're on a schedule, eating healthy, talking with folks and gets you started on cognitive behavioral therapy to help understand healthier methods of dealing with your triggers/bad habits all while ensuring you can't get your hands on any alcohol. Also, helps you get the perspective of other folks at various stages of the situation you're in.

It's important to come to grips that you can not drink. It's your genetics.

Diabetics don't control their blood sugar properly, they die.
Folks with a severe food allergy eat that allergen, they die.
Need to treat this as an alcohol allergy to the best of your ability.

I hope you seriously consider it. The money is an investment towards the rest of your life, not a loss.

Regardless, good luck man. Rooting for you. Happy for you Phoenix fans and the Suns too. Hopefully, the wait for a championship is over for y'all. That might make the journey a little easier on you.

thanks bro. i don't know about therapy any longer. all the therapist that i saw was offer some advice here and there but he was mostly a person i just talked to that asked how i felt that week. i can do that with any family member or one of my close friends. not sure why i have to express my emotions and feelings to a stranger. i am going to go to AA meetings, but beyond that i am not interested in all of that. i don't deny that it works, it does, but it's like exercise, it provides relief of stress during the motion of it, but when you're at work or doing the daily mundane things, you will still be susceptible to stress, same with the therapy you will be susceptible to relapse due to stress or triggers, i.e., in those moments it's up to you to stay sober or not to. you make a stern decision and ride with it or succumb to the addiction. that's been my experience with therapy/counseling. you are coached, but YOU still have face the triggers and hold steady, or not.

but yes, i have come to the conclusion i cannot have a sip of alcohol. i'm paranoid about eating food that is cooked with any wines...lol.

besides, all the counseling offers is finding a way to stay busy so that you don't open your mind to cravings. and if you happen to have cravings, use an established support system: call a family or friend, take a walk. good thing about cravings is they are short, they last a couple minutes.

07-15-2021, 09:43 AM
thanks bro. i don't know about therapy any longer. all the therapist that i saw was offer some advice here and there but he was mostly a person i just talked to that asked how i felt that week. i can do that with any family member or one of my close friends. not sure why i have to express my emotions and feelings to a stranger. i am going to go to AA meetings, but beyond that i am not interested in all of that. i don't deny that it works, it does, but it's like exercise, it provides relief of stress during the motion of it, but when you're at work or doing the daily mundane things, you will still be susceptible to stress, same with the therapy you will be susceptible to relapse due to stress or triggers, i.e., in those moments it's up to you to stay sober or not to. you make a stern decision and ride with it or succumb to the addiction. that's been my experience with therapy/counseling. you are coached, but YOU still have face the triggers and hold steady, or not.

but yes, i have come to the conclusion i cannot have a sip of alcohol. i'm paranoid about eating food that is cooked with any wines...lol.

besides, all the counseling offers is finding a way to stay busy so that you don't open your mind to cravings. and if you happen to have cravings, use an established support system: call a family or friend, take a walk. good thing about cravings is they are short, they last a couple minutes.

You're supposed to cook the alcohol out of the wine when using it for food..

07-15-2021, 09:51 AM
You're supposed to cook the alcohol out of the wine when using it for food..

He's a dumbass...

Alcohol has a boiling point of like 175 which is nearly 50 degrees less than water. Hence why one can light a flame when cooking with spirits ex. vodka sauce.

07-19-2021, 01:00 AM
had really strong cravings this evening. was watching lethal weapon, the scene where they're on the boat in front of danny glover's house, danny pulls out some coors and they start drinking one as they are bonding, danny's facial hair catches some of the beer. man, that beer looked refreshing and i don't even like coors light. somehow danny glover is always sweating on television and that beer seemed ideal to cool off. good product placement i suppose. i've noticed that television/movies have a lot of alcohol. can't even watch a suns game without being bombarded by commercials about beer.

whatever, i am glad i chose to stay sober for today. as my therapist used to tell me, "you only need to stay sober for today, tell your self you will not drink today, every day".

hitting up the gym tomorrow to do some cardio. that shit helps with cravings like crazy, but more specifically it helps with stress. been working in a downtown high rise without a/c...shit is killer. i am purposely working in the field with our crew, helps me obtain a sense of accomplishment and use up some of the energy i seem to have since being sober. only 2 elevators are in use since it's still under construction, and they are manually operated so sometimes you're waiting 10-15 minutes just to get on it. gotta push a button on the intercom to get it to you "11 going down" "copy that, on my way"....15 minutes later it shows up lol. sometimes i just take the stairs down...not up though.

sobriety :dancin

Doomsday Dallas
07-19-2021, 02:02 AM
sobriety :dancin


07-19-2021, 02:12 AM

:roll: in a nutshell, yes

07-24-2021, 05:13 PM
I bit the bullet and came to detox. Another 6k down the toilet but at least they detox you here and you’re monitored 24/7. Really have the urge to jack off but the restroom has paper thin walls and my bedroom has a camera.

Just to clarify, it breaks the law, but given the right circumstances, with the doors shut, it is not one's jail until the fourth time (in life). I'm aware the doors don't have a lock and anyone could enter.

07-24-2021, 05:14 PM
Speaking of four times, it would be interesting if you only had four times left to do something before you're jailed...

Joey Turnbuckle
07-24-2021, 05:32 PM
I got out this morning, was supposed to be monday morning but they had people waiting to get in and I had finished everything required by the 12th day in, so they let me out. I had beer and drank less than 2 hours out. My brother that I'm about to evict and aunt/uncle who basically forced me into rehab said they will take care of everything, focus on myself. Don't tell me til yesterday when I said I'm coming home today that they let my favorite pet die, a fully healthy 6 year old cat I adopted from the shelter died in the 34 days I was gone because my family is retarded. I cried all day yesterday and told my aunt off on my home, then cried a little more after getting home. That cat layed with me 24/7 and always came looking for me when I was out of the room. She would trot down the hallway til she saw me, I'd make a murr sound or gesture with my hand and she would make a whining sound in exciting before she came running to me. The stupid assholes didn't take her to the vet, or call me. I would have left to take her or asked my friend who would have come down to take her. Out of resentment and spite, I am having a few drinks over the next couple days and i don't give a f*ck. I'm not going to forgive them for this. This could have easily been prevented and part if ne thinks it's from my brother being a cheap ass. I get home and place is beyond hot inside. I think he was just trying to save 10 or 20 dollars on the bill for air and that's why my cat died. There were signs she needed help. They can f*ck themselves. I loved that cat most out my 4 shelter pets. The other three dog/cat are 10-11yrs old. I should gave had this cat another 10 years, maybe even 15. It's so f*cked up. My eyes are welling up, I cried when I got home because she wasn't there to great me. So pissed and sad. I hate people.

07-24-2021, 07:52 PM
I got out this morning, was supposed to be monday morning but they had people waiting to get in and I had finished everything required by the 12th day in, so they let me out. I had beer and drank less than 2 hours out. My brother that I'm about to evict and aunt/uncle who basically forced me into rehab said they will take care of everything, focus on myself. Don't tell me til yesterday when I said I'm coming home today that they let my favorite pet die, a fully healthy 6 year old cat I adopted from the shelter died in the 34 days I was gone because my family is retarded. I cried all day yesterday and told my aunt off on my home, then cried a little more after getting home. That cat layed with me 24/7 and always came looking for me when I was out of the room. She would trot down the hallway til she saw me, I'd make a murr sound or gesture with my hand and she would make a whining sound in exciting before she came running to me. The stupid assholes didn't take her to the vet, or call me. I would have left to take her or asked my friend who would have come down to take her. Out of resentment and spite, I am having a few drinks over the next couple days and i don't give a f*ck. I'm not going to forgive them for this. This could have easily been prevented and part if ne thinks it's from my brother being a cheap ass. I get home and place is beyond hot inside. I think he was just trying to save 10 or 20 dollars on the bill for air and that's why my cat died. There were signs she needed help. They can f*ck themselves. I loved that cat most out my 4 shelter pets. The other three dog/cat are 10-11yrs old. I should gave had this cat another 10 years, maybe even 15. It's so f*cked up. My eyes are welling up, I cried when I got home because she wasn't there to great me. So pissed and sad. I hate people.

That sucks. Don’t drink too much.

07-24-2021, 08:08 PM
dont judge yourself too harshly OP if your only failing is that you like to drink yourself into misery

the top earner where I am right now is a PROUD recovered alcoholic who wont hesitate to bring it up and we literally ask him to shut the fcuk up because no one cares that he fixed his problems because he talks about it so much

alcohol and drugs take a lot of people out and everyone likes a recovered success story so just keep fighting to develop good habits.

07-24-2021, 10:24 PM
I got out this morning, was supposed to be monday morning but they had people waiting to get in and I had finished everything required by the 12th day in, so they let me out. I had beer and drank less than 2 hours out. My brother that I'm about to evict and aunt/uncle who basically forced me into rehab said they will take care of everything, focus on myself. Don't tell me til yesterday when I said I'm coming home today that they let my favorite pet die, a fully healthy 6 year old cat I adopted from the shelter died in the 34 days I was gone because my family is retarded. I cried all day yesterday and told my aunt off on my home, then cried a little more after getting home. That cat layed with me 24/7 and always came looking for me when I was out of the room. She would trot down the hallway til she saw me, I'd make a murr sound or gesture with my hand and she would make a whining sound in exciting before she came running to me. The stupid assholes didn't take her to the vet, or call me. I would have left to take her or asked my friend who would have come down to take her. Out of resentment and spite, I am having a few drinks over the next couple days and i don't give a f*ck. I'm not going to forgive them for this. This could have easily been prevented and part if ne thinks it's from my brother being a cheap ass. I get home and place is beyond hot inside. I think he was just trying to save 10 or 20 dollars on the bill for air and that's why my cat died. There were signs she needed help. They can f*ck themselves. I loved that cat most out my 4 shelter pets. The other three dog/cat are 10-11yrs old. I should gave had this cat another 10 years, maybe even 15. It's so f*cked up. My eyes are welling up, I cried when I got home because she wasn't there to great me. So pissed and sad. I hate people.

That's unfortunate bro. sorry to hear about your cat, but do you really think drinking is going to do anything good? you're hurting yourself. should have reached for a blunt instead. remember that once you detox, you're never the same. you can't go on another bender and quit cold turkey.

08-18-2021, 07:04 PM
I bit the bullet and came to detox. Another 6k down the toilet but at least they detox you here and you’re monitored 24/7. Really have the urge to jack off but the restroom has paper thin walls and my bedroom has a camera.

I suppose a health clinic could monitor your room with a security camera without it being a gross Invasion of Privacy since they really know how to look after your health there.

08-18-2021, 07:26 PM
alcohol is hella overated

when you learn to enjoy a party or other social setting without it, you become more in tune with your emotions and as a result, self control. you also begin to realize everyone else has big time issues.

mods should sticky this thread, or i can leave it to the autists to keep bumping it to the top i guess. there's a lot of people in denial of their addicitons and issues. for example, if you smoke crack rock, you are a drug addict. there is no such thing as a casual crack rock smoker.

08-18-2021, 08:13 PM
I should add that otherwise it would be difficult for them to know what you're doing in there.

Patrick Chewing
08-18-2021, 08:36 PM
This thread brought to you by...


08-19-2021, 12:53 PM
This thread brought to you by...

You weigh 557 pounds.

08-19-2021, 12:56 PM
I think I am too.