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  1. #1
    2010-2020 AirTupac's Avatar
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    Exclamation Did LeBron Stop Using PED?

    Stolen off another site

    OK so we've only seen Bron play a few games so far this season, but it's fair to say that he has been underwhelming at the least. What we excused as first night jitters has turned into a few straight up bad games, leading one fellow redditor to liken his play to that of a potato.

    So what is it? Nerves? Pressure? Injury? A gradual decline due to age? Tanking to get Cleveland another #1 draft pick?

    I don't think it's any of these things. This off-season, we've seen LeBron drop a fair amount of weight that has been credited by some to a low-carb diet. But what if LeBron's weight loss and his resulting dip in form is the result of something far more cynical? What if he has stopped using performance enhancing drugs?

    Stay with me. Adam Silver took over as commissioner following David Stern's 30 year tenure as Commissioner. Stern never led a full-out war on steroid use that we have seen in baseball or athletics over the past few years. It is very possible that he turned a blind eye to steroid usage in the NBA so as to provide a better spectacle, and a steroid scandal would have ruined his image as a Commissioner.

    Adam Silver's short tenure has been marked by his strong and impressive responses to potentially image-harming scandals in the NBA. His legacy would only be enhanced if he lead a war on performance enhancing drugs from the early stages of his tenure. What if Silver informed the players of his determination to do this down the line? What if he specifically told LeBron, the league's marquee player, to make 100% sure he was clean as he was about to become the most tested athlete in sports, so as to avoid a scandal that could potentially eclipse both Barry Bonds and Lance Armstrongs' respective falls from grace?

    What if I'm high and all this is bullshit?
    - Slowed down
    - Lost weight
    - Is playing like a potato

    It all makes sense

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Did LeBron Stop Using PED?

    Doubt it, more likely it's just rust considering we are one week into the year.

  3. #3
    Golden State Aster*sks
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    Default Re: Did LeBron Stop Using PED?

    Did Adam Silver forget to tell Kobe because Kobe is playing extremely well for his age.

  4. #4
    Coach SamuraiSWISH's Avatar
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    Default Re: Did LeBron Stop Using PED?

    What does playing like a potato mean?

  5. #5
    Nosetradamus rezznor's Avatar
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    Default Re: Did LeBron Stop Using PED?

    Quote Originally Posted by SamuraiSWISH
    What does playing like a potato mean?

  6. #6
    2010-2020 AirTupac's Avatar
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    Default Re: Did LeBron Stop Using PED?

    Quote Originally Posted by SamuraiSWISH
    What does playing like a potato mean?
    It's like he's playing in sandals or something.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Did LeBron Stop Using PED?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taller than CP3
    Did Adam Silver forget to tell Kobe because Kobe is playing extremely well for his age.
    wait what? Playing well? Didn't I just read something about only 3-4 players in the league have TAKEN as many shots as kobe has MISSED so far this season?

  8. #8
    3-time NBA All-Star oarabbus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Did LeBron Stop Using PED?

    Quote Originally Posted by outbreak
    wait what? Playing well? Didn't I just read something about only 3-4 players in the league have TAKEN as many shots as kobe has MISSED so far this season?

    Kobe and Branstans really can't say shit to each other, both of them living in glass houses right now

  9. #9
    Coach SamuraiSWISH's Avatar
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    Default Re: Did LeBron Stop Using PED?

    LeBron started off stiff, with dead legs last year too. To be fair. Got going physically by December, and started looking athletic as hell again. Was putting his nuts on rookies foreheads, crazy alley oops etc.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Did LeBron Stop Using PED?

    Quote Originally Posted by oarabbus

    Kobe and Branstans really can't say shit to each other, both of them living in glass houses right now
    I know right. I mean Kobe is at least providing some entertainment but you have to be delusional to actually believe he is playing well or act like what he is doing is amazing or anything, plus his team is trash so waht else can he do besides go for a scoring title. Lebron has started poorly too but he will pick it up but you have to be delusional to believe the rubbish about him playing bad on purpose to expose players or whatever those idiots were spewing on here earlier.

  11. #11
    Very good NBA starter
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    Default Re: Did LeBron Stop Using PED?

    Lebron looks like he's trying to find his role as a true so again. Before he was a roamed now he's one position.

    He also looks lethargic because he's pacing himself. Lebron eases into games

  12. #12
    NBA Superstar eliteballer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Did LeBron Stop Using PED?

    Here's the story behind the 2-week break that turned LeBron James' season around

    Windhorst says that late in 2014, James had been moody and his body wasn't 100%. After suddenly deciding not to play in a game against the Hawks, the Cavs gave him take two weeks off to rest, from which he returned healthy and in a better mood, seemingly revitalized by some midseason trades.

    "[James] had sort of just like waved a bit of a white flag there. He just didn't feel like playing. He had never done that ever before. He had always just played through it. And so it was after that game, [the Cavaliers] said, 'Alright, take your two weeks off,' because he had reached a very low point."

    Nobody is quite sure why James' two-week break turned around his season. He does seem healthier and more explosive. If it was just fatigue and simple aches that he was dealing with, then two weeks may have been enough to revitalize him.

  13. #13
    NBA Superstar eliteballer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Did LeBron Stop Using PED?

    Anyone figure this out?

  14. #14
    NBA Superstar FultzNationRISE's Avatar
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    Default Re: Did LeBron Stop Using PED?

    Quote Originally Posted by eliteballer View Post
    Anyone figure this out?

    Yeah. I figured it out.

    He took two weeks off so he could turn out every single female in your whole ****ing family. And when he came back, he was feeling like a new man.

    And then in the offseason he went and got cures for all the STDs he picked up from all the ratchet ass birds in the trash bin you call a family tree.

    THE END.

  15. #15
    NBA Superstar eliteballer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Did LeBron Stop Using PED?

    Quote Originally Posted by FultzNationRISE View Post
    Yeah. I figured it out.

    He took two weeks off so he could turn out every single female in your whole ****ing family. And when he came back, he was feeling like a new man.

    And then in the offseason he went and got cures for all the STDs he picked up from all the ratchet ass birds in the trash bin you call a family tree.

    THE END.
    With or without Steroids?

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