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  1. #31
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    Default Re: Trump raised 6 million for vets last night....

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick Young
    The man just raised $6 million to help vets and you're mocking him?

    Even if he flops out of the elections and loses, he will have done more to help Americans than any of the other infighting politicians still in the race.

    Can't believe these doublespeak retards have managed to spin raising $6 million for war veterans like it's a bad thing.

    These middle class libtards have zero empathy for war veterans.

    Who cares WHY Trump did it. Bottom line is that money will go to actually help people.

    What the **** have Hilldawg or Bernie David or Cruz or Rubio done in their campaign besides whine and catfight each other?

    Lets not forget there were protesters at these events.

    What can you possibly protest about?

  2. #32
    Free Nick Young Terahite's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump raised 6 million for vets last night....

    Libtards like PhantomCreep are obsessed with Hitler and "white America" and refuse to talk about any important issue except through their film school-understanding of reality it becomes nauseating. Some of us supporting Trump actually work and have families we don't think about this type of sh[color=black]i[/color]t we just want to live in peace with the fruit of our labors

  3. #33
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    Default Re: Trump raised 6 million for vets last night....

    Quote Originally Posted by 9erempiree

    Lets not forget there were protesters at these events.

    What can you possibly protest about?
    Yes, he could have spent the night at the debate with Megyn Kelly and a bunch of corrupt scummos like Cruz trying to tear him down, and catfighting about bullshit. Instead he spent the night doing something useful and raising money that can actually change peoples lives.

    And people are against him for it? Would they rather he stand there in that waste of time debate rather than raise money that will go to help war veterans? What kind of zero-empathy asshole would prefer Trump attended a debate rather than raise money for veterans?

    You can't argue with the results.

    Trump is actively standing against the out-of-touch bureaucratic bullshitters currently running our country.

    He won't give a phuck about pleasing corrupt lobbyists who funded his campaign because the man is already a billionaire. Unlike every other politician still in the race, Trump won't have to pander and bow down to lobbyists.

  4. #34
    NBA sixth man of the year KyrieTheFuture's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump raised 6 million for vets last night....

  5. #35
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    Default Re: Trump raised 6 million for vets last night....

    People can say he doesn't care about veterans or it was a smoke screen to avoid the debate but the fact of the matter is....

    Trump held this event because he wasn't going to debate. He already said that many times during the event. If he were to debate, there would be no fundraising.

    The ball don't lie.

    The 6 million don't lie.

  6. #36
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    Default Re: Trump raised 6 million for vets last night....

    Quote Originally Posted by KyrieTheFuture
    Bernie talks the talk. Right now Trump is walking the walk. Get back to me when Bernie actually DOES SOMETHING, rather than talk about doing something, which is what most politicians do.

    When Bernie actually goes out and raises some money for vets, his words will hold more meaning.

  7. #37
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    Default Re: Trump raised 6 million for vets last night....

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick Young
    How much money have you raised for charity brah?
    likely far more than you, and for causes (like conservation and sustainability) that weren't for the purposes of self-aggrandizement in trump's case, or for cuck-a-doodling and flinging your feces all over places like ISH.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick Young
    LOL Trump raises 6 million for veterans it's a "scam", any demtard donates money to charity and they're a saint
    as usual, congratulations for not being able to read accurately.

    what i essentially said was 'given the circumstances, show me the money'. you got a problem with that, you miserable POS?

  8. #38
    NBA sixth man of the year KyrieTheFuture's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump raised 6 million for vets last night....

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick Young
    Bernie talks the talk. Right now Trump is walking the walk. Get back to me when Bernie actually DOES SOMETHING, rather than talk about doing something, which is what most politicians do.

    When Bernie actually goes out and raises some money for vets, his words will hold more meaning.
    So, being Chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs and passing the CHOICE Act doesn't count as doing anything?

  9. #39
    NBA sixth man of the year KyrieTheFuture's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump raised 6 million for vets last night....

  10. #40
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    Default Re: Trump raised 6 million for vets last night....

    Quote Originally Posted by KyrieTheFuture
    So, being Chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs and passing the CHOICE Act doesn't count as doing anything?
    Nobody said it doesn't account.

    In a thread about raising 6 million for veterans....I find it funny that people still try to find something wrong.

    ...but...but...but....Bernie did this and that. Who cares.

    I am happy that 6 million was raised. Actually 5 million was raised and Trump donated 1 million.

  11. #41
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    Default Re: Trump raised 6 million for vets last night....

    Quote Originally Posted by gigantes
    likely far more than you, and for causes (like conservation and sustainability) that weren't for the purposes of self-aggrandizement in trump's case, or for cuck-a-doodling and flinging your feces all over places like ISH.

    as usual, congratulations for not being able to read accurately.

    what i essentially said was 'given the circumstances, show me the money'. you got a problem with that, you miserable POS?
    LOL what a solipsistic narcissist XD

    He actually thinks his little $3 donation to the NAACP he made 2 years ago is more morally righteous than Trump raising $6 million for veterans.

    Perfect example of the me-me-me special snowflake Millennial generation.
    Last edited by Nick Young; 01-30-2016 at 04:57 PM.

  12. #42
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    Default Re: Trump raised 6 million for vets last night....

    Quote Originally Posted by KyrieTheFuture
    So, being Chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs and passing the CHOICE Act doesn't count as doing anything?
    Of course it counts.

    I'm saying that Trump could have wasted time playing the political catty game with Fox News and the repub debaters. Instead he spent that time doing something useful.

    $6 million to vets is more beneficial to American society than attending a Republican debate.

  13. #43
    NBA sixth man of the year KyrieTheFuture's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump raised 6 million for vets last night....

    I don't think it was wrong at all. I can't say how much will go to vets but even one dollar is a good thing. YOU said Bernie hasn't done anything for Veterans. Shockingly, you were incorrect.

  14. #44
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    Default Re: Trump raised 6 million for vets last night....

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick Young
    LOL what a solipsistic narcissist XD

    He actually thinks his little $3 donation to the NAACP he made 2 years ago is more morally righteous than Trump raising $6 million for veterans.

    Perfect example of the me-me-me special snowflake Millennial generation.
    no... narcissistic-snowflake-aggro-millennial is pretty much how i think of YOU.

    $3, eh? how about 20 years of donations, personal sacrifice and research so as to give your generation a better chance at the privilege that mine had...?

    and what does the NAACP have to do with anything? honestly, your reading comprehension seems to get worse with every passing day.

    anyway, i'm out. consider this then another opportunity to spin your feces round and round without worrying about accountability.

  15. #45
    Great college starter ThePhantomCreep's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump raised 6 million for vets last night....

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick Young
    The man just raised $6 million to help vets and you're mocking him?
    Even if he flops out of the elections and loses, he will have done more to help Americans than any of the other infighting politicians still in the race.

    Can't believe these doublespeak retards have managed to spin raising $6 million for war veterans like it's a bad thing.

    These middle class libtards have zero empathy for war veterans.

    Who cares WHY Trump did it. Bottom line is that money will go to actually help people.

    What the **** have Hilldawg or Bernie David or Cruz or Rubio done in their campaign besides whine and catfight each other?
    Are you blind? Even veterans are mocking Trump. No one likes being used as a prop for political gain, especially by a yuppie elitist who received a multiple deferments to get out serving in Vietnam, and takes digs at POWs ("I like people who weren't captured").

    Even terror groups like Hamas donate to charity, dummy. It's the oldest pandering trick in the book.

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