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  1. #106
    ErhnamDjinn's Avatar
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    Default Re: WTF, Karl Malone knocked up a 13 year old back in the day?

    Quote Originally Posted by iamgine
    more name calling when all I posted was facts
    more name calling?? from a dude that says some girls devolp at age 7 I think the wisest thing for you to do is not speak about this anymore.

  2. #107
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    Default Re: WTF, Karl Malone knocked up a 13 year old back in the day?

    Quote Originally Posted by ErhnamDjinn
    more name calling?? from a dude that says some girls devolp at age 7 I think the wisest thing for you to do is not speak about this anymore.
    I meant to say start developing (so when they're 13 they're already fully developed), But it is the fact nonetheless.

    Quote Originally Posted by omarnyc
    if he was a sophomore in college he wasnt no 17 or 18, and even if he was thats still statutory rape, a 13 year old cannot legally consent to sex
    It is illegal all right.

    Quote Originally Posted by NPD850
    This isn't perversion. The difference between what you are saying, that these things happen, is fact. We all went to high school (except iamgine, who has home school written all over him), and we all saw things like this happen on a sadly consistent basis. Kids make stupid mistakes all the time. Your stance is not justifying and even ENGOURAGING this behaviour. Not once has he come out and called it a crime, or even morally wrong. Essentially he is saying that at our heart, we all want to do it, just not all of us have the b*lls to actually go through with it.illegal
    Quoting myself:
    Quote Originally Posted by iamgine
    Fourth, who ever say it's the right thing? It's a stupid illegal wrong thing that most healthy freshman student would do given the chance, right circumstances and if they can get away. Are we really in the position to judge?

  3. #108
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    Default Re: WTF, Karl Malone knocked up a 13 year old back in the day?

    Quote Originally Posted by iamgine
    I meant to say start developing (so when they're 13 they're already fully developed), But it is the fact nonetheless.

    It is illegal all right.

    Quoting myself:
    Originally Posted by iamgine
    Fourth, who ever say it's the right thing? It's a stupid illegal wrong thing that most healthy freshman student would do given the chance, right circumstances and if they can get away. Are we really in the position to judge?
    You are digging a hole so deep for yourself that there is an echo when you respond.

  4. #109
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    Default Re: WTF, Karl Malone knocked up a 13 year old back in the day?

    ^says the guy who cant think of anything else to say because I just proved him wrong.

    on another note, GOBB can delete posts? cool.

  5. #110
    Learning to shoot layups
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    Default Re: WTF, Karl Malone knocked up a 13 year old back in the day?

    Quote Originally Posted by iamgine
    ^says the guy who cant think of anything else to say because I just proved him wrong.

    on another note, GOBB can delete posts? cool.

    You're right, I can't disprove your point. You are too smart for me. Please accept my apology. I made this especially for you, since we don't know each other, and I might have been a little harsh in responding to your points.

    Watch them both at the same time. Just turn the audio down on the second link, and listen to a relaxing mix of the perfect song combined with the perfect video.

    Sorry, man. Hope this helps.
    Last edited by NPD850; 05-01-2008 at 04:07 AM.

  6. #111
    Nosetradamus rezznor's Avatar
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    Default Re: WTF, Karl Malone knocked up a 13 year old back in the day?

    Quote Originally Posted by iamgine

    You obviously havent seen some of the 13 year old walking around. First they look and act like they're 16. Then, you get drunk and are you seriously gonna ask their age before hitting em? As a college freshman who get p*ssy all the time? Please, n*gga.

    Who's talking attracted here? P*ssy is still p*ssy. Sex is still sex. Men is still men. All those is true especially after a few beer. And college isn't really the smartest time of your life. That's the part of life where you make the most mistakes cause you try to experience everything.

    "Have a seat Iamgine"

    Do you by any chance live in that little compound out in west Texas?

  7. #112
    Sixers|Eagles|Phillies GOBB's Avatar
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    Default Re: WTF, Karl Malone knocked up a 13 year old back in the day?


  8. #113
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    Default Re: WTF, Karl Malone knocked up a 13 year old back in the day?

    at Chris Hansen

  9. #114
    Nosetradamus rezznor's Avatar
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    Default Re: WTF, Karl Malone knocked up a 13 year old back in the day?

  10. #115
    ... iamgine's Avatar
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    Default Re: WTF, Karl Malone knocked up a 13 year old back in the day?

    @ Chris Hansen

  11. #116
    7-time NBA All-Star Dasher's Avatar
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    Default Re: WTF, Karl Malone knocked up a 13 year old back in the day?

  12. #117
    Local High School Star joshwake's Avatar
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    Default Re: WTF, Karl Malone knocked up a 13 year old back in the day?

    It’s so strange how anonymity makes the majority of ppl just complete jerks. All we want to do is call ppl names and try to make them look foolish if the chance even narrowly presents itself.

    I have never been a big Malone fan and this just adds to the evidence that he is not a decent human being. However, iamgine’s point is totally valid. Having sex with a 13 y/o at any age is totally wrong. However, having sex with a 16-17 y/o (yes technically illegal) if you are 1-2 years older? Is that really that bad? Does that not happen every frickn’ 5 seconds? Are several of the posters on this message board not guilty of that themselves?

    I myself don’t belive in premarital sex, so from my pov it’s all wrong for my standards (luckily im married now, worth the wait! Bring on the roflcopters) But there is a huge difference in a 17-19 y/o or whatever having sex with a 13 y/o that he knows or even has a suspicion of he/she being that young; when compared to someone who is 13 and says they are 16-17 and the other person believes it whole heartedly. His point is valid, and if you would think about it for more than 3 seconds instead of trying to devise some new witty way of calling someone a pervert than you may understand what point he is trying to get across.

    That all being said, I think Karl is a total perv, but that’s just my opinion. lol

  13. #118
    Nosetradamus rezznor's Avatar
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    Default Re: WTF, Karl Malone knocked up a 13 year old back in the day?


  14. #119
    ... iamgine's Avatar
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    Default Re: WTF, Karl Malone knocked up a 13 year old back in the day?

    Quote Originally Posted by rezznor
    have you even read the thread? we arent talking about a 15 year old having sex with a 13 year old. we are talking about college sophomores having sex with 13 year olds, and somehow, iamgine thinks that is perfectly normal for college guys to be down with that.
    Obviously he read the thread more than you.

    First, I said freshman, which is 17-18 on average.


    Quote Originally Posted by iamgine
    Fourth, who ever say it's the right thing? It's a stupid illegal wrong thing that most healthy freshman student would do given the chance, right circumstances and if they can get away. Are we really in the position to judge?
    You obviously havent seen some of the 13 year old walking around. First they look and act like they're 16. Then, you get drunk and are you seriously gonna ask their age before hitting em? As a college freshman who get p*ssy all the time? Please, n*gga.

  15. #120
    Nosetradamus rezznor's Avatar
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    Default Re: WTF, Karl Malone knocked up a 13 year old back in the day?

    fine, you said freshman over sophomore.. that makes it any better? again..13 = child.
    i bet you live by the phrase "old enough to bleed, old enough for me"

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