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  1. #286
    NBA Superstar
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    Default Re: Bigass Poltical thread Part V: The Democratic Convention

    Quote Originally Posted by brantonli
    you Americans are all so spoilt on gas complaining about $5 gas, check this out:

    Norway: $10.12
    Turkey: $9.41
    Israel: $9.38

    and just in case you are interested, here's Bloomberg's blurb on USA's petrol prices:

    (for some reason they show the price of premium gasoline, not sure why). I wish I had whatever price you guys are complaining about lol.

    EDIT: I'm gas = oil/petrol? I don't live in the states so I guess I got thrown by the terminology. Pat chewing, I didn't get why you put up that graph because you were arguing about $4 gas and hten I saw a graph on oil at $100, so I thought there was no relevance between them. My mistake!
    jesus how do people even drive unless they're rich with those gas prices?

    thats absurd.

  2. #287
    #knickstape bluechox2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bigass Poltical thread Part V: The Democratic Convention

    bil clinton was pimping out there

  3. #288
    An Icon Forever
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    Default Re: Bigass Poltical thread Part V: The Democratic Convention

    [QUOTE]Barack Obama is deeply overexposed and often boring. He never seems to be saying what he's thinking. His speech Thursday was weirdly anticlimactic. There's too much buildup, the crowd was tired, it all felt flat. He was somber, and his message was essentially banal: We've done better than you think. Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?

    There were many straw men. There were phrases like "the shadow of a shuttered steel mill," which he considers writerly. But they sound empty and practiced now, like something you've heard in a commercial or an advertising campaign.

    It was stale and empty. He's out of juice.

    His daughters have grown beautiful.

    As for Joe Biden, I love him and will hear nothing against him. He's like Democrats the way they used to be, and by that I do not mean idiotic, I mean normal

  4. #289
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    Default Re: Bigass Poltical thread Part V: The Democratic Convention

    [QUOTE]CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: I was stunned. This is a man who gave one of the great speeches of our time in 2004, and he gave one of the emptiest speeches I have ever heard on a national stage. Yes, it had cadence, and yes, there were deceptions in it, but that is not what is so striking about it. There was nothing in it. This is a man who believes that government can and should do a lot. There is nothing in here that tells us how he's going to go from today to tomorrow. For any of the so called goals and what government is going to do, what is he going to enact?

    At least Romney had a five point plan. What we heard from Obama was a vision. And he pulls numbers out of a hat. 100,000 new math and science teachers. 600,000 more people working in natural gas. Two million more trainees, and he doesn't say how we get from A to B. It's a vision. I have a vision of an America where there is no disease and everybody has a private airplane, but unless I tell you how we get there, I

  5. #290
    Serious playground baller General's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bigass Poltical thread Part V: The Democratic Convention

    Only 96,000 jobs added this month, lower than expected. Unemployment drops to 8.1% only because people more Americans are leaving the labor force. Bad news for Obama.

  6. #291
    Serious playground baller General's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bigass Poltical thread Part V: The Democratic Convention

    Quote Originally Posted by DirtySanchez
    I do not think this election will be close at this point I think Obama wins by a landslide.
    In your dreams He is tied in Florida and Ohio with Romney. This will be a very close election.

  7. #292
    It is what it is TheMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bigass Poltical thread Part V: The Democratic Convention

    Quote Originally Posted by General
    In your dreams He is tied in Florida and Ohio with Romney. This will be a very close election.
    Check the electoral map, Romney has a much harder path to 270 than Obama, if Romney doesn't win Michigan (Romney was born there but he opposed the auto bail out and it leaning Obama right now) and Ohio, it's almost impossible to win the presidency.

    Forget national poll numbers, it's all about who's leading in the battleground states. Florida just got tougher for the GOP because the Dems will scare old folks into thinking Ryan wants to take MediCare away from them. If the GOP can't win FL, landslide for Obama.

    The GOP is doing so poorly with women, minorities and young people that they need to win huge with white working men. Clinton is going to attract enough of them in the battleground states that Obama will win comfortably. Clinton is the Dems biggest weapon, Romney doesn't have anyone of that stature campaigning for him and he really isn't a charismatic enough candidate to overcome Obama/Clinton.

  8. #293
    ______________________ Balla_Status's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bigass Poltical thread Part V: The Democratic Convention

    Quote Originally Posted by KevinNYC
    The reasons for Gas Prices going up in the US is unfortunately long term. The market for oil is global. With economies like China and India rising so fast so quickly in the last few years, they are buying more oil. China and India have more than 1/3 of total population of the Earth. The economics of oil are such that even though we need oil from other countries, we export 1 million barrels of crude oil a year. (I'm guessing this is Alaskan oil to Canada because it would be too expensive to ship otherwise.)
    Canada is our #1 exporter followed by Mexico. Just fyi. It's not Saudi Arabia like most people think.

  9. #294
    ______________________ Balla_Status's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bigass Poltical thread Part V: The Democratic Convention

    Quote Originally Posted by General
    So we suddenly stop talking about gas prices after I provide stats that shows we have been paying the highest annual gas prices in American history under Obama, those are the numbers that matter, not the weekly peaks.

    I don't even think Obama even cares about the gas prices, he probably looks at it as a way to get more people into hybrids
    Dude, the president can't do much about gas prices. Obama doesn't run refineries. He doesn't send hurricanes into the gulf. He doesn't control the price of ethanol (increase in ethanol=increase in gas prices since gas has to be 10% ethanol. You CAN blame the government for that one.)

    Also, there is a transition period that refineries go through to switch fuel grades. So of course, they run less efficient during this transition.

    Obama shutting down the gulf due to the BP explosion was stupid though.

  10. #295
    ______________________ Balla_Status's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bigass Poltical thread Part V: The Democratic Convention

    Quote Originally Posted by Jailblazers7
    Its embarrassing that the gas price is discussed during presidential elections.

  11. #296
    Perfectly Calm, Dude KevinNYC's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bigass Poltical thread Part V: The Democratic Convention

    Quote Originally Posted by Balla_Status
    Canada is our #1 exporter followed by Mexico. Just fyi. It's not Saudi Arabia like most people think.
    Just to be clear, I was selling we sell 1 million barrels to Canada. And as you point out, we IMPORT heavily from Mexico and Canada.

  12. #297
    ______________________ Balla_Status's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bigass Poltical thread Part V: The Democratic Convention

    Quote Originally Posted by KevinNYC
    Just to be clear, I was selling we sell 1 million barrels to Canada. And as you point out, we IMPORT heavily from Mexico and Canada.
    Yeah, I understood that. Those were just general facts I thought most people should know. Doesn't really make sense though...I don't know too much about the downstream part of the industry. Seems like we're importing less and less oil though.

  13. #298
    NBA rookie of the year senelcoolidge's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bigass Poltical thread Part V: The Democratic Convention

    Gawd, these politicians lie so damn much. These last 4 years have been crap. Stop robbing the treasury and truly care about the country. These professional liars don't give a sh## about you. Giving you stuff is not caring about you. It's just making you dependent. Slaves in other words. Nothing is free.

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