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  1. #586
    3-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    I've been on the fence with trying out Skyrim since it came out a few months ago....

    I'm a huge fan of Fallout 3 and New Vegas, have been looking for a new game to really dive into since I finished Arkham City. The character-building and open-world/roaming/exploring aspects of Skyrim really appeal to me, but I was hesitant because of the fantasy (??) setting and style.... dragons and spells and such.

    I finally RedBox'd it and gave it a try, and I gotta say it just didn't click with me. I totally disliked the melee combat, and my fears about the fantasy aspect of the story, setting, and mechanics were definitely founded.

    Maybe I need to play longer, but as it stands I'm still on the hunt for a new game

  2. #587
    NBA lottery pick
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    Default Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    God ****ing Damn it. I'm lvl 43 right now and I just hit 100 in smithing. Because I'm specializing in light armor, I went with the elven and glass smithing route. I figured I would go that route to daedric smithing since it appears to loop around. But it does not, now the only way to get a daedric bow and dagger is to put 4 more skill points in going the other way. Kinda bummed out.

    edit: Thank god for console commands. Still that was very misleading.
    Last edited by Kungfro; 02-05-2012 at 09:49 PM.

  3. #588
    Dunktacular Big_Dogg's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    The only thing I hate about Daedric Smithing is that you have to find Daedra Hearts, and there aren't that many around

  4. #589
    Local High School Star Joshumitsu's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Quote Originally Posted by Maniak
    There's something about this game that is simply off. I've talked about it with a friend before who really enjoys the game and he agrees.
    No, I definitely agree with you. As cool as Skyrim is, there are things that are too....uncanny. While you, the player, moves around freely, the rest of Skyrim is unchanging. They have no life to them. Do one or two quests for one character and they become irrelevant forever. As flawed as Oblivion was, they actually did a better job at creating characters you cared about. I mean, it wasn't great either but at least the characters had better motives. Everyone in Skyrim seems to be for themselves and you don't get the sense of connection between cities, characters, and groups as you did in Oblivion. It's as if people don't acknowledge that others exist.

    This is also why I liked Fallout 3's world over New Vegas's because despite the game having RPG flaws, it was still very bleak and there was so much emptiness to explore. Plus, you could see the ruins of the cities, small towns, and monuments off in the distance which made it even more captivating. For me, that's also why old JRPG's were so much fun. The world maps, cities (floating cities, Midgar, ancient cities, etc), and music meshed together so well that when you explored, you became immersed in the world.

    Skyrim does well in the visuals aspect but lacks the interconnectivity that would otherwise make the world much more atmospheric and less uncanny.

  5. #590
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    Default Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


    It's a very emotionally empty game in terms of the characters and story. With the way it's written, you are basically a faceless hero and you never feel anything for the world around you. The NPCs are only there to serve as quest givers, shopkeepers and other "necessary" things. This to me was the big difference between Skyrim and games like Dragon Age Origins and The Witcher 2. Both are games that I enjoyed more than Skyrim.

    The open world and freedom are great features but at some point I have to care about the quest I'm doing and the world I'm trying to save. The only time I had a bit of that feeling was during the Mage's Tower quests (the best part of the game, IMO). I can look past that in something like an action FPS but these are elements I'd like to have in a long RPG.

  6. #591
    Local High School Star Joshumitsu's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Quote Originally Posted by Qwyjibo

    It's a very emotionally empty game in terms of the characters and story. With the way it's written, you are basically a faceless hero and you never feel anything for the world around you. The NPCs are only there to serve as quest givers, shopkeepers and other "necessary" things. This to me was the big difference between Skyrim and games like Dragon Age Origins and The Witcher 2. Both are games that I enjoyed more than Skyrim.

    The open world and freedom are great features but at some point I have to care about the quest I'm doing and the world I'm trying to save. The only time I had a bit of that feeling was during the Mage's Tower quests (the best part of the game, IMO). I can look past that in something like an action FPS but these are elements I'd like to have in a long RPG.
    Right, essentially, this turns the player into a sociopath while ingame. More people are likely to set guards on fire and/or kill children/old people as they become more powerful. And this becomes even more apparent once they achieve a higher level and acquire better items or spells. There's nothing else to do and the player vents that frustration through the destruction of his/her world.

    Now, speaking about games in a general sense, if you think about how the player is able to interact within a virtual world as equivalent to how a person interacts with the world and/or expresses themselves in reality, then you see the need for expression as being a fundamental part to how human beings function, whether in video games or in reality. Hence, why I believe more people in our society need more ways to vent/express themselves as a way of developing a stable mentality. I can guarantee you the lack of expression or interconnectivity is why many of us post on message boards, too.

    Anyway, aside from the developmental psychology rant, one does not need an existence with no end. I think a sense of predetermination is necessary to creating a functional world. Only in this way is the individual allowed a sense of purpose.

  7. #592
    Clipper Nation Soldier Clippersfan86's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    I'm back to Skyrim! I finally bought it after renting it for 2-3 months and taking a couple months off. Any noobs need help and I'll be around just PM me.

  8. #593
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    Default Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    SHOULD I buy this game?

  9. #594
    Bernie 2020 Bosnian Sajo's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Quote Originally Posted by Skywalker
    SHOULD I buy this game?
    Go for it.

  10. #595
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    Default Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Quote Originally Posted by Skywalker
    SHOULD I buy this game?
    if you've got time to get into it go for it

    if you're a busy person then say goodbye to your life lol

  11. #596
    3-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Quote Originally Posted by Skywalker
    SHOULD I buy this game?
    RedBox it for one night. My guess is that after the first hour or two you'll know whether or not its for you.

  12. #597
    Clipper Nation Soldier Clippersfan86's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Returned to game 4 days ago and I'm up to level 30. I'm having more fun than I've ever had due to character I made. Khajiit Assassin. I'm a 100 stealth rogue basically who is rich (from theft and Dark Brotherhood quests) and can kill anything in one shot with my backstabs besides higher end dragons (if I add poison they die from first shot in about 10 seconds).

    I love the finishing moves you get to do as an assassin. I walk up behind everything and slash throats. Coolest thing is my stealth due to gear and stats is so strong I can stand 1 foot in front of somebody and they still won't see me.

  13. #598
    NBA Legend pauk's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Quote Originally Posted by Skywalker
    SHOULD I buy this game?
    If you want get more addicted to something than ever before.... go for it!

  14. #599
    Stephen Kerry Brujesino's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Level 53

    Been using the light dragon armor for a while now and maxed out its level.Gonna swtich to daradic(cant spell it) since i have heavy armor at 64.Only thing that sucks is that i used alot of perks on light armor.

  15. #600
    NBA Legend pauk's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    for you PC users:

    massive amount of mods, quests, races, weapons, armor and so on there.... this will keep the game alive forever

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