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  1. #76
    Perfectly Calm, Dude KevinNYC's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bigass Poltical thread Part V: The Democratic Convention

    Quote Originally Posted by Balla_Status
    How does the chicago tribune work for ya?
    You do understand what an opinion columnist does and how that differs from a straight news article?


  2. #77
    ______________________ Balla_Status's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bigass Poltical thread Part V: The Democratic Convention

    Quote Originally Posted by KevinNYC
    You do understand what an opinion columnist does and how that differs from a straight news article?

    Thanks for the clarification. Opinion columns can sometimes be based of facts.

    And wow, repubs lying? No s[COLOR="Black"]h[/COLOR]it. I'm not playing sides here because I'm not a kid anymore. So don't waste your time trying to find dirty shit that republicans do. I'm well aware but I'm not a republican. We could go all day with the democrats and republicans lying through their teeth and it will only prove our point anymore. They're both scumbags.

  3. #78
    Alpha Tarheel rufuspaul's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bigass Poltical thread Part V: The Democratic Convention

    Quote Originally Posted by KevinNYC
    You're linking to the Daily Caller? But you're immune to Republican spin?

    Also Solyndra is a bigger non-story than the speech in the stadium.

    You know what's a bigger non-story? Both conventions. All smoke and mirrors. I'm amused at the current one just because it's happening in my back yard (I actually passed Jon Stewart on the sidewalk yesterday), but otherwise I'm way too cynical and jaded after hearing the same bullshit time and time again.

  4. #79
    College superstar JMT's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bigass Poltical thread Part V: The Democratic Convention

    Quote Originally Posted by rufuspaul
    You know what's a bigger non-story? Both conventions. All smoke and mirrors.
    On this we agree. Know who would get my vote?

    The guy that said "Listen. The country and it's people are having some tough economic times. The last thing we need to do is spend $$$ (Projected cost of GOP=$73 mil, DNC $55 mil...ALL taxpayers money) of taxpayers money on a self serving party. The conventions are dinosaurs. We don't use them to make policy anymore and we already know who the two nominees are. We'll buy some extra TV spots to try and get our message across for a fraction of that money."

    And then challenge the other party to do the same.

    Can you imagine the impact that would have on undecided voters?

    You can say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one...

  5. #80
    Alpha Tarheel rufuspaul's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bigass Poltical thread Part V: The Democratic Convention

    btw, just watched the beginning of NBC nightly news and the venue change was the lead story. Go figure.

  6. #81
    NBA sixth man of the year knickballer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bigass Poltical thread Part V: The Democratic Convention

    Turn on CNN and they are just talking about Jews/Israel for the past half hour because supposedly there was some techinical error that showed Jerusalem not as the capital of Israel and this apparently pissed off jews.. Shows who really runs this country

  7. #82
    Serious playground baller General's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bigass Poltical thread Part V: The Democratic Convention

    This convention is unbearable with all this pro abortion crap, trying to tie Romney and Akin together. Dishonest and disgusting politics. It is a losing issue because polls show that the majority of Americans are Pro-Life.

  8. #83
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    Default Re: Bigass Poltical thread Part V: The Democratic Convention

    i don't know why some of you guys keep attacking both sides like they're the same, and like Independents are much better a lot of Independents seem to be ex Bush supporters that got jaded with the Republican party at some point but still lean that way. I mean Independents are idealists too in a scary way where we as a country are supposed to follow these ideas to a fault of free market, 0 government, and going back 100 years to 'communities making up for it'. Republicans and Independents were both wrong about letting everything fail, and thats probably been the biggest decision our country has made since i've been alive.

  9. #84
    ______________________ Balla_Status's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bigass Poltical thread Part V: The Democratic Convention

    Quote Originally Posted by Godzuki
    i don't know why some of you guys keep attacking both sides like they're the same, and like Independents are much better a lot of Independents seem to be ex Bush supporters that got jaded with the Republican party at some point but still lean that way. I mean Independents are idealists too in a scary way where we as a country are supposed to follow these ideas to a fault of free market, 0 government, and going back 100 years to 'communities making up for it'. Republicans and Independents were both wrong about letting everything fail, and thats probably been the biggest decision our country has made since i've been alive.
    Republicans and democrats both passed TARP. Now you're just spewing bulls[COLOR="Black"]h[/COLOR]it. In fact, Bush signed it and McCain also supported it.

    And like it's been said before, there's something to be said for the thought that this action could hurt us in the long run.

  10. #85
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    Default Re: Bigass Poltical thread Part V: The Democratic Convention

    Quote Originally Posted by Balla_Status
    Republicans and democrats both passed TARP. Now you're just spewing bulls[COLOR="Black"]h[/COLOR]it. In fact, Bush signed it and McCain also supported it.

    And like it's been said before, there's something to be said for the thought that this action could hurt us in the long run.

    yeah and Republicans despised Bush for it but he was already on his way out of office so it didn't really matter. Don't even act like the outcry of letting everything fail didn't come mainly from Republicans and Independents, ESPECIALLY when Obama bailed out the auto makers they got way louder and psycho about it. even on ISH we could probably dig up threads of posters that tend to lean towards Independent/Republican taking sides which would parallel that...

  11. #86
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    Default Re: Bigass Poltical thread Part V: The Democratic Convention

    Quote Originally Posted by KevinNYC
    This just the Republicans trying to knock the Democrats off their game. They make a big fuss and then all the reporters have to ask the Democratic officials and they have to respond to it. Frankly, if the Republicans didn't kick up this fuss, the press would be spending more time on how well the first night of the convention went and how great Michelle Obama's speech was.

    Last week the Democrats had a lot things to steal attention from the Republican convention, like the President answering questions on Reddit.
    It's extremely troubling, mate, how people like you perceive this election. As nothing more than a sporting event, a battle between two rival sides, something to be watched with fanfare and partisan cheering and jeering.

    Look through all of the political threads you've participated in. 90% of the time you are talking about parties and candidates, rather than policy itself. You are worthless.

    You are a wannabe Rachel Maddow. You sound like your dream is to have a show just like it does. I bet you wish you were just like it. I bet in some ways you are. You do nothing but pretend you are some MSNBC analyst, handicapping candidates chances and talking about partisan tactics.

    That is a pathetic disservice to your country, chap. But apparently it's all you have to offer. Your positions on the economy can't prevail in a debate based on reason and logic, so you focus on pushing your idealistic agenda through the medium of politics itself, rather than policy. You harp on smear tactics, strawmen, soundbites, and poll numbers, rather than what's important, reasonable, responsible, and realistic FOR YOUR COUNTRY, mate.

    You are a feminine, unintelligent, fraudulent hack. You want to KEEP people poor or economically stationary, so that you can play hero and deliver them rescue packages of money and benefits and entitlements. If everyone was interested in self improvement, what would happen to your mommy complex? You only feel good when you are nursing someone else. You only feel valuable when you can take someone disadvantaged and give them your teet to suckle. (Well, not yours, but the governments...well not the governments, but the people who actually earn their money) and then you take self satisfied credit for supporting it.

    I just want you to understand, mate. You are a mommy. Not a daddy. And that's really sad. It's sad that someone with a drivers license that I assume is marked "M" under gender is so steadfastedly feminine and fragile. So irrational and sensitive. So... post menstrual.

    But what else do you have to hang your hat on? You aint a man who can go and earn his own credit and reputation and then encourage others to do the same. You need to be a caretaker. You need to nurse everyone, huh chap? You're one of those highly suspect blokes. Do you wear pantyhose when nobody's home, mate? I'm just curious.

  12. #87
    Perfectly Calm, Dude KevinNYC's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bigass Poltical thread Part V: The Democratic Convention

  13. #88
    Alpha Tarheel rufuspaul's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bigass Poltical thread Part V: The Democratic Convention

    Helicopters have been buzzing my house since 7 pm. Jesus freaking Christ, I get it okay, after Clinton's speech our king-in-chief and his family are going to take the stage in what has become the most unsurprising surprise of any convention. We just want to go to sleep assholes.

  14. #89
    Perfectly Calm, Dude KevinNYC's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bigass Poltical thread Part V: The Democratic Convention

    Sister Simone laying the smackdown

  15. #90
    Perfectly Calm, Dude KevinNYC's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bigass Poltical thread Part V: The Democratic Convention

    Dude, you should start a twitter feed. I'd bet your comments get picked up.

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