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  1. #46
    Kobe for President d.bball.guy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Time Machines will never be invented.

    I watched a Stephen Hawking documentary about time travel. Even he believe that time traveling back to the past is impossible but time traveling to the future could be possible.

    If humans can create a ship that can go 99.9% the speed of light, time will eventually slow down. IIRC, 2 weeks on that ship is equivalent to a century here on earth. Go on a two week trip around the universe, come back in 100 years

  2. #47
    In Morey We Trust! brantonli's Avatar
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    Default Re: Time Machines will never be invented.

    heywhey, this is the equation I was probably thinking of:

    That's the actual equations to calculate how time dilation works.

    t = time on the stationary frame (usually Earth)
    t' = time on the moving frame (space ship, but remember, movement is relative!)
    v = velocity
    c = speed of light

    As you can see, if v is small relative to c (and almost everything is pretty small relative to the speed of light) then there is barely any time dilation at all. But if you crank up v to say 0.6c, then you start getting pretty big discrepencies in measuring time. Also, you cannot get a negative there (since you would be trying to square root a negative number, AND you have to be going faster than the speed of light lol).

    Take a look at this website, seems basic but interesting:
    Last edited by brantonli; 11-19-2012 at 06:26 PM.

  3. #48
    The Iron Price Jackass18's Avatar
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    Default Re: Time Machines will never be invented.

    Quote Originally Posted by -p.tiddy-
    didn't read thread, did ISH figure out all the intricacies of time travel?
    We're close, but we don't have a way of generating the 1.21 gigawatts that we need.

  4. #49
    Decent playground baller Edwin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Time Machines will never be invented.

    Sorry to bump this thread to the first page again, but this weeks episode of Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura was about time travelling.

    One dude said he worked with the government agency DARPA for 13 years and said time travel was possible. Ventura and the crew showed up with a time travel machine they purchased over the internet, but the dude said he wouldn't recommend them they use it because it was dangerous and could physically harm them.

    Then he said he would use a government approved time travel method... Mentally. They inserted Jesse's mental comments which made the whole segment hilarious.

    The dude pretty much backed out of the whole situation and practice.

    Then they supposedly found one of the worlds time travelers who said he time traveled when he was a kid through a government project his father was working on.

    He claimed in the group of time travelers he met Barack Obama, the Bush's and Bill Clinton who were already picked to be future presidents and that the presidents are usually picked out already and are just trained to be who they want them to be.

    He said he time traveled once and met George Washington and Washington asked him who he was and he said he was a time traveler from the future and gave him instructions on what to do to write history.

    They visited a house in Los Alamos where the man claimed he lived for first in 1973 and then in 1972. The owner of the house came out and said she had never met him and that he was a total stranger to her although he pretty much said where one of the rooms and the kitchen were located from the outside of the house.

    He showed his proof of time traveling in that of a photo of him appearing in an Abraham Lincoln picture at Gettysburg where there was a huge crowd and he claims he was a child that appeared in the picture.

    That show sometimes presents some interesting thoughts, but most of it is terribly staged and funny like this even thought Jesse didn't even believe it himself.

  5. #50
    2nd Greatest Player Lebron23's Avatar
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    Default Re: Time Machines will never be invented.

    An Iranian Scientist already invented a time machine.

  6. #51
    Form is temporary deja vu's Avatar
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    Default Re: Time Machines will never be invented.

    Would be funny if you travel into the future and all you see is wasteland.

  7. #52
    Your King OhNoTimNoSho's Avatar
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    Default Re: Time Machines will never be invented.

    Backwards time travel is definitely impossible, as well as teleportation it seems like.

    I just read this article yesterday:

    The human body contains so much information that even in theory it would overwhelm any computer system we can imagine. Even using quantum computing and almost infinite bandwith it would take many many years to transfer a person. Also it would take some absurd amount of power.

    On top of that, with any kind of communication there is interference and loss of data. Something you cant have when transporting living beings. One misplaced cell, and you're mentally retarted or handicapped or something.

    I don't know why people think backwards time travel is possible anyway, its purely a sci-fi concept. Its not like the state of the past is saved somewhere. Once its gone, its gone.

  8. #53
    I Run NY. niko's Avatar
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    Default Re: Time Machines will never be invented.

    Quote Originally Posted by -p.tiddy-
    didn't read thread, did ISH figure out all the intricacies of time travel?
    I did, when you wake up tomorrow Troy Aikman will have been a Giant and the Cowboys will have three less superbowls.

  9. #54
    Only the finest Zan Tabak's Avatar
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    Default Re: Time Machines will never be invented.

    Quote Originally Posted by deja vu
    Would be funny if you travel into the future and all you see is wasteland.

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