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  1. #16
    Seething... ClipperRevival's Avatar
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    Default Re: Message to the young ballers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Straight_Ballin
    Also listen to your body. Don't do what I do and NOT listen to it. At 30, I was playing at my local rec 5 times a week. I would be there everyday from 5-9. Sometimes I would even go on sat or Sunday mornings when no one was there and just listen to music while shooting 300+ shots. My routine in the evenings was running 3 miles on the treadmill (everyday), and then playing ball until the place closed. Well after about 6 months of this, I started feeling soreness in my feet. The pain would last until the next day, around 1-2pm, and then it would be gone. I'd play again the next day. Rinse and repeat. This went on for months. Here I was thinking that I my ligaments were sore in my feet, and that it was like a sore muscle, just getting stronger.


    I developed plantar fasciitis, and a very bad case due to a strength imbalance between my calves and feet. There was so much scar tissue buildup that I had to use electronic shock therapy. It took 2 years to be able to play again, and months of physically therapy.

    It's very hard to keep an individual that was playing 4-5 days a week and running 15 miles a week on top of that out of the game. This shit had me sidelined, and it will sideline your ass too if you aren't careful.

    There are things that you can do to strengthen your feet, like picking up marbles with your toes and dropping them in jars and squeezing your toes in. Research this shit and do it. Do not neglect this routine. If the bottoms of your feet are hurting, stop playing ASAP and get them checked out.
    You were over doing it. Almost like the pounding a professional would take. I usually get on the court 3-4 times a week to work on my game or play pick up games. But I seldom went hard like 3-4 straight days. Your body needs rest.

  2. #17
    Seething... ClipperRevival's Avatar
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    Default Re: Message to the young ballers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Straight_Ballin
    Runners high and 2nd wind is no joke. Capitalize on a 2nd wind after 4 games in the same night and you can do some serious damage to the opposition.
    I've been running regularly since I was 20 when I joined the military, so yeah, i can relate. Given my advanced age, when I know I am going to play full court games, I run 5 miles (with some hills) two days before the game. My legs just need that shock factor to go through that discomfort and grind. Without the harsh pounding from the run, my legs would feel like jello against the young legs. That's really the only way I can still stay with the young legs and still impact the game. Without that run, I would be much less impactful. Stamina is a crucial factor the older you get.

  3. #18
    Enter the Dragic Swaggin916's Avatar
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    Default Re: Message to the young ballers.

    Yea I didn't start to really work on it as a craft until I was 21 and that was because I got injured and had to focus on other things outside of sheer athleticism. All I cared about up to that point was getting a higher vertical and being athletically imposing. Of course I loved the game, just was more into the physical measurable. Once injured however, it forced me to look at different aspects of the game. Now at 27, I am all about tactics, energy efficiency (efficiency in general), flow of the game, etc. I wish I had been able to gain this passion and knowledge when I was in High School because I would have no doubt been able to play in college. I'm fine with the way things worked out though because it's really hard on the body.

  4. #19
    Seething... ClipperRevival's Avatar
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    Default Re: Message to the young ballers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Swaggin916
    Yea I didn't start to really work on it as a craft until I was 21 and that was because I got injured and had to focus on other things outside of sheer athleticism. All I cared about up to that point was getting a higher vertical and being athletically imposing. Of course I loved the game, just was more into the physical measurable. Once injured however, it forced me to look at different aspects of the game. Now at 27, I am all about tactics, energy efficiency (efficiency in general), flow of the game, etc. I wish I had been able to gain this passion and knowledge when I was in High School because I would have no doubt been able to play in college. I'm fine with the way things worked out though because it's really hard on the body.
    Damn, I wish I was 27 again. You are still in your physical prime. You might be too old to play college ball but not old enough to dominate your local parks.

  5. #20
    NBA All-star
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    Default Re: Message to the young ballers.

    I fukking hate that my body now gives me trouble just because I got older.

    Not a single injury in my 20s, not one broken bone EVER, then all of a sudden knees, back begin to hurt.

  6. #21
    Learning to shoot layups
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    Default Re: Message to the young ballers.

    I agree. Try to improve even if never play any organized ball. It gives you something to get excited about. Also you will appreciate the discipline and process of getting better, and can apply it to other things in life

  7. #22
    Saw a basketball once
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    Default Re: Message to the young ballers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Straight_Ballin View Post
    Runners high and 2nd wind is no joke. Capitalize on a 2nd wind after 4 games in the same night and you can do some serious damage to the opposition.
    Pretty cool.
    Last edited by jleini; 06-02-2020 at 08:07 AM. Reason: spelling

  8. #23
    Saw a basketball once
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    Default Re: Message to the young ballers.

    Thank you for this message, i hope it will help to young ball players, in this days young players do not understand that they have to put work in something to get result.

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