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  1. #1
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer Jasper's Avatar
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    Default trumps wall... can't climb it

  2. #2
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer Jasper's Avatar
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    Wisconsin farm

    Default Re: trumps wall... can't climb it

  3. #3
    Local High School Star hiphopanonymous's Avatar
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    Dec 2018

    Default Re: trumps wall... can't climb it

    "See, people have climbed the wall! There's no point to this!"


    "See, the other team made a basket! There's no point to playing defense in basketball!"

    Did you never play defense in basketball Jasper? Is that your philosophy? If it doesn't completely make a team win a game 100 to 0 than the objective was unhelpful and pointless? The objective is to slow or stymie an oppositions efforts... if you outright stop them great but sometimes you're just trying to 'reduce' and that is absolutely a goal worth achieving. What are the logistics of crossing an open space vs a space with a 20+ foot wall again? Palisades, castle walls, etc throughout history - they were pointlessly made and accomplished nothing you think?

  4. #4
    NBA lottery pick rawimpact's Avatar
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    Aug 2007

    Default Re: trumps wall... can't climb it

    Because not having a wall is so much more effective. OP is a dumbass

    Remember, after all that shit talking about the wall, Biden added 20 miles to it.

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