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  1. #1
    College superstar
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    Default What's your realistic off season for the Bulls?

    First, let me say that obviously getting Melo is the absolute best thing we can do, and I'd trade ALL of the following: Butler, both picks, Mirotic, Taj in order to get him if we had to. Anything less and I'm super stoked. But barring our getting Melo....

    Step 1) Amnesty Boozer. Love the guy, he's hard working, doesn't deserve to be "cut", but he's just not worth his salary.

    2) I saw one mock draft that had Nik Staukus falling to us at 16. Unless that happens, I want to trade both picks. Trade down to the 20-25 range and pick up a future pick, and draft Napier.

    3) With the Boozer amnesty, we should have roughly 7-10m to sign players (not counting cap holds).
    Try to sign Hawes, then Meeks, then Ariza, for between 5-8m each. Can only get one, and it's in order of preference.

    4) Resign our main players... Augustin, Hinrich, and also Jimmer cuz he can shoot.


    Team has a lot more spacing/shooting than last year, which will help open the court for players driving and also Hawes' and Noah's passing.

    If we can get some growth out of Butler and Snell, Hawes continues to be the second coming of Brad Miller, and Napier is Hinrich but with better offense (which is how I view him)... then that's a solid team. Assuming/hoping, of course, that Rose is healthy.

    What's your summer look like?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: What's your realistic off season for the Bulls?

    One minor self response/change is we could always keep both picks and just draft Napier at 19. That way, with 16, we can get a backup PF.

  3. #3
    College superstar tamaraw08's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's your realistic off season for the Bulls?

    Quote Originally Posted by kshutts1
    First, let me say that obviously getting Melo is the absolute best thing we can do, and I'd trade ALL of the following: Butler, both picks, Mirotic, Taj in order to get him if we had to. Anything less and I'm super stoked. But barring our getting Melo....

    Step 1) Amnesty Boozer. Love the guy, he's hard working, doesn't deserve to be "cut", but he's just not worth his salary.

    2) I saw one mock draft that had Nik Staukus falling to us at 16. Unless that happens, I want to trade both picks. Trade down to the 20-25 range and pick up a future pick, and draft Napier.

    3) With the Boozer amnesty, we should have roughly 7-10m to sign players (not counting cap holds).
    Try to sign Hawes, then Meeks, then Ariza, for between 5-8m each. Can only get one, and it's in order of preference.

    4) Resign our main players... Augustin, Hinrich, and also Jimmer cuz he can shoot.


    Team has a lot more spacing/shooting than last year, which will help open the court for players driving and also Hawes' and Noah's passing.

    If we can get some growth out of Butler and Snell, Hawes continues to be the second coming of Brad Miller, and Napier is Hinrich but with better offense (which is how I view him)... then that's a solid team. Assuming/hoping, of course, that Rose is healthy.

    What's your summer look like?
    I thought they have more than 14 mil to offer a guy like Carmelo.
    anyway, Im at a loss on why nobody seems to take notice of Jodie Meeks...well except you and me (bec were both Laker fans too? )
    Heck this guy averaged 16pts at 40% from the 3pt line, 50% from 2pt area and is not a weak defender IMO.
    So for me signing this guy bet 2.5-3 mil/year should be a priority IMO.
    I like Hawes but he might be a bit too pricey so Im going with Jordan Hill for not more than 3 mil too.
    I think Napier will be good enough backup and future.
    Lastly, it'll be foolish not to resign DJ but only for the right and realistic price.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: What's your realistic off season for the Bulls?

    Quote Originally Posted by tamaraw08
    I thought they have more than 14 mil to offer a guy like Carmelo.
    anyway, Im at a loss on why nobody seems to take notice of Jodie Meeks...well except you and me (bec were both Laker fans too? )
    Heck this guy averaged 16pts at 40% from the 3pt line, 50% from 2pt area and is not a weak defender IMO.
    So for me signing this guy bet 2.5-3 mil/year should be a priority IMO.
    I like Hawes but he might be a bit too pricey so Im going with Jordan Hill for not more than 3 mil too.
    I think Napier will be good enough backup and future.
    Lastly, it'll be foolish not to resign DJ but only for the right and realistic price.
    My understanding of our cap space is that we amnesty Boozer and that instantly gives us 13-14m not accounting for cap holds. Those holds can be renounced, I believe. So that's easy to do. Then we could do some relatively easy maneuvering to get even further under the cap. I look at it as... we have 14m in "cash", with another 4m (or so) in very liquidable assets.. just gotta turn them in to cash, which does require some light work.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: What's your realistic off season for the Bulls?

    As another thought, I wonder if we couldn't get in on the Klay trade in some shape or form. Facilitate that with our 16, 19 and Butler going out to some combination of Minn and GS, while we get Klay. Doing that, we'd still have cap space, of course, to sign filler players like Ariza or even a big offer to someone like Parsons or Hayward.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: What's your realistic off season for the Bulls?

    Totally unrealistic notion (don't read this if you didn't read the second word)...

    Amnesty Boozer, then Butler, Snell, Mirotic, 16, 19, unprotected picks in '18 and '20 for Durant.

    Edit: I forgot to add Dunleavy to outgoing. He's needed to match salaries.
    Last edited by kshutts1; 06-21-2014 at 04:02 PM.

  7. #7
    College superstar tamaraw08's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's your realistic off season for the Bulls?

    Quote Originally Posted by kshutts1
    Totally unrealistic notion (don't read this if you didn't read the second word)...

    Amnesty Boozer, then Butler, Snell, Mirotic, 16, 19, unprotected picks in '18 and '20 for Durant.

    Edit: I forgot to add Dunleavy to outgoing. He's needed to match salaries.
    What about protecting Rose and Noah and offer ANYBODY (maximum of 3 players) including multiple picks to get into the Kevin Love sweepstakes?
    Like their 16th and 19 pick plus Butler and/or Gibson, (include a future first rounder if you have to) with the assurance ofcourse of Love signing that extension
    You then have Rose, Noah and Love as your core, sign role players like Patty Mills, Meeks, Jordan Hill etc.
    A Noah/Love combo would outrebound any other frontline, Love can hit those 20+ footers so he'll space the floor, also a very good passer etc.
    Last edited by tamaraw08; 06-22-2014 at 11:25 AM.

  8. #8
    High School Varsity 6th Man
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    Default Re: What's your realistic off season for the Bulls?

    1. Amnesty Boozer
    2. Trade Dunleavy for nothing
    3. Draft two European prospects to stash in Europe for a couple of years with the 16th and 19th pick.
    4. Sign Melo to a contract starting about 20 mill per yr (I don't think you get him for less than that)
    5. Resign Augustin for no more than the mini - Mid level, hinrich vets minimum, lou amundsen vets minimum, FA C for vets minimum, Anthony Morrow(Shooter for vets minimum)


    Rose, Butler, Melo, Gibson, Noah


    Augustin, Hinrich, Snell, Morrow, Lou amundsen, Kaman(if he would resign for that cheap), Greg smith

  9. #9
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    Default Re: What's your realistic off season for the Bulls?

    Quote Originally Posted by tamaraw08
    What about protecting Rose and Noah and offer ANYBODY (maximum of 3 players) including multiple picks to get into the Kevin Love sweepstakes?
    Like their 16th and 19 pick plus Butler and/or Gibson, (include a future first rounder if you have to) with the assurance ofcourse of Love signing that extension
    You then have Rose, Noah and Love as your core, sign role players like Patty Mills, Meeks, Jordan Hill etc.
    A Noah/Love combo would outrebound any other frontline, Love can hit those 20+ footers so he'll space the floor, also a very good passer etc.
    I don't like Love. If I'm spending max money, I'm spending it on Melo.

  10. #10
    College superstar tamaraw08's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's your realistic off season for the Bulls?

    Quote Originally Posted by kshutts1
    I don't like Love. If I'm spending max money, I'm spending it on Melo.
    Don't get me wrong, Im now not opposed on getting Carmelo but you prefer a 30 yr old guy and loves to dominate the ball and take the most shots(21 attempts) to be effective, over a player who is 4 years younger averages 26 pts, 12.5 rebs, plays better defense. wow. btw Love only needed 14 shots to ave 26 pts

  11. #11
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    Default Re: What's your realistic off season for the Bulls?

    Quote Originally Posted by tamaraw08
    Don't get me wrong, Im now not opposed on getting Carmelo but you prefer a 30 yr old guy and loves to dominate the ball and take the most shots(21 attempts) to be effective, over a player who is 4 years younger averages 26 pts, 12.5 rebs, plays better defense. wow. btw Love only needed 14 shots to ave 26 pts
    I prefer a player that can create his own shot. Bulls don't need another player that is reliant on others to create for him.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: What's your realistic off season for the Bulls?

    With Lebron opting out...
    1) Amnesty Boozer
    2) Trade Rose to Orlando for the 4th pick (or Lakers for 7th if Orlando won't bite)
    3) Not counting cap holds, we now have 30m in salary. Renounce players.
    4) Sign Lebron and Melo to deals starting in the 12-max range (varies on if one is willing to take a large paycut or not). If neither is willing to take a big cut, dump Dunleavy's contract.
    5a) Draft 3 players
    5b) Trade all our picks to move up to 3 and draft Embiid. We now have a roster that can wait.

    No matter which "5" option we take...

    Noah/Gibson/drafted PF at 16

    Could also hope that players such as Hawes, Morrow, and Augustin are willing to sign for the min, or darn close to it, to win (I assumed Hinrich/Jimmer would).

  13. #13
    College superstar tamaraw08's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's your realistic off season for the Bulls?

    Quote Originally Posted by kshutts1
    With Lebron opting out...
    1) Amnesty Boozer
    2) Trade Rose to Orlando for the 4th pick (or Lakers for 7th if Orlando won't bite)3) Not counting cap holds, we now have 30m in salary. Renounce players.
    4) Sign Lebron and Melo to deals starting in the 12-max range (varies on if one is willing to take a large paycut or not). If neither is willing to take a big cut, dump Dunleavy's contract.
    5a) Draft 3 players
    5b) Trade all our picks to move up to 3 and draft Embiid. We now have a roster that can wait.

    No matter which "5" option we take...

    Noah/Gibson/drafted PF at 16

    Could also hope that players such as Hawes, Morrow, and Augustin are willing to sign for the min, or darn close to it, to win (I assumed Hinrich/Jimmer would).
    I thought the word "realistic" was part of the title of this thread?
    How many teams exactly would be willing to trade their top pick for an injured player who hasnt' played in 2 years? BTW he is getting like 20 mil/yr as compared to a draftee who would get less than 5 Mil= salaries don't match.
    Melo is NOT a PF

  14. #14
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    Default Re: What's your realistic off season for the Bulls?

    Quote Originally Posted by tamaraw08
    I thought the word "realistic" was part of the title of this thread?
    How many teams exactly would be willing to trade their top pick for an injured player who hasnt' played in 2 years? BTW he is getting like 20 mil/yr as compared to a draftee who would get less than 5 Mil= salaries don't match.
    Melo is NOT a PF
    True. I know that I undervalue picks relative to the general public... but I would rather have Rose, an ex-MVP that by all accounts is healthy, over a top pick. Particularly considering his young age.

    As a Bulls fan, though, I'd do the trade because of the risk involved. How many other top stars are available for just one pick? That was my thinking. Gamble for both sides... if Rose comes back healthy, Bulls got ripped off. If he does not, other team did. If Rose comes back 75%... fair trade, IMO. But anyway, that was my thought process... risky for both sides.

  15. #15
    Local High School Star ljsbb27's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's your realistic off season for the Bulls?

    The makeup of this team depends on a lot of ifs.

    There is what the Front Office wants and the targets have certainly been prioritized, but we're dependent on free agents choosing us.

    I'd hate to play the waiting game with a top target while other players that would fit go ahead and sign with other teams.

    Rose, Butler, Gibson and Noah I think will be here no matter what, but I guess Butler and Gibson may go in the right deal.

    I don't see Love being a possibility because the other offers the Timberwolves have reportedly received are better than any package we can put together.

    I think Melo wants to come here, but I think Melo leans towards NYC and stays.

    So if we can't get either one of those what do we do? Do we still amnesty Boozer or no? Who knows.

    Will Mirotic come over?

    I think we amnesty Boozer to ensure Mirotic comes and then give him minutes.

    There's a couple of intriguing guys who are free agents. The guys that stuck out to me were Lance Stephenson, Chandler Parsons and Greg Monroe.

    Chandler Parsons would be an excellent addition, but he's restricted so it might be difficult to pry him away from Houston.

    If we miss out on Love or Melo then I think we should make sure Dunleavy, Augustin and Hinrich return.

    Dunleavy- McDermott

    I'm worried this is exactly what it's going to look like. This is better than last year with a healthy Rose but not a contender.

    We need another Center for sure to backup Noah.

    We need to make something happen. Let's see.

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