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  1. #76
    Mullin >>> Bird Nowitness's Avatar
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    Default Re: Religion aside, abortion is wrong. All babies deserve a chance to live

    Quote Originally Posted by Orlando Magic
    Intellectually, you are not on my level, as you have repeatedly failed to answer the simple question of where morals came from and what they mean if God didn't instill them. Hint: I already gave you the answer.
    Check above.

  2. #77
    Very good NBA starter Orlando Magic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Religion aside, abortion is wrong. All babies deserve a chance to live

    Quote Originally Posted by Nowitness
    They came from society agreeing on certain standards to make living as easy as possible. If your argument is the ten commandments what were we doing for the first 98,000 years or so of our modern existence? If you're saying he made them innate in us prove it.
    I don't have proof that it was God.

    But morals are deeper than simply being agreed upon by society. They were either divinely appointed, or they were developed over millions and millions of years as a means to further the species, and yes, eventually agreed upon by society, speaking in generalities.

    But if they were developed over millions of years, which is the only option without God, what I'm saying is... is that they don't actually mean anything, and neither does life itself. It just simply is.

  3. #78
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    Default Re: Religion aside, abortion is wrong. All babies deserve a chance to live

    Quote Originally Posted by Orlando Magic
    Intellectually, you are not on my level, as you have repeatedly failed to answer the simple question of where morals came from and what they mean if God didn't instill them. Hint: I already gave you the answer.

    i said call it ethics...

    and intellectually i far surpass you i'm sure. i think my logical thinking is way above yours, especially in regards to practical thought. most of my serious posts here prove it.

  4. #79
    Very good NBA starter Orlando Magic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Religion aside, abortion is wrong. All babies deserve a chance to live

    Quote Originally Posted by Godzuki
    i said call it ethics...

    and intellectually i far surpass you i'm sure. i think my logical thinking is way above yours, especially in regards to practical thought.
    You still failed to answer the question, and you can't even comprehend the fact that you failed to answer the question, and yet you far surpass me intellectually, haha. Ok.

  5. #80
    Mullin >>> Bird Nowitness's Avatar
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    Default Re: Religion aside, abortion is wrong. All babies deserve a chance to live

    Quote Originally Posted by Orlando Magic
    I don't have proof that it was God.

    But morals are deeper than simply being agreed upon by society. They were either divinely appointed, or they were developed over millions and millions of years as a means to further the species, and yes, eventually agreed upon by society, speaking in generalities.

    But if they were developed over millions of years, which is the only option without God, what I'm saying is... is that they don't actually mean anything, and neither does life itself. It just simply is.
    Well done, you my friend have just defined what it really is. The universe does not really know or care that we are here. In essence they mean nothing, if we wanted to we could live out a hedonistic life in which we rape and steal to appease our instincts to get to the highest possible position of power. There is no objective meaning, the meaning is what we make of it, whether it be to reproduce, to help others, get rich.... But, we don't chose (at least most of us) don't chose to not be conscious of our brothers. We want to make life good for all, not because God tells us to. And if there is he certainly doesn't intervene like Einstein argued.

    They prolly did evolve as we evolved. I think Dawkins argues this.

  6. #81
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    Default Re: Religion aside, abortion is wrong. All babies deserve a chance to live

    Quote Originally Posted by Orlando Magic
    You still failed to answer the question, and you can't even comprehend the fact that you failed to answer the question, and yet you far surpass me intellectually, haha. Ok.

    i don't even care, since arguing with religious people is always a waste of time because they aren't grounded in reality or practical thought at all.

  7. #82
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    Default Re: Religion aside, abortion is wrong. All babies deserve a chance to live

    Quote Originally Posted by Orlando Magic
    Intellectually, you are not on my level, as you have repeatedly failed to answer the simple question of where morals came from and what they mean if God didn't instill them. Hint: I already gave you the answer.
    Christianity is a corrupted offshoot of Judaism mixed with European pagan traditions. If there is a 'word of god', Christianity is not the religion that preaches it.

  8. #83
    Very good NBA starter Orlando Magic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Religion aside, abortion is wrong. All babies deserve a chance to live

    Quote Originally Posted by Godzuki

    i don't even care, since arguing with religious people is always a waste of time because they aren't grounded in reality or practical thought at all.
    You do care, you're just an idiot.

    Nowitness potentially(from my viewpoint) is what you aspire to be, but will never be. An intellectual unbeliever. You're just an idiotic unbeliever.

    Intelligence can be stretched but ultimately it is what it is, it can't be developed, and you're lacking.

    Nowitness... You might be right, as I admitted that it was one of the two options, I just can't accept that. Because, absolutely correct, I could just do whatever the **** I wanted and it all means nothing.

    I personally have a deep emotional problem with the idea that this all means nothing. I can't separate myself from that fear... of death... and that I'm never coming back. An eternity of nothing. Yes, I understand the concept of not existing and thus not having to worry about it because my consciousness is gone. I get all that... it still bothers me.

    But anyways...

  9. #84
    NBA All-star GimmeThat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Religion aside, abortion is wrong. All babies deserve a chance to live

    if people stop holding such high regards/focus on unemployment rate, as well as unemployment benefits.


  10. #85
    Mullin >>> Bird Nowitness's Avatar
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    Default Re: Religion aside, abortion is wrong. All babies deserve a chance to live

    Quote Originally Posted by Orlando Magic
    You do care, you're just an idiot.

    Nowitness potentially(from my viewpoint) is what you aspire to be, but will never be. An intellectual unbeliever. You're just an idiotic unbeliever.

    Intelligence can be stretched but ultimately it is what it is, it can't be developed, and you're lacking.

    Nowitness... You might be right, as I admitted that it was one of the two options, I just can't accept that. Because, absolutely correct, I could just do whatever the **** I wanted and it all means nothing.

    I personally have a deep emotional problem with the idea that this all means nothing. I can't separate myself from that fear... of death... and that I'm never coming back. An eternity of nothing. Yes, I understand the concept of not existing and thus not having to worry about it because my consciousness is gone. I get all that... it still bothers me.

    But anyways...
    What you have just done is affirmed your fear. You fear that this is it, so under the banner of either God or religion you use wish thinking. Sorry, I refuse to do this.

    If you want to believe in an afterlife so be it, I will never change your opinion. Don't spread it on anyone else, have a serious debate with me here. I sympathize with you, I fear dying (not death, just look at it as the state you were in before birth). Make of this life (the only thing which is 99% surefire) what you can. Don't waste it by believing there is more.

    BTW explain this intelligence to me that you have. I love how believers instantly resort to insult like calling Atheists dumb, I don't think you're dumb for believing thousand year old fairytales, it does however mean you're sure of an answer, the dumbest of all positions one can hold.

  11. #86
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    Default Re: Religion aside, abortion is wrong. All babies deserve a chance to live

    Godzuki is a phakkit.

  12. #87
    Very good NBA starter Orlando Magic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Religion aside, abortion is wrong. All babies deserve a chance to live

    Quote Originally Posted by Nowitness
    What you have just done is affirmed your fear. You fear that this is it, so under the banner of either God or religion you use wish thinking. Sorry, I refuse to do this.

    If you want to believe in an afterlife so be it, I will never change your opinion. Don't spread it on anyone else, have a serious debate with me here. I sympathize with you, I fear dying (not death, just look at it as the state you were in before birth). Make of this life (the only thing which is 99% surefire) what you can. Don't waste it by believing there is more.

    BTW explain this intelligence to me that you have. I love how believers instantly resort to insult like calling Atheists dumb, I don't think you're dumb for believing thousand year old fairytales, it does however mean you're sure of an answer, the dumbest of all positions one can hold.
    You're starting to lose my faith in your intelligence, now, because I never questioned yours and you're acting as if I did. In fact, in my previous post, I complimented you.

    I was insulting his/hers, not yours, because of his/her inability to follow a simple question that I posed.

    He's not dumb because he's an atheist. He's dumb because he's dumb. There are many great intellects that are atheist. Haha.

  13. #88
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    Default Re: Religion aside, abortion is wrong. All babies deserve a chance to live

    Quote Originally Posted by sweggeh
    Godzuki is a phakkit.
    everyones a h8ter

  14. #89
    Mullin >>> Bird Nowitness's Avatar
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    Default Re: Religion aside, abortion is wrong. All babies deserve a chance to live

    Quote Originally Posted by Orlando Magic
    You're starting to lose my faith in your intelligence, now, because I never questioned yours and you're acting as if I did. In fact, in my previous post, I complimented you.

    I was insulting his/hers, not yours, because of his/her inability to follow a simple question that I posed.

    He's not dumb because he's an atheist. He's dumb because he's dumb. There are many great intellects that are atheist. Haha.
    You are right. I saw that as you saying Nowitness will never be An intellectual unbeliever. I agree with you, this do is foolish.

  15. #90
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    Default Re: Religion aside, abortion is wrong. All babies deserve a chance to live

    Quote Originally Posted by Godzuki
    everyones a h8ter
    No, seriously you are a phakkit. I have noticed. You are unable to think for yourself. You just follow the trends. Pro Choice, Pro Israel, Pro Gay Rights, Pro Atheism, pro pretty much anything, right? I have never seen you raise a point that was even slightly controversial. All you do is hate on those who actually use their minds to come up with their own conclusions, even if sheep like you attack them.

    You are probably against incest right now but no doubt you will be campaigning for it in 20-30 years time. I know people like you.

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