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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default Re: Explain the Buddhism idea of (nibbāna) nirvana

    Quote Originally Posted by D-FENS
    Explain the Buddhism idea of (nibbāna) nirvana
    so you might call me 'buddhist-lite'. meaning, i love buddhism, but for me it has to share equal space with campbell, science, nature, and sapolsky.

    that said, i see nibbana as the literal counterpart to heaven but metaphorically a state of mind which we would all do well to pursue. not to mention, at some point the two things probably become one... although overthinking that shit likely just leads farther off the path.

    as always, ask J$ if you want a truly spicy reply upon the matter.


    side-koan: if you ever meet the buddha on your lifes travels, you know what to do, right...?

  2. #17
    Enter the Dragic Swaggin916's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Default Re: Explain the Buddhism idea of (nibbāna) nirvana

    Quote Originally Posted by embersyc
    The universe is one life energy, currently you've forgotten this and attached yourself to a human body, nirvana is what happens when you leave living behind (and the cycle of reincarnation) and rejoin that one universal life energy.
    That's called death. Nothing we do in life will effect what happens in death I'd bet... well my life on it. While we are here, the material world is all we have... That is the spiritual experience. Detaching yourself from it completely you might as well just be dead. I've gone deep into the spiritual stuff and this is the conclusion I've come upon. Even the the whole idea of Nirvana is form. It's the same thing just in a different context. Meaning is derived from the person who experiences... the universe supplies the experience... Well all sorts of experiences really we just know the human one.
    Last edited by Swaggin916; 08-04-2014 at 04:53 AM.

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