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Thread: Offseason Grade

  1. #1
    College star el gringos's Avatar
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    Default Offseason Grade

    A huge offseason for the Knicks has come and gone. How do you grade the results?

    Draft: A

    Porzingis was the right pick @4 and trading thj for a guy like grant is just icing on the cake.

    Knick Free Agents: D-

    Phil really over estimated the work he would do around the league and shot himself in the foot by placing no value in his own guys. Basically having the opportunity to prob bring bargnani back for cheap and not was a mistake.

    FA's around the league: C+

    When you give away jr smith under the assumption that you will do better w that 7 mill in free agency and then you sign afflalo for 8 that's a pretty bad start. The d will and o'quinn signings were good, afflalo deal bad, and as for the big marquee signing that you've been waiting years for in Robin Lopez you get a very good role player at a primary option price. Hopefully he just plays the role of 4-5-6th best player and doesn't think he needs to be a second option guy. Hey atleast the Knicks didn't sign Wes Mathews

    Overall: C

    Obviously I'd have done much better, but this fa is what most of you might have done. Draft was against the grain big time but has many already oming around.

    Should've went w smith, smith, smith, bargnani, o'quinn, dwill, monta Ellis. I would have picked porzingis and either grant or Powell so no complains on draft.

  2. #2
    College superstar
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    Default Re: Offseason Grade

    I'm not sure you have any concept of "bbiq" and how it relates to chemistry and on-court production. But I applaud your dedication to the Knicks.

    I'd give their offseason a B-. Trading Melo or Porzingis (for a deal) would increase the ranking to an A-, most likely.

    The draft, in a vacuum, seems to have been a B+. Hard to tell, though, until the season starts and we see what we have.

    Free agents were an A, IMO. The Knicks clearly didn't get the big names, but they didn't panic and give bad deals to bad players. Instead, they gave market-value deals (or less) to good players that fit a long-term vision.

    The only anomaly is the aforementioned Melo. He doesn't fit with a "long term vision" type of team. I love the guy, but I really think he needs to go.

  3. #3
    Since 1974 smoovegittar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Offseason Grade

    Took you 3 weeks to get over losing your fav. players... understandable. Hopefully, you'll start to acknowledge that the team was in need of defensive role players with size instead of low IQ chuckers.

    I'll be interested on your take of how Bargnani will help the Nets over the bridge. Meanwhile, you will see Melo's benefit of having rebounders and shot-blockers around him. This year will be better than you esteem.

    BTW ~

    Draft - B+
    Free agency - B
    Overall - B

    When the smoke clears, clearer heads will see Phil's making the right moves for a respectable franchize to arise.
    Last edited by smoovegittar; 07-29-2015 at 06:18 PM.

  4. #4
    NBA sixth man of the year knickballer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Offseason Grade

    Knicks weren't going to compete this season no matter what moves Phill could have made. Kudos to Phil not following in typical NY behavior in trading the top pick for some overrated combo guard which we barely would have made the 8th seed. He made moves that gave the Knicks a chance moving forward and spent the cap room wisely. The FA guys aren't anything special but they are some role players/depth guys that the knicks can use for the future and there might be a chance that Williams can fulfill some of his potential(won't happen but there's a chance)

    Alot of Knick fans are in the win now state of mind and that's comical. Knicks had 0 chance winning coming into the offseason and fans think drafting Winslow or trading the pick is gonna change that?

    Draft A. Porizingis is a nice pick and he'll help us this year more than Winslow could. The upside is obviously greater with Por. Getting Grant for Hardaway is a steal. We've seen what Hardaway can do and it's time to move on. The Spanish center may return dividends in the future.

    FA B. We didn't get the big name players but these guys didn't want to come. Some people criticize Phil for not sweet talking them in signing but I don't see how that's his fault. Even that some of these guys have limitations.. In the meantime he made some low risk signings that don't mortgage the future and some guys that can potentially take the next steps in their career if given a bigger role.

    Phil had a good offseason. People who are saying otherwise are delusional who want to mortgage everything to compete for the 8th seed.

  5. #5
    Krust Kingz
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    Default Re: Offseason Grade

    at the end of the day grade the team on talent. we dont have a clue what those draft picks will turn out to be. its an F.

  6. #6
    Since 1974 smoovegittar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Offseason Grade

    Quote Originally Posted by Rameek
    at the end of the day grade the team on talent. we dont have a clue what those draft picks will turn out to be. its an F.
    You just contradicted yourself.

  7. #7
    Krust Kingz
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    Default Re: Offseason Grade

    Quote Originally Posted by smoovegittar
    You just contradicted yourself.
    No one can grade draft picks at this point because they have 0 minutes in the NBA.

    So grade the rest of the roster until they play. It's an F.

  8. #8
    Since 1974 smoovegittar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Offseason Grade

    Quote Originally Posted by Rameek
    No one can grade draft picks at this point because they have 0 minutes in the NBA.

    So grade the rest of the roster until they play. It's an F.

    I respectfully disagree. We'll see what happens come November -

  9. #9
    Krust Kingz
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    Default Re: Offseason Grade

    Quote Originally Posted by smoovegittar
    I respectfully disagree. We'll see what happens come November -
    Based on what u see on this roster how can anyone justify a D grade or better?

    Last year the team had 1 NBA talent.

    This year has 2.5 NBA talents Melo, Robin, 6th man Affalo. Please show me where where this team isnt at the bottom 3rd.

  10. #10
    "The Residential Pit" franchize's Avatar
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    Default Re: Offseason Grade

    The draft remains to be seen. I wasn't a big fan of the KP pick but I'm over it. I think he certainly has talent but I also think he's a project. Free agency in my opinion is a D.

    Robin Lopez- is ok, but he's not a 13 mill a year player. I don't care what type of inflation the new TV money caused. I don't care if his market value increased because of it. Robin Lopez, under no circumstances, is a 13 mill a year player. Period. It's funny how our "lazy SF who supposedly does nothing but score" outrebounds this guy. Lopez is a solid defender. Pretty good offensive rebounder. But he's just not a 13 million dollar a year player. Decent acquisition but we overpaid.

    Aaron Afflalo- I like his game. I think he's a really good fit for our team and with Melo. They've played together. He compliments Melo well. That being said, we gave him a player option for the 2nd year, which to me almost nullifies the significance of this signing. We're not winning anything significant this year. If he plays poorly, we're stuck with him. If he plays well, we're back at square one because he'll more than likely opt out. PO 2 year contracts are even worse than one year deals.

    Derrick Williams- hasn't lived up to expectations at all, but for the price, he's worth giving him a try to be coached up. He's young, athletic and versatile. But then...we give him a PO as well, thus nullifying the bargain he possibly could be if he pans out. If he plays to his potential and meshes well here, he's going to want to get paid and we'll be back to square one. If he continues to be a disappointment, we're stuck with him for another year.

    Kyle O'Quinn- I liked this signing. He came here for decent money. We signed him long term. He's not a big difference maker, but he's a solid player signed to a good contract. Local guy who enjoys doing dirty work.

    Lou Amundson and Lance Thomas- I put these 2 together for a reason. They're damn near the same player. Thomas is a little better offensively IMO. This was an epic failure in my opinion. You don't need two of these guys on your roster. More importantly, they are vet min guys. You can ALWAYS find guys like this in the offseason. We had 3.2 and the MLE to use and we blew the 3.2 on two 10 day contract type of guys. They aren't guys who have leverage to ask for more. If they don't take a vet min deal, you tell them to kick rocks. Ndour proved that there are guys like that available. In fact, I think Ndour is better than both. WE could have used that 3.2 on a better player and either signed them to min deal or convinced Ndour to come here in a situation where he'd have a better shot at making the roster. Just because a guy is considered a hustle guy, it doesn't make him automatically a good signing.

    Sasha Vujacic- If this is true woooo. How creative. How innovative. Hire a bunch of former players and try to recreate your glory days. I don't care if it's just a camp deal. Someone needs to tell Al Bundy this aint Polk High lol

    Other than that, we whiffed on all of the big name FA we sought, which is ok. I'm not a "sign the biggest name you can find" type of guy; contrary to the belief of knickballer and others. That is what has gotten us in trouble. In fact, that is the exact reason why PHil is here getting triple what his peers at his position are getting despite never having done his job previously. There are better ways to spend money wisely. I didn't want DJ at all. He doesn't fit what we do. Monroe to me was an good fit because he's a really good passer. The Aldridge shit pissed me off. Not because we didn't get him but the way we handled it. I'm ok with not getting him. I didn't think he was coming here anyway. I don't know who cancelled what at the end of the day, but if it was over Phil's insistence of Aldridge playing center, then he's a moron for that. The guy isn't a C anyway and you're going to miss out on meeting with arguably the best FA on the market because you're THAT stubborn huh?

    Another thing that nobody is bringing up is Phil's interaction with the media. This BS diary shit he's doing with ESPN needs to stop. I don't care about your feelings of JR as a player or any other current or former Knick. Keep your mouth shut. Even Phil's die hard supporters would be hard pressed to tell me how this benefits our team. This tell all nonsense is completely unprofessional. I can't see a FA looking at this and saying "yea I can't wait to play for that guy. If I have a slump, he's really gonna run to ESPN like a HS girl. That's exactly what I need."
    Last edited by franchize; 07-31-2015 at 03:14 PM.

  11. #11
    Since 1974 smoovegittar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Offseason Grade

    Quote Originally Posted by Rameek
    Based on what u see on this roster how can anyone justify a D grade or better?

    Last year the team had 1 NBA talent.

    This year has 2.5 NBA talents Melo, Robin, 6th man Affalo. Please show me where where this team isnt at the bottom 3rd.
    It's not going to be so much about talent as it is teamwork, imo. These guys are going to come together. I'm also a big believer in these rookies we drafted.

    Shane Larkin was our backup pointguard last year. OMG. We had no size whatsoever. We also had a number of malcontents that saw the writing on the wall.

    I'm a big believer in teamwork. As I said earlier, we'll see what unfolds.

  12. #12
    Krust Kingz
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    Default Re: Offseason Grade

    Quote Originally Posted by smoovegittar
    It's not going to be so much about talent as it is teamwork, imo. These guys are going to come together. I'm also a big believer in these rookies we drafted.

    Shane Larkin was our backup pointguard last year. OMG. We had no size whatsoever. We also had a number of malcontents that saw the writing on the wall.

    I'm a big believer in teamwork. As I said earlier, we'll see what unfolds.
    Teamwork means nothing without talent.

  13. #13
    Since 1974 smoovegittar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Offseason Grade

    Quote Originally Posted by Rameek
    Teamwork means nothing without talent.
    If you play in the NBA, you have talent. Apparently, you don't believe in what Phil's trying to do. All good though - I respect your opinion.

  14. #14
    Krust Kingz
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    Default Re: Offseason Grade

    Quote Originally Posted by smoovegittar
    If you play in the NBA, you have talent. Apparently, you don't believe in what Phil's trying to do. All good though - I respect your opinion.
    It has nothing to do with believing or not. He sold a bill of goods and reneged. A year and half later at 12 mill a year what has been accomplished. What is the signature move so far.

    You have not said one thing that you can attribute to Big Chief accomplishing or has shown a plan for the future. So there has been nothing so far and the roster is still baron.

    Talent wins in the NBA and the Coaching/System wins Championships. What is the ground work so far?

    There are no draft picks next year so what are we going to be selling to potential free agents?

  15. #15
    Since 1974 smoovegittar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Offseason Grade

    Quote Originally Posted by Rameek
    It has nothing to do with believing or not. He sold a bill of goods and reneged. A year and half later at 12 mill a year what has been accomplished. What is the signature move so far.

    You have not said one thing that you can attribute to Big Chief accomplishing or has shown a plan for the future. So there has been nothing so far and the roster is still baron.

    Talent wins in the NBA and the Coaching/System wins Championships. What is the ground work so far?

    There are no draft picks next year so what are we going to be selling to potential free agents?
    So you're saying we shouldn't have gutted that crap team that was on the floor the last 2 seasons? You think everything was to be accomplished in 2 years time? I'm not sure you realize this is a rebuild that takes time. Yes, time - as in , years. You have a 1 year coach that had shit players - you want me to grade him now? You expected upper tier free agents to be attracted to a laughing stock franchise this season? The roster is not "baron". We have role players on the defensive end to get our only current star to perform better.

    I don't understand what you expected to happen. But you needn't explain yourself. I'm out -

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