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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Arrow Naughty Dog/Uncharted get put on BLAST

    West-Side melting down like a snow cone

    [QUOTE]Opening his keynote at PAX Aus 2015 earlier today, the Deus Ex creator told the audience:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Default Re: Naughty Dog/Uncharted get put on BLAST

    Naughty dog? You mean telltale and quantic get put on blast?

    Uncharted 2 was a more varied game than ANY halo game has been. The set pieces and puzzle sequences add a lot. If you are going to say uncharted is too design driven then you have to say almost every third person game ever is.

    Any way I think you missed the point. He is talking about the walking dead and heavy rain. He means games that promote "choice" but at the end of the day the choice isn't yours.

    Naughy dog's games aren't even that style they are cinematic adventure games with actual gameplay in the form of shooting, puzzles and climbing. They in no way even try to promote choice and nor should they have to in that genre. The games they mentioned are totally different, they offer very little gameplay beyond a choose your own adventure style story. I agree heavy rain and the walking dead failed for me because of this, but the genre is evolving and until dawn is in the same style but actually felt like the choices mattered down the track and had a more compelling feeling to it so the genre is improving.

    seriously though, you may be the most insecure poster on this site. Why does it matter so much in your life if uncharted 4 is better received than halo 5? It doesn't change the fact you prefer halo and enjoy halo. Just ignore the people who have a different opinion and focus on your own life and your own happiness.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Naughty Dog/Uncharted get put on BLAST


    i literally copied and pasted this off neogaf

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Naughty Dog/Uncharted get put on BLAST

    Quote Originally Posted by GIF REACTION

    i literally copied and pasted this off neogaf
    melt down? I'm not even mad just think you need to step back and stop getting so worked up. Now you are searching other sites and stealing material that you've failed to read properlly. It's just a game.

  5. #5
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    Mar 2015

    Default Re: Naughty Dog/Uncharted get put on BLAST

    Yeah dude you're melting down hard

    you must be the ultimate buzz kill in real life

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Naughty Dog/Uncharted get put on BLAST

    Quote Originally Posted by GIF REACTION
    Yeah dude you're melting down hard

    you must be the ultimate buzz kill in real life
    Yulp. I'm the one melting down, not you the guy who's made numerous threads about the same subject and 90% of his posts are about the same subject....

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Naughty Dog/Uncharted get put on BLAST

    you are ALWAYS the first one to make things personal bro

    type this in google

    Insidehoops outbreak gif reaction

    You are obsessed with me dude, and every time you've made it personal

    lighten the **** up and realize half the shit people post here is a joke

  8. #8
    Hold the door nightprowler10's Avatar
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    Default Re: Naughty Dog/Uncharted get put on BLAST

    GIF Reaction is the same dude who was telling people he slept with their mothers on Xbox Live all those years ago. How you people expect anything other than trolling and shit posting from a Halo fan is beyond me.

  9. #9
    National High School Star
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    Nov 2011

    Default Re: Naughty Dog/Uncharted get put on BLAST


    Gained a lot of respect for you as a poster over my time here. Keep up the good work.

    & to you GIF REACTION

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Re: Naughty Dog/Uncharted get put on BLAST

    Deal with it you little bitch

    Got these clowns on the strings!

    BRB going down to the beach to have a good bodysurf! Because I'm a real australian unlike you two posers


  11. #11
    National High School Star
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    Nov 2011

    Default Re: Naughty Dog/Uncharted get put on BLAST

    Quote Originally Posted by GIF REACTION
    Deal with it you little bitch

    Got these clowns on the strings!

    BRB going down to the beach to have a good bodysurf! Because I'm a real australian unlike you two posers

    Hope you get hands eaten off by a great white so you can't *********e all over your Halo collection anymore.

  12. #12
    Goat Loading West-Side's Avatar
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    Default Re: Naughty Dog/Uncharted get put on BLAST

    Halo 5: Guardians features an underwhelming, confusing and surprisingly banal campaign that's not actively bad, but equally not quite good enough to warrant a purchase on its own.
    For the most part, Bungie achieved this lofty balance with its Halo games, but after an impressive first shot at the sci-fi series with Halo 4, 343 Industries has fumbled with one of the most important parts of a Halo experience: the solo campaign.
    If it weren't for Warzone, Halo 5: Guardians would probably be somewhere on the lower end of the franchise's spectrum for me. It's still a fantastic and well-oiled machine, but the story falls flat, and the shift in gameplay mechanics result in the loss of some elements that made the series so unique in the first place. Still, if you're looking to shoot some dudes online, Guardians is your huckleberry.
    I think die-hard Halo fans will love Halo 5: Guardians, as it’s a game made almost exclusively with them in mind. The rest of us might find ourselves a little lost, a bit let down and wistful for an old horizon that once reached for the heavens.
    The ultimate irony here is that what gets our species in trouble in the campaign's narrative is ultimately the kind of needless combat that the game excels at.

    The worst from Uncharted trilogy, is better than this garbage.

    Drake's Fortune
    Critic Score - 88
    User Score - 81

    Halo 5
    Critic Score - 86
    User Score - 70

    Who's melting like an ice cream cone again?
    Certainly not me, you're the one trolling in the Uncharted 4 threads and creating new threads about U4.


  13. #13
    NBA lottery pick
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    Default Re: Naughty Dog/Uncharted get put on BLAST

    I actually agree with what he's saying. The Uncharted series is still great, but I think games can do more then just try and replicate the experience of a movie. Uncharted's set pieces and scripted sequences are interesting the first time through, but I've never had any desire to go back and replay them.

  14. #14
    Goat Loading West-Side's Avatar
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    Default Re: Naughty Dog/Uncharted get put on BLAST

    Quote Originally Posted by Kungfro
    I actually agree with what he's saying. The Uncharted series is still great, but I think games can do more then just try and replicate the experience of a movie. Uncharted's set pieces and scripted sequences are interesting the first time through, but I've never had any desire to go back and replay them.
    I love Uncharted but yeah, it doesn't have the biggest replay value.
    It still is a fantastic game to play and playing it on crushing will definitely test your skills.

    With that said, I think you guys should watch some of Uncharted 4's game play. They have redesigned a lot of the game-play. You can now use stealth and the maps are far more open to explore and tackle enemies from different perspectives. They also added new climbing tools to Drake's arsenal. Also, they introduced the rope; which makes the gameplay feel fresh and adds another strategy to battling enemies.

    Uncharted 3's poor AI and rushed story is what prevented it from being on U2's level (perhaps higher). ****ing Amy developed it. The same "writer" that so many dipshits on here are praising. She's the one who was the lead on U1 & U3, surprisingly two games that have many issues. The people that created U2 and TLOU are the same people developing U4, so I'm not at all worried. Both games won GOTY.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Naughty Dog/Uncharted get put on BLAST

    Jeeze all of you are so hostile. So unsociable.

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