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  1. #1
    Local High School Star 2swift4u's Avatar
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    Default Streetball courts of the world

    Hey guys

    I don't know abou you guys but as a baller I'm always on the look-out for streetball courts. So one day I had the idea to start a blog that features the courts that I've been to so far. So if you appreciate some nice hoops you should check it out:

    Hope you like it. Let me know what you think.

  2. #2
    Go Gators Peteballa's Avatar
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    Default Re: Streetball courts of the world

    This is cool. I love the layout of the website.

  3. #3
    NBA Superstar
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    Default Re: Streetball courts of the world

    This is a really cool idea. And I agree, site looks clean.

  4. #4
    Local High School Star 2swift4u's Avatar
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    Default Re: Streetball courts of the world

    thanks for your feedback guys! I've got a lot more courts coming so stay tuned.

  5. #5
    One of the Goodfellas NBAplayoffs2001's Avatar
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    Default Re: Streetball courts of the world

    Check out the West 4th in Manhattan. I've heard those courts have the best streetball players in NYC. I know people who have seen former and current NBA players there during the offseason. Smush Parker being one of them.

    I've driven by Rucker Park.

  6. #6
    Banned DoctorP's Avatar
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    Default Re: Streetball courts of the world

    I like your shots of Rucker. San Diego has some nice courts...

  7. #7
    Local High School Star 2swift4u's Avatar
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    Default Re: Streetball courts of the world

    Quote Originally Posted by NBAplayoffs2001
    Check out the West 4th in Manhattan. I've heard those courts have the best streetball players in NYC. I know people who have seen former and current NBA players there during the offseason. Smush Parker being one of them.

    I've driven by Rucker Park.
    I've been there. I'd say it's one of the busiest courts in nyc. I took pictures of it but not very good ones thats why I haven't put them on the site yet.

    I think you'll see better games at Rucker or Dyckman though when they have organized games/tournaments

  8. #8
    Local High School Star 2swift4u's Avatar
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    Default Re: Streetball courts of the world

    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorP
    I like your shots of Rucker. San Diego has some nice courts...
    Thanks. Rucker was the first court I visited when I was in NYC. Unfortunately at that time I didn't know that I was going to start this blog so I took a lot of pictues with people on it or from weird angles. So even thoght I've been to a lot of the famous nyc courts I don't have a lot of useful pictures. But I'll probably put some of them on the page anyway.

    Yeah San Diego indeed has some nice courts

  9. #9
    Bitch Hands fsvr54's Avatar
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    Default Re: Streetball courts of the world

    That one in San Diego with the paintings looks NICE.

  10. #10
    Banned DoctorP's Avatar
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    Default Re: Streetball courts of the world

    Quote Originally Posted by 2swift4u
    Thanks. Rucker was the first court I visited when I was in NYC. Unfortunately at that time I didn't know that I was going to start this blog so I took a lot of pictues with people on it or from weird angles. So even thoght I've been to a lot of the famous nyc courts I don't have a lot of useful pictures. But I'll probably put some of them on the page anyway.

    Yeah San Diego indeed has some nice courts
    it's okay to show the people if it's the right angle....

  11. #11
    Local High School Star 2swift4u's Avatar
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    Default Re: Streetball courts of the world

    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorP
    it's okay to show the people if it's the right angle....
    well my approach is to feature the courts without any players on it if possible. Because it looks cleaner imo. To photograph the playes and capture the energy on courts would be cool too but I feel like you need better skills and equipment to do that.

    However sometimes there are games under way and I obviously can't make everybody leave the court in order for me to take pictures So in that case I have to take pictures with people in it.
    Last edited by 2swift4u; 11-10-2015 at 07:59 AM.

  12. #12
    Game. Set. Match. bdreason's Avatar
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    Default Re: Streetball courts of the world

    Makes me wanna play ball looking at all these lonely hoops.

  13. #13
    National High School Star
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    Default Re: Streetball courts of the world

    Why not just create an Instagram account for this and have people #courtsoftheworld?? Making personal website/blogs's era is over unless you are already established or part of a company/corporation/advertising agency (this assume's you want people to see this). If you are doing it to learn html/java etc then power to you. Otherwise, if you are young and looking to learn skills it'd be better to up your social media skills with instagram, etc.
    Last edited by sundizz; 11-16-2015 at 03:34 PM.

  14. #14
    Local High School Star 2swift4u's Avatar
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    Default Re: Streetball courts of the world

    Quote Originally Posted by sundizz
    Why not just create an Instagram account for this and have people #courtsoftheworld?? Making personal website/blogs's era is over unless you are already established or part of a company/corporation/advertising agency (this assume's you want people to see this). If you are doing it to learn html/java etc then power to you. Otherwise, if you are young and looking to learn skills it'd be better to up your social media skills with instagram, etc.
    Thanks for your feedback. Actually it all started on Instagram about 2 years ago. On my personal account. I now also have a new IG account for the website. You'll find the IG page if you look for hoops_of_the_world and the hashtag of course is #hoopsoftheworld
    The reason why I started the blog was that I wanted to write a bit more about the courts and sneakers and also make full use of the high resolution pictures. I got a decent camera now and I want to work on my skills a bit. I also added the hoopsoftheworld stamp of approval feature which wouldn't be possible on IG. It's also kinda hard to compete with other instagram accounts that use all kinds of hoop pictures they find on the internet whereas I'm only using pictures I've taken myself.

    Of course you're all very welcome to follow me on Instagram.

    I don't expect the website to be very successful or anything, I'm doing this because I enjoy doing it. It's just a hobby and way to be creative.
    Last edited by 2swift4u; 11-16-2015 at 04:26 PM.

  15. #15
    NBA Legend pauk's Avatar
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    Default Re: Streetball courts of the world

    San Diego.

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