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  1. #31
    Big Booty Hoes!! NumberSix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump being the frontrunner just proves what hypocrites so many "conservatives" are

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick Young
    The pro-censorship anti-freedom of speech Newspeaking libs like Hillary who you support are the only candidates in the race right now who are pro-authoritarianism, dumbass.
    Hillary Clinton is an enemy of freedom. She actually thinks that a gun manufacturer who sells guns LEGALLY should be responsible if some wacko uses a gun ILLEGALLY. This is like suggesting that Louisville Slugger is responsible if some lunatic beats somebody with a bat or Budweiser is responsible if somebody hits someone with a beer bottle. It's insane.
    Last edited by NumberSix; 02-22-2016 at 12:25 PM.

  2. #32
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    Default Re: Trump being the frontrunner just proves what hypocrites so many "conservatives" are

    I still cannot believe that modern "liberals" have managed to twist things so much that their sheepy little supporters now believe that freedom of speech is an evil conservative value.

  3. #33
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    Default Re: Trump being the frontrunner just proves what hypocrites so many "conservatives" are

    Are any of these candidates going to forgive student loan debt?

  4. #34
    Big Booty Hoes!! NumberSix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump being the frontrunner just proves what hypocrites so many "conservatives" are

    Quote Originally Posted by christian1923
    Are any of these candidates going to forgive student loan debt?
    Is the government going to forgive debt that is owed to the government?

  5. #35
    NBA Legend UK2K's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump being the frontrunner just proves what hypocrites so many "conservatives" are

    Quote Originally Posted by christian1923
    Are any of these candidates going to forgive student loan debt?
    Forgive it for everyone who was forced to sign their name...

    That would be, nobody.

  6. #36
    Bringer of Light Knoe Itawl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump being the frontrunner just proves what hypocrites so many "conservatives" are

    This post is so stupid that I can only be bothered to address your first couple of points. First, you make a very big mistake in conflating conservatives with the Republican Party, as the party has long been hijacked by neoliberal and neoconservative types.

    Even a quite militaristic conservative like Bill Buckley was highly critical of Bush and the Iraq war (as were many others). Russell Kirk (considered by many the founder of modern conservatism as a coherent American tradition) said this in the wake of the first Gulf War (which he opposed):
    And I think you're a stupid doo doo head. So there! But, to your point, I should have clarified that I was referring to the drones who bought hook line and sinker everything that the Republican party has told them over these past 30 years or so - be it the Iraq War, trickle down, Obamacare = evil, etc. Additionally, I refer to the overly militaristic rhetoric which brands anyone a traitor who doesn't unilaterally fall in line with whatever the military does.

    These conservatives that you refer to certainly haven't shown to have much, if any major influence in the modern Republican party, that's for sure.

    Talk about prophetic! He also was critical of the neocon obsession with Israel.

    So you're not even intelligent enough to recognise that the Republican Party is not representative of conservatism, which is one of the reasons it is being rejected (nor is Trump really, but that's another discussion--there's a distinct lack of worthy candidates out there); and yet here you are railing at conservatives, while not understanding even the slightest thing about conservatism.

    And McCain deserves to be insulted in every way possible because he's a war-mongering psychopath. As much as I dislike Obama, if McCain had been elected, half the world would probably be engulfed in flames by now.
    See above. However, these conservatives that you speak of certainly haven't had any sort of major influence in the way the Republican party has behaved. Where is ANY so called conservative candidate in the mainstream espousing any of that?

    As for Mccain, I can't stand him and agree that he is a psychopath. Anyone who could have been a POW that can get up and sing "bomb bomb Iran" as a lark, knowing full well the civilian casualites that any war entails is a psycho. But my point is, that he's been lauded as a war hero and supposedly that is sacrosanct to conservatives. Again, had Obama or other democrat said the exact same thing, we never would've heard the end of what a traitor they were. Trump says it and it's "haha, yeah POWs getting caught IS worthy of ridicule. yuk yuk" If you disagree, you know damn well you're lying

  7. #37
    NBA Legend UK2K's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump being the frontrunner just proves what hypocrites so many "conservatives" are

    Quote Originally Posted by Knoe Itawl
    And I think you're a stupid doo doo head. So there! But, to your point, I should have clarified that I was referring to the drones who bought hook line and sinker everything that the Republican party has told them over these past 30 years or so - be it the Iraq War, trickle down, Obamacare = evil, etc. Additionally, I refer to the overly militaristic rhetoric which brands anyone a traitor who doesn't unilaterally fall in line with whatever the military does.

    These conservatives that you refer to certainly haven't shown to have much, if any major influence in the modern Republican party, that's for sure.

    See above. However, these conservatives that you speak of certainly haven't had any sort of major influence in the way the Republican party has behaved. Where is ANY so called conservative candidate in the mainstream espousing any of that?

    As for Mccain, I can't stand him and agree that he is a psychopath. Anyone who could have been a POW that can get up and sing "bomb bomb Iran" as a lark, knowing full well the civilian casualites that any war entails is a psycho. But my point is, that he's been lauded as a war hero and supposedly that is sacrosanct to conservatives. Again, had Obama or other democrat said the exact same thing, we never would've heard the end of what a traitor they were. Trump says it and it's "haha, yeah POWs getting caught IS worthy of ridicule. yuk yuk" If you disagree, you know damn well you're lying
    So like... blacks in the Democrat party? The group who votes 95% for the same people?

    That's all you had to say. We would have understood then.

  8. #38
    Bringer of Light Knoe Itawl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump being the frontrunner just proves what hypocrites so many "conservatives" are

    Quote Originally Posted by UK2K
    So like... blacks in the Democrat party? The group who votes 95% for the same people?

    That's all you had to say. We would have understood then.
    Let's get something straight. Dresta may be wrong, but at least he has taken the time to develop something resembling an intellect. You are a typical bigoted simpleton. Too stupid and ignorant to understand how stupid and ignorant you are. What makes it worse is that you're that way and live on an NBA message board. You know, a sport dominated by blacks. That would be like if I hated white people yet spent my time on an NHL board denigrating them. What a confused POS. But that's most hardcore bigots for you.

    Blacks don't vote Democrat because they love democrats. They do so because, in this 2 party only system we have, they understand that Republicans have outright hostility towards them and will NEVER do anything that may actually help their communities, except by accident. You're so small minded, and bigoted and have such disrespect and hostility towards black people that you never bothered to ask yourself, WHY would black doctors, lawyers, professors, educated people, etc. vote Democrat. Forget the welfare recipients that you idiot conservatives feel embody black people. Even the educated blacks vote Democrat overwhelmingly. Even the ones that are financially stable, and even well off. That doesn't jibe with your theory of lazy blacks just wanting free stuff. Intelligent, educated, independent minded blacks overwhelmingly vote Democrat because they know that a large percentage of Republicans hate them. Simple. I mean, Jesus, something like 60+% of Republicans feel Obama is a Muslim who was born in Kenya. You're a goddamn liar if you say that's about anything other than race. Even your dumb ass leaders, after 2012 said that the party had to do something to have better outreach to minorities. Did they? Nope, they went full Trump instead.
    Last edited by Knoe Itawl; 02-22-2016 at 03:36 PM.

  9. #39
    NBA Legend UK2K's Avatar
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    Default Re: Trump being the frontrunner just proves what hypocrites so many "conservatives" are

    Quote Originally Posted by Knoe Itawl
    Let's get something straight. Dresta may be wrong, but at least he has taken the time to develop something resembling an intellect. You are a typical bigoted simpleton. Too stupid and ignorant to understand how stupid and ignorant you are. What makes it worse is that you're that way and live on an NBA message board. You know, a sport dominated by blacks. That would be like if I hated white people yet spent my time on an NHL board denigrating them. What a confused POS. But that's most hardcore bigots for you.

    Blacks don't vote Democrat because they love democrats. They do so because, in this 2 party only system we have, they understand that Republicans have outright hostility towards them and will NEVER do anything that may actually help their communities, except by accident. You're so small minded, and bigoted and have such disrespect and hostility towards black people that you never bothered to ask yourself, WHY would black doctors, lawyers, professors, educated people, etc. vote Democrat. Forget the welfare recipients that you idiot conservatives feel embody black people. Even the educated blacks vote Democrat overwhelmingly. Even the ones that are financially stable, and even well off. That doesn't jibe with your theory of lazy blacks just wanting free stuff. Intelligent, educated, independent minded blacks overwhelmingly vote Democrat because they know that a large percentage of Republicans hate them. Simple. I mean, Jesus, something like 60+% of Republicans feel Obama is a Muslim who was born in Kenya. You're a goddamn liar if you say that's about anything other than race. Even your dumb ass leaders, after 2012 said that the party had to do something to have better outreach to minorities. Did they? Nope, they went full Trump instead.

    Well, you suggested Republican voters were 'drones' who blindly vote for the Republican party.

    Wouldn't you agree that a particular demographic voting for the same party every single time in astounding numbers be considered drones? I mean, I guess it's possible that 100% of voters in several districts in Philadelphia really agreed with all of Obama's polices.


    I'm so bigoted and racist.... lol. You're response is so predictable.

  10. #40
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    Default Re: Trump being the frontrunner just proves what hypocrites so many "conservatives" are

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