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  1. #1
    Glove GP_20's Avatar
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    Default End of Season Manager Awards & Messages

    Manager Awards

    Championship: Glove_20

    Nothing really to say about this one, the most prestigious award, the championship trophy. And the winner, after all the trash talked is....Glove_20.

    Runner-Up: Pistol Pete

    Manager of the Year: Skywalker

    I think he deserves it, with all the injuries he's faced and he still was able to manage his team well enough to make it to the playoffs? Major props and major congrats.

    Runner-Up: PLR

    Comeback Manager of the Year: Statman32

    Comeback means who made a comeback in the season and never gave up. No doubt the winner of this one. Turned his season 180 but unfortunately it was too late.

    Runner-Up: Skylar

    Worst Manager of the Year: Navid

    Enough said

    Runner-Up: Birdman

    Draft of the Year: Pistol Pete

    Not really close here. With picks like Lowry in the 2nd, Middleton in the 5th, CJM in the 7th, Chowder in the 10th, one of the best if not the best premier league draft in history.

    Runner-Up: GUWOP

    Trader of the Year: Glove_20

    Not too close here either. He had a pretty awful draft, and then not too many great FA pickups....and to end up with a roster like that? Trading must have helped. Had some big trade wins just like last year and is so dominant in trades there are people actively trying to block.

    Runner-Up: Statman32

    Waiver Wire Manager of the Year: Skywalker

    This one was very tough, a lot of managers had good pick-ups. But Sky's pickup of Barton and then later Turner and Mirza gave him the small edge overall.

    Runner-Up: PLR
    Last edited by GP_20; 04-04-2016 at 10:40 AM.

  2. #2
    Glove GP_20's Avatar
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    Default Re: End of Season Manager Awards & Messages

    Now for the messages to you all....

    Just going to go in reverse standings order

    Navid- What did you come saying to me last week? STFU. Suck my dick now. I am the champion. Yes I know you didn't want that, but I am the champion. Honestly I wish you would move on from our rivalry, which really doesn't exist anymore lol. We got a good start in baseball. Let's continue. I'm great, you're not, just have to live with it. #NewBeginnings

    G-Train - You know G I know we've had our differences. At 1 point I agree it was pretty ugly. But I respect you for bouncing back and taking personal aside when it comes to trading. Mad respect. You're one of the best competitors out there. I think you just had one bad plan and never recovered, also just some weekly bad luck.

    Bird- What to say here....I haven't gone along with a lot people in this league, Stat, Pete, Attila, G, to name a few. But still hate you the most. Congrats takes a real dickhead to do that. I think the biggest difference between you and the rest of the haters, is that they don't make hating so personal that it affects business aka your team. You're the only one stupid enough to take things so personally and just ruin your team over it by not trading me. From choosing Lamb over Wesley (because I had Wesley and not Lamb) to our Green negotiations, you been a total fu*uck-head. And where did it get you? 12th place LOL. Good job bird good season. I get Draymond Green anyways, win championship, and you finish 12th place oweing me an extra $20. Good going Bird. Safe to say we know who got the better end of this one.

    Oh as for who returns next year. I'm leaning on retirement per my earlier comments on my roster, but if I decide against it, your spot is in danger. No more waiting for this. You will find out tomorrow or Tuesday. It's simple, the league will either choose me or you. I know a lot who will vote for me, some that will surprise you, so be prepared for this. Just take a quick look around the league and ask yourself if you really got 7. I only see 1 or 2 that will vote for you.

    loser from Sky. You're never gonna read this, but I'll just say thanks for Westbrook, our 1 and only deal. Otherwise good bye.

    Attila- I've had some pretty rough words to say to a lot of people, but not in this one. I know we've been feuding ever since we've known each other. Always talking shit, hating, etc. Even this year. But I've actually gained respect for you. You're not as dumb as I thought, have grown a lot. And also, I respect you're sometimes starting to be honest, though for most of the year you were on Stat and Pete's blind brainwashing hate train of me. I hope this mutual respect we are having now continues to grow in the future.

    B4life- My boy Dean. 1st of all, hope you are progressing well in your recovery. 2nd of all, thanks for being a true bro. You were the only one who ever had my back every day. I really appreciate that, and this championship isn't just for me, it's for the both of us. Bros share. Cheers

    Meek- Meek Meek. While we are off to a better start in baseball, we sure had our differences in basketball. Honestly the toughest guy to trade with imo. I've learned though how to better deal with you. But our trading feuds aside, I do respect you never jumped onto the blind hate train of Stat and Pete's against me and just hated on my roster blindly all year. I think you got really unlucky with injury, but always a solid playoff contender. And hey, got your boy Westbrook a championship.

    Well here's another rivalry. I think you once told me I never finished higher than you in a fantasy league? Well I'm league champion and you are consolation champion. I guess there goes that.

    Look I'll be completely honest, you make my life hell in fantasy basketball. You know how dominant of a trader I am. I have many tactics, persistency often hasn't been required for most my deals. And that's why I just absolutely hate what you do to block me. Earlier in the year you were pretty relax, but you turned it up after the Josh Smith episode. I know when you are dedicated to this, its tough for me. Please stop and let me breath.

    Besides for that I will like to congratulate you for a good season as well. Top 3 team. It's unfortunate you did not listen to me post-draft, and paid the price. I mean, even after you reconstructed your team, I told you it wasn't going to be enough because you are tanking 3 cats. I mean it was the same thing for me in baseball, I should've listend to you. I was new to baseball, and you yourself said you aren't really good at basketball. Try listening to the words of champions next time.

    Anyways solid season, and solid job ant commish this year. But I want to be commish next year. That is my request. I'm not trolling I'm dead serious. I want you to strongly consider it, I will do a great job and keep things running, leagues I've commished have been smooth. Let me take over. Besides for doing a good job commishing, I also want to re-create the magic of Premier, and have a plan on how to do so. Let me take over, its for the benefit of all.

    Rondoooo- Hey great debut man. You are the guy who pushed me further and harder than anyone else in the playoffs. Awesome job. And also, good dealing with you this year lol. Sorry about all the PMs, but hey, that trade was a win-win for both of us. Pau Gasol was injured during the fantasy playoffs. So im glad it worked out. Maybe see you again sometime and dont be such a stinge

    Imagine- Man all I want to say to congrats for being a total stinge and LOSING CURRY because of it. Like I told you earlier in the season, the most ironic part is because you kept Curry so close to you is the reason you will never own him again. But yeah I'm glad Curry is off your hands. But good title defense overall. All I will say for next year is, try being more logical like you've shown otherwise.

    Sky- Man just mad respect for you. Outside of Dean, no one else was able to see past all of Pete and Stat's hate like you. Props for that. You knew long long ago that this was the making of something scary, even when dumbass Pete was saying this is just a 7th place team. Of course we saw who was right and wrong. I appreciate your honesty.

    Also just a hats off job managing. I mean, you really have established yourself as one of the best at this. Last year #2 and this year despite so many injuries made it to playoffs. It was very impressive. I got nothing but respect for you as a manager and person, even with the $25 welch lol, so good luck in teh future and continue believing in yourself no matter what everyone says.

    Another one of my biggest haters and doubters I had the opportunity to face and beat in the playoffs. You know PLR we started out pretty well, I was supporting you, but things turned ugly really fast. Right around the time of the Harden trade. After that, you said pretty stupid things to be honest. "I want Glove in the 2nd round". "Glove your team tanks points". And what happened? I faced you in the 2nd round and won solely because of how many points I scored.

    Honestly pretty embarrassing. Next time if you can't back your talk, keep your mouth shut. With all that said, you are smart, and you are and will always be good at this. But just not great enough to win. Sorry. Mostly due to being a diaster of a manager.

    Oh and you're also clearly the most mad I won? Haha I love it. Not just a loser, but also a sore loser. Hey this is the 2nd time I'm winning basketball champion with you in the league, beat you in the playoffs last time. Just a little piece of trash I always throw behind on my way to the title. That's all you are.

    Pete- Man I got some SSs saved for you. I won't post them unless requested for proof. Too many to choose from, but here are some of the best:

    "At the core of all this, lies the fact that YOU ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH"

    "i'm going to win this league, just a matter of how"

    "Good thing I'm a god. I am not going to lose".

    "he's not only a terrible manager, he just has a fundamental misunderstanding of how to play fantasy basketball"

    "i dont pay attention to irrelevant teams. you are a 7th place team at best".

    I'm not good enough? WRONG. You aren't going to lose? WRONG. I'm irrelevant in this league so you shouldn't pay attention to me? BITCH IM THE CHAMPION. And I beat you in the finals to become champion. Never seen anyone talk so much sh*it, say the same stuff over and over and over again, and then finally LOSE. You're a fuc*king loser that's what you are. As I showed, all talk no game. Couldn't have been a better ending either. In fact, another SS of you saying I had to beat you to validate my championship. So well, there it is. I'm the champ.

    So what now, what now, how can you even enter a league with me again and talk? I don't care who you beat to get your 3 championships, the fact is I OWN YOU. I've crushed you head to head in our matchups, swept you this season, and including that counts more than anything else...the championship week. I'm simply better than you and I've proven it in our time together. I can actually say and mean things like YOU CAN NOT BEAT ME. I showed that. You just say these things, but I backed my talk up.

    I mean it's simple at this point, we've played basketball together for 2 years, and I've simply been better than you. The story is over. I'm a champion and you're a loser. That's how it will always remain now. Go retire.

    Glove > Pete

  3. #3
    7-time NBA All-Star statman32's Avatar
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    Default Re: End of Season Manager Awards & Messages

    I'll agree with most of these besides the WMOTY runner-up. I think Iamgine deserves mention as he couldnt make the playoffs with Curry.

    Not sure how you just bagged on PLR's managerial moves for an hour and named him the runner-up either.

    I would add a category for historic performance of the year. "The Streak" was something we likely will never see before. Up there with Cal Ripkens games played streak.

    Personal Messages:

    G-Train - Should thank him for giving you Draymond.
    Bird - I'm not choosing, you guys both have spots. Shove it.
    Skylar - PERFECT

    STAT - All the #Re2pect to you. I can safely say you are a better overall manager than me in basketball. I don't think it's an argument either as I am fairly average. You made a lot of the right moves, you had some good pickups (that I hated on so you couldn't keep getting more and more talent) and you finished the year with a team that fit perfectly. It wasn't just trades as we have seen those before and previous teams did not match nearly as well as this one did.

    As for your advice for me, of course it was correct. The problem is that I enjoy playing with players I like more than winning with guys I don't like. It is a very hard trade-off in basketball.

    As for commish duties, that is talk for another time.

    Pete - Get along you two.

  4. #4
    ... iamgine's Avatar
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    Default Re: End of Season Manager Awards & Messages

    Congrats to the winner.

    Good season everyone. I wanted to see pete vs glove or stat vs glove in the finals and it actually happens.

    till next season.

  5. #5
    5-time NBA All-Star G-train's Avatar
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    Default Re: End of Season Manager Awards & Messages

    Quote Originally Posted by statman32

    G-Train - Should thank him for trading you Draymond.

  6. #6
    5-time NBA All-Star G-train's Avatar
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    Default Re: End of Season Manager Awards & Messages

    Quote Originally Posted by GP_20
    G-Train - You know G I know we've had our differences. At 1 point I agree it was pretty ugly. But I respect you for bouncing back and taking personal aside when it comes to trading. Mad respect. You're one of the best competitors out there. I think you just had one bad plan and never recovered, also just some weekly bad luck.
    I don't believe in luck.
    I played poorly.

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