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  1. #16
    Knicks all da way imdaman99's Avatar
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    Default Re: Muslim Mayor bans sexy women in advertisements

    Quote Originally Posted by LJJ
    Banning depictions of healthy people promoting healthy eating and physical fitness has nothing to do with body shaming and doesn't seem very productive for a society with a giant growing obesity problem.

    Body shaming would be showing fat people with a caption "you don't want to be a disgusting pig like this, join Muscle Gym today!". Or for instance this is a method of body shaming widely practiced in the UK.

    Promoting fitness and health should be a no-brainer in today's society. It seems insane that multiple power blocks in society seem to be pushing against promoting fitness, for a variety or reasons apparently.
    I personally don't agree with what the mayor did, I was just replying to OP who thinks this is the beginning of the Muslim takeover While I don't really view being skinny and in shape as body shaming, the mayor might. Don't worry, I don't think he's gonna ban bikinis at the beach which is what everyone is worried about. And after that, enforcing the burka rule on all women of age. It's...Not...Happening.

    He likely just wants a little modesty. No shame or crime in that.

  2. #17
    A humble prophet Dresta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Muslim Mayor bans sexy women in advertisements

    I wouldn't have a problem with it if it wasn't done for the idiotic reason of getting rid of "fat shaming"--what a moron. How about we just don't want a to be confronted by a highly sexualised environment every time we step out of the house?

    Americans probably don't notice because they start sexualising young girls from about the age of 10.

  3. #18
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Muslim Mayor bans sexy women in advertisements

    Quote Originally Posted by PistolPete
    Dude, it's the 21st century. Humanity has free-will and old myths are just that, old myths.

    If you follow the Ten Commandments, then you're alright by my book. But a Religion or a form of Government that decides on what I can and cannot wear is just plain wrong.

    Middle Eastern women are very beautiful and exotic, and it's a shame that they have to be covered from head to toe because of some 5th century doctrine.
    Very smart of you to improve on your subpar previous post.

    There's still room for improvement.

    1) It's the "21st century".
    6:25 (And among them are those who listen to you, but We have placed over their hearts coverings, lest they understand it, and in their ears deafness. And if they should see every sign, they will not believe in it. Even when they come to you arguing with you, those who disbelieve say, "This is not but legends of the former peoples.")
    - Ponder that for a moment. Desert people in 622 -630 had the exact same reaction as you . Then ponder this Biblical verse.
    Ecclesiastes 1:9New International Version (NIV)

    9 What has been will be again,
    what has been done will be done again;
    there is nothing new under the sun.
    These are not "old myths". They are the Word of God (although potentially corrupted)

    Now, observe the rain, the soil, the Krebs Cycle, the circle of life, and other creations of God. Does the cyclical principle not apply to humans as well?

    2) Follow then Ten Commandments, you are alright in MY book?

    Who are you?
    Where did you refine your ethical and jurisprudence skills?
    Does whoever the "I" in Pistol Pete override all others judgments?
    If not, then what or Who can be a better, sharper, sounder sense of Judgment?

    You are taking the "I" (whatever that is (PistolPete's sense of self? (See Hume on what the self is) ego? life? Anyone clue me in on what "I" is?) to override God's commandments. That's not okay. At all. You should know this.

    This is about sexy female advertisements not your personal choice of attire.

    Sexy female advertisements and pictures of scantily clad women which seriously are nothing but detrimental to people's welfare (especially man's). Like a dose of chocolate ice cream destroying long-term bodybuilding goals, and like a night of drinking putting a stunt on someone's optimal academic potential; placing your gaze and getting a hard on for a chick OTHER than your wife is flat out evil and unnecessary. It takes away from your focus, productivity, sense of peace, and natural state of being. Advertisements and subliminal messages in general usually offer things that are just wants instead of needs, and screw up man's natural brainpower over time bypassing the subconscious. Most don't need to exist. We're all struggling here together to ease off the distractions and zone in on what really matters.

    It's a shame that they have to be covered from head to toe.
    Well, they have the choice to move. They choose to dress the way they do for reasons. What are those reasons?

    In the West I've got friends who consistently woke up almost an hour and a half earlier than the boys do to get dolled up (as Dresta stated). Exhausted, malnourished, basing their esteem on what men think of them and dolling themselves up instead of putting their attention on developing their craft, intellect, and/or other worthier pursuits. That's a problem. And this banning of advertisements (although undemocratical and for a lame reason) can aid women on their journey towards happiness.

  4. #19
    The Pistol PistolPete's Avatar
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    Default Re: Muslim Mayor bans sexy women in advertisements

    Quote Originally Posted by JEFFERSON MONEY
    Very smart of you to improve on your subpar previous post.

    There's still room for improvement.

    1) It's the "21st century".

    - Ponder that for a moment. Desert people in 622 -630 had the exact same reaction as you . Then ponder this Biblical verse.

    These are not "old myths". They are the Word of God (although potentially corrupted)

    Now, observe the rain, the soil, the Krebs Cycle, the circle of life, and other creations of God. Does the cyclical principle not apply to humans as well?

    2) Follow then Ten Commandments, you are alright in MY book?

    Who are you?
    Where did you refine your ethical and jurisprudence skills?
    Does whoever the "I" in Pistol Pete override all others judgments?
    If not, then what or Who can be a better, sharper, sounder sense of Judgment?

    You are taking the "I" (whatever that is (PistolPete's sense of self? (See Hume on what the self is) ego? life? Anyone clue me in on what "I" is?) to override God's commandments. That's not okay. At all. You should know this.

    This is about sexy female advertisements not your personal choice of attire.

    Sexy female advertisements and pictures of scantily clad women which seriously are nothing but detrimental to people's welfare (especially man's). Like a dose of chocolate ice cream destroying long-term bodybuilding goals, and like a night of drinking putting a stunt on someone's optimal academic potential; placing your gaze and getting a hard on for a chick OTHER than your wife is flat out evil and unnecessary. It takes away from your focus, productivity, sense of peace, and natural state of being. Advertisements and subliminal messages in general usually offer things that are just wants instead of needs, and screw up man's natural brainpower over time bypassing the subconscious. Most don't need to exist. We're all struggling here together to ease off the distractions and zone in on what really matters.


    Well, they have the choice to move. They choose to dress the way they do for reasons. What are those reasons?

    In the West I've got friends who consistently woke up almost an hour and a half earlier than the boys do to get dolled up (as Dresta stated). Exhausted, malnourished, basing their esteem on what men think of them and dolling themselves up instead of putting their attention on developing their craft, intellect, and/or other worthier pursuits. That's a problem. And this banning of advertisements (although undemocratical and for a lame reason) can aid women on their journey towards happiness.

    There is nothing wrong with scantily clad women or women who want to look sexy for the public. The female body is quite the work of art. And if I get aroused by anyone other than my wife, then that's just human nature taking its course.

    Western culture and Western way of dressing is what Islam needs. Look at Iran in the 60's and 70's. A much happier place.

    Everything else you mentioned is just psychobabble.

  5. #20
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Muslim Mayor bans sexy women in advertisements

    Quote Originally Posted by bdreason
    I stopped right there. Don't tell me what your mythical god commanded.
    Mythical? Some of them are. But there was always One and Always Will Be One that Exists Before and After.

    Think about it. Why would another human waste their time writing this post when there's a sunny day outside?

    You want to carry on being clinically depressed and putting in hours of your life's works on building huge systems of entertainment at the detriment of your spirituality, then you are free to do that. Dude, you suffered. So have I. So have the rest of the world. We're not happy. Something's off. We're not at peace. Spouting off toxic crap like calling the human race "delusional apes" is not going to better anyone's conditions. It's based off on ignorance and trends as well. Being ignorant, arrogant, close-minded, and dismissive is precisely the behavior that's screwed up relations between our fathers fathers and our fathers fathers fathers. Drowning ourselves in argument on basketball forums is not GOING TO MAKE anyone happier or more fulfilled. The cure has to start from somewhere and God is the Source of all cures and (the Creator of harms as well)

    You have had years to reestablish your relationship with Him. The doors are open. Please start now. The very fact that we're alive and proportioned the way we are is due to evolution, you say? It takes PHARMACISTS several hours of work and several years of study to so much as get a bottle of Prozac right. Think about it. Just a mere tiny pill.

    Could that Prozac pill have been created, (by chance), if someone just brushed upon it and nonchalantly poured it here and there. Heck no.

    Could a human being EVEN EXIST if during the RNA/DNA translation/transcription, mistakes were made?

    "A Prozac pill is nothing compared to the delicateness, Intelligence, Power, and Will it takes to fashion" (Nursi Man's Nature Destiny) the body, brain of a flea, let alone a human being. Let's not even get to the fact that had the Earth been even a few miles closer and farther away from the sun that can happen.

    Whether or not you choose to deny the Creator, that's ultimately His Power. But you must utilize your yill very wisely in the remaining years of your life for your own good, dude.

  6. #21
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    Default Re: Muslim Mayor bans sexy women in advertisements

    Will he also be banning all the adverts of shirtless footballers and topless dudes on the beach that are found on the tube and throughout London?

    This man is a clown. Sexy ads exist BECAUSE THEY'RE WHAT WORKS.

  7. #22
    5-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Muslim Mayor bans sexy women in advertisements

    [QUOTE=PistolPete]There is nothing wrong with scantily clad women or women who want to look sexy for the public.

    Advertisements. Keep the subject to advertisements. As an American, Muslims have to coexist peacefully and follow the law of the land. That means all parties get to dress how they want. Still, they banned beards in some schools, flip flops and hats in mine (this is ludicrous), and hijabs in others.

    But I do not need to watch television nor drive while being mindful and see a naked women, nor does any man either. I know my weaknesses, I know that when I'm at my best I can sink 9/10 freethrows, can shoot a bow decently, can conduct my day productively etc.

    I also know that there are men out there like me who have a lot more potential than I do that have been wrecked because of their inability to harness their libido for higher aims. And that there are women who cry themselves to sleep, have extreme internal pain, and contemplate suicide because they've only been honored as so far as their bodies are to men.

    It'd be wise to remove the hypersexualization to rectify at least the aforementioned issues

    The female body is quite the work of art. And if I get aroused by anyone other than my wife, then that's just human nature taking its course.

    Yeah. Until she's 50 and you're horny and things get REALLY REALLY ROCKY and things start to fall apart. Better to cut the corruption from the beginning, no?

    Western culture and Western way of dressing is what Islam needs. Look at Iran in the 60's and 70's. A much happier place.

    You think you can accurately gauge happiness using only the sight and what people can happy you are sorely mistaken.

    Watch this:
    Greek Philosopher showing how deceptive one's senses can be if enshackled by the thing one calls "I". How what they see is not actually reality.

    Hence, why one needs to a) HONE THEIR SENSES ... see Superman/Zod fight in Batman and b) attain Knowledge of the Heart (spoken by saints of all religions).

  8. #23
    T'Bagging LeBron Fam BigBoss's Avatar
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    Default Re: Muslim Mayor bans sexy women in advertisements

    What does this have to do with radical islam/terrorism? Stick to the narrative OP to get Trump in office dawg. Play your role sheep.

  9. #24
    A humble prophet Dresta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Muslim Mayor bans sexy women in advertisements

    Agreed J$. There is something very contradictory between in a culture that esteems overt sexuality and the concept of monogamous love. At the same time as we are bombarded with endless Hollywood bs about love and "the one" and other nonsense, we are bombarded with signals that tell us otherwise. Young, hot thing on your arm = high status. Lifelong monogamous marriage, not so much. There is no way this doesn't impact the psyche of the general populace, and may play a large role in why we still value life-long monogamous commitment in word, but not in deed.

    It wasn't long ago that the religious and social conservatives were being called hysterical moralists for suggesting that the mass availability of pornography would do serious damage to many people; now we have the feminist left arguing the same thing, even though it is they who are as responsible as any for the current state of affairs. There were some positive things about the sexual revolution, but in many respects it has worked to liberate selfish and irresponsible men from their duties and responsibilities, and has hidden this motive behind the supposed good cause of female emancipation. And it has done a lot of harm to the mental health and stability of both, no doubt about that.

  10. #25
    The Pistol PistolPete's Avatar
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    Default Re: Muslim Mayor bans sexy women in advertisements

    Quote Originally Posted by BigBoss
    What does this have to do with radical islam/terrorism? Stick to the narrative OP to get Trump in office dawg. Play your role sheep.
    No one has brought up Radical Islam.

    Talking about Radical Islam on here seems to get people banned.

    I'm talking about a newly appointed Mayor of London already crying about women wearing very little clothing and disguising his argument as "body shaming" and he has two daughters and blah blah blah.

    We all know damn well that under Sharia Law, women need to wear bed sheets and curtains at all times.

  11. #26
    NBA Legend pauk's Avatar
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    Default Re: Muslim Mayor bans sexy women in advertisements

    Quote Originally Posted by JEFFERSON MONEY
    Is it undemocratic? Yes
    Is it wrong on many levels? No. You'll have to explain how Pete.

    Here's my ethical take on it. Challenge me.
    A) God commanded a certain dress and modesty for women in all phases of time in all scriptures, having billboards are flat out disobedience to His commands and disgrace. By default we have a duty to obey the One who creates us and be mindful of Him.
    B) It dishonor the human aspect of women. Women are human beings with minds characters souls spirits and all that comes with that. They shouldn't be gawked at like a tiger salivating on a deer.
    C) It excites the carnal passions of man at the detriment of his real human potential that is in developmentally his intellect to do good works on Earth.
    D) It stunts man's growth and potential. The most virtuous smartest, strongest men I know, historically, grew up in all Boys schools or All Male Academies without their eyes constantly being distracted by things like pornography. They honed their senses and sexual drives into becoming better men in all aspects. From the monks in India to Napoleon Hill to Tesla to Newton.
    1) NOT A SINGLE ONE OF US. Are going to look back on our lives when we die and regret not having stared at the pic with the bikini.
    E) It reduces the desirability of an aging wife who ideally should have all the love and attention seeing as how SHE was the one who stuck by the guy for that long and be a red his children etc.
    F) The resources used for the billboard could assuredly have been allocated in a better way. Charity. Orphans. Water for human life. Education. Etc.

    G) For the person speaking of health and fitness (who has shown an awful lack of compassion at those prone to gaining weight) no one would be obese if they obeyed the other commands of God to begin with (fasting diligence and avoiding foods refined and tampered) Since when would advertisements help? A more efficient allocation of resources would be to provide nutrient dense satiating food in the FIRST PLACE or making organic choices less expensive.
    2) anybody who had problems with something is likely aware of it and can expend effort to rectify It. They need not feel shame over and over again.

  12. #27
    NBA Legend pauk's Avatar
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    Default Re: Muslim Mayor bans sexy women in advertisements

    Quote Originally Posted by bdreason
    Are they going to replace the ads with obese people or what?
    Just anything that doesnt have to randomly inflict impure thoughts and erect a mans ***** while sitting & reading the newspaper in metro where a 13 year old girl sits 1 inch to your left and a pregnant lady sits 1 inch to your right and 3 old nans right infront of you... or worst case scenario its to crowded, no place to sit, so you have to stand there and make contact/bump with your bulge with whoever is in the vicinity... :P

    Like J$ said, the resources used for the billboard could assuredly have been allocated in a better way. Charity. Orphans. Water for human life. Education. Etc.

    You can have dirty thoughts, fap, be horny, dirty, perverted, have sex, watch naked ladies, whatever etc. better when you go home or something.
    Last edited by pauk; 06-16-2016 at 02:41 PM.

  13. #28
    Game. Set. Match. bdreason's Avatar
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    Default Re: Muslim Mayor bans sexy women in advertisements

    Quote Originally Posted by JEFFERSON MONEY
    Mythical? Some of them are. But there was always One and Always Will Be One that Exists Before and After.

    Think about it. Why would another human waste their time writing this post when there's a sunny day outside?

    You want to carry on being clinically depressed and putting in hours of your life's works on building huge systems of entertainment at the detriment of your spirituality, then you are free to do that. Dude, you suffered. So have I. So have the rest of the world. We're not happy. Something's off. We're not at peace. Spouting off toxic crap like calling the human race "delusional apes" is not going to better anyone's conditions. It's based off on ignorance and trends as well. Being ignorant, arrogant, close-minded, and dismissive is precisely the behavior that's screwed up relations between our fathers fathers and our fathers fathers fathers. Drowning ourselves in argument on basketball forums is not GOING TO MAKE anyone happier or more fulfilled. The cure has to start from somewhere and God is the Source of all cures and (the Creator of harms as well)

    You have had years to reestablish your relationship with Him. The doors are open. Please start now. The very fact that we're alive and proportioned the way we are is due to evolution, you say? It takes PHARMACISTS several hours of work and several years of study to so much as get a bottle of Prozac right. Think about it. Just a mere tiny pill.

    Could that Prozac pill have been created, (by chance), if someone just brushed upon it and nonchalantly poured it here and there. Heck no.

    Could a human being EVEN EXIST if during the RNA/DNA translation/transcription, mistakes were made?

    "A Prozac pill is nothing compared to the delicateness, Intelligence, Power, and Will it takes to fashion" (Nursi Man's Nature Destiny) the body, brain of a flea, let alone a human being. Let's not even get to the fact that had the Earth been even a few miles closer and farther away from the sun that can happen.

    Whether or not you choose to deny the Creator, that's ultimately His Power. But you must utilize your yill very wisely in the remaining years of your life for your own good, dude.

    Not all of us have to live in a fantasy World to have a meaningful and fulfilling life. If believing in false gods helps you cope with life, that's fine, but don't assume that all of us need that type of support. I have great relationships with my friends and family. My daily work is both rewarding spiritually and financially. I respect the Earth and my place on it. And I do all of this without adhering to a list of commands created by false prophets.

  14. #29
    Big Booty Hoes!! NumberSix's Avatar
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    Default Re: Muslim Mayor bans sexy women in advertisements

    Good move. Next he should ban burkas.

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