Been quietly pondering this for weeks now, because it's been obvious for a while now that the NBA MIGHT be affected like this, and now it has.

Today is Friday, and all of this with the league just materialized merely 1.5 days ago, so I think today and this weekend nobody has to TRY to come up with stuff to say, there are 89238923893289329 things happening, UNFORTUNATELY mostly coronavirus-related, but anyway...

Starting Monday OR sometime soon after, like within days, I have what I think are very fun discussion topics, that aren't mere "filler," it's stuff that is INTERESTING and also expands our basketball knowledge. I'm mapping it out.

As for YOU, you LOVE basketball, so this should be fun for you too: Think about bball history and NBA history and every aspect of the game you can think of, and see if you can organize discussion topics. New topics, but ones with DEPTH. Etc.

Communities like insidehoops are IMPORTANT - and if we're all trapped at home we'll be keeping each other sane and entertained and having fun here now more than ever.

You = FAM.