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  1. #1
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    Default I blame the current state of pop culture, films, comics, etc... on this scene.

    From the Kevin Smith film "Clerks:

    I think people forget that this was supposed to be a comedy. You're not actually supposed to talk about Star Wars like this. It's not something that's meant to be over-analyzed and taken seriously. That's why the scene was funny.

    Fast forward to present day and this is how creatives and fans actually approach the material now. Instead of having care-free fun we get 10 page think pieces on why Spiderman cooperating with the NYPD is a sign he might be a fascist or something. Fictional cartoon characters intentionally being used as vehicles to induce larger political discussion.

    This scene basically empowered an entire generation of fans and geeks to demand that the world take their childhood toys seriously. It's how we end up getting a movie like "The Batman", a movie about a childhood superhero that's not even remotely for kids. A Batman movie for adult man children who are secretly afraid to admit that they enjoy something childish like Batman.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: I blame the current state of pop culture, films, comics, etc... on this scene.

    Quote Originally Posted by Baller234 View Post
    From the Kevin Smith film "Clerks:

    I think people forget that this was supposed to be a comedy. You're not actually supposed to talk about Star Wars like this. It's not something that's meant to be over-analyzed and taken seriously. That's why the scene was funny.

    Fast forward to present day and this is how creatives and fans actually approach the material now. Instead of having care-free fun we get 10 page think pieces on why Spiderman cooperating with the NYPD is a sign he might be a fascist or something. Fictional cartoon characters intentionally being used as vehicles to induce larger political discussion.

    This scene basically empowered an entire generation of fans and geeks to demand that the world take their childhood toys seriously. It's how we end up getting a movie like "The Batman", a movie about a childhood superhero that's not even remotely for kids. A Batman movie for adult man children who are secretly afraid to admit that they enjoy something childish like Batman.
    Do you really think this?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: I blame the current state of pop culture, films, comics, etc... on this scene.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShawkFactory View Post
    Do you really think this?
    I swear on everything I love that I did not know this article existed prior to posting this topic, yet it took me two seconds to find.

    The Dark Knight Rises, Joker, and The Batman play on these insecurities, asking a mixture of criminals and the common people to join together for a cause that will make the world a better place. It’s a bitter victory, one that results in further crime and the death of innocents caught up in the ideological crossfire. This thematic exploration has always been relevant, but in the wake of Donald Trump’s presidency and the emergence of 21st century fascism, it takes on a new identity that this latest film is more than happy to lean into.

    Revolution is now viewed as an eventuality by a collection of far-right internet dwellers who believe the world is leaving them behind. Games are becoming more diverse, women have no interest in them, and woke politics are infiltrating every piece of media imaginable because the world is changing for the better. For them, it’s a sign of being ignored. They feel as if they’ve been labelled villains purely because they were born as white men, unable to separate criticisms of patriarchy and institutionalized racism from criticism of them, personally.

    If a fu*king Batman movie is inspiring reviewers to have these types of discussions, then yes I would say that I am right on the money.

  4. #4
    Embiid > Jokic SouBeachTalents's Avatar
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    Default Re: I blame the current state of pop culture, films, comics, etc... on this scene.

    Clerks was not remotely significant enough of a movie to change the industry like you’re attempting to claim it did. It was the internet much more so than this one scene, which is frankly a ridiculous take to try to attribute this wholesale change you’re describing.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: I blame the current state of pop culture, films, comics, etc... on this scene.

    Quote Originally Posted by SouBeachTalents View Post
    Clerks was not remotely significant enough of a movie to change the industry like you’re attempting to claim. It was the internet much more so than this one scene, which is frankly a ridiculous take.
    Uh, Clerks was a very significant indie movie and it's also a cult classic. I would venture that close to 90% of all gen-Xers and millennials who considers themselves pop culture geeks have seen it. Kevin Smith would go onto become one of the most aspirational figures in the space, a nerd that made it in Hollywood.

    PLENTY of people have copied Kevin Smith.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: I blame the current state of pop culture, films, comics, etc... on this scene.

    Quote Originally Posted by Baller234 View Post
    I swear on everything I love that I did not know this article existed prior to posting this topic, yet it took me two seconds to find.

    The Dark Knight Rises, Joker, and The Batman play on these insecurities, asking a mixture of criminals and the common people to join together for a cause that will make the world a better place. It’s a bitter victory, one that results in further crime and the death of innocents caught up in the ideological crossfire. This thematic exploration has always been relevant, but in the wake of Donald Trump’s presidency and the emergence of 21st century fascism, it takes on a new identity that this latest film is more than happy to lean into.

    Revolution is now viewed as an eventuality by a collection of far-right internet dwellers who believe the world is leaving them behind. Games are becoming more diverse, women have no interest in them, and woke politics are infiltrating every piece of media imaginable because the world is changing for the better. For them, it’s a sign of being ignored. They feel as if they’ve been labelled villains purely because they were born as white men, unable to separate criticisms of patriarchy and institutionalized racism from criticism of them, personally.

    If a fu*king Batman movie is inspiring reviewers to have these types of discussions, then yes I would say that I am right on the money.
    Well there have been what....9 Batman movies now? A new one is going to have to be different or no one will care. That's how things work. If you want your movie-watching experience to be care and thought-free there are plenty of options for you.

    As for your article..give me a break. It's the internet. You can find an opinion on literally anything you want. I can find you articles and videos about Batman being gay, a pedophile fascist, and everything in between. It's not "evidence" unless you want it to be.

    Lastly, and most importantly...I really fail to see how this is an issue. This screams "I need to be pissed off at something so here you go".

  7. #7
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    Default Re: I blame the current state of pop culture, films, comics, etc... on this scene.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShawkFactory View Post
    Well there have been what....9 Batman movies now? A new one is going to have to be different or no one will care. That's how things work. If you want your movie-watching experience to be care and thought-free there are plenty of options for you.

    As for your article..give me a break. It's the internet. You can find an opinion on literally anything you want. I can find you articles and videos about Batman being gay, a pedophile fascist, and everything in between. It's not "evidence" unless you want it to be.

    Lastly, and most importantly...I really fail to see how this is an issue. This screams "I need to be pissed off at something so here you go".
    Yes you can find people on the internet talking about everything under the sun, but the film itself is what inspires that kind of discourse to begin with. It is very specific in it's themes and messages and it was intended to be topical. It's not like we would have had those same discussions upon seeing a Batman movie from 20 years ago.

    Now to be fair, this WAS happening in comics. The Dark Knight Returns was political and and adult themed, but it was also clearly meant to be a one time novelty. The artwork is bizarre and strange, reminding you that this is not your typical Batman story. It also doesn't pretend to take itself even the least bit serious.

    Not like now though. Now Batman is VERY serious.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: I blame the current state of pop culture, films, comics, etc... on this scene.

    Quote Originally Posted by Baller234 View Post
    Yes you can find people on the internet talking about everything under the sun, but the film itself is what inspires that kind of discourse to begin with. It is very specific in it's themes and messages and it was intended to be topical. It's not like we would have had those same discussions upon seeing a Batman movie from 20 years ago.

    Now to be fair, this WAS happening in comics. The Dark Knight Returns was political and and adult themed, but it was also clearly meant to be a one time novelty. The artwork is bizarre and strange, reminding you that this is not your typical Batman story. It also doesn't pretend to take itself even the least bit serious.

    Not like now though. Now Batman is VERY serious.
    Kind of. Everyone knew the weirdo kid who didn't get laid that you half-jokingly guessed would shoot everyone one day. It's not a new thing it just wasn't really talked about.

    I don't really find new things being discussed an issue.

    The latest Batman WAS serious. It was also just one version of what I'm sure will be many more. We'll see what the next director/writer decides to do.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: I blame the current state of pop culture, films, comics, etc... on this scene.

    Fan Fiction has been around a long time. Way before Clerks.

    You need to read “Our Gods Wear Spadex” by Christopher Knowles. Legit discussion on this stuff.

    I think what has made movies all bad is focus groups, test screenings, and trying to synthesize art down to some perfect template. Just like how music has turned into synthetic digital jiggles movies have become the same.

  10. #10
    They’re eating cats! Patrick Chewing's Avatar
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    Default Re: I blame the current state of pop culture, films, comics, etc... on this scene.

    Speaking of Batman, fans want this assclown James Gunn gone. Gunn will ruin the DCU as he did with Marvel.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: I blame the current state of pop culture, films, comics, etc... on this scene.

    I actually hate James Gunn and I don't have any confidence that he is the right person for the job, but at the same time I also don't disagree with all of his takes in that video.

    Burton's Batman movies look and sound great but that's really where it ends. They aren't really great or memorable stories. And Batman Begins WAS dogshit imo.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: I blame the current state of pop culture, films, comics, etc... on this scene.

    Have you looked up “Fan Fiction” yet and realized your whole point is wrong.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: I blame the current state of pop culture, films, comics, etc... on this scene.

    Quote Originally Posted by Norcaliblunt View Post
    Have you looked up “Fan Fiction” yet and realized your whole point is wrong.
    Fan fiction describes current day Hollywood when it comes to most of their big budget franchises, so you're only further proving my point.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: I blame the current state of pop culture, films, comics, etc... on this scene.

    Quote Originally Posted by Baller234 View Post
    Fan fiction describes current day Hollywood when it comes to most of their big budget franchises, so you're only further proving my point.
    Fan Fict goes back a long time bruh. Way before Clerks. Nerds been nerding out over analyzing rewriting works of fiction for hundreds of years.

    Shit the ancient gnostics used to do it with biblical characters and text rewriting the gospels.

    Take an L.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: I blame the current state of pop culture, films, comics, etc... on this scene.

    Quote Originally Posted by Norcaliblunt View Post
    Fan Fict goes back a long time bruh. Way before Clerks. Nerds been nerding out over analyzing rewriting works of fiction for hundreds of years.

    Shit the ancient gnostics used to do it with biblical characters and text rewriting the gospels.

    Take an L.
    Uh, was the internet even a thing prior to 1994? It was still in it's early stages. Where were these fan fiction stories being posted and shared? How would you know?

    Who the hell had even heard the phrase "fan fiction" prior to 1994? Lol.

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