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  1. #16
    ... iamgine's Avatar
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    Default Re: Middle achool girls walk off track meet, refuse to complete against 13yr old tran

    I think this sets up a good precedent. Trans should be categorized as biological boys/men in sport. It doesn't matter if they've got no advantage over the girls.

  2. #17
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer Jasper's Avatar
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    Default Re: Middle achool girls walk off track meet, refuse to complete against 13yr old tran

    tran genders should have their own teams , and compete against each other.

    true or false

    I say True.

  3. #18
    3-time NBA All-Star Lakers Legend#32's Avatar
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    Default Re: Middle achool girls walk off track meet, refuse to complete against 13yr old tran

    MAGAS are loosing their sh1t over a middle school track meet.

    Well they gotta find some distraction from Trump's criminal trial.

  4. #19
    I Insist JohnnySic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Middle achool girls walk off track meet, refuse to complete against 13yr old tran

    Good. Every girl who encounters this should do likewise until the nonsense stops.

  5. #20
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    Default Re: Middle achool girls walk off track meet, refuse to complete against 13yr old tran

    When I was a kid I actually remember boys and girls playing on the same teams and competing against each other in basketball and baseball. Up until about 12/13 my YMCA basketball team and little league were both coed.

    This all comes down to what rights do parents have? Kids are being messed up, traumatized, brainwashed, and forced into all sorts of crazy shit. Let’s just add “transitioning” as another weird thing parents do to their children.

  6. #21
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    Default Re: Middle achool girls walk off track meet, refuse to complete against 13yr old tran

    Quote Originally Posted by Norcaliblunt View Post
    When I was a kid I actually remember boys and girls playing on the same teams and competing against each other in basketball and baseball. Up until about 12/13 my YMCA basketball team and little league were both coed.

    This all comes down to what rights do parents have? Kids are being messed up, traumatized, brainwashed, and forced into all sorts of crazy shit. Let’s just add “transitioning” as another weird thing parents do to their children.
    Well yea because males don't have the same physical advantages before puberty hits.

  7. #22
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer Jasper's Avatar
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    Default Re: Middle achool girls walk off track meet, refuse to complete against 13yr old tran

    Quote Originally Posted by diamenz View Post
    how exactly would one go about undergoing a surgical procedure to become a dinosaur?
    as your mom who had you the giraffe kid

  8. #23
    3-time NBA All-Star jstern's Avatar
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    Default Re: Middle achool girls walk off track meet, refuse to complete against 13yr old tran

    Quote Originally Posted by Jasper View Post
    as your mom who had you the giraffe kid
    diamenz is a very tall man.

  9. #24
    It is what it is TheMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Middle achool girls walk off track meet, refuse to complete against 13yr old tran

    Quote Originally Posted by hiphopanonymous View Post
    Do you really not see a grander implication here of a problem?

    Hypothetically, lets say an 8 year old tells their parents they are a dinosaur from now on. Let's say the parents perform no surgery at all, no permanent physical harm etc.

    Their parents are simply now raising their kid as a dinosaur - psychologically.

    Do you really still think that isn't also a problem? Are these fit parents? Regardless if you think these are fit parents or not this concept obviously isn't just about a kid pretending to be a dinosaur and the parents going along with it doing god knows what psychological damage from that alone.

    This is a kid claiming to be another gender and participating in SPORTS. Where women had to fight for the rights to have a space to perform against each other a whole generation or two ago. Before women's sports there were simply sports. Which is why women basically couldn't even do sports short of being a 1 in a million physical specimen of a woman (to compete against 1 in 25 physical specimen men). Now that there are women's sports which enable women to have fun and compete and even build careers out of sports and get college scholarships we are gonna let a delusional little boy grow up to be a 'woman' because his parents went along with his pretend?

    A. That kid is gonna grow up ****ed up in the head.

    B. Everyone around him will suffer. Specifically, actual women. Being forced to participate in the charade that the unfit parents ultimately were responsible for. Unless our society wakes up and prevents this kind of nonsense and makes boys (whatever they claim to be) compete with boys and men with men, women with women, etc. I mean how they're born idgaf what they claim to be.

    Why do I care? I have a daughter. These issues that make the news are not a nothing burger. These issues are examples of things that I do NOT want to exist in the world that I want my daughter to grow up in. You must not have a future going for yourself or anyone you care about to think like you do. Men and women are vastly different in athletics, males should never and I repeat never be allowed into women's sports or we might as well go back in time to when it was just "sports" and actual women who are far to inferior to compete can go kick rocks.

  10. #25
    NBA lottery pick Overdrive's Avatar
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    Default Re: Middle achool girls walk off track meet, refuse to complete against 13yr old tran

    Quote Originally Posted by hiphopanonymous View Post
    This is a kid claiming to be another gender and participating in SPORTS. Where women had to fight for the rights to have a space to perform against each other a whole generation or two ago
    A generation or two ago? That somwhere between 20 and 50 years. You think women had to fight to have their own categories in 1975 or much worse 2000 something?

    Aside from that and on topic: Let them in. Let those post puberty transitioned people participate in women's sports. When enough of them start winning there will be outrage that can't be linked to some ideology, but just the fact that these people are in most cases physically more suited for athletics. Then it might come down to protect women's sports.

  11. #26
    NBA Legend Hey Yo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Middle achool girls walk off track meet, refuse to complete against 13yr old tran

    Father at the podium, pissed off, cause a 13yr old boy was allowed to participate in track meet.

  12. #27
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    Default Re: Middle achool girls walk off track meet, refuse to complete against 13yr old tran

    So what rights do parents have? What are parents allowed to teach and do with their own children?

    Are they allowed to raise their kids as ideological Muslim extremists? How about as Christians telling kids theyÂ’ll go to hell for anything? Can you teach them Marxism and raise them as commies? What about tattooing? Should parents be allowed to give their kids tattoos? Circumcision? Is non consensual genital mutation of an infant okay? Vaccines? No vaccines? What are the parentÂ’s rights here? Should a parent be held responsible for signing their son up for football and he gets injured? Is that child endangerment? Can a parent force a left handed child to use their right hand? Does a parent have the right to be racist around their own kid? Is spanking okay? Is it cool to allow your daughter to play football, wrestle, box, or do MMA? Say your son wants to be a cheerleader is ok to call him a ***** and make him play football? Is it alright to feed your kid junk food? Is it alright to force you kid to be vegan? Can parents arrange marriages? Send them on religious missions? Give them Ritalin or Adderall? How about smoking weed and drinking beer? Is it okay to smoke a bowl and drink a beer with a 13 year old if it’s my kid? Etc etc etc etc etc.

    The shit goes on and on.

  13. #28
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    Default Re: Middle achool girls walk off track meet, refuse to complete against 13yr old tran

    A couple other things.

    Do not get it twisted, modern womens sports comes out of the feminist movement. So anyone who supports MAGA or prefers that America goes back to having more traditional gender roles should support this mockery and disruption of womens sports.

    Also this all goes hand in hand with PEDS and steroids. Make no mistake that the same scientists, chemists, and physicians that bring you TRT, human growth hormone, and whatever else, are the same ones coming up with ways for a person to transition. If you support PEDs, and mess with TRT you are by default supporting the medical establishment and the transgender movement. Plus biological males going up against biological females illustrates the difference between a roided out juice head competing against your average natural athlete.
    Anyone who is supporting that steroids should be legal in sports is supporting the transgender freak show as well.

  14. #29
    I Insist JohnnySic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Middle achool girls walk off track meet, refuse to complete against 13yr old tran

    This whole thing is an agenda-driven distraction. Has anyone noticed how these trans "women" dont compete in physical and combat sports, like women's hockey and MMA? There's a reason for that. If they did, the real women would be seriously injured and possibly killed. There would be outrage, and the left would lose their precious narrative.

  15. #30
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    Default Re: Middle achool girls walk off track meet, refuse to complete against 13yr old tran

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnySic View Post
    This whole thing is an agenda-driven distraction. Has anyone noticed how these trans "women" dont compete in physical and combat sports, like women's hockey and MMA? There's a reason for that. If they did, the real women would be seriously injured and possibly killed. There would be outrage, and the left would lose their precious narrative.

    There have been a few trans women to fight in MMA. It has gotten criticized a ton, but no one killed yet.

    What’s funny is Dana White is on the record saying he would never let womens mma into the UFC, but flip flopped after he saw what a cash cow Ronda Rousey could be, so he exploited that.

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