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  1. #31
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    Default Re: NDEs...(Near Death Experiences)

    Quote Originally Posted by Doomsday Dallas
    SuperBoy is very unpopular, but few people know that he
    is my favorite poster...

    I'm with you man.

    Appreciate it.

  2. #32
    Fan in the Stands (unregistered)

    Default Re: NDEs...(Near Death Experiences)

    I'm starting to come around on SuperBoy myself...

    he is just trying to get his word out.....nothing wrong with that

  3. #33
    National High School Star
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    Default Re: NDEs...(Near Death Experiences)

    I believe some of those people. I've had an edp myself but I was just knocked out for a second from a medicine ball. Could see myself and walk around and bleh blah bleh. Lucid dreaming is another thing that could explain this but I don't buy it. Theres a god and if you have faith then he won't fail you. This crap scares me to think about though because i can actually visualize me getting hurt real bad and my spirit floating around, then my life flashing before my eyes.

  4. #34
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    Default Re: NDEs...(Near Death Experiences)

    Witness testimony? Yeah, sorry...that's not how science works.

    There's lots of people on the internet who claim to have seen bigfoot too.

    I have a hard time letting go of logic and reason...I guess that's my sin. :)

  5. #35
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    Default Re: NDEs...(Near Death Experiences)

    Just something for some of you to ponder when thinking about how easy it is to fool the human mind

    Hypnosis, is a prime example of how peculiar the mind can be, how easy it is to trick it.

    The power of suggestion is very strong...

    If you want to see something bad enough, if your brain has had trauma, if your are questioning something and want proof, you can create it, and believe it completely.
    Last edited by Chalkmaze; 03-22-2008 at 09:53 AM.

  6. #36
    NBA rookie of the year Psileas's Avatar
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    Default Re: NDEs...(Near Death Experiences)

    One of the best cases for NDE's (maybe not for the skeptics or scientists, but for NDEers themselves) is the numerous testimonies of people who claim they saw important future personal events, all of which would come to be true. Yes, you could make a "lucky guess" for a couple of things (although I don't know the degree in which a NDEer's brain is able to do that), but some events are too hard to predict. As an example, there was a NDE'er who saw that she'd be married 3 times, that her second husband would abuse her, that she'd bear 13 children and that 3 of them would be born dead. You tell me what are the possibilities to make all these guesses correctly, whichever drug your brain receives.

    Science can't work based on personal testimonies (let alone the testimonies of NDE'ers, themselves, which are based on completely personal stuff), but this doesn't falsify them in any way.

  7. #37
    College star
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    Default Re: NDEs...(Near Death Experiences)

    i remember in highschool i had a pretty bad car accident, i knee'd the gear shift into reverse climbing out the passenger side door, fell out and rolled to the curb asap

    couple seconds later that car is still going into reverse, managed to turn my head and saw the bumper coming at my head pretty full speed, had i not moved, my head would've been smashed between the back bumper and the curb

    broke my collar bone that night, but i will NEVER forget that moment, you can decided for yourself if you consider that an NDE :)

  8. #38
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    Default Re: NDEs...(Near Death Experiences)

    Quote Originally Posted by DeuceWallaces
    Are you allergic to paragraphs?

  9. #39
    Certified ISHiot.
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    Default Re: NDEs...(Near Death Experiences)

    Quote Originally Posted by -primetime-
    I'm starting to come around on SuperBoy myself...

    he is just trying to get his word out.....nothing wrong with that
    there is a difference between trying to get your word out and trying to force your beliefs on every single person you come into contact with.

  10. #40
    Decent playground baller HardTattooedThug's Avatar
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    Default Re: NDEs...(Near Death Experiences) are a good poster, so take the time to understand that there is no afterlife. You are right, those people are not lying. What you don't seem to understand is what they are "seeing" is no different than vividly picturing Vince Carter do a is all in the person's head. As the body begins to shut down and cease functioning the brain can experience vivid images. None of it is real though, they are seeing products of involuntary imagination. This has been proven, and in fact is very common as the central nervous system and brain begin their descent from compicated switchboard to nothingness.

  11. #41
    Good college starter Sharas's Avatar
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    Default Re: NDEs...(Near Death Experiences)

    i don't believe those people are lying...but i do believe there are rational explanations. similar experiences have been triggered experimentally...and also, most people tend to see something which coincides with their personal beliefs.

  12. #42
    Decent playground baller HardTattooedThug's Avatar
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    Default Re: NDEs...(Near Death Experiences)

    Quote Originally Posted by Sharas
    i don't believe those people are lying...but i do believe there are rational explanations. similar experiences have been triggered experimentally...and also, most people tend to see something which coincides with their personal beliefs.

    of's their brain, cluttered with endless information. As it beings to shut down, its only natural that some of what they see will relate to their beliefs. The visuals are manifestations of their brains.

  13. #43
    NBA rookie of the year Psileas's Avatar
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    Default Re: NDEs...(Near Death Experiences)

    As the body begins to shut down and cease functioning the brain can experience vivid images. None of it is real though, they are seeing products of involuntary imagination. This has been proven, and in fact is very common as the central nervous system and brain begin their descent from compicated switchboard to nothingness.
    When was it proven? Is there any source to confirm that brains of people who were actually near death were scanned and were "seen" producing certain images? And did these people subject to the scan verify that they saw these images, as well? If not, what kind of real proof is there?

    I sometimes tend to get a little agnostic towards the matter of afterlife (or, better, after-consciousness, since, by biology terms, there can't be a term like "afterlife"), but this doesn't mean I will ignore people's testimonies because of the existance of scientific theories which haven't been verified.

  14. #44
    Fan in the Stands (unregistered)

    Default Re: NDEs...(Near Death Experiences)

    Quote Originally Posted by HardTattooedThug are a good poster, so take the time to understand that there is no afterlife. You are right, those people are not lying. What you don't seem to understand is what they are "seeing" is no different than vividly picturing Vince Carter do a is all in the person's head. As the body begins to shut down and cease functioning the brain can experience vivid images. None of it is real though, they are seeing products of involuntary imagination. This has been proven, and in fact is very common as the central nervous system and brain begin their descent from compicated switchboard to nothingness.
    we all see the same thing???....that doesn't make sense to me...

    how was that girl able to tell her mother the conversation she had with her grandmother while they were in the hospital cafeteria???

    she was in another room altogether!!!!

    lets say you guys are right and it is just something the brain goes through when it shuts down.....well then why do we all go through the exact same things????....

    all of them went through these steps:

    1. seeing themselves dead....looking down at themselves

    2. seeing a light at the end of a dark tunnel....and wanting to go toward it

    3. feeling a sense of freedom, as though they had been there before and they were just traped in a body on earth

    4. feeling an unbelievable sense of love and being loved

    5. (2 of them that I posted) understanding that time only exists on earth and that there was no "time" in the afterlife and suddenly understanding the concept of "an eternity"

    6. (2 of them that I posted) being shown a glimpse of hell and that the pain of it is being alone in the dark for an eternity

    7. going through events of there past (some thier future) and feeling the pain they gave others

    8. being sucked back into thier body


    (btw, only one of them mentions a religion or Jesus, all the others just saw "a God")

  15. #45
    Decent playground baller HardTattooedThug's Avatar
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    Default Re: NDEs...(Near Death Experiences)

    Honestly primetime, the human brain is capable of pretty incredible things, that is why I do believe some people can be psycic, predict the furure, see what exists elsewhere........

    The fact that in most of these examples everyone is related explains it even further. You are (genetically) very similar to your immediate relatives. The powerful human brain is capable of so much, you gotta realize just how complex and potent a human brain is. During its last hurrah, who knows what is happening to the receptors? Making commections with or about other family members is a lot more plausable than an afterlife.
    Last edited by HardTattooedThug; 03-22-2008 at 04:03 PM.

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