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  1. #1
    Very good NBA starter konex's Avatar
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    Jun 2006

    Default Some random dude applied for the NBA draft...and got in!

    The story begins in April of 2007, when one of my roommates (Dan) suggested that we should declare for the NBA Draft the following year. He, of course, said it jokingly. I, however, thought he was serious.

    I did nothing about this idea until this past January, when I began to look into what would need to be done to actually enter the draft. I started by viewing the NBA Collective Bargaining Agreement. Here I found in Article X Section 1 (b) the information I was looking for:

    (i) The player (A) is or will be at least 19 years of age during the calendar year in wich the Draft is held,
    and (B) [...] at least one (1) NBA Season has elapsed since the player's graduation from high school [...]
    (ii) (F) The player has expressed his desire to be selected in the Draft in writing received by the NBA at
    least sixty (60) days prior to such Draft (an "Early Entry" player)

    It was at that point decided - I must write a letter to the NBA declaring my intent to be drafted. Using my best legalese I crafted such a letter.

    Great read
    Last edited by konex; 05-06-2008 at 01:02 AM.

  2. #2
    RP 4 lyfe
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    Jun 2006

    Default Re: Some random dude applied for the NBA draft...and got in!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Some random dude applied for the NBA draft...and got in!

    He didn't get in you n00b.....he just got approved to have his application evaluated by the league office. As soon as they do a background check, they will toss his application where this thread hopefully ends a trash can!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Default Re: Some random dude applied for the NBA draft...and got in!

    Quote Originally Posted by Poseidon
    He didn't get in you n00b.....he just got approved to have his application evaluated by the league office. As soon as they do a background check, they will toss his application where this thread hopefully ends a trash can!
    not true anyone can apply for the draft.

  5. #5
    Very good NBA starter konex's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some random dude applied for the NBA draft...and got in!

    If you actually went to the site, you'd see that he got in. I just posted one pic of one of the forms he got. He is listed on the draft sites as an "unkwown" player

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Downtown Hoops Dojo

    Default Re: Some random dude applied for the NBA draft...and got in!

    Quote Originally Posted by Poseidon
    He didn't get in you n00b.....he just got approved to have his application evaluated by the league office. As soon as they do a background check, they will toss his application where this thread hopefully ends a trash can!
    you should learn to read the whole thing before you'll look alot less foolish

    ”Unknown Individuals”

    Kamy’ta Terrell Davis
    Scott Ernest Gilliland
    Jeremiah J. Jones
    Jajuan Robinson
    Samuel C. Ellis
    Samuel Hailey II
    Rashad Ali McKinnie
    Richard Smith
    Zachary Feinstein
    Cornell Hayes
    David J. Pierre
    Kenny Yi
    Adam S. Fuller
    Jonathan P. Herman
    Terrence Robertson
    Josh Zurn
    Last edited by gts; 05-06-2008 at 01:21 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Some random dude applied for the NBA draft...and got in!

    [QUOTE=gts]you should learn to read the whole thing before you'll look alot less foolish

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Some random dude applied for the NBA draft...and got in!

    Quote Originally Posted by Younggrease
    not true anyone can apply for the draft.
    Applying and having your application approved are 2 diffeent things.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Default Re: Some random dude applied for the NBA draft...and got in!

    lmao at poseidon, why u acting like a little girl? aways trying to start up an arguement. what are u fcking retarded? don't get enough attention at home? did u think this thread was some sort of threat on your well being?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Downtown Hoops Dojo

    Default Re: Some random dude applied for the NBA draft...and got in!

    Quote Originally Posted by Poseidon
    Maybe you should read the letter from the NBA which explains the procedure for those who can read and comprehend sentences.
    i did, and unlike you i kept reading and found out the whole story, you instead just read the first part of the story and made an uninformed post, flamed the OP all based on your limited knowledge of the subject... but hey maybe i'm expecting too much, i forget you're a troll sometimes

  11. #11
    Very good NBA starter konex's Avatar
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    Jun 2006

    Default Re: Some random dude applied for the NBA draft...and got in!

    Quote Originally Posted by Poseidon
    Applying and having your application approved are 2 diffeent things.
    Dude, he was approved. If some team wants to draft him, they can..

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Downtown Hoops Dojo

    Default Re: Some random dude applied for the NBA draft...and got in!

    Quote Originally Posted by Poseidon
    Applying and having your application approved are 2 diffeent things.
    gads what an effing moron READ READ READ!

    I faxed those forms in on April 2nd.

    Since I had waited and heard nothing back from the NBA in terms of confirmation, on the morning of April 14th I decided to call up the NBA. This conversation went quite well as Erika Ruiz quickly confirmed that all my papers were in order and no further steps needed to be made by me. And behold as of May 1 I am able to find myself on the Early Entry List at and under "unknown players".

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Some random dude applied for the NBA draft...and got in!

    Quote Originally Posted by NoGunzJustSkillz
    lmao at poseidon, why u acting like a little girl? aways trying to start up an arguement. what are u fcking retarded? don't get enough attention at home? did u think this thread was some sort of threat on your well being?
    Start up an argument? What a dumbass.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Some random dude applied for the NBA draft...and got in!

    Quote Originally Posted by gts
    i did, and unlike you i kept reading and found out the whole story, you instead just read the first part of the story and made an uninformed post, flamed the OP all based on your limited knowledge of the subject... but hey maybe i'm expecting too much, i forget you're a troll sometimes
    Eh, your opinion of me is irrelevant. Don't care one bit. lol

  15. #15
    Fan in the Stands (unregistered)

    Default Re: Some random dude applied for the NBA draft...and got in!

    nice. Danny Ferry might draft him.

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