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  1. #166
    NBA Legend oh the horror's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kevin Martin Is Tapping This?(Pics Inside)

    wtf are some of you arguing about?

    Someone posts a picture of a black woman, with curves, and everyone breaks out into cry fest about other random nonsense?

    I'd hit up any woman, of any color. Doesnt matter to me.

    For the record though, im an ass and legs kind of guy.

  2. #167
    Mourning Glory Alonzo Magic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kevin Martin Is Tapping This?(Pics Inside)

    This has always been a point of contention among me and my white friends. I'm sure they wouldn't find the girl a couple posts above attractive at all, but I'd swim through Chernobyl affected waters to get to that arse. Its just built into us black guys DNA's, we're probably the only race that dreams of bringing a girl home that struggles to fit her arse through the door, now I'm not saying fat, just a fat arse.

    Now, its one thing to state that you don't like a fat arse, and thats cool, I get it, its aint your preference. But it's completely different to say "I don't find black girls attractive, at all." It's pretty f*cking ignorant to denounce the sexual appeal of an entire race. Why generalise? No sisters look the same. Basically thats just saying to me that you don't like them because of their skin colour, 'cause thats the only similarities in which they possess. I won't even get into the whole STD rubbish.

    Oh and here in Australia there are plenty of Lebanese people and plenty of Lebanese girls. There aren't many in the US though, so it's very easy to get a false impression on it. It's like only seeing Indian women in Bollywood movies. Lebanese birds are not attractive for the most part, and they have more hair than the average man. The Turks are much better. :k:

  3. #168
    Common-sense Cavs Fan
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    Default Re: Kevin Martin Is Tapping This?(Pics Inside)

    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo Magic
    Now, its one thing to state that you don't like a fat arse, and thats cool, I get it, its aint your preference. But it's completely different to say "I don't find black girls attractive, at all." It's pretty f*cking ignorant to denounce the sexual appeal of an entire race. Why generalise? No sisters look the same. Basically thats just saying to me that you don't like them because of their skin colour
    That's definitely how it comes off, just denouncing a whole race. I have seen many black females that I could point out that most white guys would at least find good looking, but a lot of these guys wouldn't say that they were attracted to them though, but they could admit they were good looking.

    There is a difference of finding a female attractive and good looking.

    Personally Eva Longoria is not very attractive to me, but she is gorgeous.

    I have no problem admitting when a female is attractive.

    It's pretty stupid to post a picture of a black female and not expect ignorant comments. What's America's racial breakdown, about 50% White and like 15% Black.

    With the way society is so segregated, not many White guys interact with black females on a regular basis, therefore they would be less attracted to them, or they feel that they aren't able to relate to a black female.

    I just hate when people state their opinions like it is a fact, or how they stereotype, or how people give ignorant opinions.

    I'll tell someone, as a white guy I'll always prefer a black woman over any other race of women, but I would not denounce another race of females completely, because you can always find an exception to the rule.

    We all know who you find attractive is a preference, but the problem lies in the way some of these posters respond, it can just get very irritating.

    But we have some educated posters, regardless of the topic at hand. Props to the smart ones.
    Last edited by Cavs2007Champs; 02-27-2009 at 09:43 AM.

  4. #169
    FACT w00terz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kevin Martin Is Tapping This?(Pics Inside)

    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo Magic

    Now, its one thing to state that you don't like a fat arse, and thats cool, I get it, its aint your preference. But it's completely different to say "I don't find black girls attractive, at all." It's pretty f*cking ignorant to denounce the sexual appeal of an entire race. Why generalise? No sisters look the same. Basically thats just saying to me that you don't like them because of their skin colour, 'cause thats the only similarities in which they possess. I won't even get into the whole STD rubbish.
    I disagree. Everyone has a preference when it comes to everything. I tend to find Asian women unattractive, it's my opinion. That doesn't make me prejudice. I'm denouncing the sexual appeal of an entire race but I'm doing it because that's my personal preference. It has nothing to do with Asians as individuals. Sure, there are exceptions to the rule. Sure, there are some Asian girls I find attractive. But at the end of the day, it's my personal preference to find whoever I want attractive. It's not racism. Racism is to say, "I dislike ______ girls because I feel they are inferior to my race."

    Racism is the belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.

    Let's use your logic for a minute in this particular example:

    "I don't find old women (80+ years old) attractive, at all." By your logic, "It's pretty f*cking ignorant to denounce the sexual appeal of an entire group." So, my old women example would constitute ignorance. That just isn't the case. I, like many younger people, do not find old people attractive, it's just our basic human preference.

    And no two girls look the exact same (unless they are twins) irregardless of any race, however, each race/ethnicity has specific characteristics that are unique to them.

  5. #170
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer Myth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kevin Martin Is Tapping This?(Pics Inside)

    Quote Originally Posted by oh the horror
    I'd hit up any woman, of any color. Doesnt matter to me.
    You must have low standards. Have fun with this then:

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