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  1. #61
    NBA All-star Rasheed1's Avatar
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    Sorry. No excuses. Words are words. If you are a professional ballplayer, someone could yell profanity three feet away from you and curse out your mother, but you have to ignore it. Sorry. I suppose the player could complain to security if it gets too voracious, but that's about it. It's called self control. If you personally don't have self control, then that's your problem I guess
    this is a very disingenuous argument...

    words are not just words...people communicate thru words...people use words to form propaganda against whole groups of people, people use specific words to demean or incite specific people

    words are very powerful and you spouting that weak line about "words are words" is just lame attempt to make your argument absolute....

    cowards like this guy use slurs for a make a better person stoop to their level...and then when they get punched in the face they all of the sudden go looking for the law to mediate a problem they provoked....

  2. #62
    Stare bagelred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rasheed1
    this is a very disingenuous argument...

    words are not just...people communicate thru words...people use words to form propaganda against whole groups of people, people use specific words to demean or incite specific people

    words are very powerful and you spouting that weak line about "words are words" is just lame attempt to make your argument absolute....

    cowards like this guy use slurs for a make a better person stoop to their level...and then when they get punched in the face they all of the sudden go looking for the law to mediate a problem they provoked....
    Professional players are paid lots of money to play the game and ignore the fans, no matter what they say. If you are really affected by someone in the stands, tell security and let them deal with it appropriately. That's it.

  3. #63
    I'm trying to improve myself. I'm the new, better Jerm Jerm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rasheed1
    I wondered why there are soo many people emphasizing the guys right to throw racial insults around at a public event.... until I realized that this is ISH and most of the posters here can relate to the jack ass in the stands more than a guy like mutombo.....

    The guy has no right to act like that in any arena...
    You're an idiot most of the time but you hit the nail right on the head there.

    This is for that cvnt EricForman, how the hell do they look alike?...Skin colour? Nahh, Facial features?..Nahh. You're one silly asian!

  4. #64
    NBA All-star Rasheed1's Avatar
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    Professional players are paid lots of money to play the game and ignore the fans, no matter what they say. If you are really affected by someone in the stands, tell security and let them deal with it appropriately. That's it.
    Players dont get paid to accept racial insults and slurs of any kind at any just stop it..

    players get paid alot of money to play basketball.... not listen to cowards up in the stands shooting off their mouths without repercussion

    how much money a person gets paid has no bearing on the level of respect that every person deserves

  5. #65
    Stare bagelred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rasheed1
    Players dont get paid to accept racial insults and slurs of any kind at any just stop it..

    players get paid alot of money to play basketball.... not listen to cowards up in the stands shooting off their mouths without repercussion

    how much money a person gets paid has no bearing on the level of respect that every person deserves
    Let security deal with anything they feel is over the line or inappropriate. As a player, its your job to ignore it. Block it out. That's what your paid to do. What is this where everyone thinks a specific insult MUST be retaliated against. Show restraint. Let security do their job and you play ball.

  6. #66
    Gif-ted bigkingsfan's Avatar
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    Bush is closer to a monkey that anyone, and gets reference to it all the time. You see him complaining? Suck it up and play.

  7. #67
    NBA All-star Rasheed1's Avatar
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    As a player, its your job to ignore it. Block it out. That's what your paid to do.
    stop saying this.... this is bullsh*t..

    player's job is not ignore it, block it out... the player's job is to play basketball... they arent supposed to be dealing with this type of stuff... do you understand that?

    do you realize the league is slacking in its duty to make the game safe and enjoyable for every one attending when they shrug their shoulders at guys who go over board with the namecalling and slurs?

    Should the kids and old folks in the area "just block it out" too? How another person of color sitting nearby...

    The league needs to be as tough with this stuff as it was for the all the other things that stern enforces his laws on..

    Its good the guy is banned from all stadiums....thats the least the NBA could do to support their players and stop cowards from ruining the game experience for everyone....

  8. #68
    NBA All-star Rasheed1's Avatar
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    Bush is closer to a monkey that anyone, and gets reference to it all the time. You see him complaining? Suck it up and play.
    you yell out that Bush is monkey to his face at one of his events and I garauntee secret service will come to your section and escort you to jail on some trumped up verbal assault type charges

  9. #69
    Stare bagelred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rasheed1
    stop saying this.... this is bullsh*t..

    player's job is not ignore it, block it out... the player's job is to play basketball... they arent supposed to be dealing with this type of stuff... do you understand that?

    do you realize the league is slacking in its duty to make the game safe and enjoyable for every one attending when they shrug their shoulders at guys who go over board with the namecalling and slurs?

    Should the kids and old folks in the area "just block it out" too? How another person of color sitting nearby...

    The league needs to be as tough with this stuff as it was for the all the other things that stern enforces his laws on..

    Its good the guy is banned from all stadiums....thats the least the NBA could do to support their players and stop cowards from ruining the game experience for everyone....
    I never said security shouldn't address the situation. But it's not Motombo's job to deal with the fans. His job is to play ball.

    I just don't like double standards. Fans boo, heckle, deride, do everything in the stands, a guy says "monkey" and he's banned for life. Doesn't feel in proportion to me.

    Personally, I would have ejected the guy for the game and took him to arena security and said. "listen, knock that off. Any other racial slurs and it's going to be season ejection". The guy would have got the message and that's that. A complete ban from every stadium in the NBA? Holy crap. Even child molesters get to go to games. Guy says one questionable slur, banned for a year? Yeah, that's in proportion. :rollingeyes:

  10. #70
    Sixers|Eagles|Phillies GOBB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bagelred
    Well last time I checked it's just words. Sorry, it's Motombo's job to ignore everything said in the stands. Period. That's the way it is. Fans can say some really nasty things sometimes. That's life.
    Show me that is his job to ignore everything said in the stands. His job is to play basketball. That is why he gets paid big bucks. So you're WRONG. And last time i checked its just words to YOU not ANYONE ELSE. Seems you cant get that thru your thickskull. If you were at a game and had young children with you and a heckler next to you was shouting curse words. You wouldnt say a thing to that heckler? You let him continue cursing up a storm in front of the younger kids you brought to the gam because you dont own a pair of balls. But feel free to pull out your "he has a right, freedom to voice his opinions. thats life, fans can say nasty things even if these kids have to hear it". There is no way on Earth you have kids and allow negative words being repeatedly said in front of your kids. You wont be raising the "its just words" argument anymore.

    Players are paid big bucks to ignore the fans.
    No they are not. They are told about how hostile fans can be and often instructed "Dont sweat it." and those things said are "You guys suck, you cant play, you're garbage"...normal taunting. They are not prepared or trained for being called racial slurs and other ignorant things. That is a fact. Jason Kidd and her son were subjected to fans heckling had to get involved. But hey thats just fans being fans right? Price you pay for being an athlete and having your wife and son at a game.

    Fans have been heckling players since the beginning of time. I'm sure Jackie Robinson heard a few racial slurs in his day.
    Yes he heard more than a few and couldnt REACT because the consequences back then were far more SEVERE then today! You call a black athlete a "n*gger" and see what happens. Say it to thier face after a game and see what happens. Jackie Robinson couldnt do a thing because he would have been lynched. Dont dare compare that era to today. Blacks back then went thru the worst of shiiit so blacks right now dont have to put up with it verbally. Sure its said but not as often nor open as it once was. Bad example.

    It's part of your job to completely ignore it. Pride? Bullsh*t. Enough with this "disrespect" bullsh*t. Players are professionals, and have to act professional by ignoring the fans. Period.
    No they dont have to ignore racial slurs and other ignorance. You're wrong. Maybe you need to do yourself a favor and look for the fan code of conduct.

    I realize there is a fan code of conduct, but booing, heckling, deriding players happens in every pro sports game. Some of the heckling is profane, rude, disrectful, etc. That's the way it is. I didn't realize the word "monkey" is not allowed in the arena.
    You also arent a black man or from africa either. So you cant relate to how that word affects someone like Mutombo who has experienced racism more than you ever will. I wasnt aware fans were so insensitive and completely ignorant at racial slurs being thrown around as something you shrug off. And to say you get paid to put up with that is beyond pathetic. This aint phucking Gladiator.

    Fans are not allowed to throw anything. That's an immediate ejection from stadium.
    And they are not allowed to use racial slurs and shout obsensities either. If you're a fan and sit by someone who does that you can report them to security and chances are they will be removed. I've seen it firsthand. Guy had 2 kids at a game and 2 college students who were boozed up were shouting curse words and other crazy comments. Dad asked them to cut it out, he has 2 younger kids here. They didnt, he reported them and they were ejected.

    Fans can't say anything they want. But I don't think the word "monkey" is outlawed, is it?
    Everyone with a brain knows the implication of the word monkey.

    I don't think Mutombo is wrong for saying he was livid. But he still can't go in the stands. Period.
    "If I get fined, I will go straight into the stands the next time."

    That is Mutombo's comments. If he gets fined by the league and the fan doesnt get punished he would go into the stands because the league isnt protecting its players. That was Mutombo's beef if the league reacted in a way he feels is unjust. But they didnt. So next time it happens if it ever does he is less likely to go in the stands...especially after the league took action and the fan wrote an apologetic letter.

    Sorry. No excuses. Words are words. If you are a professional ballplayer, someone could yell profanity three feet away from you and curse out your mother, but you have to ignore it. Sorry. I suppose the player could complain to security if it gets too voracious, but that's about it. It's called self control. If you personally don't have self control, then that's your problem I guess.
    Self control? You're full of shiiit.

  11. #71
    NBA All-star Rasheed1's Avatar
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    I just don't like double standards. Fans boo, heckle, deride, do everything in the stands, a guy says "monkey" and he's banned for life. Doesn't feel in proportion to me.
    where is the double standard?

    People yell & boo and cheer in a movie theatre too... yet if you yell fire you get booted

    everyone know not to cross certain lines... there is no double standard..

    if you act a fool, you get banned from attending NBA games... sit at home and yell slurs at your TV because you dont have enough sense to be seen in public with normal folk

  12. #72
    Sixers|Eagles|Phillies GOBB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bagelred
    I never said security shouldn't address the situation. But it's not Motombo's job to deal with the fans. His job is to play ball.

    I just don't like double standards. Fans boo, heckle, deride, do everything in the stands, a guy says "monkey" and he's banned for life. Doesn't feel in proportion to me.

    Personally, I would have ejected the guy for the game and took him to arena security and said. "listen, knock that off. Any other racial slurs and it's going to be season ejection". The guy would have got the message and that's that. A complete ban from every stadium in the NBA? Holy crap. Even child molesters get to go to games. Guy says one questionable slur, banned for a year? Yeah, that's in proportion. :rollingeyes:
    Questionable? Its a no sound like a defense attorney trying to fool the jury. Its not questionable to anyone with a CLUE. He said it, he wanted to say the harshest thing to piss Mutombo off or maybe he feels that way about black people? Africans?

    America is still dealing with race. This country has an issue with race relations. Lots of history revolved around race and racial slurs. Why ignore this? You cry double standard but ignore the history of how racial slurs are big no no's in our society here. You cant shout out Yao Ming is a ching cong ch!nk motherphucker because the guy in front of you is calling him overrated and sucks. You cant relate and say the two are one in the same. Country is sensitive when it comes to race but you are clueless to it for some reason.

  13. #73
    Stare bagelred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GOBB
    Questionable? Its a no sound like a defense attorney trying to fool the jury. Its not questionable to anyone with a CLUE. He said it, he wanted to say the harshest thing to piss Mutombo off or maybe he feels that way about black people? Africans?

    America is still dealing with race. This country has an issue with race relations. Lots of history revolved around race and racial slurs. Why ignore this? You cry double standard but ignore the history of how racial slurs are big no no's in our society here. You cant shout out Yao Ming is a ching cong ch!nk motherphucker because the guy in front of you is calling him overrated and sucks. You cant relate and say the two are one in the same. Country is sensitive when it comes to race but you are clueless to it for some reason.
    I just think punishment should fit crime. Full season ban for a slur? That's some overreaction.

    What happened to old days when a security guard would just go over and say "Would you knock it off?"

    Maybe we wouldn't be so overly sensitive on race if we all didn't overreact big time. Just a thought.

    Also, I'm not really talking about what happens in the stands. I'm talking about MOTOMBO's REACTION. Players are taught over and over and over and over and are trained as a professional to completely ignore the fans, no matter what they say. When did players get so "weak" they can't handle it? Get some inner strength. Let security do their job and handle the fans going over the line.
    Last edited by bagelred; 10-31-2006 at 03:05 PM.

  14. #74
    Gif-ted bigkingsfan's Avatar
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    Shaq - Slap on the wrist for yao ming comments.

    Jay Will- 15k fine, for profanity such as "Are you a f4g?" “slant-eyed motherf****r.” “I will shoot all you Asian motherf****rs,” while imitating machine gun sounds.

    Fan - "Monkey", one year ban.

    There's a double standard...

  15. #75
    NBA All-star Rasheed1's Avatar
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    I just think punishment should fit crime. Full season ban for a slur? That's some overreaction.

    What happened to old days when a security guard would just go over and say "Would you knock it off?"

    Maybe we wouldn't be so overly sensitive on race if we all didn't overreact big time. Just a thought
    sad that you are trying to downplay the problem...

    Im sure you didnt disagree with the fine and suspension Artest and others got for responding to the ass holes up the stands...

    If slurs arent a big deal, then why would going into the stands be a big deal?

    common sense tells me that there wouldnt be any fear of players going into the stands in the league stepped up and demanded the fans not act like savages when they come to games....

    you cant create a bunch of rules for the players and still allow the fans to behave any way they please with no doesnt work like that..

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