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  1. #31
    NBA Legend kentatm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is there constant PS3 vs. 360 debating?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pain of Thought
    I try to keep telling you, I'm not a *fanboy* - I owned the original XBOX, thought it was garbage. I've always been a Nintendo fan... thought the GameCube was the best platform of the last gaming generation (and I owned all three). I've owned the 360 since 2005. Never bought a garbage HD-DVD drive. I buy a gaming console for gaming, not something I feed DVDs into.

    I do not own a PS3, but I will be getting one with the price-drop. I'm sure I'll enjoy my PS3, but based off the games that are out now, and in the future the 360 will be champ. Stop getting so pissed off. You suck. You fail, sir.

    Why are you even trying to debate the whole Playstation Network VS XBL. You know damn well XBL is light years ahead of the garbage Gaystation Network. Read up on any credible unbiased gaming source and they will tell you the same. XBL totally destories PSN. Sony better get it together before the next gaming generation with it's online capabilities and funcationalities or they're toast.

    If Sony offered a better product in terms of exclusive titles and offered a superior online world, I'd gladly say PS3 > 360. That's not the case. Just STFU already. You get on my nerves. You're a bastard in my humble opinion. You like to put mustard on your shoes. Hell, I'll get a bottle of A1 sauce, hit *OPEN* on your precious PS3 BluRay drive and pour the sauce all up in that bit*h. Don't think I wont either.

    how in the world can you say you are not being a fanboy and then turn around and call it the "Gaystation Network" in the same post?

    You didn't even answer his question about what is so bad about the PSN. You just attacked him with a BS b/c I say so argument.

  2. #32
    Local High School Star Pain of Thought's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is there constant PS3 vs. 360 debating?

    Quote Originally Posted by kentatm
    how in the world can you say you are not being a fanboy and then turn around and call it the "Gaystation Network" in the same post?

    You didn't even answer his question about what is so bad about the PSN. You just attacked him with a BS b/c I say so argument.
    @ you guys.

    I've read numerous sources countless times over and over again about the epic fail that is PSN. I have friends who have a PS3, and when I'm chillin' at they crib I'm playing some Madden or something online there... it's doo-doo. The "Home" feature is doo-doo. It's all doo-doo. I think you took offense in my "gay"station comment. Didn't mean to ruffle your flamboyant feathers.

  3. #33
    Do. Your. Job. Undisputed's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is there constant PS3 vs. 360 debating?

    Quote Originally Posted by Thorpesaurous
    Personally, I'm a playstation guy. But the exclusive contract XBox has with Netflix I think is an undersold topic.

    Basically, for a fifty dollar XBox live fee, and the I think 8 bucks a month fee for Netflix, which I think is cheaper if you buy by the year, you get this giant DVD collection on demand sitting on some server out there that you can access whenever you want. Even without ever intending to buy a game, you could justify owning an XBox just for that if you rent movies at all.
    The Netflix feature is a huge plus. I'm going to get a membership soon. Beats the hell out of renting movies from the stores and the online marketplace.

  4. #34
    NBA sixth man of the year Thorpesaurous's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is there constant PS3 vs. 360 debating?

    Quote Originally Posted by Undisputed
    The Netflix feature is a huge plus. I'm going to get a membership soon. Beats the hell out of renting movies from the stores and the online marketplace.

    I just got to see it in action this past weekend. My cousin has all three systems, in spite of not even being a huge game guy. He plays, but probably no more than four games or so a year.

    Like I said, I'm a playstation guy. I haven't had any issue with the exclusive titles. I list Uncharted on the very shortlist for favorite games on the current gen, so if I didn't have that, I'dve been a little disappointed. I'm not a big Halo fan, Gears I've played and liked, but it doesn't bother me that I've never had it. The only game I would have really liked I couldn't get was Left 4 Dead, and honestly, I don't really play online anyway, so I'm not sure how much value it even has.

    I only recently got online with my PS, and I've been pretty happy. I'm not really doing a ton of playing, but from I've seen, it seems a little more responsive to play on than what I've seen of XBox, but either way, it's not really my thing.

    I just recently changed my cable service to ATnT, and part of my package is on demand for all the channells I pay for. So I get a huge movie selection from HBO, Showtime, etc. It's really a nice feature. So when I was at my cousins house and he was showing me how his Netflix works now, I was floored by it. He says it's still developing. As recently as two weeks ago he had access to movies only on his pick list, but the longer it goes on, the more he's getting access too, to the point now where it seems like he has access to most of their library from the past couple years, and a lot big movies from prior to that. It's an immense library to have such quick access too, and if the movies are available in HD format, it sort of negates the value of the blu-ray.
    I know the Netflix deal is exclusive to XBox, but I'm surprised Sony hasn't developed a knockoff yet. A contract with a dieing franchise, like Blockbuster that has been killed by Netflix, all they'd have to do is start loading movies onto massive servers, and have people pay for the service through PSN. They're already paying rental rights for the movies anyway. They're already renting movies through PSN as it is, it's just that it's 6 bucks a pop or whatever. A monthly or yearly fee that gave me access to the whole library would be really appealing to me, if whoever is running those rentals is out there listening.
    Maybe it's coming.

  5. #35
    Big like Magic Pharcyde's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is there constant PS3 vs. 360 debating?

    Quote Originally Posted by beasted86
    What better service? That ability to report people... only for Xbox to do nothing about it?
    Probably because they know 90% of the kids report because you call them a ****** or kill them.
    If kids report you enough for the same thing, you get suspended. It's not going to be a one and done thing, because it would get abused.

    Also, kind of funny how you made this thread asking why there's debates.... then as soon as someone says anything about their preference of xbox over PS3 you jump argue with them..
    Last edited by Pharcyde; 08-31-2009 at 11:01 PM.

  6. #36
    Feeling supersonic CasterL's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is there constant PS3 vs. 360 debating?

    prefer ps3 personally, my 360 broke and i lost the warranty like a retard.

    the only exclusives i actually want to play that 360 has are the gta ******, never been a massive fan of halo.

    360 has a better online service but ps3 have improved drasticaly, the difference in quality is not as bad as 360 fanboys would make out.

    the main drawing point of the 360 for me is that becasue of its better online service the more dedicated and better gamers play 360. i used to play online pretty seriously on ps2 and made a fair few e buddies in the process. the majority of them are gaming on 360 now after the distaterous letdown that was socom confrontation.

    ps3 is a much better piece of technology in almost every aspect. the exclusive titles imo favour ps3 although may will disagree. ps3 started off slow but they have got their **** together now

  7. #37
    Sixers|Eagles|Phillies GOBB's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is there constant PS3 vs. 360 debating?

    360 is just a better system for online gaming. ps3 cant compete in that regard. Its the big reason why most people have one or the arguments get heated. Forget what 1 machine can do the other cant. You enjoy playing video games and if you can do so vs other people on a daily basis? Then chances are you're a 360 fan. I didnt get my 360 because of that moreso GTA4. But after a year and 1/2 of gaming on 360? Thats pretty evident.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pharcyde
    Probably because they know 90% of the kids report because you call them a ****** or kill them.
    If kids report you enough for the same thing, you get suspended. It's not going to be a one and done thing, because it would get abused.

    Also, kind of funny how you made this thread asking why there's debates.... then as soon as someone says anything about their preference of xbox over PS3 you jump argue with them..
    People definately abuse the file complaint feature.

  8. #38
    I'm on the moon KeylessEntry's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is there constant PS3 vs. 360 debating?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pain of Thought

    I'm not a "fanboy" ... I'm simply pointing out the differences between the two systems.

    It's beyond obvious when it comes to first party titles, 360 is champ. No debate there. Anyone in the gaming industry will tell you this. Also, just as I noted, some of the biggest "multi-titles" hit the 360 well before they come to PS3 (ie Oblivion and Bioshock).

    Why do these simple facts tick you off? It seems you get quite offended debating this stuff. There's very good reason why people could and even should debate both systems. They offer different products for a broad audience of gamers.

    Take the online worlds for example, PSN is free, but garbage, again anyone in the industry will tell you this. XBL is not free, but well worth the coin you pay for it if you actually use your 360 daily/weekly.

    Why should people debate sports? Why should people debate politics? Why should people debate anything? Stop acting like you know everything about the gaming industry and your opinion is gold. Wake up dude, it's not. Reading your posts just make me SMH. We like to debate things here, what's the BFD? Get out of here. You suck.
    Great unbiased opinion you have there POT. "I am not a fanboy, but my system is awesome and yours sucks period."
    Last edited by KeylessEntry; 09-08-2009 at 06:38 PM.

  9. #39
    Waiting on 2010.... beasted86's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is there constant PS3 vs. 360 debating?

    Quote Originally Posted by Thorpesaurous
    Personally, I'm a playstation guy. But the exclusive contract XBox has with Netflix I think is an undersold topic.

    Basically, for a fifty dollar XBox live fee, and the I think 8 bucks a month fee for Netflix, which I think is cheaper if you buy by the year, you get this giant DVD collection on demand sitting on some server out there that you can access whenever you want. Even without ever intending to buy a game, you could justify owning an XBox just for that if you rent movies at all.
    You do realize Netflix from your home PC/Mac is also $8 a month, right?

  10. #40
    Waiting on 2010.... beasted86's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is there constant PS3 vs. 360 debating?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pain of Thought
    @ you guys.
    @ this clown. He thinks I take it personally or care whether HE likes the Playstation or not.

    I honestly don't care whether you like it or not. I was just trying to get some well put together opinions in this thread, something you can't seem to do.

    Reason I started this topic in the first place was to hear why people like you in general attack either system whether it be 360 or PS3, and turn a general topic about something completely irrelevant about either system into a debate why one is better than the other. Then when I ask a simple question of what exactly you personally dislike about the PSN, you can't tell me, because you've never owned or played on a PS3 on a regular basis or compared the same titles on both systems. Instead since you couldn't think of anything else you went on attack mode and started fussing, crying, and name calling like a little kid who just got his ball kicked over the fence by the big kids at the park . It's not my fault your not old enough to form opinions and thoughts like us grown ups, so you seek out magazines & websites to feed you your opinion like another clone.

  11. #41
    Waiting on 2010.... beasted86's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is there constant PS3 vs. 360 debating?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pharcyde
    Probably because they know 90% of the kids report because you call them a ****** or kill them.
    If kids report you enough for the same thing, you get suspended. It's not going to be a one and done thing, because it would get abused.

    Also, kind of funny how you made this thread asking why there's debates.... then as soon as someone says anything about their preference of xbox over PS3 you jump argue with them..
    Suspended just to come back a week later on the same account doing the same hacks/glitches. Anyway...

    On to the last point, of course I'm going to question unusual opinions. If I made a topic about why people are constantly comparing Kobe vs. LeBron then someone comes in and say LeBron is a better 3PT shooter, of course I'm going to question it. Also by debating, I didn't necessarily mean comparing pros & cons of each system... I meant mainly attacking the other system, or turning a topic about something completely different into a debate why one system is better. For ex:

    OP: Great, the new Gran Turismo 5 is coming out next week! Is anyone else getting it?
    Reply: Finally? after 5 yrs? Forza 2 came out 2 yrs ago, and Forza 3 is coming out soon too... that's why the Xbox is so much better.

  12. #42
    I'm on the moon KeylessEntry's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is there constant PS3 vs. 360 debating?

    I wish gran turismo 5 would come out some day....

  13. #43
    NBA sixth man of the year Thorpesaurous's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is there constant PS3 vs. 360 debating?

    Quote Originally Posted by beasted86
    You do realize Netflix from your home PC/Mac is also $8 a month, right?

    I thought Netflix was streaming exclusively to the XBox Live.

    Since PSN has a browser, you're saying I can just go to the Netflix sight, and stream straight from there onto my tv?

    That makes a lot of sense.

  14. #44
    Local High School Star intrinsic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is there constant PS3 vs. 360 debating?

    Quote Originally Posted by Thorpesaurous
    I thought Netflix was streaming exclusively to the XBox Live.

    Since PSN has a browser, you're saying I can just go to the Netflix sight, and stream straight from there onto my tv?

    That makes a lot of sense.
    I'm fairly certain that's incorrect. The ps3 isn't licensed to use software that the pc and 360(ms) use for streaming.

    Sony isn't going to destroy their current model of the PSN store with netflix compatibility. If this were to happen, the psn would no longer be a free service.

  15. #45
    Waiting on 2010.... beasted86's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why is there constant PS3 vs. 360 debating?

    Quote Originally Posted by Thorpesaurous
    I thought Netflix was streaming exclusively to the XBox Live.

    Since PSN has a browser, you're saying I can just go to the Netflix sight, and stream straight from there onto my tv?

    That makes a lot of sense.
    I don't know if it's compatible... but you can definitely stream from your PC to your TV if you have the right video card w/outputs.

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