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  1. #1
    Learning to shoot layups DECK's Avatar
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    Default whenever I play ball my knees hurt

    I've noticed whenever I play ball my knees hurt when i bend down low to shoot a jumpshot, or just jump overall.. Have any of you experienced this before.. is it something that will go away over time.. I can play through the pain but want to see if any of u guys experienced something like this

  2. #2
    ISH Jump Crew
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    Default Re: whenever I play ball my knees hurt

    Yeah, have had a ton of knee pain over the years.

    A more long term, difficult solution for me was weight training. It really helped me strengthen my legs, and stabilize my knee a bit.

    An easier route were some fitted running shoes, or just a good pair of basketball shoes (not as effective, but it's okay..). Also, those neoprene knee sleeves help tremendously. Keep your knee very warm, feels great.

  3. #3
    I air my balls Junny's Avatar
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    Default Re: whenever I play ball my knees hurt

    A lot of the time, all you gotta do is have a few days rest, unless you haven't done so already.

  4. #4
    Learning to shoot layups DECK's Avatar
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    Default Re: whenever I play ball my knees hurt

    Quote Originally Posted by Junny
    A lot of the time, all you gotta do is have a few days rest, unless you haven't done so already.
    Thx guys

    But yea I take breaks.. but they only hurt when I bend low even when i dont play for a few days. When I walk its fine and when I slightly bend down its fine too but when I bend low it hurts. I think imma just workout my legs more often because I weight train but dont focus in on my legs so much, so imma see how that goes.

  5. #5
    still hyphy 1manfastbreak's Avatar
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    Default Re: whenever I play ball my knees hurt

    could have jumpers knee or could be growing pains. most likely your bones just arn't strong enough.

  6. #6
    Good college starter NotYetGreat's Avatar
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    Default Re: whenever I play ball my knees hurt

    Do you stretch before playing?

  7. #7
    Learning to shoot layups
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    Default Re: whenever I play ball my knees hurt

    Definitely agree with weight training taking stress off your knees/legs for the long term.

    But it could also be growing pains. When I was in 7th-8th grade my growth spurt started and the first thing to start killing me was my knees. Then I had another growth spurt in 10th grade and my back was killing me. Nothing you can really do about it except ice yourself after every practice and wait for the pain to go away. But the good news is once you grow out of it, your knees will be fine until you're in your late 20's/early 30's (if you're training right).

    And uh the most obvious thing is keep fat off your body.
    Last edited by ivienthol; 10-31-2009 at 07:44 AM.

  8. #8
    Enter the Dragic Swaggin916's Avatar
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    Default Re: whenever I play ball my knees hurt

    It's most likely one of those. If I were to guess, I would say it's Chondromalacia patella which is a common cause of kneecap pain or anterior knee pain. Often called "Runner's Knee," this condition often affects young, otherwise healthy athletes.

    Chondromalacia is due to an irritation of the undersurface of the kneecap. The undersurface of the kneecap, or patella, is covered with a layer of smooth cartilage. This cartilage normally glides effortlessly across the knee during bending of the joint. However, in some individuals, the kneecap tends to rub against one side of the knee joint, and the cartilage surface become irritated, and knee pain is the result.

    I experienced pain a while ago in my right knee after playing bball for 7 days straight. I couldn't bend my knee very far or move laterally without pain. I rested for a couple weeks and it went away. I started doing the VJB and it came back a little so I bought some knee brace things. I just went to CVS Pharmacy and bought them for 20 bucks (each) and they have made a big difference. Put it this way, I couldn't play for an extended period of time without them. If I were you, I would rest for a while, then buy yourself some of these. You can wear a sleeve as well and then put the brace over it that would probably work really well tho might be a little overkill.

    Be sure when you do weight training not to go down past parallel though on exercises like squats, that will only screw it up even more. Wait until you don't have any pain to start weight training too. Resting sucks when you want to play... but you just have to.

  9. #9
    Saw a basketball once
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    Default Re: whenever I play ball my knees hurt

    Quote Originally Posted by Swaggin916
    Resting sucks when you want to play... but you just have to.
    Yeah, I've got some really painful shin splints I've been dealing with for a month now, lucky if I can play twice a week (when they flare up I can barely jump off the ground, it affects my game so much I don't want to play when they're bad). Typically I can play once a week and be fine that one day I play (even than I can't play more than 2-3 hrs without them flaring up again). If I try playing 2-3 days within the last tim I played, forget it, can't jump, just not worth going out on the court. I train legs pretty rigorously in the gym about 3 days after I play ball, this doesn't bother my shins at all. I started playing solely indoors about a month ago, also ice my shins down religiously after any leg training. Bought a new pair of shoes, and compression sleeves for my calves a couple weeks ago. Anyone have any tips, these things are really starting to get to me. Also, I massage my calves to the best of my ability a few minutes a few times a week. I know I need to start incoporating some more stretching and some take a little longer to warm up (usually up flying around dunking on people about 5 min withing walking in the gym, can't help it, lol). Any advice would be appreciated.

    Also, I'm starting a league in two weeks, I plan (sometimes the urge to go play is way to tempting) on taking off from leg training/playing until than in hopes that they could fully heal by than.

  10. #10
    The Magic are a trash HylianNightmare's Avatar
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    Default Re: whenever I play ball my knees hurt

    i wear those, padded compression shorts, a sleeve on my left arm all because of how crappy my body is because of throwing myself down stairs as a youth

  11. #11
    Playground Legend Automajic23's Avatar
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    Default Re: whenever I play ball my knees hurt

    Quote Originally Posted by HylianNightmare

    i wear those, padded compression shorts, a sleeve on my left arm all because of how crappy my body is because of throwing myself down stairs as a youth

    Sucks for you guys going through those pains. I don't have any chronic problems, but I've had to play through/sit out at times when I got injured due to a kick to the shin, undercutting, banging down low and hyperenxtending the knee. All those injuries gave me temporary problems weeks after they healed, but when I recovered I never had a problem.

  12. #12
    The Magic are a trash HylianNightmare's Avatar
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    Default Re: whenever I play ball my knees hurt

    Quote Originally Posted by Automajic23

    Sucks for you guys going through those pains. I don't have any chronic problems, but I've had to play through/sit out at times when I got injured due to a kick to the shin, undercutting, banging down low and hyperenxtending the knee. All those injuries gave me temporary problems weeks after they healed, but when I recovered I never had a problem.
    i used to skateboard pretty hardcore back in the day so after throwing myself down all those stairs and bid drops my knees and back are pretty muched wrecked

  13. #13
    Playground Legend Automajic23's Avatar
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    Default Re: whenever I play ball my knees hurt

    Quote Originally Posted by HylianNightmare
    i used to skateboard pretty hardcore back in the day so after throwing myself down all those stairs and bid drops my knees and back are pretty muched wrecked
    ahhhhh i see

  14. #14
    Learning to shoot layups cruthikai352's Avatar
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    Default Re: whenever I play ball my knees hurt

    I believe my knees hurt only when I jump around a lot while playing basketball. And usually rest will help me with that. However, the worst pains that have occurred to me are sort of back spasms, they rarely occur, but when they do I just feel like ****. It sucks and I don't think it's normal for someone who is 19 to have back spasms but I don't know.

  15. #15
    Saw a basketball once
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    Default Re: whenever I play ball my knees hurt

    No one has any input on my shin splint issue? lol... I'm trying everything to my knowledge... figure there has to be someone else who balls outta control with bad shin splints... and the remedy for them, lol

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