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  1. #1
    Peep this Wreck Shop's Avatar
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    Arrow Just Got Back From Charlie Z vs. Oleg (I took photos)

    okay, long story somewhat shorter, Charlie and this other russian guy "Oleg" have apparently hated each other for some time. Oleg has gotten bigger and been taking MMA and gotten a little too big for his britches according to Charlie. Charlie sees Oleg and some of his friends last Saturday and Oleg is talking shit so Charlie swings on him. The situation is defused and Charlie goes home, as he gets home he's blind sided by Oleg who hits him in the jaw and knocks him out. Charlie and Oleg have talked e-shit and phone shit back and forth and finally decided this would be best settled in the ring at Tiger's gym tonight.

    I got a youtube message from Charlie saying he was fighting at Tiger's (where he trains) tonight at 6:30 and that I should show up and take pictures like I did when he met up with "Nino" at the same spot. One funny side note on this whole thing is that Tiger's gym is not really a fight oriented gym, it's like "boxercise" or something, so when I rolled up on the scene it was a bunch of people just getting their workout on to Michael Jackson music.

    Charlie showed first, got a couple pictures of the champ on his turf, the anticipation on his face was clear, the tension was palpable. I didn't know what to expect from this Oleg character but I could see Z-train was focused. (that's Charlie's dad behind him, a tough old russian ex-boxer ex-military guy who would probably spank a lot of ISH's tough guys)

    oh f*ck, look what I saw on my way to the gym. god, the velvetine rabbit is a tear jerker.

    I gave Charlie some dap and snapped a couple photos and waited. Charlie's dad and one other middle aged guy were with him, the middle aged guy alerted Charlie that Oleg was coming and to take it easy and keep it in the ring. These words fell on deaf ears as Charlie was hell bent on revenge for being cold clocked on Saturday. Oleg was rolling about 6 deep with some jacked dudes and approached the gym confidently in a red hoody with his ipod in. It was weird to see the walk-to-the-ring coming down melrose. As soon as Oleg crossed the threshold of the gym where Charlie could see him, FWWWACK, Charlie decked him hard in the face with a haymaker right hook. "What the F*CK?" Oleg yelled as he stumbled back. I didn't get any shots for the next 60 seconds because it was pandemonium and I was one of several "cooler heads" there who was trying to get the situation under control as Oleg's entourage was trying to get at Charlie who had subsequently gotten in the ring and was barking about how they were "even" now.

    Tiger, the gym owner/manager was furious that this had been brought to his working gym and was threatening to call 911 and also trying to reason with Oleg and his irrate crew.

    There's Tiger (far left, in red) trying to keep the peace as Charlie's dad pulled Charlie away from the angry pack.

    There was tons of yelling in russian and shoving and one of Oleg's boys kept taking his shirt off and trying to engage people (dude seriously took his shirt off 5 or 6 different times). Oleg promised the youtube video (available later tonight) would have subtitles)
    Oleg got his crew under control and said "put your f*cking gloves on i'll knock you out right now" and jumped in the ring. (note the woman to the right in the first shot and the woman behind Oleg in the second two, they just came to get some exercise and suddenly there's 15 screaming russians and a screaming african)

  2. #2
    Peep this Wreck Shop's Avatar
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    Default Re: Just Got Back From Charlie Z vs. Oleg (I took photos)

    Charlie's dad was heated and was lecturing (presumably) the f*ck out of Oleg in russian about cheap shotting his son. He had to be restrained several times. He's a tough old dog for sure. Charlie pulled him off of Oleg at one point saying "it's over, it's over" repeatedly. Shit was crazy.

    Basically, to abbreviate the anti-climax, Tiger wouldn't let them fight in his gym tonight and said he'd call 911 if they fought in the street.

    Tons of posturing and jawing back and forth from hot heads on both sides and it ended up with Charlie and Oleg shaking hands and speaking in a rather civil manner about the possibility of fighting in the ring sometime. I think Oleg even said Charlie could come to his house sometime.

    this guy just about lost his mind when Charlie stuck Oleg on site. He had to be restrained several times and kept taking his shirt off when something upset him. He came at me at one point "why the f*ck are you taking my picture?!?" to which I replied "you told me I could". He looked a little confused and went back to threatening to kick Charlie or his dad in the face.
    After Charlie split they approached me and Oleg asked me if I wanted to get knocked the f*ck out. I confess I was a little scared, I'm a big boy but I wasn't gonna do anything with all these amped up cats. "F****ck no" I said with a big smile, "I'm just here to take photos". That seemed to disarm them and they asked to see my photos and started joking with me.

    Oleg felt like this had been a victory so he took time to do a little interview for the guy from his crew who had been video taping the shenanigans. It seemed that it would serve as the lead in to the video he said he would post later tonight. I will link to that when I see it.

    Not the most exciting result but still a funny experience.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Just Got Back From Charlie Z vs. Oleg (I took photos)

    haha cool stuff man

  4. #4
    Truth Seeker
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    Default Re: Just Got Back From Charlie Z vs. Oleg (I took photos)

    god thats awesome man.

  5. #5
    The Paterfamilias RedBlackAttack's Avatar
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    Default Re: Just Got Back From Charlie Z vs. Oleg (I took photos)

    Excellent story.

    I'll give it up to these guys... They know more about hyping a fight than 80 percent of prize fighters out there. You seem to also have a knack for the promotional side of things. Ever think about pursuing it as a serious business? You have me genuinely interested in how this thing turns out.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Just Got Back From Charlie Z vs. Oleg (I took photos)

    charlie z has heart for miles. cant take that away from him.

    oleg's shirtless boy is a loose cannon.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Just Got Back From Charlie Z vs. Oleg (I took photos)

    Charlie looks anorexic.

  8. #8
    HANNN TruthKGRay3412's Avatar
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    Default Re: Just Got Back From Charlie Z vs. Oleg (I took photos)

    Awesome shit my dude..the
    (note the woman to the right in the first shot and the woman behind Oleg in the second two, they just came to get some exercise and suddenly there's 15 screaming russians and a screaming african)
    made me laugh out loud..

  9. #9
    Oh yeah, Mitch Kramer? johndeeregreen's Avatar
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    Default Re: Just Got Back From Charlie Z vs. Oleg (I took photos)


  10. #10
    shorty doowop halffttime's Avatar
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    Red face Re: Just Got Back From Charlie Z vs. Oleg (I took photos)

    hahahah best thread in a while i've read on ish.. charlie z never ceases to amaze me. i used to think it was all an act, turns out he's the real deal after all.

    link to said oleg video..

    ps. what happened to your lamar doom account?

  11. #11
    Verticle? plowking's Avatar
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    Default Re: Just Got Back From Charlie Z vs. Oleg (I took photos)

    nice break down doom, always exciting/fun to hear about fights where you don't always have a full visual aid.

  12. #12
    Very good NBA starter
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    Default Re: Just Got Back From Charlie Z vs. Oleg (I took photos)

    this is great

  13. #13
    The champ is here. The Big Skinny's Avatar
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    Default Re: Just Got Back From Charlie Z vs. Oleg (I took photos)

    is Wreck Shop Lamar Doom?

    they seem oh so similar

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Just Got Back From Charlie Z vs. Oleg (I took photos)

    Quote Originally Posted by Wreck Shop

    Oleg looks like Charlie from It's Always Sunny, at least in this picture.

    I'd imagine if my ex-girlfriends brother lived out there, he'd be involved. He was a Russian thug that thought he was hard as ****. He wasn't. At least not compared to me. But it seems like the Russian thug/wiigger/hardass is a rather populous race.

  15. #15
    Nosetradamus rezznor's Avatar
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    Default Re: Just Got Back From Charlie Z vs. Oleg (I took photos)

    Quote Originally Posted by Wreck Shop
    it always cracks me up how charlie is always trying to flex when he is in fact the scrawniest guy in the room

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