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  1. #61
    NBA Legend kentatm's Avatar
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    Default Re: strange happenings in louisiana

    that dude in the story the OP posted is gonna end up like the idiot boyfriend in Paranormal Activity. That shape is a damn Jeepers Creepers monster or somethign.

  2. #62
    In Luke We Trust Asiantastic's Avatar
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    Default Re: strange happenings in louisiana

    Read about 3 of these, and during the middle of one of em, my phone rang. Almost pissed my pants.

    Awesome stories though.

  3. #63
    Saw a basketball once
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    Default Re: strange happenings in louisiana

    Awesome story, although I don't believe in ghosts.Probably fictitious, but great story nonetheless.They can make one hell of a movie out of that.Weird stuff happens, but it's all in the head.

  4. #64
    "LINISH HIM!" airchibundo507's Avatar
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    Default Re: strange happenings in louisiana

    Quote Originally Posted by Jukes
    Awesome story, although I don't believe in ghosts.Probably fictitious, but great story nonetheless.They can make one hell of a movie out of that.Weird stuff happens, but it's all in the head.
    Buy an ouija board.

  5. #65
    "LINISH HIM!" airchibundo507's Avatar
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    Default Re: strange happenings in louisiana

    This thread cannot die. It is the GOAT thread IMO.

  6. #66
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    Default Re: strange happenings in louisiana

  7. #67
    NBA Legend kentatm's Avatar
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    Default Re: strange happenings in louisiana

    Quote Originally Posted by AtomSmasher
    holy hell, when I was a little kid that Are You Afraid of the Dark show had a shadow people episode that freaked me the F out.

  8. #68
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    Default Re: strange happenings in louisiana

    Quote Originally Posted by ProfessorMurder
    That thing has ups, I bet it is Wilt Chamberlain's spirit still picking up chicks.
    i've been reading about people who claim to have had encounters with them. does not sound like a good time at all.

  9. #69
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    Default Re: strange happenings in louisiana

    regarding shadow people:

    I think that they are just thoughtforms. And thoughtforms also need energy to survive. The energy that they feed on is negative emotional energy, of which fear is the most powerful one. And what easier way is there to get food (fear) than keeping people terrified of you??

    I think if all people would stop being afraid and stop feeling the emotion of fear, these beings will just disolve into "nothing". But I think I'll see pigs fly before that...
    First I'd like to say that I think your theory is very interesting. I would absolutely agree with every word you have said IF I hadn't had my own experience. Within that experience was the following phases:

    Initial vision - butt-loads of fear.
    Secondary vision (more than just the shadow creature) - apex of fear and instantaneous loss of fear
    Continued vision of shadow creature - no fear which culminated in the shadow being NOT dissolving into nothing, but something much much more sinister occurring.

    This experience is not something I feel comfortable talking about in detail in a public forum. Primarily due to the long-term effects.

    I wish your theory was correct. We could then just eliminate our "fear of the shadows", if you will, and there would no longer be any of us who could discuss the possible existence of these beings - whatever they may be (I have my own opinions). But it just isn't that simple.

    I know of two other members on this board that have had similar shadow sightings. I know of one other person in real life that not only had a shadow being sighting that was almost identical to mine, but also included the secondary vision that accompanied the shadow...the only thing different in their experience is that they were lucky enough to NOT stop fearing. In my experience, the ceasing of the fear was the pivotal moment when things turned real bad.

  10. #70
    7-time NBA All-Star KG215's Avatar
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    Default Re: strange happenings in louisiana

    I've got a decent story even though we didn't see anything concrete and have no visual proof of what we saw.

    I live in a small town in Arkansas and I'm sure some of you have heard of Tony Alamo. Well, he used to live in a "mansion" set up on some land in a tiny town right outside of where I live. Members of his "cult" and their kids lived there in small apartment complexes. A good friend of mine and her family lived on the land and actually ran their offices for their Masonry company out of Alamo's old mansion. She loved taking friends out there to walk through the mansion and experience its creepiness. It is pretty well knonw (in these parts anyway) that Alamo was/is a very strange man. A while back after his wife died he had his wife's body preserved, and instead of burying her, he had her put up in glass encasing on the wall, and her dead body was overlooking the main room when you walked in the front door. Obviously it isn't there anymore but there have been pleny of stories about some strange stuff that's gone down in the mansion. This isn't the creepiest part, but one night my friend, myself, and three of our friends went out to the mansion after a basketball game. It was about midnightish when we got there, and we decided to go on the ultimate walkabout throughout the house. After exploring the upstairs we ventured down to the creepiest part of the house, the basement. The basement is just a huge sprawling laid out series of rooms that is as big as the house above it. Again, we didn't see anything there, but given the house and its history, it was creepy to say the least since we had to go from room to room in the dark before turning the light on for whatever room we were in.

    Now, for the creepiest part of the story. Apparently the kids who lived on his plantation with their parents went to school in a one story building on the plantation. Just picture your textbook old abandoned building from a movie. It was decaying on the inside due to the exterior windows being broken and never repaired over the years. We had to enter the building through one of the broken windows. Of course there was broken glass around the frame and it lead directly into one of the school rooms. So, we get into the building and immediately you can just feel something "different" and "off" about the place. We get in the room and look up at the old chalkboard with a flashlight. Still written on the board is what must have been the last date they had class in the room: May 12, 1998. This was November 2005, so it definitely put out a creepy vibe as soon as you got in the building. This first part was enough in itself to get the two girls of the group to go back outside thus ending their exploration through the rest of the building with the rest of the group. There was stuff all over the floor: old classroom supplies, old pictures from coloring books that the kids had colored, stuff falling from the ceiling, etc. There were three of us and we had one cheap Wal-Mart flashlight that only gave us visibility about 10 feet in front of us. We went into a couple more classrooms and saw the same stuff. Colored pictures hanging on the wall and on the ground, filing cabinets with the drawers open and their contents spilling out, some old deks, and just other stuff you would fin ind a normal clssroom. Inside the main part of the building was a long hallway (probably 150 feet) with about 7 or 8 classrooms on one side and two restrooms on the other. We went about halfway down the hallway and had gone in 4 of the rooms. Nothing unusual had happened, yet, other than hearing some groaning and creaking from nothing more than an old building settling. Ceiling tiles were decaying and falling, so we just assumed the random "crashes" we heard in the distance was just ceiling tiles or something else falling to the ground. Well, we get out of the fourth room, and were pretty close to the other end of the hallway, where an old light was still holding onto its final few hours of life. The light gave off a strange orange glow and gave us a semi-clear view of the wall and window at the other end of the hallway. So we get out into the hallway and decide to try and take some pictures. Me and one of the other guys had our back turned to the lighted end of the hallway to pose for couple of pictures. After a couple of pictures the guy taking the photos all of a sudden just froze and was pinting at something behind us. We spin around, and what could only be mistaken for a human outline, saw a shadowy figure coming out of the last room at the end of the hall, and walked across the hall. Even when he entered the small portion of the hallway that was lit up we still couldn't make out anything more than a shadowy figure. After a few sceonds the figure just sort of faded away. Being the "big brave men" we were we high tailed it ouf of the building. I was holding the flashlight and stayed behind a second in order to provide some sort of light for my friends. At this point I was shaking and scared sh!tless. After my friends had gotten about 15 feet ahead of me I decided it was time for me to follow them. Unfortunately what little hand-eye coordination I had went to pot and I dropped the flashlight as I was running. I was too big of a wuss to stop and go back and get it so we had to feel our way down the last 15 feet of the hallway into the classroom in which we had entered the building. We all three dove through the window, told the girls what we had saw, hopped in the car, and took off. The flashlight was (and as far as I know still is) laying in the hall of the building and still turned on.

    Needless to say it was a very chilling experience. I wish we had thought to try and catch a picture of the "figure" but the guy with the camera (and rightfully so) froze up and taking a picture was the last thing on his mind. I don't know what we saw and haven't had the nerve to go back to the building in the last 5 years. We had all heard different "ghost" stories that occured on Alamo's mansion, but up until our first hand experience, we had just shrugged them off as nothing more than fabrications. It was my first and only supernatural experience.

  11. #71
    Alpha Tarheel rufuspaul's Avatar
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    Default Re: strange happenings in louisiana

    ^^Homeless guy living in the building.

  12. #72
    Verticle? plowking's Avatar
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    Default Re: strange happenings in louisiana

    Quote Originally Posted by rufuspaul
    ^^Homeless guy living in the building.
    Or one of the kids that comes in on a school free day. There's always one...

  13. #73
    NBA rookie of the year IlliniFan's Avatar
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    Default Re: strange happenings in louisiana

    Anyone every experience sleep paralysis? It is some scary shit. I never knew what it was called till I clicked on Vapid's link. Describes what I've experienced a couple times perfectly. It feels like I haven't gone to sleep yet, when really, I've woken up during REM sleep but I can't move my body at all, and I'm seeing/hearing some really scary stuff.

  14. #74
    Alpha Tarheel rufuspaul's Avatar
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    Default Re: strange happenings in louisiana

    Quote Originally Posted by IlliniFan
    Anyone every experience sleep paralysis? It is some scary shit. I never knew what it was called till I clicked on Vapid's link. Describes what I've experienced a couple times perfectly. It feels like I haven't gone to sleep yet, when really, I've woken up during REM sleep but I can't move my body at all, and I'm seeing/hearing some really scary stuff.
    That used to happen to me fairly regularly when I was younger, usually when napping in the afternoon. It hardly happens at all now.

  15. #75
    NBA sixth man of the year
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    Default Re: strange happenings in louisiana

    Does anyone know anything about this Holder Series? I just read "Holder of the End" and have no idea how to interpret it. Apparently there are 538 of these or something, I have no idea....

    Second post here:

    Probably all just fictional stories told on the web.

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