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  1. #211
    Stephen Kerry Brujesino's Avatar
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    Default Re: UFC 121: Lesnar vs Velasquez

    Quote Originally Posted by Stinky Dog
    im too good sometimes
    I LOVE YOU TOO!!!!

  2. #212
    The Paterfamilias RedBlackAttack's Avatar
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    Default Re: UFC 121: Lesnar vs Velasquez

    Quote Originally Posted by Stinky Dog
    im too good sometimes
    I've been saying for well over a year that Lesnar was bound to be exposed... And soon. His standup is just putrid and he is far too one-dimensional to be considered the unbeatable force that many claimed him to be.

    This isn't the first time that he has gotten his face tattooed, bloodied and bludgeoned. In fact, it is becoming a bit of a trend.

    Bottom line, if Lesnar doesn't get you on your back where he can use his strength to gain control and work for the choke, he is in big trouble. Guys are beginning to figure this out and I see Lesnar bound for a career as a pretty good, not great fighter.

    There have been countless other heavyweights that burst on to the scene with impressive victories that, when their flaws were exposed, turned into much more ordinary fighters with semi-mediocre careers.

    The only difference is, Lesnar was being treated as if he is the second-coming because of his popularity in WWF/WWE and his tough guy image/crazy rocked up build. Because of these factors, Dana White did everything he could to market this guy as the greatest heavyweight who has ever lived (lol) and his legions of fans proclaimed it so.

    Unfortunately, the guy's fights just didn't live up to those kinds of proclamations. Even his recent wins were less than impressive and/or dominating.

    The myth of Lesnar was slowly giving way to the reality for the last year+. Tonight just re-affirmed what I had already figured out.... Good fighter, not great.

  3. #213
    The Iron Price Jackass18's Avatar
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    Default Re: UFC 121: Lesnar vs Velasquez

    Quote Originally Posted by heyhey
    yea getting a takedown is just like rocking your opponent...
    I said more like.

    Getting dominant positions without further passing guards or acutally doing damage from those positions shouldn't be worth much points
    Yes, getting dominant position and getting control should be worth points.

  4. #214
    Good High School Starter evilmonkey's Avatar
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    Default Re: UFC 121: Lesnar vs Velasquez

    Quote Originally Posted by Stinky Dog
    im too good sometimes

  5. #215
    Retired Bloggissist 2LeTTeRS's Avatar
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    Default Re: UFC 121: Lesnar vs Velasquez

    Did Taker just ask Brock "do you wanna do it"? Guess he was sent by Vince to see if they could lure Lesnar back to the WWE. If he gets another loss or 2 I could see him going back where the paychecks are more guaranteed.

    And to a lesser extent the same can be said for Bobby Lashley.

  6. #216
    makhnovshchina Hazard's Avatar
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    Default Re: UFC 121: Lesnar vs Velasquez

    When I saw Lesnar with his horrible man beard I thought he had the fight in the bag, but he got too cocky and put too much faith in the beard and ultimately that lost him the fight.

  7. #217
    Go NY GO NY GO redhonda76's Avatar
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    Default Re: UFC 121: Lesnar vs Velasquez

    Brock's standup game was already exposed by Mir and Corwin fight and also Brock can't take the hit. Brock is going to work very hard on training. Opponents now know how to fight him.

  8. #218
    Good college starter TMacsOneGoodEye's Avatar
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    Default Re: UFC 121: Lesnar vs Velasquez

    haha look how composed Cain is. Just calmly following Brock around the cage while he makes an idiot of himself. Then when he's finished he punches him in the face 19 times.

    Oh god Brock is garbage. If he can't use his size/strength to smother, he just gets his shit pushed in. I only wish I was Fedor that wrecked him.

    I love Brocktober!

  9. #219
    Is it in you? hateraid's Avatar
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    Default Re: UFC 121: Lesnar vs Velasquez

    As much as the success of my sales relies on Brock's wins, I am actually kind of glad he did lose. Brock is put on a major pedastool which now nobody can deny he was knocked off. No excuse for this loss this time. Not only Brock losing did that, it all of a sudden made Fedor relevant again.

    I've always said Fedor could beat Brock but Brock supporters are so quick to stuff that notion. He's a better striker than Velasquez and much more ring savy.

  10. #220
    Is it in you? hateraid's Avatar
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    Default Re: UFC 121: Lesnar vs Velasquez

    Quote Originally Posted by jaydacris
    just didnt agree with his beginning rush
    love how composed and poised cain was, there was no way he was going to over exert himself or get gassed

    wut a cool f*ckin cucumber
    If Carwin would have had that same approach he would have been champ.

  11. #221
    Go NY GO NY GO redhonda76's Avatar
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    Default Re: UFC 121: Lesnar vs Velasquez

    Quote Originally Posted by hateraid
    If Carwin would have had that same approach he would have been champ.
    Yeah but the problem is that Carwin has zero stamina. Cain said himself that he was training for this match to go 5 rounds , that implies he's got great cardio.

  12. #222
    Is it in you? hateraid's Avatar
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    Default Re: UFC 121: Lesnar vs Velasquez

    Quote Originally Posted by redhonda76
    Yeah but the problem is that Carwin has zero stamina. Cain said himself that he was training for this match to go 5 rounds , that implies he's got great cardio.
    Carwin has good stamina. He trains in Denver and was a distance runner and a hurdler.
    He had a panic attack in the ring which drained his adrenals. Had he been calm like Cain, he would have maintained his stamina throughout the fight.

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