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  1. #31
    Learning to shoot layups ghettoracer's Avatar
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    Default Re: any age 30+ guy here significantly improved your vertical?!

    check my form for rdl and critic/comment. thanks.

    12/13/2011 Monday

    rdl's 30kg 1x10 (warm up), 70kg 1x8, 75kg 1x8, 80kg 1x8
    smith machine squats 50kg 1x10 (warm up), 80kg 2x8 atg, 90kg 1x8 1/2, 100kg 1x8 1/4, 110kg 1x8 1/4
    incline db press 60lbs 1x10 (warm up), 80lbs 1x8, 90lbs 2x8
    db bench press 60lbs 1x10 (warm up), 100lbs 3x8 (last set was challenging)
    incline db curl 10kg 3x8
    bb curl 25kg 1x8, 30kg 1x8
    smith machine bench press 40kg 1x8 (warm up), 70kg 2x8, 75kg 1x8 (challenging but good)

    finished my first kg of whey isolate today. not quite sure if if i gained muscles really... a kg of this isolate is suppose to have about 800g of protein. my weights are increasing slowly. need to kick up the work out frequency a notch.

    after that, 80 minutes of very intense full court indoor bball. serious offense and defense by both teams. great fun. won 2 games and lost 2 games.

  2. #32
    Enter the Dragic Swaggin916's Avatar
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    Default Re: any age 30+ guy here significantly improved your vertical?!

    form looks fine on the deadlifts. The weight is definitely going to have to increase and by a lot to see good results in your standing vert.

  3. #33
    Saw a basketball once
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    Default Re: any age 30+ guy here significantly improved your vertical?!

    If you're on a vertical jump program should u still run everyday?

  4. #34
    Learning to shoot layups ghettoracer's Avatar
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    Default Re: any age 30+ guy here significantly improved your vertical?!

    Quote Originally Posted by ap34
    If you're on a vertical jump program should u still run everyday?
    i'm not on a vj program per-se. just 2-3 weight sessions a week. so i still ball a bit, although certainly a bit less in duration compare to half year ago. also, i have not really added plyo work outs yet (which are pretty stressing and tiring for me). for me i'm just to steadily increase my strength first... if you meant actual running, i hate that. i cycle instead.

    for training tips and logs check out Andrew Darqui's that's where i keep my log and it's a small forum where everybody's trying to train hard and support each other. drop by. i only update this one from time to time...

  5. #35
    Saw a basketball once
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    Default Re: any age 30+ guy here significantly improved your vertical?!

    Nah I meant sprinting. Jogging or cycling (it depends on how hard you cycle) can actually bring down your vertical if you do it enough.

  6. #36
    Enter the Dragic Swaggin916's Avatar
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    Default Re: any age 30+ guy here significantly improved your vertical?!

    Quote Originally Posted by ap34
    Nah I meant sprinting. Jogging or cycling (it depends on how hard you cycle) can actually bring down your vertical if you do it enough.
    It depends how you cycle. If you interval train hauling ass for 15 seconds and cruise for a minute, it can actually help a little bit. Just don't over do it.

  7. #37
    Learning to shoot layups ghettoracer's Avatar
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    Default Re: any age 30+ guy here significantly improved your vertical?!

    12/14/2010 11am - a little last minute one on one before driving Chris to the airport for his 2:30pm flight leaving Taiwan. 19yo Chris 203cm 6'8" 100kg 220lbs vs. 37yo 180cm 5'11" 72kg 158lbs Frank. just a few friendly games. first to 6 buckets win.

    a pretty bad showing of my left hand lay ups and my right hand hook shots. they are usually much higher percentage than what this video shows. not a good shooting day for either of us. i missed several of my usually highly reliable bank shots. we were short on time so neither of us really properly warmed up.

    thought to myself watching the video - damn i'm really playing freaking old man basketball... obviously not trying to use speed but instead always just trying to find enough space to get the shot i want. gonna try to film a session where i try to use what's left of my athleticism next time and see how much "young frank" is left in me. haha.

    ps, this rim is taller than regulation. about 10'2".
    Last edited by ghettoracer; 12-14-2010 at 11:24 PM.

  8. #38
    Learning to shoot layups ghettoracer's Avatar
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    Default Re: any age 30+ guy here significantly improved your vertical?!

    took last 10 days off lifting to try and improve my back stiffness. lucky for me local hot spring is only a short 15 minute ride on scooter away. i've hit it up 4 times already, soaking for 1-1.5 hours each time at 43c/110f (breaks in between of course @ cooler 34c/93f water). i try to stretch a bit while i'm soaking in the water... the stiffness is slowly reducing. fingers crossed on it really getting better. i decided to get back in the gym today.

    soreness = none
    injuries = jammed left ring finger 90% healed, lower back slightly stiff, lower left almost normal now. lower right is a little worse but improving.
    fatigue = none

    smith machine squats 50kg 1x8 (warm up), 80kg 2x8 atg, 90kg 1x8 atg (pr for atg), 100kg 1x8 1/2, 110kg 1x8 1/2, 120kg 1x8 1/2 on the last 120kg i went parallel, how ever i rested the weight on the stopper slowly, then tried to explode up. i think the effect is similar to box squat. the difference being while resting there's no weight on my spine vs. a real box squat. but the muscle training aspect appears to be the same. i'm told it is also call pin squat.

    rdl's 30kg 1x10 (warm up), 70kg 2x8, 75kg 1x8, 80kg 1x8 (extra 1x8 @ 70kg vs. last time) at first after warm up i went straight to 80kg thinking i didn't try hard enough last time. well, last time i did rdl first before squats and in addition i have not lifted for 10 days. did like 3 reps at 80kg and the motion didn't feel good since it's only my 3rd rdl session so i drop the weight down to 70kg and start over. at first i figure i got weaker or maybe tired from squats already and i was gonna just to 70kg twice then 75kg but once i got used to the motion and weight 75 and 80 didn't feel that bad. progressive loading does stimulate the CNS and make it feel better...

    incline db press 60lbs 1x10 (warm up), 80lbs 3x8
    incline db curl 10kg 3x8
    db bench press 60lbs 1x10 (warm up), 90lbs 1x8, 100lbs 1x8, 110lbs 1x7
    machine bench press 80lbs 1x8 (warm up), 120lbs 1x6, 140lbs 1x6, 170lbs 1x6 (very challenging but good, pr!)

    no protein supplement in this time period (finished 1st kg of whey recently). casein and whey on order. except for the db curl i tried to concentrate on the eccentric phase for 4 seconds and it definitely made the work out much more challenging at the same weights. i'll implement this on most of future gym sessions.

  9. #39
    serenity now GhostDeini32's Avatar
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    Default Re: any age 30+ guy here significantly improved your vertical?!

    yoga + lifting + plyos = improved vert.

    supplements, what you eat and your extracurriculars are also important.

  10. #40
    Learning to shoot layups ghettoracer's Avatar
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    Default Re: any age 30+ guy here significantly improved your vertical?!

    wed, jan 7th, 2011

    whey and casein protein arrived today! *my doorway pull up bar, push up pro, and ab roller wheel thingy came yesterday too. *my new year resolution is to hit 10% or less body fat by 1/31/11. *did 1x20, 2x15 push ups, 2x15 close grip push ups and 2x20 ab roller yesterday. *3x20 push ups, 2x15 close grip push ups and 2x20 ab roller wheel today. *my lower ab feels sore! *a few random pull ups and chin ups. *ab roller definitely works certain muscles in the ab well. *i had a old high school friend who used to do 100 ab roller daily 4 years ago and he had a rock hard abs after few months... *i also got in quite a bit of yoga stretches in the last 2 days. *about 2 hours worth. *back stiffness is still present, but only in the lower right now. *weird!

    was about to shower and sleep but with my lofty goal of 10% fat i better kick it up a notch. *so i got in these before shower:

    regular pull ups, all the way down, slightly less than shoulder width grip, palm faces eyes. *1x8
    wide grip chin ups, hang for 10 sec., than only 1x2 (weak hand grip), then 1x6
    2x20 push ups, i can really feel some shoulder muscles working hard
    1x15 close grip push ups, palms slightly below chest, seems to stress triceps hard too, could only do 1x15 on the knees. * :uhhhfacepalm:
    tried to do a set of ab roller wheel but can't even go all the way down (lower ab sore as hell).

    both whey and casein's origin are from New Zealand... *the casein is apparently made by NZMP (New Zealand Milk Products) for Holland's DMV brand. *NZ has a pretty big dairy industry. *not too sure about the details of whey, except it's from NZ too. *i believe it is whey concentrate not isolates. *and the seller said they've added "nitro-t" to it. *100g serving has 80g of protein. *should be just food grade bulk products.

    Thursday Jan 6th, 2011

    soreness = lower right back and buttocks pretty sore (old stiffness problem still)
    injuries = jammed left ring finger 95% healed
    fatigue = chest little sore from push ups last couple of days, lower ab sore

    pre work, 2 egg whites (~8g protein), chicken burger (16g protein, 260 kcal) + barley milk drink (3g protein), a guava, a fuji apple. *40 grams of whey (32g of protein) an hour before work out

    smith machine squats
    50kg 1x8 (warm up)
    80kg 2x8 atg
    90kg 1x8 atg
    100kg 1x8 1/2 squat
    105kg 1x8 1/2 squat

    30kg 1x10 (warm up)
    70kg 2x8, 75kg 1x8
    80kg 1x8
    85kg 1x8 (PR, +5 kg)

    incline db press
    60lbs 1x10 (warm up)
    80lbs 3x8

    incline db curl
    10kg 3x8

    bb curl
    20kg 1x8 (semi warm up)
    25kg 1x8
    30kg 1x8

    db bench press
    60lbs 1x10 (warm up)
    90lbs 1x8
    100lbs 2x8 (challenging due to soreness from push ups last couple of days)

    machine bench press
    80lbs 1x8 (warm up)
    130lbs 1x8
    150lbs 2x6 (challenging due to soreness from push ups last couple of days)

    machine pec flies
    60lbs 1x10 (warm up)
    100lbs 1x8
    120lbs 1x8
    130lbs 1x8 (challenging due to soreness from push ups last couple of days)

    post work out 40 grams of whey (32g protein)

    chicken sandwich( 12g protein, 230 kcal), beef stew noodle soup (25 grams of protein 640 kcal), a guava and a fuji apple.

    for cardio i've been meaning to add cycling in the morning but the weather has been rainy and a little cold and i don't have the proper gears... *might have to do some "zusana" cardio sessions in the mornings. *:-P

    man i'm toast! i worked out hard at the gym this afternoon. gonna hit the sack early at 10:30pm. =) some casein and off to sleep i go. *about to sleep but just did

    1x25 push up
    1x6 pull up
    1x6 chin up

    4 hours later i'm up. i always find that sleeping before 11pm makes my sleeping more efficient. the old chinese docs sure know their stuff... liver rests at 11pm-1am and you really should be in bed! so i didn't drink the casein before bed, i'm doing it now and it's my first mix. whey mix so easily with just a spoon i notice how fluffy the casein powder is compare to whey i had a hunch it might be different. well it came out super clunky and i'm freaking chewing tar/cheese right now! at least it is flavorless so it is not too nasty. apparently i will need a blender/mixer for this stuff. arrg! *anybody have some casein recipe? *i'm thinking maybe some kinda cheese omelet or with potato might be good...

    friday, jan 7th, 2011

    at indoor gym for 4.5 hours total. played full court and ran hard for little over 3 hours. 40g whey pre and post workout. 3 banana after workout. subway chicken sandwitch and i did cheat a little with a small bag of potato chips and ~10oz of soda.

    sat. now and i notice my legs aren't even sore at all. i'm thinking my legs have developed really good endurance... the only sore/stiffness i have is that annoying lower back thing. found a online foam roller supplier so it's on order now.

    video of smith machine squat and rdl form check update 01/06/2011

  11. #41
    Join Date
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    Default Re: any age 30+ guy here significantly improved your vertical?!

    ^ wow

  12. #42
    Serious playground baller
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    Default Re: any age 30+ guy here significantly improved your vertical?!

    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoracer

    video of smith machine squat and rdl form check update 01/06/2011
    Make sure you're keeping your spine in line when doing both of those exercises. On the squats it looks as if your looking down or at the weights when you should be looking straight ahead. It looks like you corrected your form some on the deads by not locking your knees but again make sure your spine is in line (I can't tell if it is or not). You want to kind of stick your butt out and your shoulders back as well as keeping your neck straight so as your are going down you go from looking ahead to looking at the floor. Keep up the good work!

    I was glad to come across this thread because I often feel like an old man on here. I don't post much, I am mostly just a lurker.

    If you want a good solid workout here is one to try, it's the one I am using now.

    Basketball has taken its toll on my ankles but lifting has done about everything else in. I have tendinitis in both shoulders, an achy back and my knees give out on me when playing sometimes. I almost wish I could start over and pay more attention to my form than the weights I put up.

  13. #43
    Learning to shoot layups ghettoracer's Avatar
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    Default Re: any age 30+ guy here significantly improved your vertical?!

    i was looking at the safety stopper so i don't slam or bounce the weight against it... i think if it lower it one more down it is still safe but won't be close enough so i don't have to look anymore...

    thanks for the suggestions and comments. my squat/rdl both are all work in progress. i have an updated one from jan 10th that i'll upload soon... hate to hear that you have joint pain from weights. do you think there was more you could've done for prehab/rehab? was it maybe lack of enough warm ups and stretching or does it simply come with the territory? this is the first time in my life i've lifted steadily... weights are all still pretty new to me. i re-read what you wrote and it seem like you said your form might have caused some of these issues? how old are you know? yah this forum seems to majority youth.

    mon, jan 10th, 2011

    smith machine squats
    50 kg 1x8 (warm up)
    90kg 1x8 atg
    95kg 2x8 atg (pr!) unlike previously i always made weight adjustments in 10kg's i did 5kg this time. the extra 5 was felt big time! quite challenging as the vid will show!
    110kg 1x8 1/2 squat
    115kg 1x8 1/4 squat

    i took some vids but haven't u/l them yet. i moved my feet back so that it is more inline with the weights... more like freeweights motion i think.

    40kg 1x8 (warm up)
    80kg 3x8

    tooks some vids, will u/l soon. worked on correcting the form... i'm gonna get me some gloves. it's not exactly fully grip strength... i don't have that much meat on my palm. i feel some pain literally because there isn't enough padding and the pressure of the weight against my bone is what's causing a little bit of pain. don't wanna roughen up my hands too much or the ladies might complain. lol.

    didn't wanna miss my bball time so that was it for the workout.
    Last edited by ghettoracer; 01-17-2011 at 04:37 PM.

  14. #44
    Learning to shoot layups ghettoracer's Avatar
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    Default Re: any age 30+ guy here significantly improved your vertical?!

  15. #45
    Learning to shoot layups ghettoracer's Avatar
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    Default Re: any age 30+ guy here significantly improved your vertical?!

    this is your captain speaking. haha. it's official i'm the captain of the free agent basketball team for GDB winter 2011 season which starts this sunday!! we are going to kick ass. i will make sure of it. this is going to awesome i'm so excited.

    ps, GDB = Glory Days Basketball, a recreation league in Taipei, Taiwan.

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