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  1. #16
    Roy Hibbert Super Star InspiredLebowski's Avatar
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    Default Re: Petition to Allow Collegiate Players to Receive Compensation

    Like Jay Bilas keeps clamoring for, just use the Olympic model; you don't get paid to play, you get paid for being good at playing. Schools don't need to pay guys, just allow them to make money by being really good basketball players. Local car dealer commercials, appearance fees at an athletic store opening, stuff like that.

    Does that open a new can of worms? Clearly. But not like it's that can of tuna that's been sitting in the back of the cupboard for 3 years, these guys are obviously getting paid somehow at a ton of schools. AND THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT JUST BECAUSE THE NCAA SAYS SO.

    Calipari gave a radio interview last week or so, said something like the ideal situation is 60 or so of the big time major conference schools just tell the NCAA to eat a dick. Form their own league, play by their own rules. Calipari's only a scumbag in the world that lives by the NCAA's rules. In the real world he's taking kids who have only one true talent (in the vast majority of cases) and putting them in the best situation to capitalize on that talent. That's a good thing.

    You spend vast amounts of your post high school years being a major contributor to a multi-billion dollar industry and are allowed to receive no compensation during this. I don't like throwing this type of rhetoric around, but it's patently un-American.

  2. #17
    NJ Net Fan For Life. wang4three's Avatar
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    Default Re: Petition to Allow Collegiate Players to Receive Compensation

    I really think the only way I'd switch on this subject is if the athlete decides on one or two things. Either receive an athletic scholarship, or sign a contract deal, but pay for your own tuition. I really don't think they should allowed both. Cause last thing the rest of your college population should witness is one student getting paid potentially hundred of thousands to millions while also getting a free ride, paid for by their tuition/tax dollars for public universities.

  3. #18
    College superstar JMT's Avatar
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    Default Re: Petition to Allow Collegiate Players to Receive Compensation

    Quote Originally Posted by 2LeTTeRS
    Why is this a bad thing?

    In this country all people have the right to profit based on their own likeness. Why should they be the only class of people that are not afforded this right?

    While this right may not be valuable to the ordinary joe, this is an invuable right to those who have attained celebrity status. While you are right depending on how good you are or what program you play for your celebrity status will vary, just being a member of a school football or basketball team makes you a celebrities in many communities.

    I don't claim my system fixes all the problems, but it would at least give players an opportunity to make some money.
    Again, the only players it will benefit are those that are going to be multi-millionaires in a matter of a year or two. What's the point of an article, petition or campaign that helps that 1% only?

    Want to be sure there's a rift between the haves and have nots within a team/program? Want to compromise the values of teamwork? Want to eliminate all but the highest revenue sports? Then establish a program that only gives money to the highest profile players...the guys who are on the cusp of being millionaires anyway.

    There are millions of people whose hard work, effort and excellence at a job is rewarded only with their standard compensation. These student/athletes are compensated for their performance with an education and, in the case of the stars that your system would further help, invaluable exposure to super rich future employers.

    Your system makes the performance of a star QB more valuable than the performance of a star offensive tackle who won't be getting endorsement deals. In the pros, this disparity is addressed through salary.

    Merchandising helps to provide the $$$ to keep afloat every sport on a college campus that isn't football or basketball.

    Not saying it's an ideal system, but to me your proposal doesn't do anything to fix anything. Just further muddies the waters.
    Last edited by JMT; 06-28-2011 at 07:54 PM.

  4. #19
    I Run NY. niko's Avatar
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    Default Re: Petition to Allow Collegiate Players to Receive Compensation

    They do get compensated. They get free education at schools that most likely not only could they not afford, but probably would not get into. That education is mad expensive. Paying them to avoid situations that are coming around is silly - how much could you pay to avoid any of these type of situations?

  5. #20
    Roy Hibbert Super Star InspiredLebowski's Avatar
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    Default Re: Petition to Allow Collegiate Players to Receive Compensation

    Quote Originally Posted by niko
    They do get compensated. They get free education at schools that most likely not only could they not afford, but probably would not get into. That education is mad expensive. Paying them to avoid situations that are coming around is silly - how much could you pay to avoid any of these type of situations?
    I don't want them to get paid, not by the school, not by the NCAA, any of that. Just have the opportunity, should they be good enough, to make money off their likeness. And that absolutely includes the 2K sports (and MILLIONS TO THE NCAA) games making cash off everything about them except their actual names.

    If an Engineering student wins the Nobel at Purdue (which comes with a HUGE cash prize), who is on scholarship, not only does he get to keep that cash prize but the university touts it in brochures and other recruiting paraphernalia. It's not confined to major international stuff like the Nobel either. THAT IS NOT FAIR. Why are athletes the ONLY scholarship students that can't profit off of their own likeness? Why is it laudable for a non-athlete student to turn a profit off of his/her scholarship provided university experience but if it's an athlete that tries to he's a greedy prima donna outlaw that gets barred from collegiate athletics? If you being a student at a given institution means more to that institution than it does you, you should have the ability to compensate yourself. Purdue's one of maybe a dozen or so public schools whose athletic departments operate completely on their own merits, no state funding, no state subsidies, any of that. You think that's anywhere near possible w/o Drew Brees and JaJuan Johson and E'Twuan Moore and Carl Landry and whoever? Without these kids the athletic departments are in the red.

    Seriously. Give me an argument why JaJuan Johnson shouldn't have been allowed to make commercials for Mike Raisor's car dealerships. We're not talking about millions of dollars.
    Last edited by InspiredLebowski; 07-01-2011 at 04:44 AM.

  6. #21
    Off the Meds. MMKM's Avatar
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    Default Re: Petition to Allow Collegiate Players to Receive Compensation

    If players were allowed to capitalize on their talents outside of school, wouldn't schools just attempt to set up highly lucrative endorsement deals for their prize recruits? The schools themselves would still be the driving force behind athletes receiving compensation and the biggest schools would monopolize the recruiting process even more than they do now. The real winners would be the shoe companies. Adidas would have a bidding war between it's sponsored schools for an endorsement deal for a prize recruit. And then what, when the endorsements turn into mega money, the kids are going to negotiate contracts on their own? Who does that for them otherwise? An agent? To me it's a slippery slope and the NCAA is better off keeping a zero tolerance policy, which is already violated enough as is. There is no such thing as getting paid "from an outside source" it is all interconnected.

  7. #22
    Banned goldenboy_smith's Avatar
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    Default Re: Petition to Allow Collegiate Players to Receive Compensation

    college players are being exploited by their protecters

  8. #23
    NBA Legend and Hall of Famer
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    Default Re: Petition to Allow Collegiate Players to Receive Compensation

    Quote Originally Posted by InspiredLebowski
    Like Jay Bilas keeps clamoring for, just use the Olympic model; you don't get paid to play, you get paid for being good at playing. Schools don't need to pay guys, just allow them to make money by being really good basketball players. Local car dealer commercials, appearance fees at an athletic store opening, stuff like that.

    Does that open a new can of worms? Clearly. But not like it's that can of tuna that's been sitting in the back of the cupboard for 3 years, these guys are obviously getting paid somehow at a ton of schools. AND THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT JUST BECAUSE THE NCAA SAYS SO.

    Calipari gave a radio interview last week or so, said something like the ideal situation is 60 or so of the big time major conference schools just tell the NCAA to eat a dick. Form their own league, play by their own rules. Calipari's only a scumbag in the world that lives by the NCAA's rules. In the real world he's taking kids who have only one true talent (in the vast majority of cases) and putting them in the best situation to capitalize on that talent. That's a good thing.

    You spend vast amounts of your post high school years being a major contributor to a multi-billion dollar industry and are allowed to receive no compensation during this. I don't like throwing this type of rhetoric around, but it's patently un-American.


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