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  1. #1
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    Default Random thoughts on the lockout / offseason:

    - first of all, it's been really hard to get into this topic with all the distractions going down. the debt crisis should be scary stuff for all of us considering how much the US dollar & economy is going to drastically plummet if the deal doesn't get done by tomorrow. not to mention the stock market & the global economy. there is really no segment of the population who won't suffer a huge beatdown if both houses of congress can't get this shit settled ASAP. (of course, this time tomorrow, everyone should be either breathing huge sighs of relief or reaching for their personal firearms)

    - lawrence frank just got a four-year head coaching deal in detroit and i'm pleased. some have accused him of being too much of a perfectionist / drill sergeant, but i'm not sure how many of those people have considered the fact that he was an extremely young guy on his very first HC gig with the nets. really, it's almost impossible not to make mistakes under those conditions. and really, the people who put him down because he started 0-16 are living in a twilight zone. have they actually looked at the roster he was stuck with? battie, boone, dooling, CDR, harris, hassell, hayes, hump, lee, lopez, quinn, simmons, t-will, yi. individually, they all have an argument, but as a roster, they're quite hideous. as much as we all liked them individually... speaking for myself, at least.

    - i still believe netsdaily is the best b-ball site that has ever existed. i mean, i go to to SI, foxsports and ESPN on a regular basis, yet they are typically reduced to vague articles about the NBA in general, while "net income" & crew provide consistent excellence about all things nets. and yea, it's much easier to do that when you're a team with the most advanced and expensive arena being built in sports history... but still, one gets the idea that NI would find interesting angles on a simple hotdog stand... even if prokhy's arena wasn't being built, after all. what i'm trying to say is- this level of reporting is amazing; maybe historic; and i'm not sure that any other team in the NBA has anything remotely like this...

    more later, if i can manage it. i'm a bundle of nerves. props to the next person to post...

  2. #2
    College star D12"Magic"'s Avatar
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    Post Re: Random thoughts on the lockout / offseason:

    -I really think a Lockout is gonna hurt our chance at keeping Deron Williams.
    Now it is starting to seem like Howard or Bust. If I was Deron I would Rather persuade Howard to the Nets then instead of playing with and aging Kobe and/or 2 ball dominant players who don''t know the word defense.

    -I think soon where gonna half to image life without Deron, because there is a possibility he is gonna leave. We can build around Brooks and Lopez, but how long are we gonna wait for Lopez to break-out and what if the hype around Brooks fails? Plus we still will have Outlaw for 3 more years. Farmar as our starting guard. Now forget the Negatives, what if we build through the draft? if the lockout continues and there's no season we could end up with a top 8 pick if that's how the order is determined.

    -Hump and Kim are getting married Aug. 20th, congrats to both.

  3. #3
    NJ Net Fan For Life. wang4three's Avatar
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    Default Re: Random thoughts on the lockout / offseason:

    Stan Van Gundy is a better dribbler than me.

  4. #4
    Flat Earth Era Nets fan 93's Avatar
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    Gotta agree with the mention. It is the only site I check about anything basketball besides this site of course. The writers are absolutely awesome and are not really that biased. Their info is always informative in general and always to the point.

    Nice to see Lawrence Frank back in the league as a head coach. Seeing him as an assistant just didn't look right. Congrats to him.

    This summer is such a change compared to last summer. You had the big time free agents in LeBron, Wade, Bosh, Amar'e, Johnson, Gay, Pierce, Dirk. This summer's Free agents hasnt even started YET! IDK about you guys but I look forward to player movement! So this summer has been a bummer in terms of my fan life haha.

    Gilbert Arenas has gone crazy. He's probably always like that but if you pay attention to his twitter I guarantee you will be entertained.

    Looking forward to see if Humphries is staying and how Brooks will fit in with the team we have.

  5. #5
    Saw a basketball once
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    Default Re: Random thoughts on the lockout / offseason:

    Hi guys!

    Nets fan here. I became a fan when they drafted my boy KMart and became an even bigger fan when they brought Kidd over. On that note, I'm happy that Kidd finally has a chip.

    I'm also happy to see Frank get another head coaching gig. I still remember his 12 (or was it 13) game winning streak for the Nets when he started.

  6. #6
    College star D12"Magic"'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Random thoughts on the lockout / offseason:

    Welcome to the Forums
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTank
    Hi guys!

    Nets fan here. I became a fan when they drafted my boy KMart and became an even bigger fan when they brought Kidd over. On that note, I'm happy that Kidd finally has a chip.

    I'm also happy to see Frank get another head coaching gig. I still remember his 12 (or was it 13) game winning streak for the Nets when he started.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Random thoughts on the lockout / offseason:

    welcome, tank!

    funny... i'm a bundle of nerves yet again & yet still posting again. this time i'm nervous because of the huge selling frenzy on the market, today. one might get the impression that i'm heavily in to the stock market, and one might be right. :S

    re: d-will,
    good points, above.

    this is an issue i've been kind of ignorant and foolish about... specifically how much a lockout season would hurt our chances of keeping d-will. because of the fact that a lockout season would void the current season's contracts instead of extending them forward one year. so this is a killer in our situation with d-will.

    and it's kind of heart-breaking considering what an awesome trade we made just months ago. one also applauded by 99% of the experts.

    still, if there's one thing that i think goes in the nets favor, it's that we have heavily, heavily impressed the basketball world, the public, and the NBA with the new arena. that, and recently getting such a kick-ass, top-notch owner.

    i mean, yea... under ratner and the old arena, why would deron have stayed? but with the current situation, and based upon what he seems to say / feel, d-will seems very supportive of the whole thing... and will perhaps give us extra chances to impress him that he wouldn't have given other franchises. i mean, he's not an idiot and he surely understands that the lockout has tied prokhy's hands for the moment.

    at any rate, i remain positive until a gun-wielding maniac proves me otherwise! :P

    at times it's still kind of hard to believe that the mavs really won, and that for most of us, our favorite PG in the league now has an NBA title as a starter at the advanced age of 38. furthermore, that a perennial playoff loser defeated a team with two of the top three players in the league on the roster.

    AND / OR that some of the most likeable players in the league (kidd, tyson chicken, dirk, JET) beat a trio of dudes who talked legendary smack, flopped like mannequins (see the playoffs thread), and come across as incredible egomaniacs. although maybe i'm being too harsh on c-bosh, who actually seems like an honest and decent guy.

    anyway, it's still quite astonishing and hard to fully believe, at least for me. the mavs finally, actually won the championship???

  8. #8
    College star D12"Magic"'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Random thoughts on the lockout / offseason:

    Its great to see Franchises be part of an exclusive list of Championship winners. Hopefully we will get there soon.

  9. #9
    Flat Earth Era Nets fan 93's Avatar
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    Default Re: Random thoughts on the lockout / offseason:

    [QUOTE]Somewhere in academe there is a course in interpreting the music and lyrics of Jay-Z. If so, we can add two articles written Tuesday to the syllabus.

    In his new album with Kanye West, "Watch the Throne", Jay-Z sings about how unphased he is by it all (and why not? He is married to Beyonce' and a fortune estimated at more than $300 million.) Among the lyrics:

    Ball so hard, this s

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Random thoughts on the lockout / offseason:

    event: earlier this year, prokhorov heads up a friendly opposition party to vladimir putin.

    my reaction: it's only to help out his buddy vladi and to get a small taste of formal politics. so... all good. good stuff and fun stuff. win-win, everyone's happy.

    event: august 10th- prokhy goes after putin like he's suddenly serious about winning the prime minister's seat.

    my reaction: say whaaaaattttttt? are you fricken kidding me?? since when did this mild-mannered young rich guy think he could actually take on the dictator of russia... the butcher of moscow? if this isn't a publicity stunt then prokhy is suddenly feeling suicidal and in immediate need of speed and prozac...!

    nah... can't really be true.

    but i loved NI's response to another fan shitting bricks on this: "what's the matter? you don

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Random thoughts on the lockout / offseason:

    on ND, someone young and silly was saying 'brooklyn nets will be the first pro sports team in brooklyn".

    but credit big mike for doing some actual research on the matter. allow me to run with the ball:

    brooklyn dodgers, 1883 - 1957. first baseball team to field a black player, jackie robinson, who was also a star player without doubt. side note: it seems my grandfather was a personal friend with the guy who hired jackie, general manager branch rickey. all that's left are some pics- wish i would have known about all this before my grandpa died.

    brooklyn dodgers / brooklyn tigers of the NFL, 1930 - 1944. played at ebbets field. apparently WWII killed their roster and star players, and they never recovered.

    brooklyn kings, 1999 - 2007 in the USBL. i've barely heard about the USBL, but i guess it was some kind of pro bball league. props for surviving in the stern era for almost a decade, i guess.

    (technically there are more, but i think that should do)

  12. #12
    NJ Net Fan For Life. wang4three's Avatar
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    Default Re: Random thoughts on the lockout / offseason:

    Honestly, it's a joke that the lockout has gone as far as it has without any signs of progress.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Random thoughts on the lockout / offseason:

    NBPA VP Maurice Evans: "Our guys are willing to miss this season and more. We're willing to do what it's going to take because accepting a deal at the numbers that they're asking for will be worse than missing the season."
    i'm calling shenanigans on this remark, made earlier today.

  14. #14
    College star D12"Magic"'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Random thoughts on the lockout / offseason:

    Hurricane Irene is heading Jersey, Not gonna be good

  15. #15
    Flat Earth Era Nets fan 93's Avatar
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    Default Re: Random thoughts on the lockout / offseason:

    Quote Originally Posted by D12"Magic"
    Hurricane Irene is heading Jersey, Not gonna be good
    YEAH! You on the coast or what? the coast is supposed to be hit pretty bad.

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