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  1. #1
    I don't get picked last at the park anymore
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    Default Tips for better recovery?

    I've been trying to do a 1-2 hour skill training session each day along with bball practice(weight lifting too) and today I reached fatigue to the point of decreased performance in practice after only 4 days(I reached it after 7 days). What I do is just rest that day because I just can't get anything out of a workout if I'm this tired.

    I try my best to recover by eating bananas, drinking water, stretching, and sleeping as much as I can(7 hours). I hear stories of NBA pros practicing hard for 5 hours straight everyday in the summer(don't believe most of them though) and saw that derrick rose's workout consists of 700+ shot two 2 hour sessions each day in the summer excluding one day. I don't know how they do it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Tips for better recovery?

    separate your work outs.

    do some in the morning, then some in the afternoon then some in the evening

    for eg. (lift weight in the morning, skill train in the noon and evening)

    break it out into sessions will help

    couple things you can do,
    up your food intake - if you are training that hard, you need fuel to back it up

    if your fatigue mostly come from your legs then you need to hit the stationary bikes for 15~30 minutes going regular pace, it will dynamically stretch out your muscles

    gradually increase your training intensity. it sounds like you overloaded yourself, you should rest and cut back and add on more intensity and drills week by week. if you keep going at this pace, you are likely to get injured

  3. #3
    NBA Superstar
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    Default Re: Tips for better recovery?

    Training regimens vary from player to player. For instance, in Richard Hamilton's case, he has not found it necessary to work out for five hours a day. Rather, he believed in truly pushing himself for a solid hour.

    Also, 700 shots is not quite as cumbersome if a player is using a shooting machine or a partner. I'm not thinking Derrick Rose is taking 700 shots of shooting, chasing his own rebound, then shooting again.

    Above all, similar to what beast said, it's good to listen to your body. Even professional athletes must rest and allow their muscles to recover, regardless of their nutritional habits and otherwise. Rest is a part of improving your body.

  4. #4
    Enter the Dragic Swaggin916's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tips for better recovery?

    Yea are totally overloading i always start out with something light and then work your way up. You don't need to be shooting 700 shots a day. Only a pro with nothing else needing to be done can do that. Non pros have lives outside of basketball with school or work that take up more than half the day. Just put in an hour and half or 2 hours of combined lifting and ball training and see how that works and then increase it if you feel fine. That's my advice anyway. The key is stick with something u know u can do for weeks at a time. Consistency is how you improve and it has be a day to day thing practicing at least 4 days a week. I would recommend 4 or 5 then letting ur body recover the other days.

  5. #5
    NBA All-star baseketball4life's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tips for better recovery?

    Nutrition... protein shakes help recovery big time for me, I train twice a day 2 hours each time.

  6. #6
    Serious playground baller
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    Default Re: Tips for better recovery?

    Quote Originally Posted by bobbyflay
    . I hear stories of NBA pros practicing hard for 5 hours straight everyday in the summer(don't believe most of them though) .

    They do but they can because that is all they do. If your getting enough rest then you can put more time in. Try to get some down time between workouts and make sure your getting some protein can carbs in after each workout. More sleep would probably help but I am in the same boat as you. I work, have kids and try to work out every day and its hard to get much more that 6 and fit everything in. There are some other tricks such as foam rolling and contrast showers that are also supposed to help

  7. #7
    Go Spurs Go
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    Default Re: Tips for better recovery?


    ive been eating like crazy lately and it helps alot.. im talking 5-6 meals a day!


    wakeup : cereal with milk

    2 hrs later : ramen with tuna

    2 hrs later : pbj

    3 hrs later: chicken with pasta/bread/etc

    3 hrs later : morechicken with pasta /bread

    and in between ill have some milk, powerades, maybe an apple, banana, etc.. also a protein shake.

    lots of water and rest and youll be good.. but remember this : PASTA + MEAT (chicken or ground beef) = WIN

  8. #8
    Serious playground baller
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    Default Re: Tips for better recovery?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dizzle-2k7

    and in between ill have some milk, powerades, maybe an apple, banana, etc.. also a protein shake.

    lots of water and rest and youll be good.. but remember this : PASTA + MEAT (chicken or ground beef) = WIN

    Add more fruits and veggies for sure. You need the enzymes from raw foods to help your body use the nutrients from the other foods

  9. #9
    o()xxx[{::::::::::::> SourPatchKids's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tips for better recovery?

    Try to get some protein in your body preferably 15 minutes after your workout/practice. I always carry a bar or powder to make a shake around in my bag.

  10. #10
    NBA All-star baseketball4life's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tips for better recovery?

    Quote Originally Posted by SourPatchKids
    Try to get some protein in your body preferably 15 minutes after your workout/practice. I always carry a bar or powder to make a shake around in my bag.
    Protein = recovery.

    I get in 250 grams a day minimum. I've tried going down to around 200 but I'd be sore the next and not recover as fast. Some days if its a double day I get over 300 grams and wake up the next day fresh as hell.

  11. #11
    o()xxx[{::::::::::::> SourPatchKids's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tips for better recovery?

    Quote Originally Posted by baseketball4life
    Protein = recovery.

    I get in 250 grams a day minimum. I've tried going down to around 200 but I'd be sore the next and not recover as fast. Some days if its a double day I get over 300 grams and wake up the next day fresh as hell.
    Might I ask, what sport do you do? I think I remember you posting about being a D1 level tennis player.

  12. #12
    Local High School Star
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    Default Re: Tips for better recovery?

    Add omega 3 fats and magnesium

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