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  1. #76
    Local High School Star Math2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rasheed1
    He obviously "cares" more than Mitt Romney and the GOP... They were so dumb they spent that period of time bashing latinos and pushing them into Obama's camp
    Bashing latinos? How so?

  2. #77
    Local High School Star Math2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Droid101
    From another site:

    There is no way to fairly tax people because there is no way to clearly define what "fair" is.
    Is it fair to ask everyone to contribute the exact same amount? Is it fair to ask everyone to contribute the exact same percentage? Is it fairer to tax based on income or spending? Is it fair to ask single people to pay taxes for schools? Is it fair to tax Capital Gains? Is it fair to tax companies? Is it fair to tax Churches? Is it fair to tax Non-Profit Organizations?
    This debate is a waste. We will never come to a consensus. There will ALWAYS be some people who are treated unfairly by taxing. So rather than sit here and waste our time trying to determine what is truly fair, why don't we just try to come up with a tax policy that shifts the burden away from those who are struggling to get by and onto those who will not have to change their lifestyle?

    Same percentage. Why is that not fair, and how can anyone say that it's not?

  3. #78
    Local High School Star Math2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheMan
    As a Hispanic, I find it insulting that Romney thinks I want free stuff. Fvck you, I'm not asking for handouts, I run my own small enterprise. All I'm asking is for the rich to kick in like the rest of us and for the GOP to stop using minorities as the boogeyman to gin up your ignorant racist base.

    As long as the GOP continues this path, I will never ever vote for them...and I will make sure my friends and family do the same.
    Maybe not that you specifically want free stuff, but that your race is unfairly singled out for benefits by the liberals. It's how Obama won the election: free stuff to minorities

  4. #79
    7-time NBA All-Star Droid101's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Math2
    Same percentage. Why is that not fair, and how can anyone say that it's not?

    Why not same amount then? Everyone has to give $5000 per year. That's the only fair way.

  5. #80
    It is what it is TheMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Math2
    Bashing latinos? How so?
    I don't know if Rasheed is Hispanic, I am though so I'll answer your question.

    I was born in Chicago, my parents were immigrants from Mexico. My grandmother was a Texan, actually her lineage is from the original Tejanos, those that became US citizens because the US border crossed them due to the bogus landgrab called the Mexican/American War (probably there before any Anglo too), so we were never in the country illegally but living in a largely latino area, I've come to know many illegal immigrants from many parts of Latin America and they are hard working honest people. Of course there are some bad apples but what demographic doesn't have any?

    People come from their homelands to the US to make a better life for their families, they take jobs most Americans don't want, they pay into Social Security without ever expecting to see the benefits, and contrary to popular right wing belief, they don't ask for welfare. You need to show documentation to collect welfare and believe me, illegal immigrants stay clear of government offices for fear of being deported.

    The GOP always try to blame illegal immigrants for the country's woes, "They are taking your jobs!" "They are lazy SOBs on welfare!" "They don't assimilate and are turning our country into the third word shit hole they came from!"

    This comes from the Right, Democrats don't talk like this, that's why Latinos reject the GOP. The Hispanics who are fortunate enough to be citizens of this great country can be sympathetic to those who aren't, we know they come from a tough situation and calling them criminals won't do the Republicans any good if you want our vote.
    Last edited by TheMan; 11-15-2012 at 07:05 PM.

  6. #81
    NBA All-star Rasheed1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Math2
    Bashing latinos? How so?
    Self deport..

    Build an electrified fence

    Build a moat

    Im sure you watched the republican primary..... Latinos did

  7. #82
    It is what it is TheMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rasheed1
    Self deport..

    Build an electrified fence

    Build a moat

    Im sure you watched the republican primary..... Latinos did

    simple and to the point

  8. #83
    Stare bagelred's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    And Romney only wanted to give his friends $5 Trillion in tax cuts.....

    But keep blaming poor people.

  9. #84
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by KevinNYC
    So ShaqAttack, please tell me what would have been different under a different president? What would another president have been able to do to affect the demand side of the economy after a massive housing & credit bubble have popped?
    For one, it would have been nice to have a president who focused more on the economy instead of health care reform. It's clear that he hasn't done enough, and been focused enough on the economy. Based on what he puts out there, it seems like he's still not living in reality when it comes to the economy. I don't know what other presidents would have done, you never know, but I know this president has not done a good job the last 4 years. I don't think the problem was just Obama's failure to communicate the severity of the economy, but even with some of the unknowns, I think he himself underestimated by more than what I'd call a reasonable margin for error.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rasheed1

    We're not losing 780,000 jobs a month like we were in early 09.. You forgot to mention that
    You expected it to continue at that rate? That simply wasn't going to happen. The bottom line is through almost 4 years, unemployment is what it was when he took office.

    Oh, and by the way? Who gave me this anonymous rep?

    you know that feeling when you find out that someone you look up to is a complete toolbag fvcking braindead idiot? feels bad man =(
    It's funny to me that people can't keep it civil, and it's funnier that this person apparently "looked up to me", despite never meeting me and knowing nothing about me. Who looks up to someone on the internet?

  10. #85
    NBA All-star Rasheed1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShaqAttack3234

    You expected it to continue at that rate? That simply wasn't going to happen. The bottom line is through almost 4 years, unemployment is what it was when he took office.
    so no credit for stopping the bleeding?

    but I see you dole out the criticism quite freely....

    I think the country can do do better than Obama also... The problem is that the Republicans cant find this candidate for some reason.

    My problems with Obama lay more in his foreign policy and willingness to be alot like the neo cons who were in office before him.

    But when it comes to his economics? He has done about as much as could be expected considering the opposition he faced... Republicans who criticize him make me laugh because they dont have a politician in their party who could have done any better.

    If Mitt Romney was their best? That means they have alot of work to do on alot of different levels

    Oh, and by the way? Who gave me this anonymous rep?

    It's funny to me that people can't keep it civil, and it's funnier that this person apparently "looked up to me", despite never meeting me and knowing nothing about me. Who looks up to someone on the internet?

    wasnt me...

  11. #86
    7-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rasheed1
    so no credit for stopping the bleeding?

    but I see you dole out the criticism quite freely....

    I think the country can do do better than Obama also... The problem is that the Republicans cant find this candidate for some reason.

    My problems with Obama lay more in his foreign policy and willingness to be alot like the neo cons who were in office before him.

    But when it comes to his economics? He has done about as much as could be expected considering the opposition he faced... Republicans who criticize him make me laugh because they dont have a politician in their party who could have done any better.

    If Mitt Romney was their best? That means they have alot of work to do on alot of different levels
    I can't give him much credit because it's not good, and hasn't gotten better from where he started, yes, it's better than the low points, but with unemployment still at 7.8%, everyone I know is struggling(and I'm not referring to myself, because my lack of success to this point has very little to do with Obama or Bush), but I mean people who work as hard as anyone, and it's still terrible. I don't think he's treated it with the severity it deserves, and made it as much of the priority as it needs to be.

    For the record, I've never registered for one party, and never considered myself a Republican.

    wasnt me...
    I didn't mean to direct that at you because I never suspected you, and unless I forgot something, you've been civil.

  12. #87
    An uglier Lamar Doom boozehound's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShaqAttack3234
    For one, it would have been nice to have a president who focused more on the economy instead of health care reform. It's clear that he hasn't done enough, and been focused enough on the economy. Based on what he puts out there, it seems like he's still not living in reality when it comes to the economy. I don't know what other presidents would have done, you never know, but I know this president has not done a good job the last 4 years. I don't think the problem was just Obama's failure to communicate the severity of the economy, but even with some of the unknowns, I think he himself underestimated by more than what I'd call a reasonable margin for error.

    You expected it to continue at that rate? That simply wasn't going to happen. The bottom line is through almost 4 years, unemployment is what it was when he took office.

    Oh, and by the way? Who gave me this anonymous rep?

    It's funny to me that people can't keep it civil, and it's funnier that this person apparently "looked up to me", despite never meeting me and knowing nothing about me. Who looks up to someone on the internet?
    Healthcare is something like 20% of our economy. and a huge portion of it is wasted on insurance oversight, etc. There is a reason why many other countries are able to provide a better average standard of service than the US at a significantly lower cost. True health care reform would have a massive impact on the economy. Besides, why do you want the gub'ment meddling in your awesome "free" market economy? Shouldnt the market correct itself?

  13. #88
    Serious playground baller General's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheMan
    People come from their homelands to the US to make a better life for their families, they take jobs most Americans don't want, they pay into Social Security without ever expecting to see the benefits, and contrary to popular right wing belief, they don't ask for welfare. You need to show documentation to collect welfare and believe me, illegal immigrants stay clear of government offices for fear of being deported.

    The GOP always try to blame illegal immigrants for the country's woes, "They are taking your jobs!" "They are lazy SOBs on welfare!" "They don't assimilate and are turning our country into the third word shit hole they came from!"
    I agree. It's time for our party to stop housing all the xenophobes. All the Latinos I've known were hard workers. They came here to work and earn a decent living...BUT new census data shows that 28% of Hispanics are living in poverty. They are heading down the same path as African Americans. The Democrats smell blood in the water and they are rushing to brainwash them into thinking government can solve all their problems and offering them freebies like food stamps.

    Look at this story of a great American. He is a first generation immigrant that chose hard work over free stuff.

  14. #89
    Local High School Star Math2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheMan
    I don't know if Rasheed is Hispanic, I am though so I'll answer your question.

    I was born in Chicago, my parents were immigrants from Mexico. My grandmother was a Texan, actually her lineage is from the original Tejanos, those that became US citizens because the US border crossed them due to the bogus landgrab called the Mexican/American War (probably there before any Anglo too), so we were never in the country illegally but living in a largely latino area, I've come to know many illegal immigrants from many parts of Latin America and they are hard working honest people. Of course there are some bad apples but what demographic doesn't have any?

    People come from their homelands to the US to make a better life for their families, they take jobs most Americans don't want, they pay into Social Security without ever expecting to see the benefits, and contrary to popular right wing belief, they don't ask for welfare. You need to show documentation to collect welfare and believe me, illegal immigrants stay clear of government offices for fear of being deported.

    The GOP always try to blame illegal immigrants for the country's woes, "They are taking your jobs!" "They are lazy SOBs on welfare!" "They don't assimilate and are turning our country into the third word shit hole they came from!"

    This comes from the Right, Democrats don't talk like this, that's why Latinos reject the GOP. The Hispanics who are fortunate enough to be citizens of this great country can be sympathetic to those who aren't, we know they come from a tough situation and calling them criminals won't do the Republicans any good if you want our vote.
    My only personal problem with illegal immigrants is just what the name implies. They're here illegally. Why should they expect NOT to be deported if they came here against the law? Why is that different than stealing something? You're basically taking for free something that someone has to work for. I understand that they have kids and all, but that's something they should have thought of/dealt with before they came here.

    I have nothing about immigration. My grandparents came from Germany during Hitler's time. I just care that they do it illegally.

    I think that the reason Obama wants to lax on illegal immigrants is that he wants votes.

  15. #90
    Serious playground baller General's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Obama gets no credit for this supposed recovery because he made it worse with his stimulus package. Not only did it not create any jobs, we added 5 trillion dollars to the national debt during his tenure. The economy bottomed out on its own like it would have either way. I've been saying this many times here and no one can refute it. The only reason unemployment is not at 10-12% is because the labor force is in a 30 year low.

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