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  1. #166
    NBA lottery pick Blue&Orange's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by joe
    But this isn't happening through free market capitalism, it's happening through government channels.
    lol how incredible ridiculous and dumb.
    This is you:


    Other rich people who make all of their money through stocks are only taxed at about 12%. That's what Warren Buffet was referring to with his whole "I pay lower taxes than my secretary" bit. But in fact that's very misleading. Warren Buffet may only pay 12% on his dividends, but the corporation that pays his dividends was already taxed once, shrinking the amount of money he is able to earn from them. If they are taxed at 35%, you can really just consider that a 35% tax on Warren Buffet's dividends. Warren Buffet isn't being directly taxed, but the corporations pass those taxes on down to stockholders.
    So by your incredibly dumb example, if i work for that corporation, i'm really being taxed 25%+35%, still more than Warren Buffet, because i would had a high salary if my employer wouldn't had already being taxed!

    You do realize that Warren Buffet and the corporation he is getting dividends are two separate entities, and there's no rational explanation, other than stupidity, to lump them together?

    Warren Buffet is dumb, you're smart. I wonder why it's you that are posting on Ish and not him.

    Why do we want to do this to rich business people? These are people that create jobs, provide services, truly add value to society... and we punish them by taking half of their money. Forget how the rich person feels about this, why should even the POOR feel good about this? It's not to our advantage to treat rich people like this, just from a practical standpoint.
    Reading this i can only wonder how did humanity survived before the "rich people" started to gobbling up all the money? I really don't understand... are you telling me that instead of working for the minimal wage, people had their own businesses? Nuts!

    Investment? What investment? Money is going all to to off-shore accounts, investments have been hitting all time lows in every developed country.

    You're so out of touch of reality it isn't funny, and the fact that you keep coming we your backwards rhetoric after being present already with so many facts and data, is a testament to your intelligence.

    The only thing you get right is that lower taxes are better, but that even a kindergarten kid could be able to figure it out.
    Last edited by Blue&Orange; 11-18-2012 at 12:25 PM.

  2. #167
    Made that high school varsity squad LA Lakers's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShaqAttack3234
    For one, it would have been nice to have a president who focused more on the economy instead of health care reform. It's clear that he hasn't done enough, and been focused enough on the economy. Based on what he puts out there, it seems like he's still not living in reality when it comes to the economy. I don't know what other presidents would have done, you never know, but I know this president has not done a good job the last 4 years. I don't think the problem was just Obama's failure to communicate the severity of the economy, but even with some of the unknowns, I think he himself underestimated by more than what I'd call a reasonable margin for error.

    You do know healthcare and the economy are tied together? As in a large number of Americans, myself included, dont have private insurance and cant afford it. Medical bills are expensive and they hurt peoples checkbooks. People gonna be less likley to buy things if they have bills they are struggling to pay...

  3. #168
    Made that high school varsity squad LA Lakers's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Anyways, I dont think the GOP are gonna have a President for a long time coming unless they change their stance on women and gays and people who arent white. Im still amazed that he beat white men twice and there is still widespread racism in the US. It shows we are still moving forward. Republicans are on the wrong side of history.

  4. #169
    Local High School Star Math2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by LA Lakers
    You do know healthcare and the economy are tied together? As in a large number of Americans, myself included, dont have private insurance and cant afford it. Medical bills are expensive and they hurt peoples checkbooks. People gonna be less likley to buy things if they have bills they are struggling to pay...
    Yes, they are tied together in that when you have government run health care and mandates, health care costs go up for all, and hurts the economy, resulting in more unemployment

  5. #170
    Local High School Star Math2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by LA Lakers
    Anyways, I dont think the GOP are gonna have a President for a long time coming unless they change their stance on women and gays and people who arent white. Im still amazed that he beat white men twice and there is still widespread racism in the US. It shows we are still moving forward. Republicans are on the wrong side of history.

    What exactly is their stance on "people who aren't white"?

  6. #171
    ______________________ Balla_Status's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by LA Lakers
    Anyways, I dont think the GOP are gonna have a President for a long time coming unless they change their stance on women and gays and people who arent white. Im still amazed that he beat white men twice and there is still widespread racism in the US. It shows we are still moving forward. Republicans are on the wrong side of history.
    This shit is pretty bogus. You fell for the fear tactics that democrats/Obama used to campaign against Romney.

  7. #172
    NBA lottery pick Blue&Orange's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Like always joe the plummer is nowhere to be seen...

    Thank god for free market capitalism, otherwise this guy come have made money and been successful of his hard work and intellect,

    Hey Dan Brow just shut up! and go work for Sears for the minimal wage, kay? Stop badmouthing rich people, listen to Joe, they give you jobs!!

  8. #173
    Alpha Tarheel rufuspaul's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Math2

    What exactly is their stance on "people who aren't white"?

    Concentration camps.

  9. #174
    National High School Star
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Blacks are worst off in the country from a socioeconomic perspective and thus receive the most welfare. So when you have Obama and other libs offering you more welfare or less welfare ideas......which do you think that voter base would vote for? It's an extremely tough sell for Republicans right now to convince this voter block that they have a better path forward by reducing the size of government, welfare, getting off the government's tit and becoming self reliant and accountable for your path and prosperty in life. Those are conservative ideas. They can apply to people regardless of race or gender.

    Are blacks any better off today from an economic perspective than they were 4 years ago? No. Actually worse off. Blacks as a socioeconomic group continue the trend towards full reliance from the federal government for meeting daily needs. This is not good. But the trend of voting for continued dependecy continues.

    Hispanics are the largest growing voter base by race due to immigration (legal or illegal) and the economic opportunity immigration to the US offers. So when you have Obama and other libs offering you more "concessions" as an immigrant group or less "concessions" as an immigrant group......which do you think that voter base would vote for? The latinos that have immigrated here did it for a simple reason....a better life than where they came from. Thus, it's an extremely tough sell for Republicans to convince the hispanics as a whole that we must "shut down" the border asap and reduce our "concessions" to immigrants for the good of our nation and in the process prevent others in their racial group from also being able to execute the fastest path to a better life for them and their family...........illegal immigration to US. And once they are here they can continue to receive these "concessions" that the US Fed Govt offers (free healthcare, free education, more welfare, free citizenship for their children born here, and ultimately amnesty). Liberalism is destroying the black and Hispanic communities.

    I'm much more upset with women . They were lassoed into a pool of mindless cattle that were force fed the idea that the most important thing in their life was free contraceptions and abortions. Idiot Repubs failed to
    point out that under Obama 41% of women are now living in poverty. Also failed to point out that they accounted for the highest percentage of job loss. The message should have been "let Obama give you abortions, we need to give you a job".

  10. #175
    College superstar kNicKz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

  11. #176
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by longhornfan1234
    I'm much more upset with women . They were lassoed into a pool of mindless cattle that were force fed the idea that the most important thing in their life was free contraceptions and abortions. Idiot Repubs failed to
    point out that under Obama 41% of women are now living in poverty. Also failed to point out that they accounted for the highest percentage of job loss. The message should have been "let Obama give you abortions, we need to give you a job".
    Um, that's because the "Repubs" forced a ton of spending cuts to education across the board, and women make up a majority of the teachers that were let go.

    But keep on ****ing that chicken.

  12. #177
    Local High School Star Math2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by rufuspaul
    Concentration camps.

  13. #178
    Local High School Star Math2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Droid101
    Um, that's because the "Repubs" forced a ton of spending cuts to education across the board, and women make up a majority of the teachers that were let go.

    But keep on ****ing that chicken.
    And that means they're sexist against women, right?

  14. #179
    Local High School Star Math2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. I'm So Rad
    Actually white people receive the most welfare

    Gee, someone is offering you more money, which would you take? It's no different than a rich guy voting for Romney because he wants to get over on his taxes.

    Yes it's a tough sell to tell a suffering person that you're going to say "F[COLOR="Black"]u[/COLOR]ck them" and they have to miraculously make their own way. The world doesn't work like that anymore. We live in a set up system that you have to navigate through. You need connections. Why do you think there are a bunch of people who have college degrees and can't find work? You've never lived in the shoes of a dirt poor n!gga with nothing around him. You really have no idea what that life is like so you can't sit here and tell me it's very easy to get to what you consider success in life. It's silly when people act like there is unlimited opportunity laying around and poor people just choose to be poor. The phrase "out of touch" really does apply here.

    Again, more bullshit. There are more white people on "government assistance" than black people. You think all black people just sit around and get welfare? Do you even know how much a single person gets from welfare or food stamps? It's not even that much. Everyone on welfare who's unemployed is still poor. It's not like they're buying brand new cars and shit with an EBT card.

    Actually, relative to population size, blacks receive more.

    But you act as if only rich people vote for republicans, when most of them are people who actually think they should work for their money. Of course people want free stuff, but what makes everyone else want to pay for it?

    It's irrelevant if they want to be poor or not, if they are poor, then why is it the fault and/or the responsibility of others to make sure they can have a job?

    But they can buy almost whatever you want with food stamps, it's not like it's living very hard.

  15. #180
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Math2
    But they can buy almost whatever you want with food stamps, it's not like it's living very hard.
    I know, right? Poor people have it so damn easy. You've convinced me, I'm quitting my job and going on food stamps. It's not living very hard like you say, man!!

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