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  1. #196
    NBA sixth man of the year
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Godzuki
    you listen to Rush Limbaugh don't you? i swear almost everything you said is straight out of a right wing talking point spinners mouth

    even tho its beating a dead horse you do know where our economy was at when Obama took office? on the verge of a depression, thats know where our economy has been headed recently? Obama graduated from Harvard, spent years in the Senate, what exactly doesn't qualify him to be President? especially when he ran a campaign better than his opponents as well as carried himself much better than Bush or really any Republican running for Prez in recent memory ever has...and i thought Hillary was the Republican target for Bengzhai? she's stepping down you know....

    its just laughable to me how so many of you morons keep trying to call the rest of us sheep or idiots
    Rush Limbaugh didn't even think Romney was worth the nomination a year ago....

  2. #197
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Math2
    Actually, relative to population size, blacks receive more.

    But you act as if only rich people vote for republicans, when most of them are people who actually think they should work for their money. Of course people want free stuff, but what makes everyone else want to pay for it?

    It's irrelevant if they want to be poor or not, if they are poor, then why is it the fault and/or the responsibility of others to make sure they can have a job?

    But they can buy almost whatever you want with food stamps, it's not like it's living very hard.

    There are 4 or 5 people I know that backed Romney... People that have or do currently do use entitlements. My niece is on food stamps and she voted for Romney hoping he will crack down on those that aren't responsible and are on welfare... Of course what she really means is that she dislikes the fact that black people can get welfare.

  3. #198
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rasheed1
    Sad how some people have NO concept of community or human decency. I know America is based on an individualistic mindset, but republicans are flat out greedy people who only consider themselves..

    America was built by people working TOGETHER, and helping their fellow countrymen when needed.

    the programs that republicans deride as 'gifts' are mostly the same programs that helped build America in during the 40's and 50's (baby boom generation)

    Nowadays since new people are trying to use those same programs that helped Americans in the past, to help themselves today? Now republicans have bought into this huge lie that people make it on their own

    They demonize the poor, minorities, women, and whoever else they feel they can get away with

    but the good news is that GOP got slapped in the face by the American public this time

    The good news is that GOP now has a price to pay for being soo disrespectful to soo many people.

    They used be able to race bait and demonize without it hurting them in elections.. Well those days are over and Oreilly and all the FOX sad faced clowns are crying the blues because "traditional" America is dead

    thank god
    Carlin nailed it years ago:

    Saying anything negative about anybody that is rich is now dirty talk according to republicans and some libertarians.

    You see, I'm a Gary Johnson type of guy in a lot of ways. Libertarians have some nice ideals... Everybody should make on their own, we don't need no stinkin' government etc.... If we cut out welfare then the "takers" will all become hard workers and we will have a nice little Leave to the Beaver society.

    Not reality.

    Now... I do believe we need entitlement reform. But chances are food stamps does keep food in the mouths of some children in this country that are stuck with lazy parents who do take advantage of the system. Fact is, there are parents in this world that would put that 12 pack of beer above their childrens needs. At the end of the day, welfare puts food in peoples stomach, while wars take lives. So yeah, I'm more upset with our warmongering right now than I am cutting back on welfare.

  4. #199
    Local High School Star Math2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hotlantadude81
    And the republicans aren't dividers?

    They've made it white men vs. everyone else.

    Ok... Romney got the married woman vote also apparently.

    Truth is, he made a great speech after he lost the election. What did he do after that?

    He acted like a bitch and basically blamed everyone other than white men for his failures. He showed that leadership would still have been very questionable under him. Can we expect that this poor loser would have been a great leader? Hard to see it from my point of view.
    No, the Democrats are the dividers. They don't divide white people so that they are above everyone else, they make them below. The Democrats made it whites vs. all else just because they thought it was fair.

  5. #200
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Math2
    No, the Democrats are the dividers. They don't divide white people so that they are above everyone else, they make them below. The Democrats made it whites vs. all else just because they thought it was fair.
    Ah, all those lib racists.

  6. #201
    Local High School Star Math2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Droid101
    Ah, all those lib racists.
    Yes, the liberals are the racists in the way that they favor one race against the other.And thanks for showing some pictures of a minority in the Republican Party.

  7. #202
    Smile, you're on ISH Crystallas's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sarcastic

    Free Market 1, Government 0

    Plentiful jobs, robust industrial booms, Continuous advancement = GOOD THING.

    Epic unemployment, Constant Stagnation = VERY BAD THING

  8. #203
    Local High School Star Math2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Crystallas
    Free Market 1, Government 0

    Plentiful jobs, robust industrial booms, Continuous advancement = GOOD THING.

    Epic unemployment, Constant Stagnation = VERY BAD THING
    It's not only that (though child labor IN SOME CASES was a bad thing), the child labor laws today are ridiculous. Restrictions on hours worked? I believe it's 40 hours you can work before the employer has to pay you 1.5 times your normal rate overtime. So stupid.

  9. #204
    NBA lottery pick Blue&Orange's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Crystallas
    Free Market 1, Government 0

    Plentiful jobs, robust industrial booms, Continuous advancement = GOOD THING.

    Epic unemployment, Constant Stagnation = VERY BAD THING
    lol there is no such thing as free market. That's what the people that keep taking your money to the bank want you to believe. Free market lol, how sweet, do you believe in Santa Claus also?

  10. #205
    7-time NBA All-Star
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    I voted for Obama, but I haven't received my gift yet.

    Maybe I need to update my address on ""

  11. #206
    NBA sixth man of the year
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Math2
    No, the Democrats are the dividers. They don't divide white people so that they are above everyone else, they make them below. The Democrats made it whites vs. all else just because they thought it was fair.
    Republicans are basically blaming everyone but white men for losing the election. Everyone else are basically "takers" with no moral compass. Get that shit outta here. The republican party is full of shit and they have been for decades. They failed to land the women vote, the jewish vote, the black vote, latino vote...etc.... It's all the fault of those people! wah wah wah!

    It's all their fault that 3 million plus conservatives failed to vote... They failed to bring in independents and they failed to convert Democrats. They lost because they didn't make a case for themselves. More democrats sat home than republicans and the republicans still lost.

    Oh, and how did that landslide go that a number of republicans were projecting? The conservative media is a lying sack of shit.

  12. #207
    Get Buckets BlueCrayon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Who cares how he won as long as he is not doing anything illegal.

  13. #208
    Local High School Star Math2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hotlantadude81
    Republicans are basically blaming everyone but white men for losing the election. Everyone else are basically "takers" with no moral compass. Get that shit outta here. The republican party is full of shit and they have been for decades. They failed to land the women vote, the jewish vote, the black vote, latino vote...etc.... It's all the fault of those people! wah wah wah!

    It's all their fault that 3 million plus conservatives failed to vote... They failed to bring in independents and they failed to convert Democrats. They lost because they didn't make a case for themselves. More democrats sat home than republicans and the republicans still lost.

    Oh, and how did that landslide go that a number of republicans were projecting? The conservative media is a lying sack of shit.

    Please make it more clear to me where in that sentence you got that I'm blaming everyone else for Obama's win.

  14. #209
    Very good NBA starter
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    talking down about the 47% paying no taxes and being losers or putting down minorities who need gifts... why is romney so dumb? even if there were half-truths to them, dude, don't be a dumb ass and open your mouth like that. if i were running for president, i think i'd run as the people's president, not as some elite white snob mothafugga. hell, even if i were an elite white snob mothafugga, i'd hide that fact a lot better than romney. he's not too sharp with common sense. even that dumb ass george w bush gave better bullshit in pretending to give a f--k about minorities.
    Last edited by DCL; 11-20-2012 at 08:44 PM.

  15. #210
    Local High School Star Math2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Romney says Obama won by showering black, Latino & young voters with big gifts.

    Quote Originally Posted by DCL
    talking down about the 47% paying no taxes and being losers or putting down minorities who need gifts... why is romney so dumb? even if there were half-truths to them, dude, don't be a dumb ass and open your mouth like that. if i were running for president, i think i'd run as the people's president, not as some elite white snob mothafugga. hell, even if i were an elite white snob mothafugga, i'd hide that fact a lot better than romney. he's not too sharp with common sense. even that dumb ass george w bush gave better bullshit in pretending to give a f--k about minorities.
    NEED gifts?

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